highoncaffine · 2 years
The Start of my Journey (ACT II)
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There's....something I haven't told you,
(9th of May, 2022) To be frank, I get quite irritated at the thought of getting help, despite the fact I need it. I know my parents, therapist, and friends all want what's best for me-yet I don't want it for myself. This is the first time that my goals don't align with theirs, and I have no idea how to cope with the situation at hand. All I can do is lie until it's over, and feel guilty for not trying. It feels awful, and it's not the type of pain I experience regularly. (Up until the start of my disorder eating, of course.) Well, I'm sure I'll figure it out at some point, and will end up writing about how this all started. Yet, I'll leave you with a question to answer for me all the meanwhile.
Tumblr ruined me, why the fuck am I still on here?
With love
Me <3
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highoncaffine · 2 years
Welcome, to this blog </3
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There's...something I've never told you,
(9th of May, 2022) I wanted to extend a warm welcome to this blog, yet I'm not sure whether I'll actively post. Currently, I'm seeing a dietitian for my "disordered eating habits", so I can't exactly restrict like how I was planning to at the moment. Despite this, I hope to get back into the swing of things, just like how I did last year (at the beginning of January.) From now on, I will consider this blog to be a journal of some sort, something I can write in with no judgment-the raw and real me. (Funnily enough, I do have a physical journal, but that won't harbor my ED thoughts as much as this one will.) I certainly do hope you'll stay along for this journey. And, I do support Pro-Recovery, even if I'm not ready to recover myself.
With love,
Me <3
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