classyzombieninja · 5 years
Me too, man. Me too.
Which smut writer got tapped to work on this game?
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 I’m waiting.
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classyzombieninja · 5 years
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Jungkook’s tipsy vlive moments
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classyzombieninja · 5 years
jimin and taehyung are only two months apart but jimin sounds like hes 12 and taehyung sounds like he’s gone through puberty twice and this is why i have trust issues 
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classyzombieninja · 5 years
This man was truly sculpted by the sculptors, and I’m jealous. ;-;
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classyzombieninja · 5 years
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about 약속 (trans 1,2)
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classyzombieninja · 6 years
i love my partner. i mean, look at this. LOOK AT IT, GODDAMMIT! I fucking love you, @aizeninlefox
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
Newest UTAU cover, uploaded just a few minutes ago. I used CRINA’s bitter VB, because why not? Never used this hot piece of androgynous ass before, so yeah. Enjoy.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
Another cover, late uploading though because I’m a lazy piece of trash. Anyway, enjoy.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
catchy af song. had to be done. shitty mix tho. used kyone killy cause everyone else seemed to prefer the higher voiced UTAU and i wanted to be different and daring and said ‘fuck it’
planning on drawing art and remixing it at some point, dunno when. but yeah.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
dear diary
It is the year two-thousand and fifteen, June the sixteenth, four-thirty in the morning... I am awake, why am I awake? I have no clue at all, but here I am, awake and writing this tumblr post for no reason other than to write a tumblr post.
Also, also, also... also, I am in need of beta readers. Thought you should know.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
That moment where your mother comes into your room, telling you exactly what she’s going to do today with the most serious expression on her face and the moment she hits the last stretch of the spoken itinerary, she messes up and describes a place by what it does instead of it’s real title. “after i go get gas, i’m going to go to randleman to that place that sells stuff” that place that sells stuff. I lost it. Hardest I’ve laughed since yesterday.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
There always comes a time where you’re sitting alone and your thoughts coming crashing down on you like a thousand pounds of flour, or a very large, very aggressive tsunami. I am currently suffering from one of those times.
I can’t help but be jealous of everyone else. There are so many people that are good at something, that have some talent or another, even if it’s a small one, and then there’s me. I’m mediocre at everything I try. Drawing? I try, I fail. There are so many people that are better at it than I am, and I feel like I shouldn’t even try. Writing? I can’t even make it past a paragraph before I think something’s wrong with it and give up. “You’re too hard on yourself.” Even if that’s true, and I know it is, that doesn’t change the fact that I have no talent. There is nothing that I am remotely good at. Absolutely nothing. And truthfully, it makes me feel useless, so much so that I wonder why I even bother doing anything. There used to be a time where I did enjoy writing, but now, after reading so many books and fan fiction, I can’t help but realize that I can never be as good as published writers or as good as people who actually have readers on the internet. And it messes with me. It tears me down, ruins whatever good mood I’m in, even if it’s slight, and just... It makes me feel less than human. I guess this is just me trying to get these jumbled thoughts of uselessness out of my head and onto a proverbial piece of paper, even though tumblr probably wasn’t the best place for it.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
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so this is art i sketched/inked out for the UTAU cover of Tokio Funka that i'm working on. the characters in this are Bon Shizuwe, my friend's UTAU (whose voicebank i'm currently oto'ing) and Pamiel Akusei, my UTAU. since Tokio Funka's such a... kind of weird song, and depicts demons and stuff, i figured that it would be a pretty good idea to tie in shinto and demons, so why not? Bon is the Shinto Priest Pamiel is the Kitsune. p.s. those masks are horrible, i'm sorry. p.s.s. this took over six hours
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
jumped on the late bandwagon. woo~
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
When a text post is super long
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
I’ve gotten to the point in my WoW life that I just feel bad about killing Alliance that attack me. Like just stop it, I don’t like feeling bad. You’re not even closer to high enough level to attack me and live, please. ;-; All I want to do is get my Swift Breezestrider, not spill your entrails all over the grassy knolls of Shadowmoon Valley.
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classyzombieninja · 9 years
higurashi’s like one of the best anime ever cause death and fucks with your mind also this song
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