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[Poking my head around here again
Since lloyd almost had an conniption the other day at possibly rping with a kratos
he isn't completely dead
also i see mamma anna around
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The smiled pulled at his lips, growing bigger by the minute. The laughter of his friend brought it on, spurring his story and own emotional well being. After all, laughter was infectious.
"Yeah. We just turn it off now, unless I want to pick on Noishe." Lloyd explained, before a burst of embarrassment struck the lad. Bringing a hand up to the back of his neck, he messed with the strands of hair, before shrugging.
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"Well, he's usually trustworthy. But they were is favorite. I suppose I should understand...after all I"m the same." Another shrug. A almost nervous laugh, before the slight embarrassment got out of his system, and he was back to all smiles.
Though, he did follow Regal's eyes, taking in the floor too, and the marbles all over it. A question rose on his lips, about how the  marbles got there, and that's dangerous, he could trip on one, before his thought process was interrupted by the blue-haired man, and were placed by new thoughts.
"Well, I figured at least the night, if not longer. I dunno...I didn't really plan. Kinda just going with the flow." The words were complete with Lloyd's hand going out in front of him, making a motion to mimic the waves in the ocean.
"Why, you got a hot date with these papers? Should I leave you two alone~"
Holiday Intervention
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Oh. Makes sense.
And then we can go swimming!
I suppose I could, but it would really be much more convenient for us to stay in Altamira than at your place—there’s more room, you see.
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"You don't believe me! Fine! I'll go get one right now, and prove it to you!" Cue the huff and the stomping away, arms crossed and everything. That was, until he realized the work that would go into getting a reihard, and the fact that it'd probably take longer then fifteen minutes to get it. That slowed him down and caused him to stop, but his pride wouldn't let him admit defeat and turn back around.
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❉—"Believe what you will."
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"Really? You can?"
And just to test it out, he turned and dashed over to the window. Placing a glove on the window pane, he leaned forward, taking in the street below.
"Oh, it's pretty."
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Watching the bustle of people, the decorations Altamira put up....it was little wonder it was a sight to see. Being a tourist attraction, they pulled off all the stops. Turning slightly, so he could look back at Regal, he pulled off a childish huff.
"Fine, you win."
And shrugged his shoulders, turning into the room fully. "For now." As if it was a game. Taking his time making his way back to the desk, he raised his hands, shaking his head. "Still think a singing Santa wouldn't be amise. Though! You have to watch out. They scare dogs. Well...Noishe. They scare Noishe. Surprise him. He doesn't expect it to sing when he walks by. Last time, he tried to hide under the couch. Didn't really work!" His words increased tempo as he spoke, the hyperness from before infecting his mood once more, almost bouncing on his feet as he walked.
"He also tried to eat the presents last year. Probably shouldn't have put his treats in one."
Holiday Intervention
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Was Yuan trying to give him a hug?
And yet, he had this unspeakable urge to take a step back. And step back he did.
"Nothing happened. Just parted ways for the moment."
"Ah, but still, I thought you were going to travel at least in a pair, and yet here you are, alone.  Did something…happen?"
He brought his arms down into a position that, if he were not in a cactus, would look like he was offering a hug.   Since he WAS in a cactus though, the gesture was more menacing and needly.
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"I'll have you know I can drive just fine. Thank you."
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❉—"As you should."
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"Yeah...really...." He trailed off, hands slipping off the desk as he straightened himself up. Sobering up a bit from the caffeine high, mostly because Regal looked even more stressed since he stepped into the room, and Lloyd hadn't meant to cause that, he scratched his cheek, slightly swaying as he thought of how to respond.
"Not even a wreath though? How do you keep in the spirit then? You gotta be a part of it too." But then, his work spaces were always cramped with christmas cheer. Mostly because his work space was Dirk's living room. A small house meant not a lot of places for decorations. But Lloyd had always enjoyed the lights twinkling as he helped his Dad.
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Holiday Intervention
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A new challenger approaches. At least that's what flashed through Lloyd's mind the moment another blurr joined the fray. He almost turned the swords on the newcomer, wary to monsters joining the fight, and acting on instinct. But then the blur became human, a human helping him take down the monsters none-the-less.
And so he could focus more on the monsters, pulling his attention away from the now determined ally.
"Demon fang!" Sparks flew from his sword, trailing away to another monster, his other sword swung horizontally, protecting his open side as he recovered from his move.
