bullworthdrabbles · 9 months
I'm happy to say I posted another chapter of Changing the Game to AO3!
Find it here
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
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If there's one thing you need to know about me is that I commit to the bit.
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
Zoe piercing Gary's ear
This is a drabble that I have no idea what to do with. I may have wrote this while slightly under the influence, enjoy~
"You sure you want to do this?" Zoe asked, putting on gloves that came from an old hair dye kit. "You can say no, I wouldn't blame you. Cartilage piercings are no joke. And with industrials, you're making two holes it can be a bit brutal."
Gary looked at her opening a piercings kit bought online. He should have said no. He should have backed out and left the trailer all together. That would have been the rational thing to do. 
Gary was well aware of how bad of an idea this was. But he wasn't doing this for rational reasons. He knew why he was here and why he was doing all of this. Besides what's the worst that could happen? He would have to take it out because it's infected and deal with another scar? What's another scar at this point? His body was covered in them it was too late now to be concerned about scarring. 
He nodded, watching her line up her tools on the bathroom counter carefully and set up the needle and jewelry.
" I warn you it's gonna suck to take care of if anything happens let me know." 
"If I can handle surgical scars for months, a piercing I asked for should be fine." 
"Alright, if you say so." 
She grabbed a sharpie and Gary's chin to direct his head for easier access to his left ear. She drew a dot for the entry point and a line to mark where the bar was going to go and exit from.
"We don't want to go too low and put too much pressure on it when you sleep. I don't want to put it too high and risk rejection. You have pretty good anatomy so we have wiggle room." 
Gary tried to visualize the jewelry where her line was with his untrained eye.
 "Looks good to me, let's do this."  He turned back toward her.
"Sweet! Now, I gotta clean the area." She chirped opening the box of Q-tips and cotton swabs.
He was appreciative of her saying that and her gentleness as she carefully dabbed a q-tip saturated in alcohol to his ear in the area of where she was going to pierce. She grabbed the needle with one hand and Gary's ear with the other. 
"Ok, now I want you to take some deep breathes," Zoe stated, in a half-whisper.
Gary took in a deep long inhale of air and with a swift motion Zoe stabbed the needle through the tough cartilage of the tip of his ear. He hissed in stinging pain, his eyes watered but he did his best to keep still.
"Keep breathing, Gary" She gently reminded him sliding the bar into the new holes she had created. Gary tried to force his breathing to slow and remain deep, he tried to pay attention to the cool sensation of air entering his lungs and not the wet stinging pain in his ear. Zoe tightened the balls on the ends of the bar and like that it was all over. 
"You did good! You did even better than Duncan getting his nipples done." 
She took a clean Q-tip and cleaned off the blood around the industrial piercing. Once she was done Gary looked at it in the mirror. It was mildly inflamed and red which was to be expected, but it was perfect. It looked even better than he thought it would.
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
The temptation to get a locket and put a picture of Gary and Jimmy in it for the shits and giggles is too real.
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
Saving this for later 👀
March Prompts
1. Venus & Jupiter 2. sanctified 3. the house at dusk 4. blurred photograph 5. glowworm 6. watershed 7. hamartia 8. birthday wish 9. train window 10. red-winged blackbird 11. postcard 12. muscle 13. pink water 14. nonpareil 15. oyster 16. to give up 17. hatchling 18. cut fruit 19. dominion 20. spring night 21. zephyr 22. seedling 23. ferret 24. the third time 25. through the wall 26. overgrown 27. choir 28. ouroboros 29. pantomime 30. the mythic past 31. restoration
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
The amount of random porn bots I've had to block recently despite the fact I'm not active on Tumblr is honestly astounding as much as it is infuriating.
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
Tbh some of y’all treat Gary like a monster when in reality he’s a kid with a lot of underlying issues and struggles that hasn’t been taught to cope with in a proper/healthy way.
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
I'm so glad the head canon that Gary is an animal person is spreading. I've always saw him as the type to love being around animals way more than people. Now, him being a horse kid is an interesting take, but I get it 100% and if you see me drawing Gary on a horse on my other blog, no you don't lol 😂
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bullworthdrabbles · 1 year
It's taking everything in me not to delete all my incomplete works.
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
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hey guys! here’s some of my bully bracelets i made :) the one that says “bully” based off the whole game itself and has the glow in the dark star beads is my favourite one and i wear it everyday ❤️
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here’s a big one!
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
i hope everyone with acne, eczema, vitiligo, psoriasis, dermatitis, and skin conditions have a good day today
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
This might be a controversial opinion here, but I'm really sick of seeing this in this fandom.
Stop giving one of the few canonically neurodivergent and mentally ill characters who already informs us of his diagnoses even more diagnoses without researching the disorders you intend to give him.
The number of times I have seen Gary get falsely diagnosed with disorders he canonically has never been diagnosed with and in many cases are outdated diagnoses that he doesn't even begin to fit the criteria of is fucking atrocious and I'm fucking done.
