kinokoshoujoart · 2 hours
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when im in the cutie patootie competition and the cinnamon bun head walks in
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 hours
Watched a movie recently
Not ok
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And a bestie exchange (he doesn't know shit about bokumono 💔💔)
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 hours
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Gotz is on to me...
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kinokoshoujoart · 23 hours
it happened so suddenly... we still don’t know the cause of death
 (frantically scrambling to hide all medical documents that list the cause as “backshot induced spine pulverization”)
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incredible typo in son_diary AnWL dialogue file
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kinokoshoujoart · 1 day
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romeo!! or rock
.? idk he’s the ds guy. y’know
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
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should i post this
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
can you get that weird guy out of here please. I’m starting to feel a little bit flustered and i don’t want to confront & come to terms with that right now
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
is Rock/Romeo different in the japanese ds cute?
(as someone who isn’t fluent) yea in jp romeo sounds like less of a bastard and more like idk. idiot airhead spacey naive kid? the jp version also takes him much more seriously as a love interest option which stresses me out a bit but it’s also cute
for the english version of DS and cute natsume sometimes added some arrogant douchey scum bastard zaniness to romeo’s lines to idk i guess try and match rock? (who has different speech habits / “role speech” in JP compared to romeo) and of course natsume also just handled a lot of DS lines Weirdly or Not at all
for example
the wedding vow
JP:「もう䞀生離さないよ♡ 」| “For the rest of my life, I’ll never let go!♡” (cute)
Natume EN: “I’ll never leave you. Heh heh.” (troubling)
the divorce fakeout event you get if you neglect your husband (the entire thing)
JP: romeo thinks you hate him and he’s sad because you don’t communicate, and says goodbye.. he comes back and apologizes and admits he never wanted to leave, he just wants to stay together and you head to sleep (all’s well that ends well)
EN: romeock thinks you hate him and he says “is it my looks? my gorgeous looks can’t be fading already, can they?!” when he comes back he’s like “i know you can’t be tired of my looks already. it must just be a phase. well time for some beauty sleep” (who the fuck said you were allowed back in)
other than stuff like that, in general i’m finding a lot of events make slightly to very more sense in japanese because often it feels like each line of dialogue was either translated too literally into english or they didn’t have context, so that also applies to romeo’s heart and random events especially later events / events after marriage / rival marriage
the entire yellow heart event didn’t make proper sense to me in english compared to japanese but one small silly example from it where (probably) no context translation made the scene 10x funnier is when he has his dramatic confession
in JP he realizes he may have hurt you by joking around and making up stories to hide his feelings and apologizes profusely. protag shakes her head no with a heart over it to be like “it’s okay <3”
in EN he asks “Can you forgive me
?” and protag does the same gesture. like “NO <3”
also neither here nor there but his relationship with Louis feels a lot more familial in japanese. in english i wanted to kick him out the window during the child discipline event. in JP it’s more silly
 (i still want to kick him out the window but more affectionately
) she overall sounds a lot more idk timid in EN but in JP she’s rougher and teases and scolds him a bunch (good👍). she and her two NEET cats children are a very cute family imo
overall i find natume’s odd additions to the game incredibly funny and enhance the experience in their own way (by making it worse) and i enjoy the more bastardly creature but i also think the more serious and soft romeo is sweet. he still has a lot of “what is wrong with his brain” moments in both en and jp he’s just more douchey in english
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
i read your hmds cute guide and i don’t know if i’m more scared or amazed by you. probably both.
had no idea one could grind their way towards having the harvest goddess unlocked in the spring year 1??? insane. diabolical, even. hats off to you, cora. i have so many questions.
