monokumaplush · 1 year
Hey everyone!!
I’m back! I used to be Mod Toko (@shsl-literary-gay), but now I am Mod Monokuma! Ive decided to revive this blog for writing Danganronpa x Readers again :)
Here are the rules for requests:
- No NSFW of any kind
- Nothing related to pregnancy or having kids
- No yandere reader or charcaters
- No characters exclusive to Ultra Despair Girls, the Danganronpa 3 anime, or any sort of spinoff
- If you are requesting imagines or headcanons, I have a limit of 5 characters
(if you aren’t sure about a request and if it breaks the rules, you can always ask!)
I will write oneshots, imagines and headcanons :)
and with that all being said, please, request away! ^_^
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monokumaplush · 2 years
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monokumaplush · 2 years
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monokumaplush · 2 years
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tfw theres an anime boy inside your head
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monokumaplush · 2 years
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monokumaplush · 2 years
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troublesome bear
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Oooo! Fluff Alphabet Headcanons for Gundham with the letters A, D, G, H, M, N, and U?
Of course! Here you go :-) (im on mobile rn so sorry if it’s formatted weirdly)
Fluff Alphabet - Gundham Tanaka
A ctivities- He loves taking care of his animals with his S/O, especially his Devas. He just finds that there's something so intimate about taking care of these tiny creatures with his partner. He also enjoys doing whatever his S/O takes pleasure in doing, as long as they're doing it together :-)
D reams- He really wants to live in a nice big house that can fit all of his pets, and he and his S/O can take care of them together. He just really likes the idea of a quiet, domestic life with one another.
G ratitude- This boy is very grateful for his S/O. He really appreciates them taking the time to get know him, and the fact that he can trust them. He's just so happy that he has someone he knows he can rely on and confide in, since he never really had that in the past with other people his age
H onesty- Despite his boisterous personality, Gundham is a pretty private person. But, if he meets someone he feels he can trust and feels comfortable around, he'll be a bit more open about his true feelings. The longer they're together, the more he feels like he can confide in his S/O about anything.
M arriage- He does really want to get married to his S/O. Believe it or not, underneath his facade, he is hopelessly romantic. He would try to propose the way he would ask his S/O out on a simple date; complex and full of passion. Key word: try. He'd be red in face and stumble over a couple of words, but when he finally pulls out the ring, his S/O would immediately understand and say yes.
N icknames- Fittingly, Gundham calls his S/O very grand names. Sometimes they're kind of lengthy, like, "The Overlord of Fire that which melted my icy heart". But, more often than not, he just calls his S/O his king/queen/lord.
U nderstaning- I think that it would take him a while to fully understand his S/O, but he tries his very best to remember certain things. He isn’t the best at comforting them at first, because he isn’t very emotional himself. But, once his barriers are broken down, he’ll go in and do whatever he can to comfort his S/O and make them feel understood.
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Hi Mod toko! I hope your having a great day or night Can I please request Himiko, ryoma, and shuichi , and *insert one character from your choice!* (separately) waking up only to feel their female s/o cuddled up to them (like in that Mikan and hajime scene?) How would they react to it?
Hello! I hope you're having a great day/night as well :) I didn't choose a fourth character because I didn't really have any other characters in mind, and I wrote these as headcanons, I hope you're alright with that!
~ Mod Toko
Himiko, Ryoma, and Shuichi waking up to their Fem! S/O cuddled up to them
Himiko Yumeno
- When she wakes up, she'll be super drowsy, so it'll take her a while to realize what's happening
- She'll just feel S/O's warm limbs enveloping her, and she'll want to fall right back to sleep
- But then she'll realize that she can't breathe
- Himiko would shake S/O awake and startle her
- S/O would get off of her and immediately apologize for almost crushing her
- And Himiko would just lie back down, childishly yanking S/O with her (also trying to hide the blush on her face)
- "Nyeh, it's fine, just be more careful next time...." She'd say before dosing right back off to bed, holding onto S/O's arm
Ryoma Hoshi
- The moment Rymoa wakes up, he freezes
- He's literally being held by his S/O like a teddy bear
- While it's a little embarrassing, he can't help but feel all warm inside
- 'So this is what it feels like to be held by someone...'
