5 Health Tricks that people often overlook
5 Health Tricks that people often overlook
By David Hernandez
Water for circulation
     Today health has played a significant role in the life of many especially during the virus epidemic. Water plays an important role as it keeps us hydrated and can help blood transport oxygen to your cells. Drinking at least 8 glasses a day may help with migraines and headaches. Another important aspect of water is that is dilutes minerals in the kidneys, which may prevent the form of kidney stones.
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The Secrets of Fiber
     Fiber can be found in plants such as broccoli and carrots. It is very beneficial to the body because it cleans the colin. Eating it can be easy when the vegetables are steamed so it’s easier for digestion. The fiber acts as a cleaning agent when it passes through the body and is very beneficial as it also contains vitamins.
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Eating with the seasons
     It’s important to dedicate the menu with items that are grown in season. Certain fruits such as strawberries for example do not grow in the winter, which prevent it from being available. At times these berries can be found during the off season, but it may be harmful because it is imported from another region. Choosing a local farmers market is a great way to learn local produce that is grown during different parts of the seasons.
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Healthy Carbs
     There are many temptations when eating carbs as it’s very easy to choose a flavorful meal. Healthy carbs can make the difference when bettering one’s health such as choosing whole grain bread over traditional white bread. Overtime the bad carbs build up and may cause the increase in cholesterol. Some foods to avoid as well are snack foods that have many diary related ingredients. Balancing this temptation is the key for a healthy body and mind.
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Food with healthy fats
     Can you believe that there are foods with fats that are beneficial for your health? It’s hard to expect as the media always labels fats as being a bad omen. There are alternatives to unhealthy fats commonly found in fast food chains such as healthy omegas. While there are a variety of healthy omegas, fish oil is a common choice when choosing a healthy fat for one’s diet. Another healthy option is olive oil, which has a variety of different antioxidants that is very beneficial for one’s health.
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Pandemic Echos hitting  these 4 major Industries
     The restaurant industry has been a devastating scene as many local businesses have closed permanently. Still, while some remain open there is a sparse light of hope that businesses will return to normal in the near future. COVID cases have rocked the industry and the unpredictable rise still seems to be climbing. Chef owners such as Michael Lomonaco in New York City has laid off 200 workers due to the pandemic. There is a tight window of opportunity for workers in the industry, but still as the Chef mentioned in an interview, “Staying focused on the future helps me get through the day” there is hope in preparing for a better tomorrow.” 
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Photo by Helena Lopes
     Schools seem to have been hit the hardest by the pandemic. Especially when one person is infected it becomes a risk of others being affected. New York City for example shut down the public schools when 3% of tests for Covid-19 turned out positive. Mayor Bill de Blasio mentioned in an interview with the public that even though schools are temporary closed, the standards of public safety will be better than they were. It comes to no surprise that industry workers are also hard hit by the spread of the virus. The profession of Professors has declined per number of job openings from 14,247 to 8,651. There are more downfalls of schools closing than people have thought before, many professors don’t have students to tend for. This hardest hit industry needs hope to continue to improve standards and become able to be open to the public once again.
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Photo by August de Richelieu
     Office jobs are non-existent with closures of many businesses. There seems to be a lack of motivation to also open offices back up because many businesses have been forced to have employees work from home. This state guidance has declined many occupations in the industry, most notably office receptionists. Job openings have declined 35% from October 2019 openings of 17,826 to October 2020 openings at 11,627. Accounts payable specialist jobs have decreased even more at 37% from similar October figures. There isn’t a significant demand for these professions whilst the pandemic has changed the way people do business outside of their home.
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Photo by Pixabay
     Commercial businesses have also been largely impacted by the spread of the virus. According to a recent figure the average growth of the industry has decreased 5.5% from 2015 to 2020. It seems to show that lease companies are having a difficult time getting businesses to continue staying amidst the panic. Work at home protocols have also added to the decrease in businesses extending contracts. There isn’t much motivation for businesses to return if customers are going to avoid the virus by staying at home and shopping elsewhere.
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Top 5 Conglomerates Over Polluting the World
1. BP in Gulf Of Mexico
     In 2010, the Deepwater Horizon erupted in flames and caused one of the greatest oil spills in marine oil-drilling history. BP’s oil drilling was operating in Macondo Prospect and spewed 4 million barrels of oil into the ocean. Although, the waste spill was significant only 11 workers lost their lives. Many complaints and law suits were filed against BPM for failing to comply with the Clean Water Act. Many marine species were disturbed by the spill including juvenile Kemp’s Ridley sea turtles, whom perished and bottle nosed dolphins suffered reproductive harm from the effects of the oil levels.
