emilykarmasblog · 3 months
((Lore Based . .))
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emilykarmasblog · 3 months
Hihi!! Hope your day has been going well!!
just wanted to ask if how did you two meet? :3
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EMI:: Paha!! Oh my god, remember that Tweek?
TWEEK:: Hnng…oh god. Don’t remind me
EMI:: After I was hanging out with Eric, (he told me to “fuck off” but anyways) I was looking for someone to hang out with, and thats when I saw this guy!
TWEEK:: Ghh..
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EMI:: I was as nice as i could’ve been to him. I was all like “heyy! I’m emily, what’s your name?” y’know, the usual conversation starter
TWEEK:: I was in a really bad mood that day..
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EMI::which leads me to my next point! He screamed at me for bothering him. He said, and I quote: “HHHNNN!! WHAT THE FUCK?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?! I WAS JUST ABOUT TO GET THAT GODDAMN SANDWHICH IN MY MOUTH YOU MOTHER FUCKER—“
TWEEK:: In all fairness, that sandwhich took ages to make, and because I was so jittery I couldn’t even eat it properly..
EMI:: You scared the living daylights outta me tho.
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TWEEK:: I apologised later on though! I’m glad I did.. now we’re really close friends!
EMI:: Yup!
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emilykarmasblog · 3 months
If you could be an ice cream what ice cream would u be
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EMI:: Ice cream??
TWEEK:: Should we really be giving out information on the internet?
EMI:: Tweek, telling them our favourite ice cream flavour isn’t gonna get us a stalker
TWEEK:: ..Fair.
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EMI:: But, to answer your question: I’ve always had a strong love for vanilla
TWEEK:: Gross..
EMI:: Hey! Don’t be like that. I’ve just preferred the original flavours since I was small.
TWEEK:: It’s still boring as hell.
TWEEK:: To me it kinda tastes like sweeter milk and that’s also gross. (Unless you added it to coffee)
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EMI:: Well what’s your favourite ice cream flavour then?
TWEEK:: Coffee
EMI:: No, that’s too obvious. What’s your second favourite flavour?
TWEEK:: Hmm..
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TWEEK: I guess mint chocolate chip isn’t so bad.
EMI:: Ohhh! Yum!
EMI:: The first time I tried it I thought it tasted kinda like toothpaste though.
TWEEK:: What!?
EMI:: I like the taste of toothpaste though, so it was fine!
TWEEK:: …..You’re so weird..
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emilykarmasblog · 3 months
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EMI:: **shuffle…shuffle..**
TWEEK:: What are you doing?.
EMI:: Just— give me a sec..
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EMI:: YES!! I got the camera to stand up right!!
TWEEK:: Are you seriously recording us right now??
EMI:: Yup!
TWEEK:: Man, I thought we were just gonna hang out..
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EMI:: Hi There! I’m Emily (but please just call me by my nickname ‘Emi’) and this here is my best friend Tweek! Please ask us anything you desire! (But please keep it appropriate)
TWEEK:: Questions? Is this meant to be an ask blog?
EMI:: Yeah! I’ve always wanted to make one and let people learn about me!
TWEEK:: What if the wrong people ask you questions?
EMI:: Like who??
TWEEK:: Y’know…creeps?
EMI::….Well, i’ll only answer certain questions then..
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