foxprince90 · 1 year
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Chapter Thirteen // Hymn Singer is now posted!
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foxprince90 · 1 year
Some of the music I find vibing with Serpentine Shadows as I write throughout the lonely quiet nights
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foxprince90 · 1 year
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moodboard for chapter twelve of Serpentine Shadows
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foxprince90 · 1 year
The Poem referenced in Chapter 7 of Serpentine Shadows:
All of Her
Charles Baudelaire
The Devil into my high room
This morning came to pay a call,
And trying to find me in fault
Said: "I should like to know,
Among all the beautiful things
Which make her an enchantress,
Among the objects black or rose
That compose her charming body,
Which is the sweetest." — O my soul!
You answered the loathsome Creature:
"Since in Her all is dittany,
No single thing can be preferred.
When all delights me, I don't know
If some one thing entrances me.
She dazzles like the Dawn
And consoles like the Night;
And the harmony that governs
Her whole body is too lovely
For impotent analysis
To note its numerous accords.
O mystic metamorphosis
Of all my senses joined in one!
Her breath makes music,
And her voice makes perfume!"
— William Aggeler, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)
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foxprince90 · 1 year
The Poem referenced in Chapter 10 of Serpentine Shadows:
At Dawn
O Hesper-Phosphor, far away
    Shining, the first, the last white star,
Hear’st thou the strange, the ghostly cry,
That moan of an ancient agony
From purple forest to golden sky
    Shivering over the breathless bay?
It is not the wind that wakes with the day;
    For see, the gulls that wheel and call,
    Beyond the tumbling white-topped bar,
Catching the sun-dawn on their wings,
    Like snow-flakes or like rose-leaves fall,
Flutter and fall in airy rings;
    And drift, like lilies ruffling into blossom
   Upon a golden lake’s unwrinkled bosom.
Are not the forest’s deep-lashed fringes wet
With tears? Is not the voice of all regret
    Breaking out of the dark earth’s heart?
She too, she too, has loved and lost; and we—
We that remember our lost Arcady,
Have we not known, we too,
The primal greenwood’s arch of blue,
The radiant clouds at sunrise curled
Around the brows of the golden world;
The marble temples, washed with dew,
To which with rosy limbs aflame
The violet-eyed Thalassian came,
Came pitiless, only to display
How soon the youthful splendour dies away;
    Came, only to depart
Laughing across the gray-grown bitter sea?
For each man’s life is earth’s epitome,
And though the years bring more than aught they take,
Yet might his heart and hers well break
Remembering how one prayer must still be vain,
    How one fair hope is dead,
    One passion quenched, one glory fled,
With those first loves that never come again.
How many, how many generations,
    Have heard that sigh in the dawn,
When the dark earth yearns to the unforgotten nations
    And the old loves withdrawn,
Old loves, old lovers, wonderful and unnumbered
    As waves on the wine-dark sea,
’Neath the tall white towers of Troy and the temples that slumbered;
    In Thessaly?
From the beautiful palaces, from the miraculous portals,
    The swift white feet are flown!
They were taintless of dust, the proud, the peerless Immortals
    As they sped to their loftier throne!
Perchance they are there, earth dreams, on the shores of Hesper,
    Her rosy-bosomed Hours,
Listening the wild fresh forest’s enchanted whisper,
    Crowned with its new strange flowers;
Listening the great new ocean’s triumphant thunder
    On the stainless unknown shore,
While that perilous queen of the world’s delight and wonder
    Comes white from the foam once more.
When the mists divide with the dawn o’er those glittering waters,
    Do they gaze over unoared seas—
Naiad and nymph and the woodland’s rose-crowned daughters
    And the Oceanides?
Do they sing together, perchance, in that diamond splendour,
    That world of dawn and dew,
With eyelids twitching to tears and with eyes grown tender,
    The sweet old songs they knew,
The songs of Greece? Ah, with harp-strings mute do they falter
    As the earth like a small star pales?
When the heroes launch their ship by the smoking altar
    Does a memory lure their sails?
Far, far away, do their hearts resume the story
    That never on earth was told,
When all those urgent oars on the waste of glory
    Cast up its gold?
    Are not the forest fringes wet
    With tears? Is not the voice of all regret
    Breaking out of the dark earth’s heart?
    She too, she too, has loved and lost; and though
    She turned last night in disdain
         Away from the sunset-embers,
    From her soul she can never depart;
    She can never depart from her pain.
    Vainly she strives to forget;
    Beautiful in her woe,
         She awakes in the dawn and remembers.
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foxprince90 · 1 year
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moodboard for serpentine shadows
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foxprince90 · 1 year
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This story is now active and posted on ao3! I'll be posting odds and ends here on my blog for it and, of course, updating it through primarily ao3 at this time.
You can find it here -> Serpentine Shadows
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foxprince90 · 2 years
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moodboard for In The Dark We're The Same
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foxprince90 · 2 years
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Teaser flyer for my story being worked on to prepare for eventual posting :)
This one will be Severus/Hermione
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foxprince90 · 2 years
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HQ version of the fic cover
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foxprince90 · 2 years
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A little flyer image for my current active fic that's posted here
Mature Content an unconventional pairing as well- Lumione
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foxprince90 · 2 years
Just a little space for me to share updates, random things, aesthetics, and such that pertain to or remind me of my current fics. At this time, I have one actively posted fic, one non active, and one actively being written but not yet posted.
•In The Dark We're The Same (Non Active - Pulled)
•Throwing My Soul (Non Active)
•Serpentine Shadows (Active and now posted!)
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