louieweek2018 · 6 years
What happens to the blog now that Louie Week is over?
I’m not sure. I think it’ll just stay, but that depends on what @cartoonlover233 and others think. 
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
What happens to the blog now that Louie Week is over?
I’m not sure. I think it’ll just stay, but that depends on what @cartoonlover233 and others think. 
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Louie week! Day 6 evil Louie
Another colab with @isafireside15 yay!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
Last day of the challenge!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
So this is it guys...wow! This week went by fast, huh? I hope you all had fun!!! We lov this precious green bean!!!!💚💚💚💚 Ik we are all going to miss this!!!
But don’t worry! They’ll be a Dewey week very soon!! We are planning that at the moment!! Then we have ideas for other types of weeks in the future!
So I’d like to thank each and everyone of you! Thank you all so very much for precipating, and for those who just reblogged to this blog! Bless you all and bless this precious green bean!
But wait! The day isn’t over yet!!! Have fun with sending gif’s of Louie to this post if you’d like!!!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
Louie Week #1-7
Today’s the last day so here’s a collection of all of my drawings~
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Louie Week November 1st-7th
Day 1-Sharper than the sharpies
Day 2-Business
Day 3-Little Brother
Day 4-Con-Artist
Day 5-Fluffy
Day 6-Evil
Day 7-Lazy
@louieweek2018 this was fun thank you!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Louie week!! Day 7! Lazy day Do Whatever you want!
A small night doodle because I wanted to show appreciation to the sharper then the sharpies people out there!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Louie week day 7: Lazy day (do whatever you want)
Louie refuses to end the Halloween celebrations. A̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶o̶ ̶d̶o̶ ̶I̶
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Fuzzy duckling.
Louie Week 2018 Day 7- “Lazy Day” (Free Day)
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Evil Louie
I wanted to draw some blood. (Sorry I haven’t drawn the other two days, I’ve been under a lot of stress)
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
Day 6: Evil Louie
Wow angst! It’s also longer than usual!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
A Louie and Scrooge Day
Day 1: Sharper than the Sharpies 
It was partly cloudy in McDuck’s manor and Huey, Dewey and Webby were playing video games while Louie just sit in the couch and look bored. Louie was bored because not only that he lost, he wanted to do something else and was actually bored lazing around.
 Louie - “Can we do something else?”
 Huey - “No way! I just got ahead of Webby in this game! and I am not gonna stop.”
Webby - “Not if I beat you first!”
 Louie - “When you learned to play video games anyway? I mean we took you to Funzo you were barely playing.”
 Dewey - “You can thank me for that. I told her it’s basically like an adventure but in tv mode.”
 Webby - “Go left! Yes! Left is awesome!”
 Louie - “Augh whatever I’m gonna go see what’s  Scrooge is up too.”
 Huey- *not paying attention* “Ok sure don’t forget to tip your waitress. *frustrated* Aw come on! I jump that part!”
 Louie rolled his eyes, gets up, and he leaves. Louie went to Scrooge’s office and sees the door opened a little. Louie peaks inside, and see Scrooge looking around and trying to figure out where the secret cave is in the map.
 Scrooge - “Now where did I put that map?”
Louie - “Uncle Scrooge?”
 Scrooge - “Huh? *turn and see Louie* Oh hey lad. *notice Louie look bored* What’s wrong?”
 Louie - “I’m just really bored out of mind.”
 Scrooge - “You can play with your brothers and Webby.”
Louie - “I can’t they’re too busy play a dumb video game. Is it ok if I hang out with you?”
 Scrooge - “Sure lad. You can help me look for my maps.”
 Louie - “Sure, what kind of map are you look for anyway?”
Scrooge - “There’s a map that shows a hidden cave somewhere near in Duckburg. But I cannot seem to find the blasted thing.”
 Louie - What does it look like? Or the last place you put it?”
Scrooge - “I don’t remember where I put it. If I keep on searching for it and we can find where the cave is.”
Louie - “Well don’t worry I can help you find it.”
