tag yourself-seven deadly sins
lust: lace blouses, stargazing, french pastries, whispered secrets, lovely baths, impulsive shopping, plants on a windowsill, ice cream sundaes, concerts, soft voices
sloth: oversized sweaters, dreamy sunsets, gold sunlight, doodling, sunflower fields, paint smears on clothes, the smell of tangerines, writing in a diary, vivid dreams
envy: silver necklaces, flannel shirts, sharp eyeliner, neon lights, cursive handwriting, bullet journals, leather purses, finding loose change, tired eyes, classic movies
gluttony: iced tea, cuddles, soft blankets, evening laughter, a slow dance, washi tape, tousled hair, procrastination, learning foreign words, city lights at night
wrath: killer heels, leather jackets, sewn-on patches, firm baked cookies, red lipstick, 90s music, dusty book piles, pictures of clouds, fresh snow, evening drives
pride: fountains in city squares, jazz music, cozy apartments, turtleneck sweaters, smokey eyes, acoustic songs, pastel colors, strawberries, nostalgia, improv comedy
greed: glossy makeup, enamel pins, 2am texts, charm bracelets, denim jackets, calligraphy, classic movies, vintage mirrors, wax sealed envelopes, good grades
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A VA Commission for Tarma Hartley by @prozdvoices . Based on my Mafia/Baker AU romance fic, Lapsus Or Pie-Eyed Over You? His Patreon page: http://www.patreon.com/ProZD Mafia/Baker AU comics that this fic is based on are by @nimpnawakproduction XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX Oh my lord, I LOVE THIS SO FREAKIN MUCH! IT’S SO FREAKIN A AWESOME! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! :) *highfive* It’s UTTER PERFECTION, AS ALWAYS! The voice nuances are absolutely spot on-AS ALWAYS-and the romance comes through loud and clear. It’s silly romantic fluff and I’m quite a hopeless romantic, I admit it. The fic itself is one romantic cliche after another but who cares? It’s cute, sweet and romantic! :D I’m sitting here listening to the fic VA-the entire fic appears in this VA-and I have a HUGE, BIG, GOOFY STUPID GRIN on my face, giggling like a schoolgirl. *I couldn’t help but laugh when Phoenix is trying so hard to express how he feels and, like all the silly, cheesy romantic plots they use in romantic comedies, its just endearingly cute. He’s adorable when he’s flustered!* I also loved it when Phoenix finally blurted out what he thought that Miles said-which he did, by the way, he just wasn’t aware of it-and Miles is, in turn, flustered. He really wants to ask him out and had an idea of how he wanted to go about it and then he blurts out his true feelings when he’s busy reading some of his correspondence. It’s so damned cute, adorable and just plain sweet when he’s flailing around trying to express himself and he’s having as much trouble as Phoenix is. What decides it is the crestfallen tone Phoenix’s voice has when he says “Oh” and Miles says the heck with his idea and does exactly as he’s wanted to for the past four months: he kisses him first and then asks him out. I loved the tone in Miles’ thoughts when he’s kissing Phoenix: that sexy, smooth tone when he thinks “I could get used to this” and that made me giggle foolishly, too. :”) Miles has such a sweet lilt to his voice when he asks Phoenix out and I adore the playful tone that Phoenix has when he says “I thought you’d never ask… Miles” and that laugh of pure joy made me melt into an oooey, gooey mess inside. AWESOME, AMAZING, FANTASTIC & ALL AROUND SPECTACULAR, AS ALWAYS, PROZ! YOU’RE A FREAKIN A GENIUS! I’M VERY, VERY PLEASED WITH MY VA COMMISSION! :) Hope you enjoy listening to it as much as I do! :) HEADS UP: The next two VA’s I’m going to post at some point are angsty so just a warning in advance.
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“Open wide, (name).”
“Spread your legs for me, (name).”
“Let me taste you, please (name).” 
“Your ass/pussy looks so nice. I need a taste.” 
“My tongue has missed your ass/pussy so much.”
“Don’t hold back, now. I wanna know how much you love my tongue.”
“You want my tongue? Beg me for it.”
“You want my tongue? Ride it.” 
“Come sit on my face, (name).” 
“Can I try sitting on your face?”  
“Fuck. I could eat you up.”
“I’m so hard/wet. Want a taste?” 
“I’m gonna make you scream, only using my tongue.” 
“I was hoping I could skip straight to dessert.”
