gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
Odd version of The Ghost Of You
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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circa 2005 emo punk rock: a playlist from your youth
yellowcard - ocean avenue sum 41 - in too deep blink-182 - what’s my age again? good charlotte - the anthem fall out boy - this ain’t a scene, it’s an arms race green day - american idiot my chemical romance - helena (so long & goodnight) harvey danger - flagpole sitta paramore - misery business fall out boy - dance, dance panic! at the disco - lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off 3oh!3 - don’t trust me blink-182 - all the small things jimmy eat world - the middle the all-american rejects - move along sugarcult - memory simple plan - perfect linkin park - in the end good charlotte - girls & boys wheatus - teenage dirtbag lit - my own worst enemy jack’s mannequin - dark blue bowling for soup - almost boys like girls - the great escape lustra - scotty doesn’t know all time low - dear maria, count me in mayday parade - jersey rise against - swing life away papa roach - scars three days grace - never too late we the kings - skyway avenue blue october - hate me the starting line - the best of me taking back sunday - you’re so last summer … plus a whole lot more, like, a LOT more
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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Ross and Urie sent a demo to Fall Out Boy bassist Pete Wentz via a LiveJournal account. [Pete] drove to Las Vegas to meet with the young, unsigned band. Upon hearing “two to three” songs during band practice, Wentz was impressed and immediately wanted the band to sign…which made the band the first on the new label. As news broke that Wentz had signed Panic! (who had yet to perform a single live show), fans on the internet began to bash the group. “Almost right away we knew what was going to happen,” Ross explained in a 2006 interview. “We had two songs online and people were already making assumptions on what kind of band we were and what we were going to sound like.“ 
Meanwhile, Wentz began to hype the band wherever possible: from wearing “Pete! at the Disco” T-shirts onstage to mentioning the group in interviews. Wentz gave a quick shout-out to the band during a press junket on the day before the 2005 MTV Video Music Awards: “I’ve got a couple of bands coming out soon on Decaydance, one being this band called Panic! at the Disco,” Wentz said. “Their record is going to be your next favorite record. It’s called A Fever You Can’t Sweat Out get it before your little brother does.” (x)
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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Marilyn Manson MTV Video Music Awards speech 1997
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
a semi-comprehensive blinkie making guide
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blinkies! they’re fun, cute, they infected every corner of the internet at one point, and i’m gonna help you bring the art of making them back so they can infect it again!! Please use these powers for good if i see komaeda kinnie blinkies popping up left and right i’m deleting my blog and yours too because i invented the internet and i can do that
i’m going to be using aseprite for this guide- it’s my favorite pixel art tool out there right now that i talked about earlier coincidentally! if you want a copy for yourself, it’ll run you about $15USD. it’s important to use an art tool that lets you edit gifs as frames. if what you’re running won’t allow you to edit or make gifs, you might have to edit each frame individually and then string the still images together on ezgif or something. i’m pretty sure most programs out there will let you edit gifs though!! aseprite is by no means mandatory for blinkie making, just a little redommendation n_n
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so, the blinkies you usually see have dimensions of 150 x 20px! the golden ratio for blinkies if i do say so myself. most blinkies have 2-4 frames, sometimes more! feel free to add however many you need for your desired animation n_n but if you’re looking to make a simple blinkie, 2 should be just fine! 
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here i edited a blinkie template and added a graphic (on a separate layer- layers are important!) to it- all i did for the next frame was change the colors a bit! easy!
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(pink dashes become yellow and vice versa to give the blinkie effect)
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you can always start from scratch on an empty 150x20 canvas, but i like to use blank templates (↑ like this one ↑) and edit them to my liking! it saves some time :-) once you have your design finished, add whatever text you want! i sometimes use my own fonts that i just draw out, but other times i’ll just insert some text and adjust it how i want it n_n do whatever you think looks best!
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this should be obvious, but make sure you have your text and whatnot pasted into every frame! or at least the frames you want it to be visible in. after that you should be good to save it as a gif and use your blinkie!
