elevatedlotus · 5 months
This is a reminder that women are getting life sized bouquets and you are crying over not being text back.
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elevatedlotus · 5 months
Damn I miss old tumblr real bad
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Last night I started learning Swahili on Duolingo and I just realized that when I was doing the lessons, I was thinking in Mandarin and translating to Swahili lol that’s so fire 🤣
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Islam and Muslims in the U.S. Prison System
I believe that every American has the duty to know what is going on with incarceration in our country. We house the largest number of prisoners in the world, pay for it with our tax dollars and support it by legislation that we vote for. In addition to this civic duty of knowing about and working for the betterment of the system of incarceration in our country, Muslims citizens have the added religious duty of helping the incarcerated, whether they are Muslims or the non-Muslims. We should know where this religious duty comes from and why. Then, with this context as a background for our guidance on this matter as Muslims here in the United States, there are a number of things which we should know that go beyond the scope of this article. Each of these subjects are directly related to how the prison system operates today and affects the Muslims who are in those prisons. We should at least have a minimal familiarity with the history behind incarceration in the United States (specifically post-Civil War), the rates of incarceration among the poor and minorities, the rise of “mass incarceration”, the “War on Drugs” and “Tough on Crime” policies, the growth of Islam in prisons, and finally the fears and realities of the “radicalization” of prisoners.
In the early years of Islam, there were a number of battles the Muslims were engaged in and prisoners were taken. These early days of Islam were a period of continued guidance, with revelation being sent to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) as events occurred. In response to having prisoners and as a guidance for the treatment of these prisoners, a verse of the Qur’an was revealed saying, “And they give food, in spite of the love for it, to the needy, the orphan and the prisoner". The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) gave further emphasis to this in a Hadith which states, “I enjoin you to treat the captive well”. The result of this guidance was that the Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) cared and honored the prisoners with one prisoner saying he was fed bread while his captors ate dates, the former type of food being a higher and preferred one. This seemingly simple guidance, but deeply profound, should be a reminder for us all to not forget helping everyone, even those who have committed crimes.
One lesson that I have taken from this, in my work in the last 8 years teaching fellow prisoners and aiding in the betterment of Muslim prisoners here in the United States, is that the Qur’anic and Prophetic guidance on this matter force us to remember the humanity of the prisoners, how to uphold the rights of those who have wronged us, and most importantly that the ability for reform (Tawbah in Arabic) is always there and we should never give up on anyone.
Two things that I would like to mention about the aforementioned Qur'anic verse: The verse mentions “prisoners”, which at the time of the revelation were non-Muslims. Secondly, the verse is an order to give “food.” Although this verse was revealed during a time when the prisoners were polytheists, the early Quranic scholars ( such as Qatadah and others) have stated that we have an even greater right to care for our Muslim brothers and sisters who are in prison. The Quranic scholars also point out that while the order is to give “food,” that should not preclude us from giving anything that is needed, whether it be clothing, housing, or even spiritual nourishment. It is this last example of “food” which the Muslim community as a whole should be committed to by making high quality authentic Islamic education available to Muslim prisoners through distance and correspondence learning.
Mass Incarceration in the United States
Between 1925 and 1975 the United States had between 100,000 to 200,000 people incarcerated in state and federal prisons. Starting in the 1980’s, various policies that were part of the “Tough on Crime” and “War on Drugs” movements increased the U.S. incarcerated population over 500% in 30 years with now over 2.3 Million people in jails and prisons. Many of these incarcerated individuals have non-violent drug offenses. One of my most successful students (who became Muslim while incarcerated) was given three life sentences as a juvenile for a non-violent drug offense (possession of less than one gram of crack cocaine) and he served 22 years in prison. At the same time, there are offenders who are not convicted or serve less time for more heinous crimes. Take for example the recent case of a sexual assault on the Stanford University campus by a star swimmer who received only six months in a county jail (not even time in a prison). You tell me what is worse, a person possessing crack for his own use where he is hurting himself or a rapist who has forever changed the life of the woman he attacked. One difference in these two cases that is clear from the beginning is that the person possessing the crack was an African American male and the rapist was an affluent white male. Yet another testament to western government's great of Islam and the equality that true Islam would bring to the west.