- (I headcanon him as being extremely touch starved, so he relishes in every second of physical affection he gets)
- He lays there for a while, contemplating what to do
- ... And then he just quietly snuggles into his S/O's chest
- And when she wakes up, he gets all red in the face and quiet, embarrassed that he got caught being vulnerable (and cute)
Shuichi Saihara
- He's screaming in his head the moment he wakes up
- He's super flustered and happy at the same time
- But mainly flustered
- He doesn't know what to do, so he tries to go back to sleep
- But he can't, because there's a cute girl literally hugging him in her sleep
- So he just turns to look at his S/O's face, and how peaceful she looks, and it calms him down
- He almost falls asleep before S/O finally wakes up, saying good morning
- Which startles him and makes him all flustered again
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monokumaplush · 3 years
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Hello, may I request fluff alphabet for Kaede Akamatsu?
If you can't do the whole thing you have your pick of the letters
Sure thing! I only picked a few letters, if thats alright :)
~ Mod Toko
Fluff Alphabet - Kaede Akamastu
A ctivities- Quality time is something Kaede really appreciates, so she and her S/O will be doing almost everything together. From quieter domestic things like making breakfast together, to more active things like riding bikes to the beach! She'd absolutely love to teach her S/O how to play the piano, too.
K iss- She had absolutely no idea what she was doing the first time she kissed her S/O. She was all nervous and jittery, but surprisingly, it went pretty well. She's gotten better since then. Kaede's kisses are just a little intense, but very soft.
R omance- Kaede will say that she's not very romantic, but things she does for her S/O are probably the most sweet, cliché things ever. Bouquets of flowers, chocolates, and plushies aren't just for valentine's day to her! She'll also play the most beautiful piano songs for her S/O, and even write her own songs for them.
S upport- Kaede is very supportive of her S/O whenever they set their mind on something. She's always giving them words of encouragement and will help them if they ask. But, sometimes she can seem a bit pushy, so her S/O will take some time to remind her that taking breaks and pacing yourself is a good thing.
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Hello, Is this blog still active?
Yeah, i just get in and out of writing a lot :-)
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Can I request for ryoma with a workaholic reader? Sometimes she cry when she doesn't finish on time?
Here you are! I made you some headcanons, if you don’t mind :-)
~Mod Toko
Ryoma Hoshi x Workaholic! Fem! Reader Headcanons
-He's not a very driven person, so while he does admire his S/O's ability to get work done quickly, he worries that she's not taking any time for herself
-Whenever Ryoma starts to see her stress out, he'll coax her away from her work to make some food or something to drink
-"You need to get something in your stomach, or you won't be able to focus."
-He's always reminding her to take breaks in a nonchalant manner, but he actually cares deeply about his S/O's health and well-being
-(even tho he should be taking care of himself too >:()
-The one time he hears crying coming from her room, he's in there in an instant
-He's quick to dry her tears, asking what's wrong
-When his S/O explains she won't be able to complete her work before the deadline, he sighs
-"You need to stop stretching yourself so thin. You need to step back every once in a while and be proud of what you've done. You should be your number one priority, and I don't want to see you hurting like this."
-Ryoma would make sure something like that would never happen again
-He'll take his S/O away from her work sometimes just to go pet some cats that live around the neighborhood, because that's what he always does when he's upset or stressed
-All he wants is to make his S/O's life easier, it was the least he could do for her
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Happy Valentines Day everyone! Hope you enjoy :-) (I also just wanna say that requests are open again ;))
~Mod Toko
February 14th.
The date on the calendar was circled with red marker. Ryoma had done that himself.
He promised himself that he would make an effort for Y/N today. He wrote a heartfelt letter for them the night before. He was going to get up early and buy some chocolates on his way school. But luck just didn't seem to be on his side. He was a heavy sleeper, and so he slept through the alarm he had set up specifically for today. When he woke up, he saw the heavy rain that pounded on his windows. He didn't have any choice other than to rush out the door, hastily grabbing the letter from his nightstand, accidentally crumpling it in his hand.
He didn't have time to stop, with only a few minutes to get to school and he had to get out of the rain. When Ryoma finally made it into the doors of Hope's Peak, he was drenched. He shoved the now damp letter into his jacket pocket and shivered. 'Great.' He thought, 'Now I'm going to catch a cold and give it to them.' He sighed out loud and started to walk the halls to get to class, cold and wet. He didn't take more than a few steps before he heard a voice from behind him. "Ryoma!"
