evepp · 4 years
oh my-
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evepp · 4 years
some things we should start romanticising
bike rides, especially when listening to music. the wind in your hair, the songs in your ears, every sound being quiet and living in your own bubble of lyrics. (edit: in some countries this is illegal and it can be dangerous - i had not thought of that and i apologise)
sitting in a bus. you’re going back home, maybe you’re reading a book or just looking outside of the foggy glass.
making tea. warming up the water, bringing it to a simmer and closing the gas, pouring it into a ceramic mug, the perfume of tea leaves: it’s a ritual.
buying a new book. walking in a book store, reading the first page of a book that sounds interesting, choosing a book because of its cover, never having heard of that book.
reading the last page of a book. that one doctor who episode where the doctor says he rips the last page of each book he reads, reading the last line and feeling like all the air in your lungs is gone.
that one specific moment when you are coming back from a party and you’re walking the few last steps before getting home. 
writing your name on a new notebook. scribbling messy letters or trying hard to make it look pretty.
tying shoe laces. where are you even going?
picking a flower. getting off the road and into a patch of grass just to pick a yellow wild flower, pressing it in a book, or putting it in a glass of water.
finally getting to bed. the cold bedsheets, closing your burning eyes, the small sounds of the city.
-c. 23.07.20 6.15pm
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evepp · 4 years
okay but like does anyone else just want to get lost in an old bookstore rn cause i do.
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evepp · 4 years
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Royal Portuguese Cabinet of Reading, Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro by elensham
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evepp · 4 years
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wesh l’école est finie 
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evepp · 4 years
sometimes i realise i'm a real person in a real world with real responsibilities. tragic.
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evepp · 4 years
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take all of my closest friends to the old calm house, where we can be closer to nature, wearing in vintage clothing, spend our free time discussing philosophical thoughts and books, drink a lot of tea and just relaxing from noisy world
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evepp · 4 years
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kinda got lost in a fairy forest today.
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evepp · 4 years
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evepp · 4 years
(n.) The journey of changing one's mind, heart, self, or way of life; spiritual conversion.
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evepp · 4 years
wish my hair grew little flowers on its own how neat would that be
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evepp · 4 years
I often wonder what my pets have named me. Humans are a visual species and like to name our pets based on their aspect or colour, so I think my dog with his smell-based worldview would come up with a smell name. I imagine something cute and cheerful and a little over the top in a dog way, like Applefriend Cake, because my laundry product gives my clothes a sweet, slightly apple-y smell which might remind Pandolf of happy memories of tasting cake crumbs. Unless he was feeling serious the day he named me, and basing himself on the fact that I read a lot and my hands often smell like book pages when I pet him, and went with something more decorous that translates to Paperdust Pal. Cat naming conventions are more enigmatic since they are less preoccupied with human affairs. My catgiven name was probably the result of a secret ballot vote among my cats, who decided upon something that resonates with cat history and heritage—a dated, unfashionable name if they felt a duty to honour one of their ancestors or if I’m lucky, a mythological figure from cat lore.
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evepp · 4 years
i love it
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My Gorgon character got a make over
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evepp · 4 years
im crying
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evepp · 4 years
fuck everything. I'm running away into the forest with my cats to build a cottage and I'm not coming back
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evepp · 4 years
god, why am i such nORmAL kid. i didn't get a hogwarts letter. not a demigod staying in camp half-blood. im not even qualified in sky high uGHHh
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evepp · 4 years
hello, cottagecore is great and goblincore is awesome, so i want a pet frog. can someone inform me on the basics on what i’ll need or how much it costs? thanksss
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