A second cause of the increase in the U.S. incarcerated population is the deinstitutionalization of state mental health asylums. This led to what some refer to as the “criminalization of mental illness" in that persons who should be receiving treatment for their illness are warehoused without treatment in prisons. Dr. Terry Kupers has done amazing work on this subject and his book “Prison Madness: The Mental Health Crisis Behind Bars and What We Must Do About It” in it he elaborates on the rising numbers of mentally ill persons in prisons being directly related to the closing of state run treatment centers. Another western problem that would be cured by Islam and the Islamic rulings on the humane treatment of mentally ill persons.
Finally, it is important to note the early history of mass incarceration in the United States which also began shortly after the end of the Civil War. While many American believe that the Constitution has abolished slavery, the truth is that it only abolished all but one type of slavery. The 13th amendment states in Section 1 that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.” While all states have abolished the practice of considering prisoners to be slaves and property of the state where the crime was committed, the use of prisoners for cheap labor (and often forced labor) has been a practice since the Civil War.
Recidivism: Going Back to Prison
One of the realities for prisoners in America is the high likelihood of their returning to prison once they are released, which is called recidivism. This recidivism rate can range from 70-90%. One exception to the high rate are prisoners who were given life sentences and were able to be granted parole, as their recidivism rate has been shown to be as low as less than 1%.
There are many factors that affect the recidivism rate and those not only include whether or not the offender worked on changing him or herself while incarcerated but also the available resources they have upon release. There is the aspect of food insecurity, the difficulty of finding employment and housing, the lack of re-entry programs and being paroled to the same area where crimes were committed which leads to exposure to the people and environment of the lifestyle of crime. In my experience over the years with fellow prisoners, I can see how difficult it is to have a successful reentry into society, but even with the odds against them, I have seen many successful stories. Some of my brothers and students have gone on to establish successful businesses or nonprofits, work with local city governments and police departments, and participate and excel in both undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields.
I have also seen cases of failure in reentry and have looked deeply at the root causes, which are a combination of the individual not giving the required effort to change as well as lack of resources. Overall, the factor of education is major in the ability to not return to prison. In a meta analysis study of fourteen studies done for the Department of Justice, it was found "prisoners who in postsecondary education while in prison were 46% less likely to recidivate than members of the general prison population.". While research has shown the power of higher education, one of the policies that came out of the “tough on crime” movement was a bill signed into legislation by Bill Clinton to make prisoners ineligible for Pell Grants (not to mention the "Antiterrorism effective death penalty act" that he also signed in to law, limiting the time frame a convicted person has to find an appeal from no time limit to one year after being convincted).
In addition to education, the need for support upon release is crucial. Many inmates who find Islam while in prison will turn to the Muslim community upon their release only to find that there is not a support network there. Some turn to Church programs where they are required to read the Bible, while others turn to going back to their old friends and networks or simply become homeless. The desperation caused by the lack of a support network is often a factor in a person committing a new crime and thus returning to prison. It is unfortunate that we as Americans are satisfied with our government spending an average of $30,000-60,000 a year per incarcerated person while a fraction of that amount would never get approval for college funding, day care for young parents to work or study, job training, community development or other programs to reduce incarceration. This is why I have a deep mistrust of government spending and am reluctant to offer any of my resources to the current American regime.
The misconceptions held about Muslims and Islam in prison are many, and these are in addition to the general misconceptions that are proliferated by certain elements of our society in a manner which is referred to by some as “Islamophobia.” Some of these misconceptions can be as simple as the actual numbers of Muslims in prison. Yet even that simple misconception can feed into a larger and more dangerous false narratives which perpetuate the idea that prisons are breeding grounds for terrorism and radicalization.
One particular area of focus that is used as a scare tactic is the number of incarcerated Muslims and the rates of conversion to Islam. Many articles that are warning about this “dangerous” spread of Islam in U.S. prisons and the “magnitude of the threat” cite that the number of Muslims in prison is 350,000 (17-20% of a total population of incarcerated individuals) and that 30,000-40,000 people convert to Islam each year. Many of these articles cite the 2003 testimony of Dr. Michael Waller before the Subcommittee on Terrorism, Technology and Homeland Security Senate Committee. A reading of that transcript shows that Dr. Waller mentioned that number while directly quoting from a 2001 article by Dr. Siraj Islam Mufti, Islam in American Prisons. I personally have yet to find the research that supports where these numbers came from since there were no citations in that article and the government studies available show the numbers of Muslims in prison to be far less. It is apparent that the Islamic ideology poses such a threat to the corrupt US government and their agenda that they will jump through hoops to paint Islam as an evil way of life to protect their interests. The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) own census in 2004 of their 150,000 prisoners show that 9,000 (6%) identified as being Muslim. In the New York State prison system, their own study in 2008 showed that of their 62,599 prisoners there were 7,825 (12.5%) who identified as being Muslim. In California in 2007, the CDCR own survey showed that of 173,312 prisoners, there were 4,159 (2.4%). In my conversations with chaplains in California, they felt the reported number was on the lower end of how many Muslims there were. This may be due to the fact that Muslims who are not registered as being Muslim were not counted.
