moneraa · 1 month
"and the world did nothing"
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moneraa · 2 months
Tfw you and your siblings were born in the same city but in 3 different countries lmao
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moneraa · 2 months
I am happier today - I finally found my cousins from Ukraine, and they are safe and happy to hear from us. After so many years, finally...
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moneraa · 2 months
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This one is about the destruction.
Two years since the start of one full scale war, five monts since the start of the other. I do not mean to speak over the opressed - consider this a small reminder that these people still need our support
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moneraa · 2 months
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2 years ago, they began the "special military operation". An invasion. A war. 2 years now, my country has been living and fighting in terror. It hasn't been 2 years though. It's been 10, since Russia invaded my country in 2014. It's been decades of tense relations, of oppression. It's been centuries of disrespect, of erasure, of hate. The only thing I'm thankful for in this war is many Ukrainians, including me, finally uncovering more of our history, all that was taken and overwritten. And for our banding together through all of this, fighting for life and freedom, things we will always stand by. Слава Україні, Смерть Ворогам.
2 роки тому, вони почали "спеціальну військову операцію". Вторгнення. Війну. Вже 2 роки, моя країна живе й бореться в терорі. Але ж не пройшло 2-ух років. Пройшло 10, з момента як Росія вторглась в мою країну в 2014. Були десятиріччя складних відносин, опресії. Були сторіччя зневаги, знищення, ненависті. Єдине за що я вдячна в цій війні це те що багато Українців, включно зі мною, нарешті почали виявляти більше нашої історії, все що було взято й переписано. І за наше об'єднання в усьому цьому, боротьба за життя та свободу, речі які ми будемо відстоювати завжди. Слава Україні, Смерть Ворогам.
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moneraa · 2 months
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kyiv dealing with the consequences of another russian attack, 02.01.2024
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moneraa · 2 months
ukraine may be fighting the biggest modern empire in the world that wants to take its colony back to oppress and subjugate its people and culture as it has been for CENTURIES but that still not anti-imperialistic enough for some people
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moneraa · 2 months
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sea, swallow me
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moneraa · 3 months
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Illustration of Taras Shevchenko's poem «Мені тринадцятий минало…» (1994), Publishing House «Veselka».
This edition was so popular that in 2017 «Veselka» republished Shevchenko's poems with more than 50 illustrations by Kateryna Shtanko in a collection titled «У нашім раї на землі…» (In our paradise on earth…).
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moneraa · 3 months
i hate it when i cant even write a poem about something because its too obvious. like in the airbnb i was at i guess it used to be a kids room cause you could see the imprint of one little glow in the dark star that had been missed and painted over in landlord white. like that's a poem already what's the point
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moneraa · 3 months
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This post won't do much, it won't help the people of Palestine. But it might help keep them on your mind. Let's not forget about them!
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moneraa · 3 months
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Sergey Alexandrovich Alimov
Sketches for the animated film "The Master and Margarita" 1975
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moneraa · 4 months
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moneraa · 5 months
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I finally have some time to post, after all the freelancing and Erasmus exchanges. I started -more like continued- a sketchbook!
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moneraa · 7 months
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Sigrid Schmeisser type•BallPill
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moneraa · 7 months
so for the past few months or so, i've been searching for my long lost cousins in Ukraine.
It's such an unusual experience to be coming up on the photos of people who could be them, and, while waiting for the answer, imagining. Imagining that they are well and remember us. Imagining receiving their messages, meeting them someday.
And in the end, it's not them.
I am ready to be disappointed with each search now, but i wish those people well. Behind each profile is a person, and people forget that nowadays.
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moneraa · 7 months
Jesus Christ, what is going on with my country?! I am panicking rn
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