Yes I am alive, it’s been a couple of years but definitely been a couple of busy ones
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Drifting through endless space, moving ever so slowly but never stopping.
Just existing in a nonstop universe of diverse chaos
Being alive and ever changing as time goes on
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Happy New Years everyone!!
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Merry Christmas!
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
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Izzy is sad...
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but wait...!
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she just saw u!!!
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look at her!! she is so happy now!!
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Happy Fourth of July!!!
Please celebrate Independence Day safely!
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A Flutter mother
This is a fanficton I have made myself. I have been going through some emotional life issues recently. I was inspired to make this, and I hope you enjoy this story :)
It was raining, cold, and dark. I was scared not knowing where I was, and I was also confused as to how I got here in the first place. I remembered running away from the family I had been living with. I was desperate to escape a reality that I felt wasn’t mine at all. I remembered falling into hole that appeared out of nowhere and suddenly I’m in a forest. I looked for where I came from but there was nothing. My only choice was to walk through the wilderness where eventually I found a trail leading me to the edge of the forest. The trail lead to a road where I saw hoof prints and wheel tracks in the dirt. I followed the road until I came to a small village. It was too dark for me to have seen any road signs, but I also didn’t expect to see talking ponies everywhere either. I was more scared about being seen, or causing a panic so I snuck around the village until I found an alleyway where I hid behind a wagon. I was there for almost an hour and I had so many emotions, and thoughts going through me I broke down and started crying.
I heard hooves trotting nearby but I couldn’t get myself to stop crying, and when the trotting got closer I looked to see a pony coming towards me. A yellow pony with wings and a pink mane came over to me and asked, “are you ok?” I froze not knowing what to say. she looked at me like I was a traumatized animal she had never seen before. She noticed that I was drenched from being in the rain and saw the tears running down my face. “Oh Celestia, you look awful... do you not have a place to stay?” I told her what happened to me, and that I had no idea where I was. She insisted I stay with her at least for the night. “Please do come with me you need to get warm before you get hypothermia.”
“I have a fireplace at my cottage you can get warmed up and then have something to eat too as I’m sure you are hungry.” I followed her to the cottage where she took me in and set me down on in front of the fireplace. She stoked the fireplace and added a couple more logs to the fire. “My apologies I don’t think I properly introduced myself.” I looked at her as she put the last log in the fireplace. “My name is fluttershy.” I was numb from the cold so I couldn’t speak clearly so I nodded. She looked at me like she understood why I couldn’t say a word. “I can see that you are still very cold, let me get you a soft warm blanket.” She left the room as I sat looking at the fire. Then I heard the flapping of wings come up behind me. She wrapped the blanket around me like I was a Christmas present. “There we go!” She said as she got on the couch behind me. “You should be warmed up in no time.” “I’m just going to stay here on the couch to watch over you for a while.”
It was after 30 minuets of sitting down that I started feeling sour and I tried moving around a bit to get more comfortable. Fluttershy noticed what I was doing. “You don’t look comfy sitting on the floor...why don’t you sit here next to me?” I looked at her, and she looked back at me with a loving, inviting smile. I got up and sat next to her on the couch. She felt my ears noticing that they were as cold as ice. “Can I feel your forehead?” I nodded. She put the back of her hoof on my head feeling that it too was still cold. “Oh my...you’re not much warmer than you were before I brought you in.” She said in a worried voice. “It seems the fire isn’t providing enough for you.” “If you’d like, you can come and sleep with me, it’s much warmer especially with somepony else to share it with...if you don’t mind doing that.”
I didn’t mind one bit. I nodded, and said that it was very nice of her. She smiled, as she picked me up and flew to her bedroom. The bedroom was very warm and welcoming. There was a softly ticking clock in the wall, a light breeze blowing through the trees outside with the window opened just a bit. She set me down on her bed, and went to get another clean, and dry blanket. She came back in the room and set the blanket off to the side. She jumped on the bed and layed down next to me.
“I don’t know about everything that you have been going through, but from what you’ve told me, I can certainly say that it has hurt you mentally, and physically.” “I can see it in your eyes, and I can feel it just by looking at you.” She said in a soft, understanding tone. “It hurts me to see you, or anypony in this state.” “I think right now you need to feel loved, and be given attention more than anything else.” “I...want to help you feel better.” I looked at her with tears running down my cheeks. I tuned to her on my side crying with my hands on my face. Suddenly I felt fluttershy gently wrap her hooves around my back and pull me into her chest. “It’s ok, it’s ok.” “I have you.” “You’re safe with me.” “It’s ok to cry.” “Give me all your tears.” fluttershy said with such a motherly voice.
I wiped my eyes against her chest. I’ve never felt something so soft and warm in my entire life it was almost magical just to be in her embrace. I nudged-my head into her chest more as she held me a little tighter. She began rubbing my head gently with her hoof. “You are loved so much more than you could ever believe.” “There are so many beings that love you.” “Even if the love you receive comes from an unfamiliar world.” I felt her tail move behind my back and move up underneath my head like a pillow. “I want you to feel safe with me.” “my wings are the softest part of me, and are also very warm.” “Let me cover you under this one.” As she extended her wing, it became much longer, and wider. As her wing gently covers me, I snuggled closer to her. “There we go.” She said softly.
All I felt was her warmth and the safety of her embrace. My crying stopped completely, and as my head pressed against her chest I started hearing her heartbeat. It was slow, steady, and softly beating. It was so gentle it started making me sleepy like a lullaby. I yawned deeply knowing I had nothing to worry about when a loving, and caring Pegasus is cradling me under her wing. I would rather have stayed that way forever if only it was possible. “It sounds like you are falling asleep.” “It’s ok to sleep here just as you are.” “You are safe and sound with me, and under my protection.” “If you wake up from any nightmares you’ll be right next to me.”
“Good night, I will see you in the morning.”
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I bet you didn’t see that coming!  
Thanks for the job asks @ask-the-queen-of-the-night, @mlpmemes-and-mlpthings-123​, & @asus349! 
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Send Derpy a Job Ask!
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I won’t be able to answer every job or ask that is submitted.  Ones that I can think of a funny or interesting response to will be used.   After answering a good amount of these job asks I will be ending this (long) story arc and starting the FINAL story arc of Out of Work Derpy.  So this will most likely be the last time Derpy will do Job Asks.  So it’s now or never!  
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He had some rare things on sale! lol
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