demondomain · 5 years
Got some inspiration from Bastion.
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demondomain · 6 years
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Giambattista Valli at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2019
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demondomain · 6 years
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Giambattista Valli at Paris Fashion Week Spring 2019
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demondomain · 6 years
my favorite asshole <3
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(Former) King of the Shadow Lands
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demondomain · 7 years
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finally got my tablet up and working
so here have my OC orkid uvu
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demondomain · 7 years
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Been a while since I’ve drawn these two losers!
Dartanian belongs to @cacklingjackal
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demondomain · 8 years
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Old sketch I made a few years back , and I kinda still like it .
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demondomain · 8 years
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Pouty butt 
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demondomain · 8 years
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Quick drawing but this is Devi!
Crowned king of hell and about the softest little marshmellow you’ll ever meet. He is good to his people and as soft as he may seem he is a strong ruler , even though he thinks he’ll never be as good as his father ,Lucifer. But he is a kind king and his people believe in him . He has brought peace and prosperous times to his kingdom . 
He’s also a big goof ball around his friends and wife , Orkid( who belongs to @cacklingjackal. He’s soft , cute, a goof, and absolutlely innocent to somethings. 
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demondomain · 8 years
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Caleb and Kain De L’Enfer, son’s to Orkid and Devi De L’Enfer ( Devi belongs to @master-assassin-den )
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demondomain · 8 years
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NSFW under read more
Keep reading
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demondomain · 8 years
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Ahahahahahah Livi made me laugh too much ,look at that dork 
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demondomain · 8 years
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Borderlands!Orkid , I cant remember if i post her here but YEAH Shes Lucy’s partner in crime and will traverse together through the planet of Pandora until they find the wonderous Vault. Orkid belongs to @schatten-schakal
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demondomain · 9 years
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Happy Birthday Tess! Im sorry this is really really really late! but here it is! HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU NERD
I had a gif that had glitter coming down but the resolution would mess up so bad it didnt look like glitter anymore :I 
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demondomain · 9 years
33, 35, and 39
33. Your shyest OC?
That would be these two sweeties right here. 
Penny is a quiet one , she loves books , tea , and adorable animals. She never makes her presence known and most of the time no one seems to notice shes there. She doesnt mind it but a little attention that shes actually there would be nice….180 years of being ignored or not being acknowlaged must get tiring. 
Taylor is….well a tailor and a demon , not a higher demon or what not , just your simple lower demon with a bit of magic which he uses to make his garbs and orders fofr his clients. He lives within the city and loves finding inspiration with in the people themselves or maybe from a nice walk or flight around the park . His favorite jobs are those for the Queen , and is her favorite when it comes to ballgowns or casual at times. He certianly is a busy fellow . He someday hopes to see the lands beyond the seas and find new inspiration for his profession …maybe that day will be soon.
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35. Any sibling characters?
Oh quite a few actually. 
Lucy and Lucius are twins and also have 8 other siblings . Her , Lucius and Devi all have the same mother while the rest are from various women, yes thier father was a very busy man. 
Redgie and Vladimir are adopted vampires by an older vampire named Sebastian , they are a very happy family. 
Carlos and Victor are twins and are in the same vampire clan as Redgie and his little brother as well as close friends with thier father. To them they are family and will protect them with thier lives.
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39. Introduce any character you want
Ah yes where to start on this guy.
Thorn is…a thief . A thief so well acomplished some call him the master of all thieves , king of thieves , master of deception. But he’s far more then that , he’s been known to be a mercenary , assassin , even a pirate for time . He’s cocky and stubborn , cold when he sees fit but deep down he’s a real softy and really cares for the friends he’s made along his travels. He also has or had two proteges , Alistar and Plague , two little orphaned demons with a gift for thieving , and being one not really seeing on settling down what a better way then two train himself heirs . Though after some time and with Alistars little sister becoming ill and him not being sutiable in caring for such a young child Thorn found Al a good home with some very noble friends , well I suppose noble wouldnt suit them well Royalty seems more approriate, and with that he only has plague now. What kills him the most is how attached he’s become to his little protoges that felt like siblings or even a father as much as he doesnt like that idea , his proteges do see him as one whether he likes it or not. 
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demondomain · 9 years
Numbers 32, 39 and 43 for the OC meme!
