hairbykadibop · 4 months
Selling Self Care: You cant just wait for sickness to heal... Self Care First
Especially, Focusing on ➡️Hair.
You have to cut it off, Manage it, or Treat it.
You cant just wait for your client's hair / sickness to heal. You have to do something about it right then and there. ➡️facts.
You have products. Fine, Medium, Thick focused products for hair. You have scissors to do all the fancy cuts, and combs to put everything into place.
BUT, You cant just wait for sickness to Heal, within You, as a stylist - A stressor, An ex, An uncomfortable shoe, A post dated root job, A put off conflict with a coworker. You have to address those things to heal PROMPTLY to yourself, for yourself, for you ever to be able to help another with their hair care. Take a 3-5 to shake it off! There are so many ways ill address later.
Or youll end up throwing shade at "Samantha" in an unrelated statement, competing with her on the low in your sales pitch of self to your client.
Its all insecurity. Make you priority, and You can address any hair care need a client has. They feel theyre a priority too! Theyre YOUR client, You STYLE them with YOUR style!
its just true. Self care are needs that we have, our hands have, that cut the hair in our chairs. People can sense our issues, we can even project them onto a client whilst cutting, they can come back complaining when nothing is even Wrong, all from energy, reminding You why You didnt do what They asked.
Dont blame yourself Or take it out on another employee for a "competition ego boost". Wont work. You or your entire salon will eventually be infected with your sickness.
It takes 3 coffees, 6 lunch breaks and 3 client pass offs to cure One mistake of not self caring as a stylist.
Thats how the stylist pantheon works! Its just true.
Acting above this truth, probably provides one with a long list of people they criticize.
Nobody likes that.
These types of behaviors fail in salons.
Instead?🪽➡️ Take an unauthorized 5 minute break before the client comes back even when they're Ready, and you arent. Set an example. They came to see You. Your client feels the Self First groove, Puts themselves First after waiting, and understands you have a life. STOP OVEREXTENDING YOURSELF for a DOLLAR! There is a person underneath that style. You arent there just for the cut. They feel, And, they will eventually lead you into quitting or earlier "retirement" for your own good if you neglect yourself, or them... Or, Go to another stylist. You're lucky if they don't tell another.
You are not a machine to mindlessly foil with, cut with, or expected to entertain people who do not please you. This behavior is a 50-70% turnover recipie . & Why that many quit after the first few years.
Self Care is Self Preservation.
It sets the stage for All real hair salons, Self care first. (Good energy to encourage take home self care as well)
Ever see a 5 star salon owner with disposable clientele, or ancient books with refusal to change weighing their growth down?
Stylists just arent given this advice. You First. I learned this from my studies at Aveda. 80 % of salons are revolving doors...
...Other people are always Other people...
You have the power to be Yourself amongst stylist peer pressure, fear, and expectation.
By engaging in self aware Self Care.
This generates a product sale, too. They need to take that extra 5 to put on the product You recommend for them, for Their self care.
We see as we see and do as we do; We do as we see and we see as we do. We do what we do and see what we see.
Why I⬆️ sell 5X ⬆️ more on average in my retail than any other stylist, on average in my past 7 years of Styling. Do you wanna see $1800 in passing retail sales in 4 weeks by just simply taking care of You? You have to self care even more, then, because envy will grow! 🪶 & Thats a whole other topic!
➡️Who can talk about product when theyre thinking about Bob?
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hairbykadibop · 4 months
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Modern Hair For The Modern World
A Guide to Creative Direction in current times & Solutions about...
Lets face it, the industry has changed & so have we.
Articles on this blog will Include:
Sensitivity & Tolerance for the average coping customer - An Unseen Grief.
Modern Hair Balding Cures, Ayuervedic & Mechanic.
The effects of a worldwide death toll on our subconscious minds and why self care behind the chair is so important.
Acknowledging that expectations are too high in a time like post-grief to retain employees, and customers. Customers see how you treat other employees.
Control of the Hair, Employees Or System, will not cure hidden trauma beind the Chair.
Advertise in Bulk Buying. Encourage a beauty schedule for an enjoyable appointment, not advertised as a necessity or a Negging "appointment must" out of desperation of self preservation.
*Valuable Articles* on,
/softselling & //hardselling
the difference AND how to use both.
...✋🏼 How to value yourself in a corporate brand above and on line with the brand.
Less Talk, More do.
More talk, More do = product interest/excitement engagement.
🌟Check your numbers
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