“Please, I need your tongue~”
"I wonder if I’ll choke on you this time.”
“That feels amazing, (name). Don’t stop~”
“You’re shivering. Does that mean you want more?”
“Don’t bite!”
“Fuck me with your tongue.” 
“Slow– slow down.”
“A little more. I know you can take it.” 
“You can take more than that, can’t you?”
“That’s it, keep going~” 
“Fuck my face.” 
“Would you do that thing with your tongue for me again?” 
“Am I pulling your hair too hard?”
“Fuck. So good. Just a little deeper.”
“I’m close… Just a few more seconds…”
“I could just slide your panties aside and-”
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Random Smut Starters
“Fuck me harder.”
“Spank me.”
“Slow down…”
“You should spank me.”
“I wanna be choked.” 
“A little faster…”
“Choke me, (name).” 
“Keep counting with me – four… five…”
“You remember your safe word, right?”
“Okay… you can move now.”
“Please? I know I can take it.”
“Fill me up, (name).”
“I feel so full…”
“I can taste myself on your kisses…”
“Beg for my cock.”
“Play with my nipples.”
“You’re so hard~” 
“Fuck me like you hate me.”
“Pull my hair.”
“You’re so fucking tight.” 
“Dripping wet and I haven’t even touched you yet…”
“I need you inside me. Now.” 
“I can’t wait that long. I wanna take you right here.”
“I wanna watch you ride me.”
“You’re taking my cock so well, (name).”
“I love your cock/pussy, (name).”
“More… I need more.”
“You’re so full already, do you think you can take more?”
“Bad boys/girls don’t get to make the rules.”
“You’re being punished – no coming until I say so.”
“I’m so close…”
“Fuck! Right there!”
“I’m not sure if you can take all of me…”
“I don’t know if that’s going to fit…”
“Do you wanna use the toys tonight?”
“On your knees. Just like we practiced.”
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    change any gendered language to your needs.  ♡
“   you  don’t  have  to  hide  your  tears  from  me .   ” “   you’re  doing  great ,   okay ??   i mean it .   ” “   you  are  so  strong .   ” “   please  don’t  ever  give  up .   ” “   i  will  always  believe  in  you .   ” “   why  do  you  always  think  you  have  to  do  everything  on  your  own ??   ” “   it’s  okay ,   i’m  here .   i’ll  always  be  here .   ” “   you’ve  always  been  strong  for  me .   let  me  return  the  favor .   ” “   just  listen  to  my  heartbeat ,   okay ??   ” “   come  on ,   take  a  deep  breath .   it’s  gonna  be  alright .   ” “   please ,   just  hold  me .   ” “   you  always  meant  the  world  to  me .   i’m  sorry  i  let  you  forget  that .   ” “   i  never  stopped  loving  you .   ” “   you’ll  feel  better  if  you  talk  about  it .   i’m  here  to  listen .   ” “   you’re  so  much  more  than  the  mistakes  you’ve  made .  ” “   i  forgive  you .   ” “   you  are  so  fucking  powerful .   ” “   i’m  not  leaving  you  here .   ” “   i  trust  you  more  than  anyone  else  in  this  universe .   ” “   it’s  okay  to  be  confused .   nobody  has  all  the  answers .   ” “   i’m  so ,   so  sorry .   you  didn’t  deserve  that .   ” “   healing  is  not  linear ,   but  it’s  always  moving  forward .   ” “   you  can  admit  that  you’re  hurting .   it’s  okay  to  not  be  okay .   ” “   hold  my  hand ??   ” “   you  are  my  home .   ” “   no  matter  what  anyone  else  says ,   you  are  so  important  to  me .   ” “   don’t  worry .   i’ll  protect  you .   ” “   shh ,   it  was  just  a  nightmare .   you’re  safe .   ” “   don’t  talk  about  yourself  like  that .   ” “   just  say  the  word .   you  know  i’d  do  anything  for  you .   ” “   you  are  loved .   ” “   i  just  need  a  hug .   ” “   i’ll  destroy  anything  that  so  much  as  thinks  of  harming  you .   ” “   don’t  ever  let  anyone  make  you  feel  ashamed  of  who  you  are .   ” “   you’re  not  alone .   you’re  stuck  with  me  forever .   sorry .   ” “   well ,   hello  sleeping  beauty .   you  fell  asleep  on  me .   ” “   if  you  don’t  take  your  butt  back  to  bed ,   i  will  carry  you  there  myself .   ” “   i’m  sorry  to  wake  you  up ,   but  i  really  need  someone  to  talk  to .   ” “   i  hate  seeing  you  like  this   …   please ,  let  me  help .   ” “   you  are   &   always  will  be  precious  to  me .   ” “   i  can’t  believe  that  asshole  said  that  to  you .   it’s  not  true ,   you  know .    ” “   you  want  me  to  punch  him  in  the  face  ??   ” “   you  deserve  every  good  thing  in  the  world .   ” “   you  know  i  always  have  your  back .   ” “   you  don’t  have  to  worry  about  anything ,   as  long  as  i’m  around .   ” “   stop  apologizing ,   okay ??   i’ve  already  told  you  i’ve  forgiven  you  a  hundred  times now .   ” “   don’t  beat  yourself  up  over  this .   be  kind  to  yourself ,   it’s  not  your  fault .   ”
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less cringy NSFW/intimacy memes
ACTIONS: (add + to reverse who does the action)
✦ to finger my muse  ✧ to give my muse oral  ☆ to get caught doing something sexual in public ✻ to catch my muse masturbating  ✸ for a drabble about my muse having a sex dream about yours ❆ to tease my muse  ❁ for our muses first time  ✶ for something awkward to happen during sex ♢ for something to make our muses laugh during sex  ♤ for my muse to help yours undress  ☽ for my muse to have trouble taking off an article of clothing  ♧ to guide my muse’s hands where yours wants to be touched  ♜ for my muse to kiss an area where yours is insecure  ♞ my muse gets a cramp during sex ♦ my muse sneezes during sex ♟ my muse says the wrong name during sex ✪ for our muses to be intimate in nature © for morning sex  ✘ to eat food off of my muse  ♕ make your own scenario 
“god, you look so good”  “fuck—” “i got you, baby”  “you’re being so good for me”  “i promise i’ll be a good”  “please”  “you have to be quiet if you want to cum”  “say please?”  “are you gonna be good for me?”  “shit— i have to pee” “wait, that hurts” “not there” “that feels so good”  “touch me here”  “did you just yawn?”  “you make me feel so good”  “do you like this?”  “i want to hear you when you cum”  “i’m so close”  “i need you”  “how much do you want to cum?” “turn around” “your fingers feel amazing” “i’m yours”  “you’re mine” “tell me you’re mine”  “you sound so pretty when you moan”  “harder” “wait—” “is this okay?” “say it again” “i love you”
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Injured/Bleeding Sentence Starters
“That’s a lot of blood…” 
“That’s not good…” 
“I think that’s more than a little cut.”
“You’re looking rather pale.”
“You’re bleeding!”
“That doesn’t look good…” 
“I don’t think that’s suppose to come out.” 
“That’s a bit of an interesting angle for that to go at.” 
“How do I get it to stop?!” 
“How are you still standing?!”
“Don’t get up, you’ll make it worse.” 
“What happened to you?”
“I can’t feel my fingers anymore…” 
“Everything hurts.” 
“Is everything supposed to go dark?”
“Ow, yeah, okay, that’s starting to hurt.” 
“It’s just a cut.” 
“I’ve had worse.” 
“You’re bleeding all over my floor!” 
“You better not die on me.” 
“They got a lucky shot…” 
“Next time don’t call me to come over only to find you in a pool of your own blood!” 
“You need to keep pressure on it.” 
“Don’t move!” 
“That looks nasty.” 
“Am I dying?” 
Send 🔪+ your own
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high quality meme starters
taken from all over the internet, some specifically from the youtube channel siIvagunner . 