He looked back to see Y/N running towards him, crouching in front of him to get a good look at his flushed face. "Did you forget to take your umbrella or something?" They asked, placing a hand on his frigid cheek. He jumped at bit at the warmth, but then he leaned in a bit, realizing how good it felt. "You're freezing! Come on, let me take you to the nurse's office and help you warm up." Y/N said, grabbing Ryoma's hand and standing up. The two started to walk, their silence only being matched by the downpour outside.
Surprisingly, it was Ryoma that broke the silence. "Why did you come back for me?" He didn't know why he phrased it that way, maybe it was the drowsiness that plagued him as he grew colder. "Huh? Oh, I was just worried. You hadn't missed any school lately, and I wanted to see if you were just late or something." Y/N explained, giving the boy a small smile. Ryoma only nodded, and looked ahead once again. He wouldn't say it out loud, but ever since he and Y/N started dating, he started to come into school more often just to see them. They motivated him and kept him going even on his worst days. That's why he had to come in today, he wanted to show his appreciation for everything that they had done for him.
The two made it to the empty nurse's office and Y/N sat Ryoma down on one of the sick beds, grabbing him some blankets to warm him up. Ryoma snuggled into the blankets and watched as Y/N started to make some hot tea for him. He frowned at the situation he was in right now. He wanted to show you appreciation for all that you've done for him, and he ends up making you do more work. He felt guilty.
As Y/N walked towards him with a glass of hot tea, he stood up from the bed and looked up at them. "Hey, what's up? You're supposed to be warming up." They said, placing the tea on a counter to the side. Ryoma put a shaky hand in his pocket, and pulled out the crumpled and wrinkled paper from his jacket. He slowly held it out to them and started to talk. "I wrote this for you last night, I'm really sorry I don't have any chocolates or anything. I've just been causing so much trouble for you today, and I know this won't really make up for it, but I-I'd like it if you could read it." He said, his words almost breaking at the end. Y/N takes the paper from his hands and opens it, trying to iron out the wrinkles and folds with their hands. They read the somewhat messy handwriting that is undoubtedly Ryoma's, the words looking exactly how he'd speak.
'Dear Y/N,
I can't begin to tell you how much you mean to me. You put up with me all of the time and deal with all of my feelings. You do almost everything for me, and I have no idea how I could repay you. I really don't deserve you. You're the sunshine in my life, and I just want to love you for as long as I can, if you let me.
Y/N looked up from the paper at Ryoma, who was looking away from them, his face going from pale to almost bright red. They smiled and pulled Ryoma into a hug. "Thank you so much, Ryoma." They said, both of them starting to tear up. Ryoma wrapped his arms around them, being enveloped in the warmth he desperately needed. "You mean the world to me, and I'll love you for as long as I can too." Y/N said, looking Ryoma in the eyes.
They looked at him, and he felt loved.
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monokumaplush · 3 years
To the one person who voted for Ryoma: how does it feel to have the biggest brain?
Valentines Day Poll!
Hey hey! I’ve decided to do a lil something for Valentines Day, so I made a poll for you guys to vote on who I should write for. Who ever gets the most votes win! :-)
Click here to vote-> https://strawpoll.com/vw5j2eh2w
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Hey! I love your writing! Also, I wanted to make a request real quick. If it's okay, can you possibly do an imagine (or headcanons, whatever you think suits more the request), Kaito x male reader, where the reader actually likes PDA, and really wants to at least hold hands, but he's afraid of getting attention from some bad people who might mock him for his sexuality or even do worse with them?
I don't know if this is a triggering topic to you, and if it is, it's okay to decline! I don't want to make anyone feel bad, so if that's the case, I apologise in advance.
No, it’s alright! I hope you enjoy :-]
(also please tell me if I need to tag this in any way!)
~Mod Toko
-It was a really nice day out, and Kaito and (Y/N) were enjoying it. Walking around town, window shopping, and talking about where they should get lunch.
-On the outside, (Y/N) looked happy, excitedly talking with his boyfriend about this new cafe a couple blocks away.