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
this one was tough considering a lot of my ocs are supernatural beings that thrive in the dark or are the literal things that go bump in the night if they pleased to do so.BUT ANYWAAAYYYY I Oblivion would be the best one , even though he’s a coward most of the time , when push comes to shove he will pull out every trick in the book to survive and get out of the predicament.
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39. Introduce any character you want
Well this is Lucy or as her father would like you to properly address her as Queen Lucinda De L’Enfer , but she insists on LUCY. She’s married to the prince , well now king , of the land of Umbra ,the shadowlands as commoners call it , so I suppose her full name is Queen Lucinda De L’Enfer Umbraculo I , but enough of formalities. She’s goofy around her friends and family and incredibly intelligent , a master tacitian and an outstanding warrior , not to mention best mom and wifey to her darling husband Dartanian.She is with her faults though , she can be overwhelmed by large groups of enemies and has her bouts of some mild depression and what seems to signs of PTSD but theres too much of a story there . Even if that gets in her way she never lets it get to her and gets through with it with the heart and soul of a true warrior . They don’t call her the Lioness of hell for nothing . 
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Dartanian belongs to @schatten-schakal
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
It depends ,sometimes I like elves other times vampires , fae , demons anything that peaks my interest really , mostly fantasy oriented though .I looooooove drawing long hair, I love long eyelashes and lips * -* and drawing ladies , cause curvy come on. Plus the benefit of cute outfits but that doesnt mean I cant do that to guys too I like drawing horns and tails , fangs and elf ears , not that hard to notice that . but yeah curvy, cute , hair, horns and wings are some of my faves ….and cute boyfriends .
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demondomain · 9 years
Uncommon OC questions!
1. A little-known talent of your OC?
2. What trait does your OC like best about themself? (Eyes, guitar skills, random bird facts, etc)
3. How many pillows does your OC sleep with?
4. Is your OC good at keeping secrets?
5. Your OC's worst habit?
6. Does your OC prefer tennis shoes/sneakers or flip flops?
7. What is your OC's opinion on body modifications?
8. Your OC is given a full-ride scholarship to any college they could want to go to. Where do they go and what do they major in?
9. What chore does your OC hate the most?
10. Would your OC prefer to live in the city, the suburbs, or the country?
11. Is your OC a blanket hog?
12. Would your OC play by the rules in a fight or take cheap shots?
13. Does your OC have a widow 's peak?
14. Happy birthday! What kind of present would your OC want?
15. Something that grosses your OC out?
16. Your OC is suddenly on an adventure! Where do they go and what do they do?
17. Is there a real person that looks like your OC?
18. Something that makes your OC laugh without fail?
19. Something that makes your OC cry without fail?
20. A obscure/ridiculous fear your OC has?
21. Does your OC have any type of disability, whether it be mental, physical, etc?
22. Does your OC get frustrated when people forget to close the door behind themselves?
23. What is your OC's first memory?
24. Something you like that your OC would hate?
25. Your OC is going into battle/on a mission! What song is their anthem?
26. Does your OC have good or bad posture?
27. Most despicable thing your OC has ever done?
28. Is your OC a conspiracy theorist?
29. Someone does something awful in front of your OC. How do they handle it?
30. What is your OC's favorite drink?
31. Does your OC prefer to sleep in a warm or cool area?
32. Would your OC like you if they met you?
33. A song that reminds you of your OC?
34. Is your OC a nail biter?
35. What is your OC's favorite quote?
36. Your OC's favorite fashion era? (20's, 70's, etc)
37. Does your OC get excited when they get mail?
38. Random thunderstorm! How does your OC react?
39. A strange talent of your OC?
40. Assuming your OC doesn't have them already, what superpower would they want? If they do already, would they change it, keep it, or get rid of it?
41. Does your OC like/make puns?
42. What kind of shampoo does your OC use?
43. Your OC wakes up with a coin super glued to their forehead. How do they react?
44. Can your OC sleep if there's any kind of light?
45. What kind of self-esteem does your OC have?
46. A word that your OC can't stand?
47. Does your OC fold their clothes, hang them up, or just leave them in the basket/dryer?
48. Would society call your OC a good guy or a bad guy? What would they say they are?
49. Your OC's most prized possession?
50. What is your OC's happy place?
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