casuallyafraid · 3 months
A mother was confirmed dead today.
Her ash lain body strewn across a battle field. Her family cries at the news of her final days. She spent them fighting for her life against her friends and other family members. Her loved ones sob for they know she will not meet new people, they will not hear her laughter or see her shining face in the sun.
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casuallyafraid · 3 months
:3< q!jaiden is with her babys. She's with tilin and Bobby. Never leaving them again. Everyone else filled with pain and worry for her. They don't know where she is. But she's safe now. She's home.
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casuallyafraid · 4 months
:3< hey Rember this? Well there's a Ao3 abt it. Uh it's called
stranger Things happen
Please give it a read 👍
:3< here's some jaiden things for my AU cause im bored
Ari, Tofu and tostada are always there, climbing on jaiden and her friends, bothering anything and anyone who comes close.
Jaiden and Wilbur tend to just stare at eachother, any time of the day in the wild they see eachother, everything stops for the socket siblings staring contest.
Roier has one of jaidens feathers as a necklace, he got it when him and jaiden lived together with bobby. It's become comforting for him :)
Cucurucho has a quill made of jaidens feathers, he doesn't use anything but that quill
Jaiden just has a the mini cucurucho figure on her at ALL times. She always shows it but never answers questions about it
Bluebird AU/Theory is canon (because yes)
All the bird gather at Phils house and perch. It's like family bonding. This confuses a lot of people on the server, sometimes other members join in for fun :D
Jaiden has a hidden nest in several people's houses those being cellbit and roiers, foolish, even in the federation building cucurucho brought her to!
The cucuruchos love her. Like they'd do anything for her in this au (of course they'd hide this) but shed just have to say one word and everything goes her way. The federation fears her (I'll get into that later)
When she was kidnapped osito bimbo became attached and refused to leave her side, even mimicking her posture. It was adorable, cucurucho has several photos of this at all times
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casuallyafraid · 5 months
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casuallyafraid · 5 months
I miss qjaiden
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casuallyafraid · 5 months
:3< so, my AU called "casuallyAU" is basically: everyone's a hybrid!!! Congrats??? So here's a list of everyones hybrid parts :)
Winged/Birds -
Jaiden: green-cheeked conure
Quackity: duck
Phil: Crow
Wilbur: Crow
Elquackity: duck p2
Baghera: duck p3
Cats -
Marianna: angel
Rubius: one small angel wing one small devil wing
Cellbit: Brown tabby
Bagi: White tabby
Niki: pink calico
Dog family -
Marianna: Fox
Wilbur: Fox
Hoved animals:
Tubbo: Goat
Fit: ????
Pac: ???
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casuallyafraid · 6 months
can you do a q!jaiden agere mood board :3? or uh q!cellbit? tysm
ive done a cellbit board before but here's jaiden!!! :D
i am not much of a jaiden watcher so this is mostly Vibes but it feels okay. i cannot explain the possum, it just felt right.
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casuallyafraid · 6 months
:3< during the last leathal company stream jaiden was on her and ranboo spent an entire mission+ dancing and talking :D
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casuallyafraid · 6 months
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
y'know, the thing about q!jaiden is that a lot of fans tend to portray her in one of two ways, where she's either she's naïve and ignorant of cucurucho's wrongdoings, or unnecessarily malicious when it comes to the hurt cucurucho or even she herself are capable of doing.
and to an extent i do understand that—she's not around nearly as much as some other characters are, and No one has time to watch Every Pov anyway 😭 BUT, here's why i think those interpretations aren't quite right:
qjaiden is anything but naïve, and she is Not malicious. all those months ago when she first decided to get close to cucurucho, she stated multiple times how she knew it could end badly, and she knew she could get harmed in the process. but she decided to do it anyway. she felt that someone had to do it, and, well, if you've seen me talk about qjaiden before you'd know she has absolutely NO self-worth. if she were to get hurt in the process of doing quite literally anything, she would not care in the Slightest.
but there's also sometimes a sentiment that she Maliciously ignores all the bad things cucurucho has done. and, to an extent, it's true that she DOESN'T treat the bad things he's done with the appropriate seriousness. but that's because, stemming from her atrocious self worth, qjaiden believes cucurucho and osito bimbo are the only people on the island who truly care for her. she thinks that they're all she has, and they have genuinely made her feel more loved than anybody else on the island has. cucurucho was there for her after bobby died, at the very lowest and loneliest point of her life thus far... and who, in her position, could ever forget that?
qjaiden refuses to face the realities of what cucurucho has done because she thinks she has nothing else. hell, qjaiden also knows that cucurucho and the federation are the only ones who know the truth about her past, and if she leaves them she'll Never know anything about her missing memories.
and most importantly, if there's one thing qjaiden loves to do more than Anything, it's live in denial. her very home is a monument frozen in time of what she felt was the happiest day she'd ever had, where she says "nothing dies," where she believes she can relive that happy day forever as long as she's in that home. where three chairs are positioned in just the right position to watch the sunset.
deep down, qjaiden Knows she should be far away from cucurucho. she knows her arguments for him don't hold up, she knows he has never had her best interests at heart, she's said HERSELF she knows cucurucho is manipulating her. but why would she ever face reality when reality is just so bleak? when it's so much easier and she's so much happier living in the reality that she believes in?
thus, she makes excuses for the bad things cucurucho has done, and she assumes nothing but the best and most innocent of him. she rationalizes what cucurucho does because it's the only way she can keep comfortably living in her fantasy.
and lastly, obviously even with all of this notwithstanding qjaiden Does do and think some dicey things sometimes. Because, surprise, she is a complex and multifaceted character. she does not have a strong moral code—she doesn't really care what happens in life, or what people do, as long as her loved ones don't get horribly hurt. she also genuinely likes to cause mischief and chaos because, well, that's what she likes to do! she finds it fun and she likes being a little devil sometimes.
really, qjaiden has a very "go with the flow" attitude. she chooses to do things largely in the spur of the moment. she does not concoct Grand Plans of mischief or discord; if she sees an opportunity to cause some momentary mischief or funniness, she'll just go for it! and i do not think any of this makes her as horribly malicious as she can be interpreted. she's an agent of chaos who doesn't want anything bad for any of her loved ones, but she refuses to face reality and thus makes excuses for the things that threaten to break her reality. sometimes she'll even make excuses for her own dicey behavior: this makes her complicated and morally gray, NOT a horrible villain.
i hope this all makes sense, it's just something i've been thinking about lately, i suppose. qjaiden's always a very fun yet challenging character to talk about because of the sheer amount of layers she has—i hope this maybe helped out anyone who doesn't know her as well :D
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
:3< wings got yoinked
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
I need to be given an entire month off where all i do is rewatch all of jaiden's qsmp stream and qsmp streams she appears on, make a spreadsheet google doc whatever and just jot down timestamps, anlysises, everything that makes my brain tic, study her truly like a specimen under a microscope i need this but life is so cruel and unfair and unforgiving and i am going to explode
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
:3< give her Bobby back :(
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
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casuallyafraid · 7 months
What in the dystopia is happening on QSMP ?
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casuallyafraid · 8 months
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i don’t even like the minimes but by god are they fun to draw
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casuallyafraid · 8 months
spiderbit should kiss while covered from head to toe in blood
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