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i hope this helps haha, it’s really pretty easy! i’ll upload some templates shortly :-)
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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this is the best day ever
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
the only instance i can tolerate frank iero smashing a guitar to bits was when he tried going in for the kill on bob during a live performance. sometimes the ends justify the means
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
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“Image Credit: Carol Rossetti
When Brazilian graphic designer Carol Rossetti began posting colorful illustrations of women and their stories to Facebook, she had no idea how popular they would become. 
Thousands of shares throughout the world later, the appeal of Rosetti’s work is clear. Much like the street art phenomenon Stop Telling Women To Smile, Rossetti’s empowering images are the kind you want to post on every street corner, as both a reminder and affirmation of women’s bodily autonomy. 
“It has always bothered me, the world’s attempts to control women’s bodies, behavior and identities,” Rossetti told Mic via email. “It’s a kind of oppression so deeply entangled in our culture that most people don’t even see it’s there, and how cruel it can be.”
Rossetti’s illustrations touch upon an impressive range of intersectional topics, including LGBTQ identity, body image, ageism, racism, sexism and ableism. Some characters are based on the experiences of friends or her own life, while others draw inspiration from the stories many women have shared across the Internet. 
“I see those situations I portray every day,” she wrote. “I lived some of them myself.”
Despite quickly garnering thousands of enthusiastic comments and shares on Facebook, the project started as something personal — so personal, in fact, that Rossetti is still figuring out what to call it. For now, the images reside in albums simply titled “WOMEN in english!“ or ”Mujeres en español!“ which is fitting: Rossetti’s illustrations encompass a vast set of experiences that together create a powerful picture of both women’s identity and oppression.
One of the most interesting aspects of the project is the way it has struck such a global chord. Rossetti originally wrote the text of the illustrations in Portuguese, and then worked with an Australian woman to translate them to English. A group of Israeli feminists also took it upon themselves to create versions of the illustrations in Hebrew. Now, more people have reached out to Rossetti through Facebook and offered to translate her work into even more languages. Next on the docket? Spanish, Russian, German and Lithuanian.
It’s an inspiring show of global solidarity, but the message of Rossetti’s art is clear in any language. Above all, her images celebrate being true to oneself, respecting others and questioning what society tells us is acceptable or beautiful.
“I can’t change the world by myself,” Rossetti said. “But I’d love to know that my work made people review their privileges and be more open to understanding and respecting one another.””
From the site: All images courtesy Carol Rossetti and used with permission. You can find more illustrations, as well as more languages, on her Facebook page.
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gusisthemvpv2 · 4 years
ok so i made solangelo crack for my friend so here ya go tumblr
while will was thinking of maybe making soup, nico was miserable. there was a mcdonald’s right across the street, it would be so much easier to just get some mcnuggets. but noooo will just had to cook for his boyfriend because he’s a doctor and you apparently can’t live off of mcdonalds.
nico decided he was gonna try and sneak out of the store to get his delectable mcnuggets, but as he was doing so, a tiny puny little boy approached him.
“are you a witch” he asked
“um excuse me sir what did you just say” replied nico
“you worship satan dontcha”
nico was already having a bad day, and he knew this conversation was going to be painful
“uh no, i just like to be edgy”
“like an eboy? those people are weird, and you’re probably an idiot anyway”
that was the last straw, nico grabbed the nearest thing (which happened to be a baguette) and whacked the kid, hard. and that’s the story of how nico got banned from walmart.
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gusisthemvpv2 · 5 years
This is the best thing i’ve ever heard, (This had 200,000 notes and then tumblr deleted it.
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gusisthemvpv2 · 5 years
so someone just said they’re “really interested in history” how careful do you have to be?
 “i just think history is interesting in general! i’m not interested in any specific part of it”: this person is most likely safe. never drop your guard though
“i’m interested in this specific subject or time period in history. (ex. ancient egypt,  the golden age of piracy, the history of the printing press”: still probably safe. be on the lookout for certain risky historical subjects. you should know them you see them 
“i’m really into WW2 history”: this is the caution zone, there’s plenty of valid reasons to be into WW2, but if they start talking about how Operation Sealion totally could have succeeded, it’s time to abort
 “i’m specifically into roman history, the crusades, prussian military history, and WW2”: danger! do NOT talk about history with this person. in fact, do not talk to this person at all. you will regret it, you do not want to know what they think of the treaty of versailles or why germany lost the first world war
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