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2. Exxon Valdez in Alaska
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     The Exxon Valdez was one of the most major spills worldwide. This occurred off the coast of Alaska in an area known as the Prince William Sound Reef. The Exxon Valdez was a mega tanker transporting oil when the ship struck the reef and spewed 10.8 million US gallons of crude oil. There were many accusations for the spill, but through evidence the ship did not have a functioning radar to avoid the land collision. There wasn’t a safety protocol to avoid the collision. The accident was similar to the Deep water horizon in terms of waste volume as the effects still linger to this day. Since 1989, the spill devastated the ecosystem in proximity of the spill killing many sea otters, wild birds, seals, and salmon that were dependent on the natural resources. Though the Exxon Valdez was destined to dock in Long Beach, CA it ended up meeting its fate as being one of the worst oil spills in history. (https://en.wikipedia.org)
3. Darvaza Gas Crater
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(amazingworldreality.com)      In Turkmenistan during the 1960’s was a oil drilling accident causing one of the most natural disaster’s still lingering till today. As the oil drill was looking for pockets of oil found in the local area it hit an unexpected air pocket and collapsed causing a cavern crator from above. To everyone’s disbelief it also spewed out natural methane gas, affecting nearby towns. In 1980 scientists came together to burn the excess gas in hopes of relieving the waste. Till this day the creator has been nick named “The gates of hell” as it is still burning to this day. A natural landmark has renamed this accidental disaster into a popular destination for tourists in Turkmenistan.
4. California Oil Spill
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     During the year of 1969 the shores of Santa Barbara were filled in oil. It was the Union oil rig that broke down and spilled 4.2 million gallons of crude oil onto the water. Major environmental harm resulted in this great disaster, notably it’s blackening of the sands. If you look close enough into today the sand still has a florescent color to the waste spilled. It’s affects are still noticeable, but worse is its effects on the marine ecosystem. There isn’t much evidence on the exact animals harmed during the spill, but as one can see there still hasn’t been a clean-up since the disaster.
5. Huntington Beach Oil Spill
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     Another of the tragic disasters on the list is the Huntington Beach Oil Spill. The American Tanker suffered from rock punctures in shallow waters and of which resulted in 417,000 crude oil spilled into the ocean. Many of which were seen in the discoloration of the nearby sand shores. It was reported that the disaster killed approximately 3,400 birds. The difference between this spill was that local citizens cleaned up the spill by April 3rd, which reduced the environmental harm for generations to come. Although there is still oil in the sands, the collective effort of the clean-up saved many marine and land species in the affected area.
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Big 5 Economy Foundations
By David Hernandez
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In today’s world there are lots of businesses making it to the top of the totem pole, while others succumb to desperate liquidation such as JC Penny. People see money moving around like it doesn’t mean anything. I can assure you that it does and I’ll go over the big 5 foundations that should not be overlooked.
1. Health
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     Health is a big priority that often Americans take for granted. Did you know that if you just drink 8 glasses of water a day, you may feel better? Feeling good often results in doing well in your career or if you play sports it results in high performance. Not having enough water may also increase the risk of a migraine or a headache studies show. Water is the building block of life. Drink your water and staying hydrated will become second nature.
2. Transportation
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     People need to move from one place to another, whether it is through a local transit such as a metro station or requesting an Uber. According to IbisWorld, the Taxi & Limousine service industry has 1,334,035 businesses, as a comparison there are 959,332 hair salons. The transportation industry is one of the largest and it consists of domestic travel such as airline flights. Besides, who wouldn’t want to get away to a island such as Barbados?
3. Leisure
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     Leisure consists of hotels such as ritzy stays like the Ritz Carlton or modern sanctuaries like the Marriot. The tourism industry is a large sector of the market generating over $1.6 trillion in
economic output as of 2017, Although with the recent health guidelines it has taken a big hit. None the less businesses in this sector makes up a large part of the commercial real estate in the U.S.A.
4. Restaurants
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     The fourth is a favorite, restaurants. Restaurants such as Applebee’s and TGI Fridays present many delicious options for everyday people. Though with recent guidelines they are affected but have adjusted their take out options to include curbside pickup & delivery. There are many chains that shut down their doors such as California Pizza Kitchen, but that is all a part of the market. As one door closes another one opens.
5. Finance
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     Fifth is you guessed it the finance market. The finance market is the most important because it should be obvious, it handles the money! In the United States there was an estimated $114,5 billion in financial services exported in 2017 alone. Without the responsibility of managing complex cash flows and company statements there would be chaos! It’s equally reflective when businesses generate large profits. There’s great growth, who doesn’t like a positive bottom line?
The big 5 industries are building the blocks to the U.S. economy. With so much occurring in our world, the big 5 are happening right now, all around us.
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