I. Do not wish to post this on my main blog, and it is not poetry, however
Stories that are about people and their actual struggles, about growing as a person, about finding out who you want to be as a person
Are sometimes hard to watch when you dont have direction. Of course that is part of why i love them so much but I cant get over
The way Id want to be in 10 years is dead. And that is. Not what i want to be thinking, but I am long past where i expected to live to, and while i try and try to plan and functiin and do the day to day and be there for and with the people i care about I just
Im so tired, and if I am this tried now when will I not be tired? If I can barely get out of bed and do the most basic of self maintenance how do i expect myself to find stable job?
When i was younge ri wanted to move out at 16. It hs been 4 years since that goal but it feels like so much just. Getting methaphorically beaten down in how much i cant follow through
Because. I know I have a lot of time ahead of me, and I know it will likely get better in a theoretical sense, but often it just doesnt seen worth it, why am i putting myself throught this? I dont enjoy life i just. I wish i did i try so much, i go outside, i
I dont know what to do, my home life took a turn for the worse a few years ago after an incident
And I feel like i need to explain myself and ny situation, to justify how i feel, to have a reason for being so tired and dyfunctional
But I know, Its not that. Because I hit 15 andIjust. I lost any idea of purpose or. J ust. I had a huge depressive episode, there are several months of it I barely even remember
And it wasnt over something huge, it wasnt a life changibg event outaide of my control. It was a pile up of stress due to expectations and how easily i could logic myself out of doing what i actually want
Because I dont tell people what i want to do. At this point i dont think there is anything I truly want to do outside of decompose slowly in the mud. Preferebly cold and wet so i suffocate ina terrible manner to feel the adrenaline of it all
And its not good and its not reasonable but the mix of stress and hormones and then jsut. My own week willedness. I just. I dont stant my ground. And very few people who know me would ever sya that about me but I jsut. I dont say no, I jsut dont say yes because ill fail at doing more then half of anything
and i thought for the longest time that i didnt feel guilt, but it was jsut because almost all i felt Was guilt. For not being good enough, for not caring enough, for not doing enough, for not being Able to make myself more even when i know logically i should be able to
And i can rationalise my way out of anything and everyone close to me would be able to answer what. y goals are because i have plans. im decent at making plans
but i dont really want to follow thru with them. they are just me, grasping at straws trying my best and failing over and over again and
And I try so hard to build support networks, to make friends, i care so much about my friends but they jsut keep moving away and i keep failing at properly keeping the friendships as strong long distance and i just dont know what to do anymore
i jsut want someone to stay, to care for me and
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There are ten trillion pictures of flowering trees to the point where they sometimes seem trite and overdone. But then you see a tree in full flower and go holy shit this rules and I've gotta show this to everyone so they can experience the same magic and wonder and there are ten trillion and one pictures of flowering trees
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i do not wish to open the book because i know in it i will find a mirror and i dont think i need that at this moment, i am trying not to look so that i cant find what i already know is there
and i also know the words wont connect and there is a fog like a horses blinds around my eyes and i wont get it because i wont feel it the way a person would
even if the book is about not feeling human and like a farce
so. dramatic avoidance where i am more hung up on the shadows in the cave then the fire and what is actually there
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i wish so badly to be myself
because id like to see that person
i dont think weve ever met, but id like to know them
A person with emotions like all the others, not a thinking and turning gramophone, not a record repeating, the needle stuck
because there is no difference in going and repeating, for to change you first have to be, and i havent yet met me
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@nosebleedclub / jan. #24
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I'd listen to your hums and tell myself you're justified
Everytime you told me
To give up my crafts.
I'd stop my sketches, my writings, my music
My play, my feelings, my thoughts
And follow you down the path you carved for me,
All the while you kept singing and your voice grew sweeter.
You were allowed to grow
Yet you forbade me to,
And now that I'm looking back on the years I wasted
Doing what you wanted me to
I feel like I'm justified
In wanting to ruin you, too.
Regardless, too late is too late, after all.
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My feather has dried out and the papers are torn...My ink's coagulated and the mind is worn...
Saying I'm tired without saying I'm tired
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the air of a childhood memory
always brushes by me
when i walk down that road
on which i hope to see someone
who is also remembering me
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Blown Fuse
Perhaps the numbness
Isn't the absence of emotion
But the overwhelm of them.
The way laying down
With your pet
Cracks sunlight through the shell.
The way I think
Seeing you in all black
Could pull me out of this hell.
Perhaps the numbness
Came in the night.
When your body ached with so many feelings,
Too big for your frame.
Your soul cracked open,
And said
"Don't worry.
We'll feel these again,
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I know you want someone to take your hand..
Hold you close and tell you that they understand..
That the pain you feel will eventually fade away..
That you’ll find happiness in every day..
Now the tears, pour like rain from your pretty eyes..
And I could easily start to tell you a million lies..
You’re looking at me like with that hopeful stare..
Telling me that I’m selfish and that I don’t care..
I hear the stories, I listen to how it all went wrong..
I know you wanted to be happy, confident and strong..
But you’re hiding behind walls you want me to break..
Pointing out my every flaw, my every mistake..
Yeah you’re broken into a million little pieces..
Yeah you’re scared of being all alone and weak..
So you call me a monster because I can’t make you feel whole again..
You shut me up every time I try to speak..
Yeah I know that you’ve felt deep betrayal..
Yeah I know that you need reassurance all the time..
So you call me a monster because I can’t take away the pain that you’re feeling..
I’m not your saviour.. I’m trying to be mine.
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does a torrent sound like drip-drip-drop
or is the constant padering on a roof the knocks to come inside
or is it just the sky telling you to stop
to lay, to stay and linger, languidly waiting for the tide
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taunting winding turning gurgling winding around my troat
forward and around like an abandoned hospital's corridors
static lightning piling on top
and im burried alive but breathing
gasping and bleeding
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