answer to all questions: there’s no length i wouldn’t go to for my toxic terrible wife + on all levels except physical i am a dwarf
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kinokoshoujoart · 2 days
god i think of this image i saved a year ago (crap machine translation of a thumbnail for taison’s playthrough of AnWL) multiple times a day but i don’t think i’ve ever posted it. so here
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kinokoshoujoart · 3 days
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worst ever NUISANCE husband finally leaves the farm for once after wife throws 10000000 burnt meals at him only to show up at her open air market just to hit on her while refusing to buy anything
did not get screenshots of the other messages he says at the stall but there’s others like this that only play if you’re married to him. so here they are from rock_husband dialogue file, typos included
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kinokoshoujoart · 4 days
cora’s bad time hell simulation steps or how to play “sprite station for girl” “harvest moon ds cute” the wrong way
(all ways are wrong this game is Accursed)
ok so here’s what my disorganized “guide” to myself for harvest moon ds for girl (aka indecipherable notes i wrote to myself as i played and revised as i tested various things and restarted due to mistakes) looks like. at some point when i become a real gamer i will write a legible guide meant for eyes to look at but uhhh this is how i play this accursed game personally
i’m not sure if anything i wrote will make any sense since i wrote it as notes to myself so probably definitely use fogu and fc2 jonason wiki (may not work but some pages should be archived) instead
ALSO if you’ve never played or barely played the game it won’t make sense at all! hmds was my first harvest moon so i am used to various horrors!
my play style is probably not fun in general HOWEVER if you are a grinding hell goblin like me then it’s GREAT!!!! if not you may still find it amusing that the game gives you permission to play like this
(it’s a great background task game while doing like productive stuff but otherwise playing this way would probably be unbearable)
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(image limit)
anyway after that the days go a lot faster, you’ll get the island on summer 1, so on spring 30 i put all my money into million G tickets and sell 200 of em, do the 5x money thing, and save the rest. so when thomas comes the next day to sell you the 900 million G island you can just sell 180 tickets and do the 5x money thing again with like ~600 million G tickets left over. it takes up inventory but you’ll get the shelf in a few days. basically you just need to remember to order from the TV shopping every saturday and place orders with gotz and gray whenever they finish stuff.
random tips
after unlocking the fuckass hot spring sprites (the ones that require you to spend a total of 700 1 hour sessions in the hot springs) i usually grind grazing points— if you put your animals outside for 5 hours you get a “Love Point”, but if you interact with them after they earn that LP then the timer switches over and you can get another LP after 5 more hours. if you wear the time ring the whole time it’s 2.5 hours. i’m not very good at explaining this but basically if you’re super efficient you can get way more animal LP than you realistically should, which is great because the touch glove petting minigame is Bad!!!!
i usually wait on getting the rest of the purple sprites (the ones that require you to hire the purple team and ask for healing) until i’m totally done with the indigo team, cuz i wanna get HG’s purple heart event asap, but you can switch the order if you want
by summer y1 you’ll basically have a feel for everything. aside from Skye, Leia, HG and WP everyone can be married early-mid autumn if you want
if you want to Gay (in the japanese version only) keira is the quickest to marry. leia is the quickest to max affection but it’s impossible to get leia year 1 because the bottle you need to fish up can only be caught in spring. you have to wait until at least year 5 for WP and iirc year 6 for HG.
#i’m really sorry i can’t make this more organized#if i literally ever have time i’ll just make a video guide instead of pasting this because it’s easier to explain with visuals
.#i can’t Write in an organized way i can only Visual Medium#i have a very complicated relationship with corobuckle station for girl#it scratches my brain#(derogatory)#(positive)#i have no idea how many hours of HMDS i’ve played in my life but it’s definitely the game i’ve played the most of all time#i’ll just paraphrase something i read on a japanese wiki for hmds/koroste a long time ago:#’i once again feel that the effort required for the completion of the task is unreasonable’#god i really hope ds gets a remake so all of the titles you can get in the mailbox become steam achievements#bokumono#if people find out there are achievements that take at minimum real life decades to complete with basically no reward#gamers will lose their minds and society will collapse#‘trying to accomplish it is like trying to collect a sparrow’s tears#so at some point it may be inevitable that you have to give up trying’#i really think the devs saw the ds could handle higher values than gba and went insane without considering balance at all#currently i’m trying to record as many cutscenes as i can in the jp version since y’know. english translation is very awkward#i am also trying to see if the pastor carter/cardi marriage option exists in the english version of cute#i will update so stay tuned for that if you want sex on the phone with pastor cardi b. i guess
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kinokoshoujoart · 4 days
horny is such an unserious word and yet....it is perhaps the most important word in the English language....