"Two more!" he shouted, more for the benefit of himself and his new ally, as he set his sights on one of them, turning to run at it, intending to slash it down.
gentle-idealist started following you
It was strange, being back on Aselia, or maybe it was a world like it. Kira had already seen several worlds, different forms of the same world. Each one with the same people, but subtle differences every time. And so far, every world she’d seen, she had discovered that her individual existence was vastly different to her other ‘selves’. So she wasn’t sure if this was her own world, or another copy.
Still, the fresh air was nice, and the world was at peace. At least, it was more peaceful than it had been when she’d left. The reunification of the worlds had caused a small bit of trouble between Sylvarant and Tethe’alla, albeit not enough to start a war. That was something she had been afraid of happening, and she had been thankful when that wasn’t the case.
She was traveling, in much the same way that he had done in the other ‘copy’ worlds. Kira wasn’t really concerned about the risk of monsters, she had continued training on Derris-Kharlan, making sure to have that as part of her routine. So she was still more than capable of dealing with any monsters here. In fact, she could hear some monsters off in the woods nearby, and also… a familiar voice.
Lloyd. That was her first thought, and she was immediately worried. Without another thought, she dashed into the woods and found the brunet surrounded by a group of monsters. She knew that he was strong enough to handle them, but the thought of sitting idly by to watch made her nervous. Ignoring the warnings of her rational mind, she charged in, drew her sword in a flash, and killed the first monster with ease.
"Lightning!" She cast the spell at another monster, felling it as well. Whether or not this Lloyd knew who she was didn’t matter at the moment. All she cared about was making sure he didn’t get seriously hurt.
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"What am I doing here? I'm here to see you!" Lloyd answered swiftly, a cheesy grin plastered on his face. He even had a hand pointing up at his hair, in his signature victory pose. He deflated after that, going back to just hyper kid mode, rather then over the top mode.
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"Good thing too. Regal, there are no decorations in your office!" At this, he leaned against his, hands flat on the desk material...well, where there weren't stacks of paper. Even putting on a serious face. "There are..." he paused, eyebrows drawing together, as he tried to do math in his head.
Key word, tried.
"11....12....15! Wait...no...14! 14 days to Christmas Eve! Regal! You're not gonna be readyyyyy!" The all familiar whine made it into his voice, even a small pout, though for what, who knew.
Maybe he shouldn't have eaten half of the candy canes he brought before coming up here.
Holiday Intervention
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Dots. Dots is all he has for you. Stewing in the dots, as he tries to come up with an answer to that.
And further words didn't help.
"Traveling...as usual...gotta get the expheres after all."
"Why not?  You didn’t even know I was here until I said something, maybe I should have just stayed quiet…but where’s the fun in that."
He stood in all his prickly glory, but the silence that descended upon the two of the was extremely awkward, and he found himself needing to break it fairly quickly.
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"Why are you all the way out here…alone?"
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Holiday Intervention
It was just that time of year. A time when he would go bug dirk soon because christmas time was here. And family is important. But first, there were friends to visit. And friends to plan things with in the future so he could give presents.
Well, okay...get presents. Not that he wouldn't give some back. But presents man. Gotta catch them all.
But back to the friends. One particular friend needed visiting, if only because it had been so long since the time they traveled together. And the man had become a sort of mentor to him. Some one to confide in. And someone who had seen him in a weak moment, and had not thought less of him.
Not talking about the journey or regeneration here. A different, private moment. But that's another time and place and destroyed dinner.
This particular friend was a work-a-holic. Tended to his multi-million-gald company. And had to be pulled from his work from time to time.
Regal Byrant was his name.
But not the name of our character, currently bouncing his way up the stairs. Hand poised to knock at the desk, as he had already taken the train into Lorenzo company, and just needed to get the attention of the receptionist. Wearing, what only a mother could love him in. Or father in this case.
See, his father was a dwarf. Best at making swords and jewelry. Knitting was not one of his finer qualities. Sure, he could make a good plain shirt just fine. But make one of those christmas sweaters, because Lloyd wanted one. And even though they could afford one now, as business was picking up, a shirt from home meant more. After all, Lloyd wore it whenever he could, in all his....homelyness.
What could be called santa's sleigh started at the boys right hip. Reindeer, only a bit misshapen, crossed the boys chest, reaching his left shoulder. Bits of  blue starlight twinkled around the two...but it was drownded bye the colors of the material. Lloyd's choosing of course. Though Dirk had though to maybe change the colors, he, none-the-less, went with Lloyd's choices. Matching his normal shirt, reds and oranges, that tried to make a sunset, zigzagged across the sweater. A patch of blue near the bottom tried to pull off being snow, though it was blinding by the brillant colors above it. Snowman, along with presents, alternating every so often, tried to offset the bright colors with their smiles and colors, but they were lost too.