Scrooge - “Thank you Louie.”
Louie keep on looking but no luck yet. That is until he saw it in a book and realized that Scrooge was using it as a bookmark. Louie - “I think I found it.”
 Scrooge - “You did? Please bring it to me.”
Louie gives the book to him and Scrooge opens it to reveal the map he was looking for.
Scrooge - “There it is! Great job Louie!”
Louie - *curious*”Uhh what’s the treasure this time?”
Scrooge - “I’m not sure but it says it has all kinds of golds and Jewels that you can ever imagine! It even holds the rare red diamond that is a shape of a heart.”
Louie - *amazed* “Wow! We gotta get it now!” Scrooge - “now on their lad, the cave may have booby traps. So we better get some stuff to trigger the traps if we want the treasure.” Louie - “Oh alright.” Scrooge - “You want me to get your siblings?” Louie - “To be honest no. Besides, they’re gonna be busy with that game for a while. In the living room they heard a “Huey is a winner!” Voice from the game since Huey beat Webby. Huey - “OOOHH!! In your face!”
Webby responded by punched his arm and continue playing while Huey was on the ground holding his arm in pain and twitching. Dewey just shrugged and continue to play the game.
 Scrooge - “You’re right lad. Let’s get going.”
 In the Sunchaser, Launchpad was piloting the airplane while Louie and Scrooge was sitting down. It was a little awkward for them both because it’s the first they went on an adventure together. Soon, they landed and Louie and Scrooge start walking to where the secret cave is hidden. The same awkwardness was there and didn’t want it to be uncomfortable for Louie, Scrooge said:
Scrooge - “So….Anything happened in school lately?” Louie - “I got a C- in a math test.”
 Scrooge - “Ah, lad you should work hard on your math problems. A C-wouldn’t be enough someday.” Louie - “But it’s hard to do it, I tried to get Uncle Donald help me, but he would get frustrated on the questions and throw a rage fit like always. Or he would be busy with my brothers.”
Scrooge - “Well don’t worry, you need to work smarter not harder.”
Louie - “Thanks Uncle Scrooge. Um, can I ask you something else?” Scrooge - “Sure lad go ahead.”
 Louie - “I was thinking: do you ever think of something that you really like but others would judge you for something you like?”
 Scrooge - “Well yes, but I would ignore those who judge me for something I like. You shouldn’t let that bother you of what people say or tell you. If you like something, then it’s your opinion not theirs.” Louie “Even like that show about a boy and magical gems?” Scrooge - “Exactly!”
 Louie - “Because I did remember that we got invited to a cool kid party, but it turns out he only invited us because we were related to you.”
Scrooge - “Oh, I see.” Louie - “But that cool kid wasn’t cool after all. He doesn’t even get mine or Huey and Dewey’s  name right and he even didn’t like Webby because of how she after she accidentally ruined the party.”
 Scrooge - “Well that’s just prove he wasn’t a good person at all.
Louie - “Yeah that’s true.”
Scrooge and Louie continue talking and laughing of some funny moments from their previous adventures and past. They were actually having a good time until they arrive at the secret cave. However Louie doesn’t see it at all.
Louie - *confused* “Hey where is it? The cave is supposed to be right here.”
Scrooge - “Don’t worry lads, this is where a dynamite comes in.”
 Scrooge holds out a four stick of dynamite tied together and stick it to the boulders and lit it up a match.
 Louie - “Where you get those?” Scrooge - “It was on sale for a discount.”
Once he lit the match, he put it on the dynamite and grab Louie’s hand.
 Scrooge - “Quick hit the deck! They hide by some rocks and the dynamite explodes. The cave was now opened.
Louie - “Wow. *see the cave open* Hey, I can see the cave now.”
Scrooge - “Now let’s go in.”
 They go inside but the cool breeze blew at Louie which made him shiver.
Louie - “Whoa it’s cold!”
