girlstakingupspace · 3 years
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We just updated the “Yoga Resources” tab with poses taught by Sonia!
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girlstakingupspace · 3 years
This is the shared playlist for the GTUS Winter 2021 Cohort! We made this playlist on spotify and it is on collaborative mode. This means you can add songs to the playlist!
How it works:
1. To add songs to the playlist, creating a spotify (its free). Then, pull up this playlist and start adding songs by clicking this link: 
2. If you are not comfortable creating a spotify account, just email songs you would like to add on the playlist to the program coordinator (Han).
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girlstakingupspace · 3 years
2021 East Bay Trails Challenge
Are you looking for a challenge for 2021? Do you live in the bay area? Do you want to engage your body and the outdoors? If the answer is yes, the 2021 East Bay Trail Challenge is for you!
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“To complete the challenge, hike five of the 20 trails, or 26.2 miles of trails within East Bay Regional Park District. You can submit your log, online or by mail, by December 1, 2021 and receive a commemorative pin, while supplies last. The pins will not be available until late June.”
Go to the website linked below for more information and to download the guidebook for your next adventure!
Link to the East Bay Trial Challenge:
Spending time outdoors is a magical learning experience! When you take a walk or go on a hike, you are able to witness the lives of so many plants and animals. The outdoors is a method of healing the mind for many.
I encourage you to give it a try!
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girlstakingupspace · 3 years
November 2, 2018: GTUS Fundraiser
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Girls Taking Up Space held its first fundraiser last Sunday in the beautiful hills of Berkeley, CA. Guests wrote messages to our girls and shared good intentions for our first cohort. I’m happy to announce that we reached our fundraising goal thanks to generous donations from LoWell Waters Brook and The Women's TransDance Temple. We are so grateful for the web of support that GTUS has received (special thanks to LoWell Waters Brook, Heather Monroe Pierce, and Barb and Shane Finley of Constant Disruptions Wine). Thank you for joining the movement.
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girlstakingupspace · 3 years
Letters to you
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Dear Girls, It can be liberating to take as well as to give. Often, taking for yourself what you need from the world is an act of giving a gift to one's self. You deserve all of these gifts that this life has to offer, especially the sweet, rich gifts you yourself can create. You are beautiful and strong; innocent and deeply experienced; you are the most grown right now as you have yet been, and you have so much blossoming yet to come. Take up space; we need you. -- Love, Ben
Hello lovely - Welcome to the first day of your life! Yes life can sometimes feel overwhelming, difficult and confusing, but remember each new day you get to tell the world who you are - with your actions, words, and the way you treat yourself & others. You are worthy of the world, even when you don't feel like it. You are loved by those you don't even know. You are protected by forces unknown. -- Elizabeth
We are happy to have you. You are the worthiest person I know - Welcome. -- Anonymous​
You are my hope for the world. -- Anonymous​
Dear One - There is no one else in the whole world who is exactly like you... no one who knows what you do, who sees through your eyes or feels with your heart. You are a unique gift. Listen and Learn and, when you grow confident, trust yourself. -- With Love Always, Lowell
Dear girls of GTUS, You are a vibrant, incredible gift to the world. Shine bright, baby girl. Embrace all of the unique qualities that make you you, even the ones you're not sure you like yet. Explore, run, dance, breathe and BE fully. Share your gifts with the world, and don't dull your shine for anyone. You deserve this space to just be you, to take chances, to make mistakes, and to continue to grow and evolve. -- In sisterhood + with love, Meha
You are amazing you are worth it take a deep breath whenever you feel down & sad and remember you are amazing you are worth it -- Anonymous
You are powerful, deserving, and capable. ♡ You are powerful: to create joy for others. You are deserving: of feeling joy yourself. You are capable: of providing joy. -- Anonymous
To our girls, You are diamonds! We need your brilliance and excellence to build the communities we all want and deserve! We believe in you! We are rooting for you! We love you! -- Diane
Dear girls of GTUS! You are bright, you are beautiful, you are powerful. And you are here! I am excited that you are now part of a new community of girls, and I look forward to all that you will create and learn together. ​Be big and go big things in the world; we've got your back! ♡ -- Tamara
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