But Lloyd loved it. And wore it with pride. Though he'd get a few odd looks.
Like the one from the assistant right now, who had glanced up to the boy. However, it was an assistant that had been there for a while, and reconized Lloyd behind the sweater, and therefore, let him into the elevator. Where he rode it with yet another worker, who just shook his head, and kept quiet.
Being a friend of the boss had some perks, after all.
Two bings later, and chaos was let loose.
"Regaaaal! Time to-" But he stopped, two steps into the office, seeing....everything normal.
Now, everything normal in an office should be fine. But, for Lloyd, a friend of Regal's, it was not. Because christmas was around the corner. And there should at least be a wreath in the window, for crying out loud.
Thus, with a breath, he continued his sentence, as if he hadn't stopped. Even if the end subject matter had changed. "-Get ready for christmas!" He cheered, going over to greet the man at his desk.
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"Also, hiya!"
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There was that familiar feeling. Something that caused the hairs on the back of his neck to flare, making his makeshift song teeter our into nothing. And then he heard it. A voice that sent shivers down his spine, only because it was near, and he wasn't expecting it.
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"Summon flipping Martel, Yuan! Don't do that!" You old creep.
And he turned, seeing that smug grin, within a cactus. Why a cactus. Who knows. Maybe he should've been more suspicious  of that cactus in Triet. Noishe was thinking he was crazy when he said it wasn't moving away.
"Better not pout, or…wait…"
A soft voice through the trees. All bundled up against the chill of the air, a certain brunet made his way through the forest. At least there wasn’t a wind, or snow falling, making his trek an easy one.
"Better not pout, I’m telling you why~ Santa Claus is coming to town"
His swords were still at his hip though. Ready for an ambush. Though some of the monsters were now hibernating, a few nasties still roamed around, and they liked to nip at your toes. Not at all like Jack frost, who did your nose.
"He sees you when your sleeping…He knows when you’re awake….that’s kinda creepy. I never thought about that"
He paused, eyebrows creasing in though, before he shrugged, and the brunet continued on his way.
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"Better not pout, or...wait..."
A soft voice through the trees. All bundled up against the chill of the air, a certain brunet made his way through the forest. At least there wasn't a wind, or snow falling, making his trek an easy one.
"Better not pout, I'm telling you why~ Santa Claus is coming to town"
His swords were still at his hip though. Ready for an ambush. Though some of the monsters were now hibernating, a few nasties still roamed around, and they liked to nip at your toes. Not at all like Jack frost, who did your nose.
"He sees you when your sleeping...He knows when you're awake....that's kinda creepy. I never thought about that"
He paused, eyebrows creasing in though, before he shrugged, and the brunet continued on his way.
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I will be here on the days I feel up to rping
But I do know having Lloyd as an awake muse helps me out
So here's hoping he'll stick around
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I apologize for my abrupt disappearance. Unfortunetly, I will be unable to return to regular rping until summer, due to schedule and such.
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"Hm?" Head tilted, to say he heard, he couldn't stop the smile from growing on his lips. "No problem. I can handle a little cold. Better then you catching a cold yourself." He teased, hand half raising to ruffle her hair before he caught himself, a bolt of shyness running through him as he, instead, brought that hand behind his head, running through his own spikes.
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"Anyway...distraction time. Be ready to run." He quickly spouted, wanting to move the subject on, less his un-sly move be noticed. So with a quick flash of a grin, and a small salute, he abandoned the place behind the bush. Not having too many options, and now a self timer in his head, he looked for a good way to distract everyone, eyes landing on a trash can. 
Perfect, a loud noise. And it was even opposite of where Lucia should be running. 
Half a plan formed in his mind, he took off at a sprint, while at the same time trying to look distracted, like a bird caught his attention. Though, that worked a little too well, and he himself was taken by surprise when his knee's his the metal of the garbage can, stopping his sprint immediately.
However, it wasn't enough to trip him, and he knew he'd have to hold onto their attention just a bit longer, instead letting his torso bend so he made yet another bang with his hands slapping on the rims, literally using his body to move the trash can, as if he was trying to stabalize it.
And finally his voice, woah's and calm down's flowing from his lips, making as much a ruckas as he could, all until he felt enough seconds had passed, and he could stop the small act with a sigh of relief. 
M!A; T-Shirt for 5hrs
  Her eyes went towards the alleyway that Lloyd had mentioned. Thinking that maybe that will do for the moment, she nods in agreement. “O-Okay. Um, Lloyd?” she raised her head, “Th-Thank you… um, sorry for using your jacket. You must be cold…”
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He would have to be, since they were still in the beginning of spring. 
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