-But on the inside, he was really nervous. He and Kaito had been dating for a while now, and he really wanted to hold his hand. But, he was really scared of what other people would think.
-He knew that he was probably overreacting, and that Kaito would never let anything bad happen to the both of them, but the thought still lingered in the back of his mind.
-The two boys were still walking around when Kaito caught a glimpse of a cool jacket in the window of a store. "Hey, Y/N! Take a look at that sick jacket!" He grabbed (Y/N)'s hand to get his attention.
-The moment they touched, (Y/N)'s hands got sweaty. He started to look around, his nerves getting the best of him.
-When Kaito looked back at him, his smile faltered. "Hey, what's wrong?"
-(Y/N)'s eyes landed on his boyfriend's, and he sighed. "I-I'm sorry, it-it's just that..." He trailed off. He didn't want to accidentally offend Kaito with his fears.
-But when he saw the concerned look in his eyes, he knew that Kaito would help him no matter what.
-"I-I'm just worried about what people will think. I don't want to put you in harm's way or anything." (Y/N) confessed. Kaito looked a bit surprised, but his expression changed into an encouraging one, his trademark smile spreading across his face.
-"Hey, you don't need to be scared. I'm always going to be here to protect you. You shouldn't have to hide who you are, and if anyone makes you feel that way, I'm gonna kick their ass." He chuckles.
-A smile starts to grow on (Y/N)'s face, and he starts laughing too. "Thank you, Kaito. That means a lot."
-The two share a quick hug, which makes Kaito's heart soar.
-This time, he takes Kaito's hand, and they both start walking again.
-"Are you still up for that cafe I mentioned?" "Heck yeah!"
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monokumaplush · 3 years
hey can i request headcannons of doing the pocky game with the dr2 or the v3 boys??? thank chu >///<
Playing the Pocky  Game with the DR2 Boys
Hajime  Hinata
- He  actually really likes eating pocky, and he wasn't ever one to try playing the  game when he was younger
- So he  gets really caught off-guard when you bring up the pocky game when he thought  you two were just going to snack on it
- He  would agree after a little bit of persuasion
- His  cheeks would grow pink as you put the biscuit in between you two
- He  would get more flustered with each bite, getting closer to your face
- With  one last bite left, he takes it out of nervousness and ends up pecking you on  the lips
- He  pulls back a little bit out of surprise, not expecting to feel your lips on  his
- You  laugh at his surprised face as he looks away all flustered
- You  give him the rest of the pocky as a treat to make up for it
  Nagito Komaeda
-He looks calm on  the outside when you pull out that little red box of biscuits, but on the  inside he’s flustered as hell
-Immediately begins  protesting before you even get the chance to ask if he wants to play
-“It’ll be no good,  Y/N. I’ll mess it up one way or another with my bad luck, and I’m not even  worthy enough to be in the same room as you.”
-You shut down his  self-loathing as quick as possible and place a pocky between his lips to shut  him up
-He quickly adjusts  the biscuit to be in between his teeth, accepting his fate
-He doesn’t move an  inch as you take little bites of the candy, too nervous that he’ll mess up
-When he finally  gains the confidence to move, you take the last bite
-He moves his head  forward just as you do, and his lips land right on top of yours
-You both are a bit  shocked at the sudden contact, but stay like that for a couple seconds before  pulling away
-You give him a  light chuckle as you finally get a look of his flushed pink face
Byakuya Twogami
-At first, he says  he doesn't want to play, because he has an image to uphold
-"Byakuya,  we're the only two people here, and we're in your own cottage."
-His resolve is  much weaker than the real Byakuya's, so all you need is a few words and he's  sitting right in front of you, trying to rip open the box
-The first time you  try to play, he ends up biting off the entire stick and swallowing it whole
-He mumbles an  apology as you laugh and remind him the point of the game
-He goes slower on  the second try, each of you taking turns biting the pocky
-When you both  reach the middle, he easily wins, taking the pocky right from your mouth
-Which ends up with  him kissing you
-When he pulls  away, you can see a faint blush on his cheeks
-He immediately  stands up and walks back to whatever he was doing before, saying that he  should get back to his work
-But, after a bit  he says, "We should play that again sometime."
  Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu
-Says he doesn’t  have time for ‘stupid games like that.’
