bungou-stray-chimera · 19 days
“I’ll just write this short little fic”, the author says, not realising they’re doomed by the narrative
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bungou-stray-chimera · 3 months
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// sources tba
on things you didn't realize til it was too late
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bungou-stray-chimera · 3 months
it's always "you gnawed off your own leg to escape like an animal caught in a trap" and never "why didn't anyone try to help you out of the trap" or "why weren't you provided with any other resources to escape the trap with except for your own teeth"
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bungou-stray-chimera · 4 months
big fan of fusion aus (like steven universe-style) because sometimes two characters wouldn't fuck or even be in a conventional relationship of any kind, but they would be interesting fused together in a body and psychological horror amalgamation of themselves
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bungou-stray-chimera · 4 months
you ever hear about bleeding-heart doves
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fucked up he bears a wound he has never suffered, and so will all his kin.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 4 months
i love you foils i love you gothic doubles i love you clones i love you alter egos i love you twins and false identities and shadow selves and reflections and ghosts and eidola and puppets and masks and
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bungou-stray-chimera · 4 months
When their entire relationship is toxic, but they're both so fucked up that it's actually the best case scenario, because subjecting anybody else to either of them would be a human rights violation.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 4 months
the most fucked up thing ever is being obsessed w ur own oc. why do i have to make content of them why cant they just magically appear on my screen for me to reblog 200 times. fucked up and also evil
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bungou-stray-chimera · 5 months
See the funniest thing about fusing Shibusawa and Kajii of all characters is now I can call the arc centered around them the Dead Lemon arc. Cause it's. It's like Dead Apple but it's just a different kind of fruit-
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bungou-stray-chimera · 7 months
Tear Ducts
"I want you to remove my tear ducts."
Toyotaro, in the middle of wiping off a scalpel, doesn't answer. He takes his time, slowly shining it, and then puts it to the side with a soft 'clink'.
Then he turns around and sighs.
She, of course, rolls her eyes. "C'mon. I know you can do it- or at least learn how. Can't be that much more complicated than learning a surgery to make super soldiers."
"Still, my answer is no." He raises a brow. "Neither of your... 'memory holders'-"
"-Stupid name."
"-I don't have a better one. Neither of them were doctors or surgeons, were they?"
"Nope." She leans forwards, elbows on the operating table and bored face in her hands. "Don't think they were idiots, though."
"I never said that. It's just that if they were, they'd know tear ducts can't just 'be removed'. They're a necessary function of the human body." He raises a brow. "And aside from the intense health problems it would cause to block them, they're not just responsible for why you cry."
She narrows her eyes. They're still a little red.
"Can you stop being so damn observant for once?" she growls.
"No. But if you want, I can stop saying what I see."
"That's worse." She tilts her head to the side. "Whatever. Don't bother with it then- this was clearly a waste of my time."
"Would you like some advice to make up for it?" he asks, leaning back against the countertop.
"No." But she doesn't make the effort to leave, even as she stares at the wall instead of him.
"Removing the ability to express your emotions doesn't actually change them." He crosses his arms. "No matter how perfect your poker face, how long it's been since you last cried, or however heartless you convince yourself to be, there will always be that part of you that aches and grieves and won't move on." He looks up at the ceiling. "At least if you express the pain... it can help stop you feeling like you're rotting from the inside out."
He resists the urge to itch the bandages on his face. Despite the scar tissues being healed, he still can't bring himself to remove them. Not just yet.
Her gaze is still on him. He can feel it, like she's trying to chop off parts of him.
"...And what makes you say that so forlornly?" she asks. He can hear her finger tapping on the empty operating table. "Personal experience?"
Despite himself, Toyotaro chuckles.
"Yeah. Years worth of it."
She sighs, and the table creaks as she pushes herself off of it. He looks down at her, and she's already shoved her hands in her pocket and started heading out the door.
"You really are an old man at heart." She waves without looking back. "See you in two days."
"Of course."
When she shuts the door a little too loudly, he feels tension return to his body. Jaw tight, hands clenching against the counter's edge.
Turning around, he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror. A violet eye amongst strands of silver hair. The tension gets worse.
He returns to cleaning his borrowed tools.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 7 months
Gonna be entirely honest, I did not create this AU expecting it to have a plot. That was not originally the intention. However now there are TWO plots.
At least one of which is actively in the process of being written! I'm going to build up a buffer before I start posting it, mind you, but in the meantime I'll still share these little scenes and snippets I have like Rain and Daughter.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 8 months
It's raining.
Not bad enough to get sick off of, but there's definitely a dampness that's gonna stick to her skin later, and make her clothes a pain to dry. A mere five minute walk is the one benefit to this particular alleyway.
And she's barely resigned herself to waiting when the faint clunk of metal follows the shadow overhead.
