childothetardis · 2 months
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childothetardis · 2 months
It's wild to me that sitting up is "resting" for a lot of people. Like, sitting up costs energy to me and I cannot fathom how me sitting for most of the day is what others consider rest
Rest to me is laying down, barely moving, and not really using my brain, more-so just consuming mindless content to keep me from getting too bored
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childothetardis · 2 months
When a chronically ill or disabled person gets their lab tests back as “normal” or all clear, we aren’t sad because we WANT to be sick.
We’re sad because we *know* there’s something wrong with us, yet the scans still stay clear.
Before you kill the monster you gotta know its name.
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childothetardis · 10 months
“To have someone understand your mind is a different kind of intimacy.”
— Unknown
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childothetardis · 1 year
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Life sucks sometimes, and things happen for seemingly no reason, but I’ll continue to wear my heart on my sleeve.
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childothetardis · 2 years
I need each and every person who sees this to pay attention to what is going on with the Indian Child Welfare Act.
The same SCOTUS that refered to tribal land as a territory of the state is about to hear a case that might overturn ICWA.
ICWA allows Alaska Natives and Native Americans control over the adoption and foster care placement of Native American and Alaska Children. In practice what this ensures is that if a Native American or Alaska Native child cannot be raised with their parents', the extended family will be given custody. If the extended family cannot care for the child, the child is placed with a family in their tribe or, barring that, with a family who is Native American or Alaska Native.
This act is important for two reasons:
For centuries, Native Americans and Alaska Natives were forcibly assimilated into White culture. From the 1800s to the late 1900s, children were taken from their families and either adopted out to White people or put in boarding schools. If parents refused, they were sometimes incarcerated, and they could lose custody of their other children. There are cases where tribes would hide their children and tell people who came that they had none...so the white people started showing up uannounced. The children sent to these schools were abused. Some were murdered. And survivors still live with the trauma. ICWA was passed to stop this...but not even 50 years after it being passed, it's at risk.
Native Americans and Alaska Natives are constitutionally guaranteed sovereignty. We all know the government picks and chooses when it wants to honor that, but Native Americans and Alaska Natives are supposed to have sovereignty. The idea that one country can step in and tell sovereign tribes and nations that they are not allowed to control the placement of their own children should be absurd. The U.S. doesn't tell Britain what to do with their foster care system...but the SCOTUS knows that Native Americans and Alaska Natives don't have an army or navy like Britain does. Because of this the SCOTUS believes it has the right to violate years of precedent and treaties. It knows that it will be protected no matter what it decides.
So I'm asking people to keep an eye on ICWA. I'm asking them to boost the signal. And I'm asking them to protest if it falls.
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childothetardis · 2 years
The fact that Mark Cuban can do this is just further proof of how much capatalism is f*cking people over.
Billionaire investor Mark Cuban launched an online pharmacy Thursday that offers more than 100 generic drugs at an affordable price with a goal of being “radically transparent” in its price negotiations with drug companies. 
For example, the leukemia drug imatinib is priced at $47 a month on MCCPDC compared to the $9,657 retail price.
The online pharmacy’s prices for generics factor in a 15% margin on top of actual manufacturer prices and a $3 pharmacist fee, the statement said. 
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childothetardis · 2 years
Self-care can mean listening to an hour of Grace Helbig and Mamrie Hart sharing every mundane detail of their lives weekly. 
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childothetardis · 2 years
Currently fighting the desire to self-sabotage because at least then I’d feel something…being self-aware and logical sucks…
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childothetardis · 2 years
“You want to see people as extremes. Bad or good, trustworthy or not. I understand. It’s easier that way. But that isn’t how people work.”
— Veronica Roth, Carve the Mark
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childothetardis · 2 years
I’m in the middle of nowhere and have a 10+ hour drive tomorrow…ask me questions?
soft wlw asks
1. how long have you known you liked girls?
2. talk about the girl who made you realise you liked girls
3. are you in a relationship at the moment?
4. do you have a crush at the moment?
5. describe your crush!
6. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
7. do you look/dress more masculine, feminine, or androgynous?
8. what’s your gaydar like?
9. tall girls or short girls?
10. intimidating girls or kind girls?
11. hugs or kisses?
12. do you have an ideal ‘type’? what would they be like?
13. what’s your favourite personality trait of yours?
14. what’s your favourite personality trait for a girl to have?
15. what’s the best thing about liking girls?
16. do you have any friends who are wlw?
17. have you ever been to pride? if so, what was your first pride like?
18. do you like the lesbian flag?
19. what was your first kiss with a girl like?
20. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
21. what’s your favourite lgbt+ movie?
22. who’s your favourite openly wlw celebrity?
23. do you wear makeup?
24. who was the first person you came out to (if you have)?
25. has anyone ever come out to you?
26. have you found a community of lgbt+ people?
27. do you have any older lgbt+ people you look up to?
28. do you identify with butch/femme labels?
29. who’s your favourite fictional wlw?
30. what experiences are you looking forward to having in the future (kissing a girl, going to pride, etc)?
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childothetardis · 2 years
“Get yourself a best friend that will love you when u don’t know how to love yourself and one that will stick by ur side even if u make shitty decisions.”
— Unknown
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childothetardis · 2 years
“If you’re callin ‘bout my heart it’s still yours…”
If your callin’ ‘bout the car I sold it
If this is Tuesday night I’m bowlin’
If you’ve got somethin’ to sell your wastin’ your time, I’m not buyin’
If it’s anybody else wait for the tone you know what to do
And P.S. if this is Austin I still love you
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childothetardis · 2 years
They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results…but I’d rather be insane than give up on the possibility.
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childothetardis · 2 years
Healthy people who say stuff like “they’re still doing things so they can’t be in THAT much pain” need to understand that after a certain point pain becomes boring. No, you never get used to the pain, but you do gradually become bored. After months or years of mindless suffering in bed eventually you learn how to watch TV, do a light hobby, etc., even while in extreme pain, simply because chronic pain is incredibly dull and humans need entertainment.
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childothetardis · 2 years
I miss you…
I need you…
I ache for you…
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childothetardis · 2 years
as a butch i need to feel safe. wrap me up tight in your arms. let me rest my head upon your chest and be lulled to sleep by the pounding of your heart and the stroke of your fingers in my hair. graze your nails against my scalp, shoulders, and back. envelop me in your scent and your warmth and let me fall away from the world for a while. i feel like i have to be so strong all the time. let me be weak and vulnerable with you.
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