lailith Ā· 3 years
Truto - Episode 1
(Context in previous post)
Before we started to watch it my friend and I had the following conversation:
Moi: Do you want to say something before we start? Like.. Maybe.. a speech of some sort?
Friendo: No.
Moi: Iā€™ll do it then. We have gathered here to watch Naruto being physically and mentally abused since childhood and not only him. Weā€™ll see how he will master all upcoming challenges due to his protagonist-bonus. We will bond with the characters and remember our childhood-crushes. Only to realize how much sense is lacking in this show. Nevertheless.. we shall enjoy watching Sasgays development to a Queen. Itā€™ll be legendary.
Friendo:Ā a person claps in the distance With this being said.. lets begin.
Things which are definately going wrong in Truto:
Almost every opening of truto is questionable. no matter the language.WE HAVE HIGH STANDARTS OK. (Fighting Ninjas is lit tho)
Itā€™s a fucking weird move to invite your troubled student as a teacher, Iruka. No matter the circumstances.
So.. a 12 year old boy.. not even a genin.. with no abilities whatsoever.. managed to get the super duper uber secret and important scroll with overpowered jutsus made by the firstĀ hoekage
Truto fails in doing normal clones since years probably but gets the hang of the even more complicated shadow clone-technique within an invested saturday evening. Sure.
After his training he was looking ded. Like.. no stamina, no chakra. Yet he still managed to beat up Mitsuki with 1000 clones in a blink of an eye
Ā Oh yeah, theĀ super duper uber secret and important scroll with overpowered jutsus made by the firstĀ hoekage is irrelevant now and will never appear again.
The third hoekage is watching the whole shitshow happening to truto through his crystal ball. Iruka almost died. Does he intervene? Oh hell noe.
When he talks to Iruka about Trutos similar situation you can literally see that dis bitch KNOWS how much this golden boy struggles. HE FUCKING KNOWS. BUT HE DOESNT DO SHIT ABOUT IT. Heā€™s likeĀ ā€œYo. you know how its like. howĀ ā€˜bout u help him by being a better teacher, huh?!ā€
Why does he have a crystal ball to begin with, btw. And how does it work.
What is this scene about when truto finally gets his headband.
Iruka: Close your eyes
Iruka takes Narutos googles and ties his headband around him.
Truto doesnā€™t know whats happening and is like ā€œWhat are you doing? I have no clue what you are up to.ā€ Whereā€™s his sense of touch at?
Iruka: Open your eyes.
Truto opens his eyes and realizes he got his Ninja-Headband. As if he couldā€™ve seen it.
The only person who can see her own forehead would be Sakura in this case.
Why is it illegal to talk about Kurama. At least tell the boy whats literally stuck inside of him, so he can start to process it.
The third hoekage literally does nothing while knowing everything even tho he has the power to do good. (not only in episode one. heā€™s literally a shit hoekage the whole time. why is everyone loving him. Stockholm?)
- multiple mobbing-moments - child labor - weird relationship to the teacher - Trust issues due to Mitsuki - finds out he has a beast inside him, which is the reason why many people died - Iruka is badly hurt and dies almost in front of him
- is getting spied on by an old creepy man who could help but doesnt do so.
Random Headcanon:
Tsunade, Kakashi and Truto are whining around about paperwork as the Hokage. What about the Third? Our hypothesis is, that the Third neglected all of his work anyway and was busy doing calligraphy and watching kids struggle and suffering through his crystal ball. Therefor every Hokage is literally doing the leftover paperwork he left behind.Ā 
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lailith Ā· 3 years
Iā€™m starting a thread cuz ffs what did u do Masashi.
Before I get to the tea, some context might be lovely. My best friend was for the longest time a biiiig fan of Naruto. While she invested her youth into it, I invested mine into One Piece. At some point my friend was really pissed at the outcome of Truto, while I was in a love-hate relationship with Oda. Cuz the things he does are painful... but.. he also knows what heā€™s doing. ANYWAY. My friends otp is sasunaru but she was never part of those shipwars back then even though she definately has struggles to understand the essence of sasusaku or naruhina. So Truto ended and Borrito started. She wasnā€™t having it. So after some time I recommended to watch One Piece together, which we fairly enjoyed. After we catched up we didnt want ourĀ ā€œDatenightā€ to end.. and so we started to rewatch Naruto. While rewatching it we discussed everything we noticed.. We couldnt take the show serious because it.. it was really bad. Coming from One Piece where everything has a connection to Naruto where you literally can see when Masashi was just going kjdfhjasekdaj. Like.. we invested time and googled trivia to find out what was going on back then.. All those ship-pairs were at some point 100% canon!! And this.. thread? or whatever this mess is going to be...is going to document our thoughts, headcanons and other funny shit we came up with or noticed. Iā€™m sharing it because some lost souls might find it funny as well!Ā 
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