❝ can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh BONELESS PIZZA ❞
❝ and his name is ……. JOHN CENA ! ❞
❝ succ ❞
❝ n - nani ?!? ��
❝ omae wa, mou shindeiru . ❞
❝ how many layers of irony are you on right now ? ❞
❝ [ obnoxious sound of the ever popular rickroll ] ❞
❝ they see me rollin’ . they hatin’ . ❞
❝ todokete, setsunasa ni wa ! ❞
❝ nice of the princess to invite us over for dinner, gay __ ? ❞
❝ i hope she made lotsa spaghetti ! ❞
❝ it’s the nutshack ! ❞
❝ whoa …. whoa …. whoa …….. WHOA ! WHOAWHOAWHOAWHOAWHOA — ❞
❝ gee ! it sure is BORING around here ! ❞
❝ you know what they say: all toasters … toast toast ! ❞
❝ it’s hiiiiiiigh noon . ❞
❝ eyyyyyyyyy, sexy lady ! ❞
❝ nice . >:] ❞
❝ i’ll have a number nine large . ❞
❝ the more you know ! ❞
❝ look at my horse . my horse is amazing . ❞
❝ epic jojoke . ❞
❝ squadala, we’re off ! ❞
❝ are you sure about that ? ❞
[ dabs ]
❝ let it go ! let it go ! ❞
❝ are you …. a real villain ? ❞
❝ well, uh … technically, uh …. nah . ❞
❝ we are number one ! ❞
❝ notice me, senpai ! ❞
❝ you’re gonna have a bad time  - sans undertale [ 2015 ] ❞
❝ pokemon go to the polls . ❞
❝ is only game . why u hef to be mad ? ❞
❝ snooPINGAS usual i see . ❞
❝ POOTIS . ❞
❝ ECH . ❞
❝ do not presume . ❞
❝ i’m gay . ❞
❝ i have crippling depression ! ❞
❝ expand dong . ❞
❝ according to all known laws of aviation — ❞
❝ what the fuck did you just say to me you little bitch ? ❞
❝ i play pokemon go everyday ! ❞
❝ jesus christ it’s jason bourne . ❞
❝ taaaaaaaake oooooooooon meeeeeeeeee ! ❞
❝ all your base . now belong to us . ❞
❝ WOOMY . ❞
❝ i used to be an adventurer like you, until i took an arrow to the knee . ❞
❝ look at this dude . oh nononononono …. ❞
❝ i am the sand guardian, guardian of the sand ! ❞
❝ exotic butters . ❞
❝ gotta go fast ! ❞
❝ what does the fox say ? ❞
❝ pen pineapple apple pen . ❞
❝ get out of my swamp ! ❞
❝ look at all those chickens ! ❞
❝ i’m blue, dabudee dabudi . ❞
❝ thank you, __ ! but your princess is in another castle ! ❞
❝ here i come, rougher than the rest of them . ❞
❝ press f to pay respects . ❞
❝ the cake is a lie . ❞
❝ owo what’s this ? ❞
❝ now this is a story all about how my life got twisted upside down . ❞
❝ it’s lit, fam ! ❞
❝ yes, hello . i was wondering i you could play that song, again . ❞
❝ smoke weed every day . ❞
❝ but hey, that’s just a theory ! A GAME THEORY ! ❞
❝ is that a motherfucking jojo reference ??? ❞
❝ [ room on fire ] this is fine . ❞
❝ fuck the police, comin’ straight from the underground ! ❞
❝ this bitch empty . YEET ! ❞
❝ god i wish that was me . ❞
❝ fuck this shit i’m out . ❞
❝ [ knuckles voice ] oh no . ❞
❝ dicks out for harambe . ❞
❝ guess i’ll die . ❞
❝ ya like jazz ? ❞
❝ ow the edge ❞
❝ W H O M S T’ D V E ❞
❝ words can’t hurt me these shades are gucci . ❞
❝ __, shut the fuck up and get the fuck out . ❞
❝ it’s over nine thousand !! ❞
❝ rollin’ around at the speed of sound ! ❞
❝ but that all changed when the fire nation attacked . ❞
❝ that day, humanity received a grim reminder . ❞
❝ DOH ! ❞
❝ two to the one to the one to the three . ❞
❝ so long, gay bowser ! ❞
❝ inhale my dong enragement child ❞
❝ look at this photograph ! ❞
❝ souljia boy i tell ‘em . ❞
❝ you know i had to do it to ‘em . ❞
❝ wake me up [ WAKE ME UP INSIDE ] ❞
❝ can’t touch this . ❞
❝ deja vu ! i’ve just been in this place before ! ❞
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Reblog if you think that Persona 4 is still one of the best games ever made!
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Stuff I edited a month ago (btw credits to the people who own the pictures,I found the images at the internet so I don’t know who the people are)
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Honestly same
Me: "lmao guys I promise I'm not into that kinky stuff. I'm asexual pffft how could I???"
Also me: *plays Jumin's bad end in Mystic Messenger, spends 18 hours of my day looking through intense Viktuuri smut, reads Blood Bank and Killing Stalking*
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I just realized that half of the BL mangas/series/movies I’ve watch have gay blondies-
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