miss-kae · 7 months
In the realm of dreams, where reality takes whimsical forms, let me share a vivid nocturnal escapade. Picture this as if the scenes that follow are painted on the canvas of sleep, where raindrops transform into surreal experiences, and city streets become the winding paths of a slumbering mind.
#dreamscapes #dream #neverstopdreaming
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#dreamscapes #dream #neverstopdreaming
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miss-kae · 1 year
"If I didn't exist, would you have thought that you needed a friend like me?"
People seem to ask each other these kinds of questions a lot.
But I am not sure how we are supposed to answer these questions. I mean, if you were my friend and suddenly you went missing from my life or you ended up dead, then of course, I would be sad.
But, if I didn't know you, and I heard the news that someone (you) go missing, I don't think I would be that much sad.
I mean, Yes, I would think that the situation was unfortunate but that wouldn't affect me much.
Now if you didn't exist, then I wouldn't have known, how's it like to be your friend, right? Then how am I supposed to answer the mentioned question?
You could argue,
"But in reality, you know how I am, so based on that just tell me".
But that's not how it works, is it? I mean, yeah, now that I know you, I could say that maybe I wanted a friend like you, or maybe not. I don't know.
Because that's an entirely different situation.
So, I think, sometimes, people say or do some sort of things that don't make any sense at all, but they do it anyway, to make themselves feel better.
They don't even understand the real meaning of the question or the things they do.
People crave care, love, and attention. And if they don't get it, they would go to these lengths where they will start bringing "What ifs" to reality.
But, in life, there are no "What ifs", are there?
"If there were, it'd have been an entirely different life, don't you think?"
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