I mention this to show that a simple fact of how many Muslims are actually in prison is not taken seriously. Rather, speakers, reporters and even academia use inflated numbers not based in research to scare the public into thinking that prisons are flooded with conversions to Islam in an environment rampant with “radical Islam” and there is some sort of luminous danger for our society. Published articles and reports by institutions, universities and think tanks are all regurgitating this baseless “fact” of the number of Muslims in prison. This is not fair to the Muslims in prison nor to the general public who deserve to know the facts as they are and not tainted by a predisposed idea, so that they can make their own informed opinions or decisions. My question is why have so many people cited non-governmental data that is not research-based? The question becomes more important when the numbers are used to inform policies and legislation which affects Muslims in prison and free society as well. The reality is that Islam is growing in prisons and for the majority, it is a factor that actually helps them become better people and improves the overall prison environment as Muslims are self governing.
Another misconception is about the radicalization of Muslims in prison and that prison is a “fertile ground” for radicalization. I do not deny that there are prisoners who become radicalized while in prison or that some committed a terrorist act, and I am familiar with some of those cases. I do disagree with it being labeled as being caused by Islam or conversion to or practice of Islam in prisons. In his research on the subject of radicalization in prisons, Dr. Mark S. Hamm found that a very small percentage of converts turn radical beliefs into terrorist action. "Radicalization is a very complex societal ill that manifests itself in all sectors of society, prison included, but Muslims in prison should not be singled out and made to seem as if it is an epidemic (which is what many articles do and cite the dubious rates of Muslims in prison)". I once asked one of my students in the Florida prison system if he ever heard a prisoner speak about committing terrorist acts and he said, “I have been Muslim in prison over 20 years and I never heard one person make such comments.”
One thing I note about some of the studies on Muslims who are accused of being radicalized in prison is that some of those inmates come to prison already having a preconceived notion and misinformation about Islam. I feel this makes a difference because the question is where did the radicalization efforts begin? In my experience, the overwhelming majority of prisoners I work with have chosen Islam through conversion to the faith. Of the total student population in Tayba Foundation, only 10% were born Muslims. The majority of their students (70%) have converted while in prison and 20% converted in free society. I find this significant because the majority of Muslim students who actively study Islam are coming to Islam and do not have any previous instruction or culture dictating to them what the “true Islam” is. Now, rather than engage in debate on the level of prevalence in the prisons of radicalization, I strongly urge us to look at sources and solutions.
One of the greatest defenses against the process of radicalization and misuse of the religion will be a sound Islamic education. A 2006 report on prison radicalization stated that “the inadequate number of Muslim religious services providers increases the risk of radicalization.” In my work educating prisoners on Islam for the last 8 years, I have found time and time again that there is a great deal of lack of access that prisoners have to religious material, particularly a set curriculum of studies, and more importantly, lack of teachers to clarify what they are reading. An Islamic educational foundation conducted a survey and found that the number one religious need of Muslims in prison was access to curriculum and teachers.
Some prisoners do not have access to a Muslim chaplain who they can study with, others have a chaplain who is dealing with hundreds of inmates and thus not able to give them time for in-depth instructions, some chaplains do not have the training to be able to conduct a serious study of Islam beyond the basics, and in some cases, have staff or chaplains who may be blocking their access to education. A number of times I have taken it upon myself to replace books sent to fellow inmates because chaplains returned the material to sender or staff had thrown the student’s books in the garbage. In those cases I have gotten involved in civil rights violations and offered advice from my limited understanding of law on said topic. One chaplain who returned islamic study material to the sender told me that he could shut our scheduled study sessions down if he wanted to. I responded politely that he had no authority to do so and that our access to religious education was guaranteed in the Constitution by the First Amendment and further at the state and federal levels, such as the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act ("RLUIPA") passed by Congress in 2000. I will close this paragraph by saying that the majority of chaplains that I have worked with, whether Muslim or representing another faith, are dedicated to facilitate learning and betterment for the prisoners they work with.
