deliapie · 2 years
i wish i could jump 5 years in the future for five minutes to see if it’s worth it
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deliapie · 2 years
girl help they are making me do my job at work
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deliapie · 2 years
Seeing little black girls’ reactions to Halle as Ariel is bringing tears to my eyes. They finally feeling represented. This is what matters to me
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deliapie · 2 years
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I don’t deserve anything. Nobody deserves anything. But I am owed… better.
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deliapie · 2 years
Continuo a chiedermi che cosa mi trattiene legata alla tua persona.. e non riesco a trovare una risposta concreta, e devo ammettere che questo mi infastidisce. Ma ho una mia teoria, per quanto assurda possa essere. Credo che tutti sappiamo quando troviamo la persona giusta. Scatta qualcosa, non saprei spiegarlo. E ho come la sensazione che ci siamo conosciuti troppo presto, o forse no. Però so che ancora non siamo fatti per stare assieme. Io devo vivere la mia vita e fare le mie esperienze, e lo stesso vale per te. Ammetto che darei oro per poter condividere con te parte di queste, o solo poter passare con te del tempo, ma credo che dovrò aspettare. E in fondo so che quando finalmente saremo “pronti” sarà una sensazione bellissima. Vorrei solo che non mollassi proprio ora. Vorrei che anche tu avessi questa sensazione. Vorrei non sbagliarmi su questo. Perché anche se parliamo poco e di stronzate, anche se praticamente siamo ancora sconosciuti, mi sembra di conoscerti da sempre.
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deliapie · 2 years
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I felt that... Always an option, never a priority...
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deliapie · 2 years
may this year be kinder and gentler to you
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deliapie · 3 years
No one notices your sadness until it turns into anger. Then you're a bad person.
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deliapie · 3 years
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deliapie · 3 years
i wish i could jump 5 years in the future for five minutes to see if it’s worth it
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deliapie · 3 years
I’m being told not to swallow my feelings but as soon as I don’t, I’m being told I’m dramatic and have to apologize. so don’t fucking wonder why I choose to be fucking stone cold instead. fuck this shit.
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deliapie · 3 years
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Joker always speaks the truth
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deliapie · 3 years
“Birthdays went from being one of the happiest days in one’s life to being one of the worst days.”
— m
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deliapie · 3 years
“And in the end all I learned was how to be strong alone.”
— Unknown (via marijuanamodels)
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deliapie · 3 years
are you in college?
i am in pain
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deliapie · 3 years
Day 1: 10 things you wanted so bad back then that you have now
1. Living in a different city
2. Macbook
3. A degree
4. Lot of people I love
5. A group of friends that care for me
6. Be able to see more places
7. Feel like I can be good at something
8. Kindle
9. Lot of books
10. Lot of clothes
I'll try to keep up with this challenge, because I'm sick and tired to hear me complaint about everything I don't have, when I already have so much.
10 Days of Gratitude 🍀
i’m back, and one of the resolutions i made after my most recent breakdown is to be more grateful, so that i won’t be paralyzed by all the things i think i’m missing out on or should have achieved by now.
like our self improvement tita™ Lavendaire said, we should focus more on how far we’ve come rather than how much further we have to go.
so, for the next 10 days, i’ll be posting a gratitude list with a specific category. we’ll see where it goes from there. you can join in if you want!
Day 1: 10 things you wanted so bad back then that you have now
Day 2: 10 people in your life who you are grateful to have met
Day 3: 10 people you admire who have inspired you
Day 4: 10 experiences that you are grateful to have gone through
Day 5: 10 songs that have “saved [your] life.”
Day 6: 10 things you appreciate about yourself
Day 7: 10 activities that bring you joy
Day 8: 10 lessons you wish you could’ve learned sooner
Day 9: 10 things you never expected to need but you now have and probably couldn’t live without
Day 10: 10 ways through which you experienced love
i’ll be explaining each category when i post my lists, but they’re fairly easy to understand without an in-depth background, really.
i hope you try this, too, and enjoy doing so 😊 let’s motivate each other!
- ☔
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deliapie · 3 years
L'università italiana è:
Presentarsi all'orale di francese 1, dopo essere riusciti a superare una prova di grammatica impossibile, preparando i testi caricati dalla docente sulla piattaforma online e scoprire che sono i testi sbagliati.
Chiedere spiegazioni e aiuto alla prof, sentirsi dare dell'incapace per non riuscire a trovarli mentre "gli altri non hanno avuto problemi", per poi scoprire che li ha caricati nella piattaforma di un'altra facoltà.
E quindi nulla, ci si rivede il 7 luglio
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