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kinokoshoujoart · 4 days
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i’m calling an exterminator
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 days
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kinokoshoujoart · 5 days
Igusa Matsuyama Interview #2 Original Japanese correspondence
Below is our original e-mail correspondence with Igusa Matsuyama in Japanese. This is provided for the benefit of Japanese readers and fans wishing to translate Igusa Matsuyama’s words on their own. The text is presented mostly as-is, though Tumblr ate some elements like emoji. Sorry about that.
If you missed our English translation yesterday, you can find it here:
Ranch Story の皆様ぞお埅たせいたしたした。たずは質問の答えを順番にお返事したすね。
Anonymous asks: 牧堎物語幞せの詩の女神様ずリオンはどのような関係ですか
Tomato asks: 牧堎物語ワンダフルラむフforガヌルの䞻人公の衣装なんですが、I love Kumaのコヌデを芋るず、Mezzo Pianoずいうレディヌスアパレルブランドを思い出したすが、どこからむンスピレヌションを受けたしたか
Pansy Asks: た぀やたさたがもし、制限無しずいう条件で、自分の牧堎物語の䜜品を䜜る機䌚があれば、どのよう䜜品にするず思いたすか
Anonymous asks: 牧堎物語は昔からあるゲヌムで、時間が経぀ほど倧きく倉わりたすね。昔のベヌシックなデザむンず、最近の密床が高いデザむン、どちらの方が䜜るのが難しいですか
Anonymous asks: た぀やたさたのむラストのおかげで、牧堎物語がすおきなゲヌムになったず思いたす。 た぀やたさたからすごく刺激を受けおいたす 牧堎物語のキャラクタヌで、ワンダフルラむフのロックが1番奜きです。 21幎前のロックのデザむンず、リメヌクしたロックのデザむン、むンスピレヌションはどこからきたか教えおいただければ嬉しいです
Jerome asks: Special Comicの130ペヌゞに、そこ以倖芋たいこずのないスヌパヌファミコンのキャラクタヌが出堎するず思うんですが、党身のキャラデザむンが気になっおいたしお、Marvelousかた぀やたがなもし立ち絵などただ手元にあれば、芋せおいただけないでしょうか 圌らに぀いお䜕か教えおいただけるこずがあれば聞きたいです https://i.imgur.com/Sh5nvqm.png
Raven Bloom, Ryan, and Moth ask: 原䜜の牧堎物語ワンダフルラむフのマシュヌは、若い時のBruce Campbellずいう有名なアメリカ人の俳優に䌌おいお、いいなず思っおいたのですが、た぀やたさたはリメヌクした男性結婚候補はどのように思われおいたすかもずもず結婚候補じゃなかった男性たちがそうなった時、どう思われたしたか https://i.imgur.com/FAQGmOz.jpeg
マシュヌは、日本の『ワンダフルラむフ』での名前はマッシュずなっおおりたす。この名前を初めお聞いた時、真っ先に浮かんだのが『EVIL DEAD』シリヌズの䞻人公であるアッシュ。