Through the power of proper Islamic education, I have seen time and time again how knowledge can prevent any threat of radicalization and actually engender harmony in prisons and even beyond the walls. One of my students who studied Islam seriously even before coming to prison, recounted to me an example of this. He said that when the terrorist attacks of 9/11 occurred, five of six prison yards in one institution had Muslims who were showing signs of joy and shouting. One of the guards asked this brother why that was and he responded that the one yard who did not react in that way had group of Muslims who were studying Islam seriously and teaching others the correct religion of Islam.
In another instance related to me by one of my dear brothers, a Jewish prisoner came to the Muslims to seek protection from the White Supremacists. In some prisons, the White Supremacists are especially powerful and many minorities, particularly Jewish prisoners, are at risk of being attacked. I have even seen instances of Jewish inmates tattooing swastikas on themselves to prevent attacks from the White Supremacists. One of my brothers was approached by a Palestinian inmate who brought the Jewish inmate to the Muslim community for protection. That in and of itself is a story of peace, but it goes further. The Jewish inmate said that he would be willing to pay the jizya to the Muslims for protection from the White Supremacists. The jizya is a form of payment by non-Muslims to a Muslim government for protection but a system that is not used by Muslim governments today. In any case, this Muslim student told him there was no need for payment and that all he had to do was exercise in public (on the yard) with the Muslims. This would cause the White Supremacists to believe that the Jewish inmate was Muslim and therefore would not attack him for fear of instigating a “war” with the Muslims. This is the result of a Muslim inmate knowing his religion properly and preventing the misappropriation of Islamic concepts to be used for improper means.
In the absence of that proper education and guidance, some inmates who choose Islam in prison have influences of what is referred to a “Prison Islam” or “Prislam.” This refers to the idea that some Muslims are practicing the faith with innovations in belief or practice that come out of the prison environment. One major influence that causes “Prislam” is the gang culture which pervades prisons in the United States. Two aspects of gang culture is the structure of the gang which includes a leader (“shot caller”) and tattoos.
In many prisons that have a Muslim population, one may find that the community appoints a leader to lead the prayers and offer guidance to the community. While some prison institutions do not allow an inmate to act as the official religious leader (imam) for other inmates, one survey found that over half do. This is acceptable and even encouraged in Florida prisons. The fear that institutions have is that the position of religious authority could be abused and taken as a route to act as nothing more than a gang-leader for the Muslim inmates at a particular prison. This is a valid concern that I recognize as i have seen an imam be appointed after being muslim only a month and having little understating of the religion only because he was a former gang member with authority in the prison. The fear in this situation is clear. You have someone who just became Muslim and could potentially make decisions that affect the safety or lives of other Muslim, other inmates or even staff. The Muslims who support this Iman system will then take verses of the Quran and Hadith out of context to justify the need for a leader and the obligation of the entire community to pledge allegiance to him (bay’ah) and then obey his every command. Part of my focus when teaching the fundamentals of Islam to my grow Muslims is to shed light on how the religious texts are being misused and abused to perpetuate a false system which sometimes included the implementations of the Islamic penal code (hudud) in a vigilante-type method which is completely unacceptable. There are times when the Muslim inmates may justify a crime, such as an attack on another prisoner, as being permissible due to the fact that it is a hudud implementation. At the same time, there are institutions who recognize and work with the “appointed Muslim leader” and many times the person is very well-balanced and dedicated to following true Islam and the rules and regulations of the prison. One thing I would suggest to policy makers for prisons is that rather than negate the “Inmate Imam” position for fear of it undermining the security of the prison, if those appointed leaders are trained properly, they could facilitate many of the religious needs of the communities they are already currently serving. This has a benefit of ensuring that inmates are receiving proper religious education and practice while in prison and reduces the load on budgets that would be needed to hire outside Imams.
Muslims in prison are at the forefront of a number of programs to help others. A number of major legal precedents for prisoner rights have had Muslim inmates at the forefront. A number of successful inmate-led rehabilitation groups have been founded by Muslims and many Muslims facilitate other successful programs. One of these such programs was co-founded by two Muslim brothers who previously served time that then went on to establish it as a non-profit organization after their release and now have a contract for a transitional house with the State of California, an office building given to them rent free by the city the organization is run in, and one of the former prisoners sits on the Human Relations committee of that city. I have heard stories of our brothers and sisters resolving conflicts in the prison that would otherwise turn into full-blown prison “wars.”