 Scrooge - “Yes but we can’t let the coldness get in the way.” Scrooge and Louie went to the cave as Scrooge lit the torch up and start walking. Scrooge - “Remember to keep an eye out for traps.”
 Louie - “Well okay.” They soon came across some traps, but they managed not to trigger them and continue onward. Thanks to Scrooge and Louie, they are able to dodge them to their sharp thinking. Learning from past adventures really help Louie a lot getting the hang of it. Finally they arrive at the secret door where the treasures are hidden. Louie - There it is! Louie about to run toward it but Scrooge grabbed him with his cane. Scrooge - *annoyed* “What did I tell you about the traps?” Louie - “Oh right. Sorry.” Scrooge see the writings on the wall and it reads about never awaken the giant eight-legged monster:
 Scrooge - *reading it* “The eight-legged monster must be awakened. Take the treasure harshly and your life be will be taken. We need to swipe this treasure very carefully. This eight-legged monster have sensitive hearing that-“
Louie was quickly swiping the treasure until Scrooge stopped him.
 Scrooge - “Didn’t you listen to anything I said?”
 Louie - “Uhh...treasure is cool?”
 Scrooge rolled his eyes and see the rare heart shape red diamond and carefully swipe it.
Scrooge - “There. I think that should be all-“
 Scrooge heard Louie struggling and Scrooge saw him holding a heavy bag of treasure. Then Louie lost his balance and step on the booby trap.
 Scrooge - “No!”
 Suddenly they turn and see the giant tarantula spider had woke up and see them. This scared Louie and Scrooge.
Louie - “Don’t move, if we stay still, he won’t see or hear us.”
But it didn’t work as it roar at them. Scrooge - “That only worked on dinosaurs! Run!!”
They start running all while screaming. The spider demon was chairing after them.   Louie - “Were gonna die!! This is fun but we’re gonna die!”
Scrooge - “Don’t worry lad we just need to find the right way to get out of here!”
Louie - “Uhh...Wait I got it! Why don’t we set the traps off! Soon they start setting off the traps and the traps start hitting the spider while Scrooge use the shield to protect him and Louie. Scrooge: *see the entrance they came in* “There’s  the exit!” Louie - “Quick let’s go!” But then the spider grabbed Louie’s ankle and Louie fell on the ground. Louie - “Uncle Scrooge!”
Scrooge - “Louie!!”
He began to hold Louie tightly and began to pull.  But the spider grip Louie’s leg tight and it was hurting him since was wincing in pain. Scrooge gets an idea and threw the torch at the spider’s face as it roars in pain and let’s go of Louie. Scrooge - “Come on lad!”
 They ran out of the cave but heard the spider creature coming out.
 Louie - “Aw man we gotta block the entrance!” Scrooge - “We just need to throw something to block that big boulder.” Louie - “I got it!”
Louie quickly grabbed a small rock and he used to throw at the boulder. The smaller rock hits the big boulder which it starts to tumble down and block the entrance of the cave. Scrooge - “Alright! Great job Louie! *patted his head* Louie - “Well I did learn from the best. After all,  I need to work smarter not harder.”
Scrooge - “Yep that’s right! Now let’s go home.”
They arrive back home but they see Huey look depressed as Webby was doing her victory dance. Dewey looked worried about Huey.
Louie - “What the heck happens?” Webby - “I beat Huey’s high score!”
Dewey - “And well he didn’t take it so well.” Huey was whimpering and rocking himself while hugging himself. Louie and Scrooge look at each other and looked freaked out. Louie - “Right...Well, if you need us, we’ll be in Scrooge’s office.”
 Louie and Scrooge two leave and share their treasure together. This will definitely be an adventure to remember.
 Hope you all like it!
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Louie week Day 6: Evil Louie
( @louieweek2018 )
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
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Louie week day 6: Evil Lou
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0EzFY6Rof8)
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
Louie Week #5
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“Yes I woke up this cute.”
Louie Week #5:Fluffy
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louieweek2018 · 6 years
Day 5: Fluff
Woah, beware feels, I may have added more then intended!
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