She looks up. Golden eyes gleam even in the dim, as his long coat stirs like a beast's tails. It makes the pitter patter of the rain just a little quieter, and her shirt stays a little drier.
"You’re here," she says, "on time."
Peering down like a wild animal, his voice's rough tone is oddly tame. "I tried to be."
"Good. I appreciate the punctuality."
She takes off her glasses, letting him become a blur against that metal balcony above. Wiping the rain off with a corner of her shirt, she finds her words just won't come out.
So he asks, "Did it bother you?"
"The task?"
"The rain." His eyes vanish in a brief blink, then return. "Did it interfere, I mean? With..."
"No." She slips on her glasses, and clarity returns to tiny droplets. "I have it here. You still...?"
So she takes the folded piece of paper from her pocket, carefully unfolding it from the size of her thumbnail to a crinkled page. With a deep breath, she activates it.
The glow is soft, the shape of a butterfly leaning into it, and paper vanishes.
In her hand, the metal clinks. She hears him take in a breath above. 
"You can’t undo this now," she says, "I don't want it."
"I know."
He is in front of her then, with a silence that makes her spine chill. Still, she slowly holds it out to him.
"This isn’t healthy, you know," she says, "it's horrible, frankly. If he finds out-"
"-When," he interrupts her. "Don't pretend that it isn’t inevitable."
She doesn't say anything. She passes it off, his gloves muffling the sound of metal against flesh, and once his grasp is firm she rips her hand away.
The dog tags clink as he moves them through his fingers.
"Go," she says, a sudden anger in her chest bubbling to the surface. "Get that out of my sight."
He looks at her with one of those distant gazes, just briefly before he nods.
Then he flees as fast as he arrived, coat flying behind him like his shadow.
She takes a deep, shuddering breath, and leans on the alleyway wall.
It takes her ten minutes to get back to her apartment. She still has not stopped shaking.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 8 months
You would be surprised how many of the imaginary scenes in my head for this AU basically amount to
"Wait unblock me I have to tell you something"
"Bitch >:)"
But I suppose that's what I get for making an AU centered around OCs with all the self-loathing of the canon characters now externalized.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 8 months
This AU is fun because I'll write paragraphs upon paragraphs about the angsty ways I mean to torment these silly little OCs of mine and how their torment is inevitable thanks to the canon character's torment, and then like 15 minutes later I'll be giggling to myself thinking "I wonder how I can fit in the meme of 'How do you lose a woman?' / 'You forget to cherish her' into this"
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bungou-stray-chimera · 9 months
She really doesn't know why she went back to the house.
Edgar would have no reason to, not knowing the place even exists, and Francis-
Oh, there's a reason he avoided it.
The lady of the house is as sweet as she remembers. Just as mentally unaware, too, considering how easily she accepts the story that Lenore is one of her daughter's friends, and that they go to school together. 
"She's getting so big, isn't she?" says Zelda, with a soft smile.
Lenore nods, unable to choke out even a single word.
It's a nice stay. A chef is fired, two maids are also, but the arguments and yelling are kept behind closed doors. The house is cold, even with the best heating system paid for monthly thanks to Francis. Zelda offers her room, clothes, three meals a day- it's more than enough, and her heart aches because of it.
Zelda encourages her to take from her own closet. The first few days, she refuses. By the second week, it's a tentative habit.
She doesn't know how to feel in the dresses. She was made from two men- her shoulders are Edgar's, her torso Francis's, legs of one and jaw of another and none of it is right.
But Zelda somehow sees a young girl named Lenore, not her husband. So both she and the dresses stay.
And then she takes that one.
It's dark blue, modest, and the skirt is long and wide. It covers up most of what she hates, and her face- well, she's learned a thing or two about make-up, and that helps. Not much, but it's enough to look distinct from the two faces haunting the mirrors of her memory.
Zelda comes in as she’s twirling her hair, trying to decide on a bow. She gears her laugh, and that gentle sigh, before,
"Oh you look so much like her, you know."
And that soft hand melts from memory onto her shoulder.
"Like my daughter," Zelda says, "so much like her, I can look from the corner of my eye and see her."
Lenore holds no love for mirrors, not since she became a her instead of two hims.
"I'm glad she has someone like you. To look out for her."
But Lenore has never been more grateful to lack one than at that moment, when she holds back the tears burning her eyes just long enough for Zelda to leave. When any semblance of certainty and comfort crumbles, and she stares unmoving at the wall for near an hour.
It's then she knows she must leave.
She says goodbye on a warm summer day, early enough that the crisp winds of autumn have yet to rustle through her hair. Sweat dampens her palms as she holds onto her luggage, and bows her head in gratitude to her host.
“It was no trouble,” Zelda says, “no trouble at all, for a friend of my daughter. Bring her here next time, won’t you?” She smiles. “We’ll host a party for you all. It will be lovely.”