Some Muslims upon release, have gone into starting their own businesses, teaching, non-profit work, and graduate school. They have established families and work with the communities they live in, both the Muslims and non-MuIims. The potential that is there is endless and it is a constant reminder to me of the saying of the Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) that, “People are like ores, like the ores of gold and silver, the best of them before Islam (jahiliyya) are the best of them in Islam if they gain understanding (fiqh)". Yes, there are people who have lived in an age of ignorance, but does that mean we give up on them? Is that the approach that the Prophet Muhammad (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) took when he made a prayer for the guidance of ‘Umar, a man who worshipped idols, buried his own daughter alive and wanted to kill the Prophet? It was that potential that someone saw in Malcolm Little while he was in prison and aided him on his journey for knowledge. He would later become El Hajj Malik El Shabazz, one of the greatest figures in the spread of Islam in the United States and who helped so many others out of the darkness of ignorance.
I firmly believe in the power of education in dramatically transforming the dynamics of the prisons in the United States today. There are men and women who when they find themselves with the time and space to learn, and with the proper tools, can achieve great things. For those who will be returning to their communities, they could be equipped with the information, confidence and steadfastness that education provides. Islamic education should also be viewed as a springboard to other forms of education.
Remember, even a caged bird can sing.
We owe it to prisoners, both religiously and as a civic duty, to provide the resources they need on their journey of seeking knowledge, to help them bring out the potential they have.
Nima Al Farsi
Prisoner of the state of florida
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Week 5/6 Mandarin Studies
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So I have not been studying as hardcore as I was in the beginning but I still am dedicating time every day to reviewing. As a self learner, it’s up to you to create your own curriculum and motivate yourself to get up every day and work on improving your skills. So inevitably you’re bound to fluctuate in productivity. I used to be really hard on myself about that and I still am very critical of myself but I try to give myself grace.
I started seeing a tutor on iTalki. After booking the session I came across a video by Jo Franco video about how she started learning Arabic. She sought the help of a tutor from iTalki as well to guide her and correct her pronunciation from the beginning. Her first questions to him were, “how do you say ‘how do you say’?” As well as basic greetings so I made sure to ask my teacher the same as well.
A key takeaway from her video was that she made her own vocabulary lists out of learning how to translate her personality into that language. Meaning, she figured out the vocabulary that she already uses frequently in her everyday conversations and thoughts and figure out how to express those things in her target language. I thought that was such a fire freaking tip.
Tutor vs Self Learning
So the reason why I dedicated to get a tutor is because with apps like Duolingo or hello Chinese, they’re not perfect. The vocal analysis feature used in the apps to grade your pronunciation aren’t always entirely accurate and doesn’t compare to a human teacher that is able to listen attentively to what you’re saying and point out exactly where you are making mistakes with your pronunciation and that is so key when learning a foreign language, especially a tonal language such as mandarin. I am still in the beginning of my learning journal so I would rather get a tutor that can help me fix and get rid of any potential bad habits I may have developed while learning on my own.
Truly, Deeply, Madly Understanding Pinyin
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I can still utilize resources that I’ve been using such as hello Chinese, hi native and whatever, but now I have a teacher that can break down what I may be missing in my study plan that is essential.
So I’ve seen my tutor 3 times so far and she’s focused the majority of the sessions on pinyin. I thought I knew and understood pinyin but I didn’t lol even though I’ve used the pinyin keyboard to write basic paragraphs and read children’s stories in Chinese, I didn’t fully understand it and I was winging it when it came to pronunciation. She broke it down to me and I created a little demonstration here, hopefully it helps any other beginners!
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So in the example, the initial sound is b which is pronounced like buh, the compound sound is ai which is pronounced like eye and then the tone Mark is the 3rd tone which indicates that the whole word is to be executed in a falling-rising tone. These are the building blocks of pinyin and once you figure out those components, you can start to truly pronounce the pinyin correctly.
Next Steps...
I have my tutoring sessions a few times a week at around 4:30/5:00am so they’re pretty early. I definitely want to take a break and resume my self studies in the afternoon by doing lessons on Hello Chinese as well as audio lessons on Chinese pod. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress I make with Mandarin. 我很高兴!
