leave-it-to-me · 6 years
Ship Request
“Hey love! I’d love to have a ship for MCU, DCEU, MPHFPC, Stranger Things, SW, and GoT (if it’s not too much). I am a bisexual female. I have long, wavy, dark brown hair and dark brown eyes and I’m 5′4. I love reading, writing and binge-watching tv shows and movies. I have depression and anxiety and they usually make my days harder but I always try to remain kind and compassionate but I tend to be really moody. I also think I’m loyal and selfless and I’d do anything for the ones I love. Thank you <3
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You met in her time undercover, you were her neighbour and met when she was moving in, you helped her organise her place and showed her the sights.
Your first date was at a small little restaurant you frequent around the corner from your apartment, you ordered your own meals but shared a dessert and then shared a romantic walk in the park.
When you first appeared, Wanda was worried you were an enemy, but she was easily able to read you and realised you were just a friendly stranger. Once the fear was replaced by curiosity Wanda was struck by how cute and sweet you were.
You first met Vision when he and Wanda started meeting up to share information, from their you met Steve and Natasha and Sam when you, Vision and Wanda were attacked by Thanos’ “children”
You and Wanda have been together a little over two years now.
Every Sunday you and Wanda like to take turns teaching each other traditional meals of your culture and eating them together whilst watching the stars.
Your first road trip was a train ride from your home in Belgium to Disneyland Paris where you spent a week letting go and pretending you were both just normal people.
The first thing Wanda noticed about you was your easy, bright smile and warm inviting eyes. The kind of thing that makes her feel safe, she also noticed a glint of mischief in your eyes, one which was bittersweet as it reminded her of her brother.
Your favourite food to eat together (second to any traditional meals you make together) is probably pastries from a nearby bakery. You love to eat them in the park where you had your first date.
You hardly ever argue but when you do it’s about you being too trusting and letting people in because it ends in pain when you are let down. Otherwise you argue about Wanda put herself in danger and taking risks when she is meant to be undercover.
You love to watch comedies together and just relax, it usually involves your head in her lap as she runs her fingers through her hair. Other times she is in your lap and you are playing with her hair as she reads you Romanian poetry.
Wanda loves how kind and pure you are, it’s very refreshing from all the angst within the avengers, but she also likes that you aren’t naïve and understand all her emotions, not just the good ones.
Wanda hates the way you put yourself down, she sees you as perfect and yet you treat yourself like you don’t matter.
Your dream future is to one day live somewhere peaceful and quaint, maybe open up a bakery or café and live above it. Away from superhero work and dangerous situations, you just want to live the normal life. Get married, get a cat
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You met at the museum, you were a university student fascinated by every single exhibit with knowledge on par with Diana’s herself. You were correcting an up himself tour guide and Diana couldn’t help but laugh which drew your attention to her. From their she took you on a private tour, even taking you to the things not on display yet.
Your first date was at a small French restaurant, Diana seemed to know the owners. She helped you chose your meal as she knew all the best things. You later went back to the museum and she showed you some new art they had just gotten in. She helped you climb onto the roof of the building and you watched the sunset together.
Diana’s first impression of you was that you were bright and brilliant. A rose in a field of weeds and wanted to get to know you better. She hadn’t felt this way in a long time.
You didn’t meet the women of her island until two years into your relationship but she told you stories of them long before that.
You and Diana have been together nearly five years now and looking forward to many more to come.
You bring Diana snacks and meals to the museum otherwise she will forget to eat and in return she’ll show you knew artefacts while you eat together.
Your first trip was to Europe after she found out you had never travelled. She showed you the places of her past and told you about her old war buddies and Steve, you helped her make happier memories to sit alongside the old ones.
The first thing Diana noticed about you was this look in your eye as you corrected the guide, the slight curve of your lip and the stance of your body. There was just something about it, she couldn’t tell if you reminded her of herself or Steve.
Your favourite food to eat together is tied between ice cream and gelato. Sometimes you get one each and share whilst watching the footy together, you can’t tell who gets louder and more excited.
You and Diana rarely butt heads, the only time you do is when you’re trying to help her with Justice League stuff and putting yourself in danger. Which causes you to remind her that she does the exact same thing.
You love to create memories and take photos, making albums and scrapbooks to look at together. You also love going to football games together and cheering on your team.
Diana loves how you make each other happy, she loves that with one word she can make you smile and that with one sentence she can make you laugh.
She hates how unsure of yourself you are, how your anxiety holds you back because she feels you deserve the world.
Your dream future together is to move into a nice house together, have pets and maybe even a baby. Once the world is safe and she can devote everything she has to you and your family.
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You met at the home, you arrived many years after Emma with the gift to grow flowers with a touch and she was tasked with showing you around and getting you settled.
Your first date was underwater, watching the fish and exploring the ocean floor, collecting shells and trinkets.
The first think Emma thought upon seeing you was that you had a large smile that you shared with everyone but hidden within your eyes was a deep sadness.
You met her family upon your arrival and tour, managing to become friends with everyone at the home as if you’d been there for years.