Many of y'all are basing the diagnosis of "sociopath" (which I will state isn't a diagnosis anymore) on a few lines of dialogue FROM HIS ABLEIST ASS PEERS. Last I checked not a single student in Bullworth is qualified to diagnose anyone with a broken bone much less a personality disorder. Imagine if you received a diagnosis just because your bullies called you OCD in high school, that's what I see a lot of you doing with this shit. And it's not just ASPD (the actual disorder you guys mean when you say "sociopathy" which you would know if you did a 10-second google search) many are labeling him with NPD, and/or megalomania (this one isn't even a diagnosis and is related to Narcissistic personality disorder which once again is easy to find out with a google search. The DSM doesn't even distinguish between Megalomania and NPD.)
By y'all doing this you are only further stigmatizing cluster B personality disorders which are already stigmatized enough. These disorders often come from years of abuse and neglect from a very early age and are born as responses to that abuse. These disorders are serious and can damage the quality of life for the person suffering from these conditions and those closest to them. People with these conditions actually deserve more empathy and understanding because of the toxic environments that these folks had to endure which contributed to them developing these disorders. Also just so y'all know, many people who have these disorders with treatment can be perfectly normal members of society you wouldn't otherwise know had these diagnoses. You doing this just goes to show how you view those with cluster B personality disorders as not deserving of empathy or understanding often treating them as subhuman and it's fucking gross.
So by labeling the openly neurodivergent and mentally ill villain the "sociopath", or "narcissist" without any research into these disorders you are very much displaying a lot of casual ableism because you are saying the only reason Gary did what he did was due to a disorder we never once get informed of him having, the only confirmed canonical diagnosis he has IS FUCKING ADHD. Btw, as someone with ADHD, I can confirm that even in my unmedicated state I have never harmed another person intentionally or taken over any schools.
I know part of the problem was back in 2006 Rockstar's shitty ass writing stated that the reason Gary did what he did was that he went off his meds and implied he was all this stuff through the other characters, but c'mon people use your critical thinking here. We don't have to write and talk about Gary the same way some lazy ableist ass men back in Rockstar did. If we can all acknowledge all the fucking ableist ass slurs in the game are fucking wrong and shouldn't be used, why tf can't we come to an agreement that this is also not fucking acceptable. I'm not saying you can't write him with any other disorders aside from ADHD, but you need to at least do basic ass research and write with a certain level of understanding and care of and for these disorders.
We are in 2022, many of y'all have your own fucking diagnoses, so why tf am I still seeing this shit? Do better.
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
Alright you guys, ‘tis the season again and I’ve already seen bullshit float about so here we go: what to do and what not to do when you happen to have a tick attached to yours truly.
DON’T cover the tick in anything. Vaseline, nailpolish, whatever. Doesn’t matter. It’ll all suffocate the tick, making it panic vomit germs into your blood stream. That’s the opposite of what you want.
DON’T burn the tick. Same problem, plus the additional option of giving yourself a burn wound in the process. 
DON’T squeeze the body of the tick when you try to remove it. Again this empties the tick’s digestive system into your body. Bad. 
DON’T wait for the tick to detach itself. The longer it stays on you, the higher the chances it’ll transmit anything to you. Plus when ti detaches it may again vomit germs into you. 
STAY CALM. A tick hanging on you is not a reason to panick. You’re not going to keel over just like that, and if you’re unsure what to do, there are many resources on the internet on how to safely remove a tick, like this one from the CDC (aka the professionals)
USE APPROPRIATE TOOLS. These can be suitable tweezers (the pointy kind, not blunt tipped ones), tick removers (there are cheap ones out there, those you can buy at the vets are totally fine for use on humans, too!). Ideally you can remove the entire tick in one go, however if that doesn’t work and the mouth part breaks off in your skin, that’s not a terribly big deal and you can totally remove it separately after you got the body remove. Again, don’t panic.
KILL THE REMOVED TICK. But not by squeezing it. Flush it down the toilet, submerse it in alcohol in a container etc. Ideally if the tick has bitten you and not your dog, keep the tick around in a sealed container in case you start having symptoms and someone needs to identify the tick species. Also IF you start getting symptoms like the tell tale Lyme disease rash, HIT A DOCTOR RIGHT AWAY AND TELL THEM ABOUT YOUR TICK BITE. Do not wait this out, ticks can transmit a whole host of diseases beside Lyme, so be mindful of that, too! 
Some of those diseases you can actually get vaccinated again, such as tick born encephalitis. Check with the local authorities if you live in a risk area, and if so, get the shots to protect yourself. 
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
Fangs and Favors Chapter 3 is up!
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
Fangs and favors Chapter 3 is taking longer than I’d like, in the mean time you should…send me asks to my inbox! :)c
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
Jimmy doing this shit to make Gary still feel intimidating after everything.
evil spooning with my evil girlfriend
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bullworthdrabbles · 2 years
The way I wanna write Johnny and Bif but college got me working from 9 am to midnight. 🥲
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