Lenore smiles, too.
“It will be,” she says smoothly, now able to speak even when she’s choked. “I look forward to it.”
With one look at the house, at Zelda, for the last time, she waves and walks away. She lets herself into the pale yellow car, and only the corner of her eye sees Zelda turning back as they drive away.
When she visits the grave with a young girl’s name on it, she makes sure to leave her favorite flowers.
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bungou-stray-chimera · 10 months
Okay let's clear the air here yes I have a an official Pinned Post and what-not but this AU is a crackfic at heart, which features things like
-"Yes I'm referring to this highly traumatic incident from Yosano's life as 'The Divorce' it's... it's a coping mechanism."
-There is a Soukouku fusion and yes, they have made it their life goal to annoy everyone.
-"Okay, raise your hand if, after much internal debate and analysis, you have realized that at least one half of your memories come from someone dealing with immense repressed gay feelings."
-Awkward roommate scenarios because they were all made in a lab and just kind of live there for awhile.
-Self-introspection over very serious and powerful things, and also the kid who's part Steinbeck going "I'm honestly surprised he doesn't have a knife kink."
-This entire AU is created by someone who once said "I can't believe Jouno is a blind gay Jesus" in a Discord conversation and if that doesn't tell you enough about what you're getting into then I don't know what to tell you
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bungou-stray-chimera · 10 months
Disclaimer: This is a sideblog for a Bungou Stray Dogs AU! My main account is @space-cat-in-a-teacup and my BSD-centric sideblog is @karl-raccoon-in-a-teacup . This blog will feature both manga and anime spoilers.
The Premise:
6 months before the Decay of Angels frame the Armed Detective Agency as terrorists, an English scientist named Dr. Shelley gets a list of names and a mysterious request of her ability.
Frankenstein allows her to create artificial humans that serve as fusions of two ability users. They have the abilities, physical features, and memories of the ability users they're a fusion of. It's quite a harrowing existence. Dr. Shelley's ability has no limits, as long as she knows the ability's name and general function of both users.
And she received a list of the Port Mafia, Armed Detective Agency's, and Hunting Dog's special abilities- with the explicit request to make fusions from all of them.
And who is she to refuse?
Bungou Stray Chimeras is an AU focusing on these fusion kids, 'chimeras' as they are, as they cope with their past memories/identities of the canon characters, exploring their new sense of self while remaining stuck in the lab, and eventually, what happens when they go to Yokohama and confront the ability users they orginated from.
(This AU is OC-centric, so this tab will be used to keep track of all characters. Will update as needed.)
Paradox - Ability: No Longer Tainted Sorrow. Known as being either extremely mysterious or extremely annoying... often both, actually. Takes after Dazai in terms of hair and eye color, but there's a certain Chuuya-ness about them that's hard to deny. Not to mention their access to Corruption, and the mysterious connection that brings between them.
Rokuzo - Ability: The Matchless Poet Shalt Not Die. How someone can have the work ethic of Kunikida without having a job is answered by her existence, though calling her responsible might be an overstatement. Bears a striking resemblance to Kunikida, though the dark purple hair and softer eyes make it impossible to mistake the two.
ToyotarĹŤ - Ability: Vita Sexualis Created Equal. It's unclear where his morals lie, as he holds immense disdain for the Port Mafia and yet seems more than willing to use Mori's manipulative tactics to get what he wants. Some have claimed he resembles Q, with half his hair white and the other black, but his remaining eye is definitely Mori's.
Miyako - Ability: Golden Decadence. Though not externally very emotional, it's well-known how attached they are to the memories of both people they were made from, and the actions they'll take because of it. With their eyes and beauty mark, it's hard not to see their resemblance to Ango, but the hastily chopped hair is most certainly the color of Kouyou's.
"The Faceless Wolf" - Ability: Midwinter Rashomon. The first of the Hunting Dog fusions, not that he was intended to be. Quiet and reclusive, though he has a fierce loyalty to the few he's grown close too. His long black ponytail pairs well with his Akutagawa-esque aesthetic, though the golden eyes give him an intimidating aura of his own.
Lenore - Ability: Great Gatsby in the Rue Morgue. She seems unattached to the present state of the Guild, and no happier than Fitzgerald or Poe; a fact she openly acknowledges. Her long, pale golden hair could easily cover her eyes, but the fact it doesn't means her tired, lavender eyes are far more present.
Lemon - Ability: Lemonade Draconia. A scientist through and through, they're an odd sort of person- as wild and excitable as Kajii, almost silly one could say. But they do still bear the dragon.
Hester - Ability: The Scarlet Wind. Most don't recognize his components on first glance, considering neither of them wear worn-down jeans and leather jackets, but the over-abundance of cross-laden jewelry and those lavender eyes had to come from somewhere...
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