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Week 5/6 Mandarin Studies
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So I have not been studying as hardcore as I was in the beginning but I still am dedicating time every day to reviewing. As a self learner, it’s up to you to create your own curriculum and motivate yourself to get up every day and work on improving your skills. So inevitably you’re bound to fluctuate in productivity. I used to be really hard on myself about that and I still am very critical of myself but I try to give myself grace.
I started seeing a tutor on iTalki. After booking the session I came across a video by Jo Franco video about how she started learning Arabic. She sought the help of a tutor from iTalki as well to guide her and correct her pronunciation from the beginning. Her first questions to him were, “how do you say ‘how do you say’?” As well as basic greetings so I made sure to ask my teacher the same as well.
A key takeaway from her video was that she made her own vocabulary lists out of learning how to translate her personality into that language. Meaning, she figured out the vocabulary that she already uses frequently in her everyday conversations and thoughts and figure out how to express those things in her target language. I thought that was such a fire freaking tip.
Tutor vs Self Learning
So the reason why I dedicated to get a tutor is because with apps like Duolingo or hello Chinese, they’re not perfect. The vocal analysis feature used in the apps to grade your pronunciation aren’t always entirely accurate and doesn’t compare to a human teacher that is able to listen attentively to what you’re saying and point out exactly where you are making mistakes with your pronunciation and that is so key when learning a foreign language, especially a tonal language such as mandarin. I am still in the beginning of my learning journal so I would rather get a tutor that can help me fix and get rid of any potential bad habits I may have developed while learning on my own.
Truly, Deeply, Madly Understanding Pinyin
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I can still utilize resources that I’ve been using such as hello Chinese, hi native and whatever, but now I have a teacher that can break down what I may be missing in my study plan that is essential.
So I’ve seen my tutor 3 times so far and she’s focused the majority of the sessions on pinyin. I thought I knew and understood pinyin but I didn’t lol even though I’ve used the pinyin keyboard to write basic paragraphs and read children’s stories in Chinese, I didn’t fully understand it and I was winging it when it came to pronunciation. She broke it down to me and I created a little demonstration here, hopefully it helps any other beginners!
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So in the example, the initial sound is b which is pronounced like buh, the compound sound is ai which is pronounced like eye and then the tone Mark is the 3rd tone which indicates that the whole word is to be executed in a falling-rising tone. These are the building blocks of pinyin and once you figure out those components, you can start to truly pronounce the pinyin correctly.
Next Steps...
I have my tutoring sessions a few times a week at around 4:30/5:00am so they’re pretty early. I definitely want to take a break and resume my self studies in the afternoon by doing lessons on Hello Chinese as well as audio lessons on Chinese pod. I’m looking forward to seeing the progress I make with Mandarin. 我很高兴!
20 notes · View notes
elevatedlotus · 3 years
“عشق ما نيازمند رهاييست، نه تصاحب Our love needs freedom Not possession.”
— Shamlo
161 notes · View notes
elevatedlotus · 3 years
“Everyone who’s far from his own origin Seeks to be united with it once again”
— Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, The Songs of the Reed 
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
من مسافرم ہمیشہ
I have been a traveler always.
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
So instead of studying today, I went through a bunch of websites to find some links for free parallel reading. Give these a go:
!!!! http://paralleltext.io/
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Reminder to the langblr community
It’s okay to take a break, it’s okay if you’re feeling burned out to take a break, whether if it’s a break from studying your target languages or from the community in general, just slow down. If it’s real life, or a lot of the discourse, or any hate is causing you stress, it’s better to take a break from it than to let it break you down. So please, if that’s what you feel is necessary, please do.
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
learn foreign language alphabets
I came across this site which teaches you the alphabet for over 40 languages, with audio and it even lets you test yourself afterwards The site format is super simple and did I mention the 40+ languages!
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Life is shit but languages are cool so I might as well live and learn all of them.
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
How I learned 4 languages
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Learning a language can be a pain in the ass. I know, I’ve been there. Don’t get me started on the grammar and all its exceptions either. However, the more experienced I got with the languages, I got the hang on what works best for me. So here they are.
1. Learn vocabulary first. The first thing I did with English and Dutch was to learn as many words as possible. I didn’t bother on how I had to write them. I simply focused on how I had to pronounce them I tried to remember them. If you think about it, that’s exactly how babies learn how to speak. They start with simple words and then start to add on. 