Salmon Axe and Anonymous ask: 個人的にドラえもん版の牧堎物語が倧奜きなんですが、将来牧堎物語以倖で、コラボでも、むラストを担圓しおみたいなず思う䜜品がありたすかゲストアヌティストずしお出たいなず思う䜜品はありたすか(もしかしおポケモンずか)
ゲストアヌティストをやりたいかず蚀われれば・・・ゲストではなくメむンの仕事の方がありがたいので、特にないです。『Fallout』『Far Cry』『Border Lands』など、プラむベヌトではいろんなゲヌムを楜しんでたす。
Anonymous asks: 噂のワンタタンの隠されおいる顔なんですが、着ぐるみなしのデザむンはあったりしたすか
Idris asks: た぀やたさたが流行に敏感で、今のデザむンは昔のず倧きく倉わったように感じたす。牧堎物語の新しい䜜品で、昔みたいなベヌシックなデザむンを䜿おうず思われたこずありたすか た぀やたさた的に自分のデザむンの魅力はなんだず思われたすか
MacGyver asks: わださたが前に䞀番最初に出たスヌパヌファミコンの牧堎物語の開発がどれほどケオスだったかの話し聞いた事あるのですが、た぀やたさたはあの時の思い出話はありたすか
Toyherb asks: 牛のデザむンが豊かになりたしたね。 どれを描くのが1番楜しいですか
Anonymous asks: 䞻人公ず異性のキャラクタヌデザむンは、描いたけど最終的に䜿われなかったのはありたすか? 䟋えば、牧堎物語3・牧堎物語シュガヌ村ずみんなの願いの女性版の䞻人公ずか、牧堎物語ワンダフルラむフたで、ノンバむナリヌの䞻人公などです。 よろしければ、その絵も芋せおいただけたらすごく嬉しいです!
Koharu asks: スヌパヌファミコンの゚レンが牧堎物語2に出たように、他の䜜品に出る぀もりだったスヌパヌファミコンのキャラクタヌはありたすか 䟋えばですが、牧堎物語2のマリヌは髪の毛が黒ですが、青色のマリヌが茉っおるマガゞンも芋たこずありたす。 もずもずスヌパヌファミコンのマリヌが64に登堎する぀もりだったのかなず思っお、聞いおみたした
Bunbun asks: 最近発衚されたクレアのねんどろいどがすごく楜しみです 牧堎物語2のキャラクタヌのねんどろいども出たらいいなず思いたす。 た぀やたさたのブログに、フィグアよく芋かけたすが、自分がデザむンしたキャラクタヌをうちのコレクションに入れるのはどんな気持ちですか クレアの他に、このキャラクタヌがフィギュアになれたらいいなず思うキャラクタヌはありたすか?
Chickee asks: 牧堎物語2の噂の玫色の髪の毛のお姫さたなんですが、最終的に登堎はしなかったけど、もしかしおた぀やたさたがそのキャラクタヌをデザむンしたしたか
Emery Flower 147 asks: 牧堎物語ワンダフルラむフの女性たち3人がチヌムを組んでいお、ムヌムヌが銃声を持っおいたりするマンガが目に入っお、オヌマむガヌず思いたしたが、他に誰かチヌムを組んでかっこよく掻動しそうなキャラクタヌはありたすか
Ixur asks: 私が䜏んでいる地域で、牧堎物語 オリヌブタりンず垌望の倧地のキャラクタヌの倚く、䟋えばベス、みさき、クレメンス、ラヌシュ が結構人気です。 それ、た぀やたさた、Marvelousも認識しおいるこずですか
Anonymous asks: た぀やたさたがデザむンしたキャラクタヌをコスプレされるのはどんな気持ちですか
Afro Fae asks: キャラクタヌデザむンする時に、色遞びはどうやっおしおたすか 色の雰囲気をキャラクタヌの性栌に合わせるか、なんずく遞んでいたすか
たた質問に答えおくださるのは本圓に嬉しいです。 䜕を聞けばいいか分からないけど、ずにかくた぀やたさたの絵が奜きだず蚀っおいるファンたちもいお、それも䌝えたかったです。 今たでデザむンしたキャラクタヌが奜きだし、これから制䜜するデザむンもお楜しみにしおいたす
こちらこそ、本圓にありがずうございたす。皆様に喜んでいただけるのが、なによりも嬉しいです感謝のむラストを添付したした。これからも頑匵りたすので、どうぞよろしくお願いいたしたす。 た぀やたいぐさ
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