fifisnothungry · 3 months
Please reblog if your an active ed account in Feb ‘24 my feed lately is so empty it’s mad.
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fifisnothungry · 3 months
somebody in my one class just said, "fifi's literally anorexic." LIKE WHAT? i've never been diagnosed ofc and i dont go around saying that im anorexic.... this is so validatinggggg
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fifisnothungry · 3 months
You want to be skinny?
Don't worry, I know how.
We can start as early as now.
We can start easy
Cut back on calories, exercise more.
Now when we stand, we will feel a little queasy.
But that just means it's working.
Now, we will cut back some more.
Make sure you eat less than 1000 calories a day.
You may start to pass out on the floor,
But that's fine.
Keep going.
If we keep going, we will look good in this top,
Or look like one of those models in the makeup shop.
We need to lose more weight.
So that means we'll cut back again.
No more than 500 calories now.
We also have to get out of dinner
Otherwise we will start to look like a cow.
They're concerned about us?
Doesn't matter.
They're just jealous because we are weightless.
They wish they had our self control.
Keep going, we must reach our goal.
Let's lose more.
Why not?
We can reach 80.
We've passed out in Gym class.
Now you've really screwed our ass.
They will probably take us to the hospital now.
FYI, you still look like a cow.
At least we look good in our hospital gown.
Our collarbones protrude, all of our bones are sticking out.
We could have lost more, though.
We only did so-so.
CW:116.54 lbs
CGW:90 lbs
UGW:75 lbs
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fifisnothungry · 11 months
GUYS I NEED HELP. I'm going to a golf camp in a week and I know that they give you lunch there (I skip breakfast and lunch then eat when my mum makes me eat dinner) and I'm not sure how to hide it. My sister will be there aswell, so I can't just say I'm not hungry. And thats what I would normally do, or I would shove it up my sleeves then ask to use the bathroom and throw it out there. But its going to be hot and I won't be able to wear a sweater. PLEASE IF YOU HAVE ANY IDEAS AT ALL COMMENT ON THIS BECAUSE I'M REALLY WORRIED.
gw: 90 lbs
cw: 112 lbs
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