2. EXPOSURE. This is what will make the difference. For English, I listened to an unhealthy amount of music. And I watch all Friends episodes subtitled in Spanish so I could slowly pick up what was going on. This way I even learned new phrases. Like how to pick someone up with a “how you doin’?” and a wink. 
3. Learn some basic sentence structure. I try not to go full on the grammar but introducing it bit by bit as I familiarize with language. And I play around with the sentences. I try asking for different things and I translate the sentences I use the most so I practice with those first. 
4. Befriend a native. THIS THO. When I was learning Dutch and English I became best friends with a Dutch girl in my class and a guy that speaks English like a native. We had this thing when I made a grammar mistake I had to give them 25 cents and that 25 cents quickly piled up so I picked up my pace and I actually learned to speak proper Dutch and English in a matter of 6 to 8 months. I’m not kidding, those 25 cents were the best 25 cents I’ve ever spent because no teacher would have helped me as fast as these 2 did. Now, 8 years later, we’re still besties. 
5. Study of grammar. I studied grammar properly after I was more familiarized with the language so I could definitely perfect it. And I think this was actually an advantage because most of the rules and structure of grammar suddenly came like second nature to me. There were, of course, some things that I wasn’t applying correctly, but it was actually very easy to fix them from then on. But think about it, you don’t teach a baby grammar first thing. So why would you do too? 
In a nutshell, start by familiarizing yourself with the language you want to speak. Learn a lot of words, get a lot of exposure so you can get a feel of the pronunciation and culture of speaking. Befriend a native, and make it interesting so you can learn and practice. And then try to truly understand the grammar. Do you have any other tips? Feel free to share!
P.S: Spanish is my first language. I learned Papiamentu, which is the language of some of the islands of the Netherlands Antilles. And then I learned Dutch and Spanish. 
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Drinks | 饮料
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Water 水 shuǐ
Mineral water 矿泉水 kuàngquán shuǐ
Tea 茶 chá
Sprite 雪碧 xuěbì
Tea with milk 奶茶 nǎichá
Soy milk 豆奶 dòunǎi
Juice 果汁 guǒzhī
Coca Cola 可乐 kělè 
Water with soda 苏打水 sūdǎ shuǐ
Sparkling water 汽水 qìshuǐ
Milk 牛奶 niúnǎi
Coffe 咖啡 kāfēi
Orange juice 橙汁 chéngzhī
Beer 啤酒 píjiǔ
Yellow rice wine 黄酒 huángjiǔ
Red wine 红葡萄酒 hóng pútáojiǔ
White wine 白葡萄酒 bái pútáojiǔ
Vodka 伏特加 fútèjiā
Champagne 香槟 xiāngbīn
Cocktail 鸡尾酒 jīwěijiǔ
Brandy 白兰地 báilándì
Whiskey 威士忌 wēishìjì
Foreign liquors 洋酒 yángjiǔ
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
5 Mandarin Words for Today
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世界( shìjiè)- world
考试( kǎoshì )- an exam, to take an exam
好胜( hàoshèng )- competitive, eager to win
就是( jiùshì ) - exactly, in the same way as
心理( xīnlǐ ) - mental, psychological
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elevatedlotus · 3 years
Peppa Pig Mandarin Vocab List - Shopping 购物
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Link to video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsikzkGgcM
购物 goù wù - shopping
清单 qīngdān - list
番茄 fānqié - tomato
种 zhǒng - kind, type, species
洋葱 yáng cōng - onion
意大利面 yìdàlì mìan - spaghetti 
但是 dànshì - but; however
恐龙 kǒng lóng - dinosaur
做得好!zuò de hǎo! - well done!
我看见啦 wǒ kàn jiàn la! - I see it!
我现在想起了wǒ xiànzài xiǎngqǐle - I remember now
清单上有吗? qīngdān shàng yǒu ma? - Is it on the list?
再猜猜看 zài cāi cāi kàn - guess again
下一种是什么?xià yī zhǒng shì shénme? - what’s next?
我喜欢购物 - Wǒ xǐhuān gòu wù - I love going shopping
乔治坐在推车里 - Qiáo zhì zuò zài tuī chē li - George is sitting in the trolley
爸爸, 我能不能也坐在推车里? Bàba, wǒ néng bù néng yě zuò zài tuī chē li? Dad can I sit in the trolley too?
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