You’ve now been together at least 50 years, but it’s honestly hard to keep track, though you always celebrate your anniversary in some way, no matter how many years have passed.
Every year, on the anniversary of the day you first met you go out to an isolated field and grow flowers to make flower crowns and daisy chains together. If the weather is bad you will instead head out to the old shipwrecks and attempt to grow flowers underwater.
The first thing Emma noticed about you was your kind eyes, eyes are the window to the soul, they tell a story. Some eyes show a guarded person, or a person with secrets, you had the eyes of a person with the weight of the world on their shoulders but you still held hope.
Emma loves to make pastries and other sweets with you to enjoy together on a picnic in the meadow of the beach. Together you dream of a better future, a future spent together. Living a life where neither of you have to worry about your powers or the outside world or anyone wishing to cause you harm.
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You and will met in the middle of the year in your first year of middle school, you were new to town and he was asked to show you around the school and where your classes were. You soon made friends with a girl in the year above you but never forgot the cute and quiet boy who was your first friend.
You and you friend went to the arcade together and Will and his friends were there too. You and Will soon branched off together away from the others. You awkwardly played games together and he used his tickets to buy you a bear.
The years went by and through your friends meddling you eventually got together. You learned Will was caring and smart. Will learned you were a passionate and loving friend but he never forgot the day he first saw you. A small, quiet girl with a smile brighter than the sun. You have been together nearly two years now and even though you are young and not even in high school your relationship is mature and blossoming into something real that could last a lifetime.
When Will went missing your heart broke. You snuck out late at night to search for him with his friends. You were the first one to accept El into the group and leant her some of your clothes and other old things. When they pulled his body from the quarry you felt as if you couldn’t breathe, your life seemed to stop and everyone seemed to slow down around you. Though you and the boys didn’t think he was actually dead that funeral still was the hardest thing to ever happen to you.
The second Will came back you ran to him and crushed him into a huge hug. Once you pulled away you placed a gentle kiss on his lips (your first kiss).
The years went by, and El came back, Will was possessed and Max came along but you got through it all. You got through it by thinking about how there was a light at the end of the tunnel, if you could solve the problems and fix things you could get Will back. You danced all night long at the Snowflake Ball and whispered about your hopes and dreams for the future. No more crazy, evil bad things, finishing a campaign together, beating your high-score on the dance game. Sticking together through it all and never having to be apart again. You may only be young and many may say it won’t last but you both know in your hearts with the feelings and memories you share you will be together for as long as you both shall live.
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You and Rose Tico met when Finn and her came to you and Poe with a plan. Poe told you to go with them in case they needed your help to get them out of any sticky situations, you could talk your way out of almost anything, and if that failed you were a great shot with your blaster.
You couldn’t help but smile at Rose every time your eyes met, she was so sweet and earnest and pure and you were drawn to her sweet disposition. With all the drama of the mission and the betrayal and the fighting you didn’t have much time to truly get to know each other but you did share a brief kiss after she almost died saving Finn.
After you were all rescued by Rey you spent every moment of your time by Rose’s bedside waiting for her to wake from her medically induced coma. You told her stories of your past and life, about your home planet and losing your family, how you came to join the rebellion and your slight connection to the force. Nothing like Rey’s or Kylo’s but enough that you could pick up on people aura’s, you could sense there stronger emotions and thoughts emanating from their being.
When she woke up you spent her time helping her rebuild her strength and stopped her exerting herself too much lest she negatively impact her healing. She in turn told you about her past and her sister and her hopes and dreams. By the time a year had passed you knew you were gone on her and vice versa.
The two of you were never apart, joint at the hip and whispering to each other like you held the secrets of the world. You spoke about winning the rebellion and retiring somewhere quiet. A small planet with a tiny but close population, maybe you’d build a house together on a hill with lots of land for rescue creatures to graze. You’d take in orphan children and give them the family you always wished you had.
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You and Sansa met upon her arrival to King’s Landing. You were the eldest Baratheon child (and the only legitimate one at that, though you didn’t know about that) and the only one that could keep Joffrey in line. You were the only one that could and would talk to him however you wanted without fear of retribution. You were a mediator between him and his terrible treatment to Sansa.
You would hold her close as she cried herself to sleep at night and let her squeeze your hand tight whenever you were around any other Baratheon’s, especially Cersei and Joffrey. You tried to save her father’s life but that ended only in bruises and tears, but you promised to save her sister and got her out of the palace before any harm could befall her.
You comforted her before and after the wedding and any beatings you couldn’t prevent you were sure to soothe and heal. Somewhere along the line your protective feelings evolved to romantic, and hers did too. Though you knew it was impossible to act upon them lest you wanted her to end up dead.
After the end of the marriage she pressed her soft lips to yours in the privacy of your chambers. When she was made to marry your uncle you promised her things would be okay. Together you and Tyrion dripped lambs blood on his sheets and worked together to keep up appearances but behind his closed doors you laughed and drank wine all while holding Sansa’s hand and her heart. 
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