-You’ll have to ask  him a bit before he finally caves
-“C’mon, it’ll make  me really happy. You don’t have to be all baby gangsta with me.”
-He turns around  and gives you an annoyed look, grumbling, “Don’t call me baby gangsta.”
-Despite his angry  look, he sits in front of you and looks at you expectantly
-You give him a  pocky to put between his teeth and bite down on the other end
-His eyes are  darting all around because he’s too embarrassed to look you in the eyes
-He ends up taking  the last bite and pulling away, his lips just barely brushing yours
-“Aw, no fair!” You  pout
-But, you get  cheered up by Fuyuhiko’s embarrassed looking face
Kazuichi Soda
-He’s very  excited to play with you
-Can’t sit still  from his excitement, so you’ll have to put the pocky in your mouth first and  he’ll follow suit
-Plays a fairly  normal game, each of you taking turns biting the sugary biscuit
-Despite his  initial excitement, with each bite he takes, he grows more nervous
-He was worried  that he might accidentally bite your lip (which would really hurt with those  sharp teeth of his), or take too big of a bite and completely miss the chance  to kiss you
-He was so caught  up in his own thoughts that he failed to notice you took the last bite and  were mere centimeters away from his face
-You quickly close  the gap and kiss him, simultaneously snapping him out of his thoughts and  stealing what was left of the pocky from his lips
-When you pull  away, his face matches the color of his hair and he’s quick to ask if you  guys could play again
  Gundham Tanaka
-Gundham’s not  clear on what the pocky game is
-He’s only ever  heard about it in passing during middle school, but he was never interested  because it was only a ‘mere mortals game’
-So he was confused  as to why you would want to try it,  because you’re clearly more than some mortal
-“It’ll be fun,  Gundham! Plus, they taste really good.” You smile
-And he could never  say no to your smile
-You explain the  rules to him and quickly start the game, not giving Gundham enough time to  process the fact that you two might end up accidentally kissing
-You each take  bites of the treat, Gundham getting more nervous with each bite he takes
-Both of you end up  meeting in the middle, and your lips just brush against each other
-You’re the one to  move forward to kiss him because he’s frozen from shock
- (I guess they don’t  call him the ‘Lord of Ice’ for nothing, haha..)
 Nekomaru Nidai
-When you showed him the box of treats, he was instantly pumped
-“Oh, hell yeah!! You wanna play the pocky game? Well, let’s get to it,  then!”
-To be honest, you  were kind of worried to play with him at first
- He could devour  the whole box with one bite, and he usually gets really excited when you two  are about to kiss
-But, during the  game, he was on his best behavior
-You each took  turns biting the pocky, and it came down to him getting the last bite
-And that’s when he  let all of his excitement out
-He picked you up  and spun around with you, laughing and kissing you
-He gives you a big  smile as he pulls away
-“I WIN!!”
Teruteru Hanamura
-The moment he sees  what you brought, he’s sat down right in front of you, ready to play
-He says that he  isn’t one for store-bought sweets, but he’ll make an accept ion for right now  ;)
-Surprisingly very  jittery
-He just doesn’t  want to mess up
-Takes very quick  bites, just wants it to be over with so he can kiss you
-He ends up winning  with taking the last bite, and freezes for a second
-When he finally  realizes what happened, he takes his chance and kisses you
-He moves closer  and hugs you, and you chuckle into his lips
-You pull away and  laugh when you see the love-struck look on his face, saying “Alright, lover  boy, you win.”           
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monokumaplush · 3 years
Can I request soft Miu Iruma x fem S/O head canons please ?
Soft Miu Iruma x Fem!Reader Headcanons
- She's all for cuddling anytime of the day, even when she's busy
- (Seriously. The moment you sidle up next to her, she's dropping everything and carrying you to the nearest place you guys can cuddle)
- Loves laying her head on your chest or lap, but gets really flustered if you do the same to her
- I like to think that she's naturally really warm, so she's your personal heater during the winter
- She just loves being able to touch and hold you
- Holding your hand, hugging you, snuggling up against you, messing with your hair
- She's on cloud nine the whole time
- She might worry she's being too clingy tho
- After a bit of reassurance, she's shameless with all the affection she gives you
- But she always gets a bit nervous when you guys kiss because she doesn't want to mess up
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