moonrunningfox · 1 year
One of the best and most underrated feelings ever; Being at home, snuggled under a weighted blanket with a show on. A nice big drink, warm food. A cat on one side, the dog on the other.
There is peace in this moment, and calm in the air.
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moonrunningfox · 1 year
Taking the big afulty step forward and getting a career that can allow me to live was both surprisingly easy and downright terrifiying. May be worth May not be. We shall see.
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moonrunningfox · 1 year
Life would be better if we could hibernate. Like don’t get me wrong I LOVE winter but I want to stay home. Cozy home with my voidlings.
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moonrunningfox · 1 year
It’s important to celebrate the little wins. I know its preached a *lot* like really a *lot*, but honestly it didn’t click with me until I started coming out of my depression-burnout- crisis mode.
Sometimes it matters more if that your headspace is better, even if that means the laundry wont be completely done. Its a win to have a better mental/headspace. The laundry will be there. If you can only do (1) load of dishes, or even half a load- you still did it! Go you! Its a step in the right direction.
Small little steps will get you there. Note the small steps, as they lead to big steps. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even for a few months. But they will get you there. Small steps. Baby steps.
We’re gonna get there.
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moonrunningfox · 1 year
Fighting tooth and nail for what is mine, what is *ours*, is always tiring. Its hard work, to be on the tips of your toes for hours, days, weeks, *years*.
But. That sweet moment, the sweetest that can be, is knowing that you don’t have to. You can stand down, relax your shoulders, and simply *breathe*.
The sweetest moment, the smallest breath.
Breathe. Remember to breathe. *let it go*.
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moonrunningfox · 1 year
When you mask SO hard you even fool yourself- is that a win or a loose, or both? Truly stuck in an endless loop of brain verses other parts of brain. Like surely SOME part would have an ounce of logic?
No? Ah well nuggets help.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Moon thoughts #3
Food made for someone you love, made of stuff that you love, will taste good. Even when it shouldn’t.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Inkblot looks really cool as an artist site, gonna give it a go!
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Is anyone else just *utterly exhausted* by life? In general? Or by a specific issue?
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
When you loose a teeny tiny itsy bitsy bit of *your* magic. Ya know that “everyday” magic that you just don’t *know* you have. So apparently my time was up for some of that magic. In other news, WHY are onions so incredibly spicy to my two sight seers?
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Moon thoughts #2
Sometimes the door is closed by you. Sometimes its closed by others. Sometimes it gets closed because everything is on fucking fire and you best run away.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Moon thoughts #1
Oh the wonderment that comes from healing.
The scars that carve ones heart apart, to be smoothed by the balm of love, care, and support.
The amazement that you Can rename yourself.
The ability to change, regrow, rediscover and Discover oneself properly.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Sometimes ya gotta bathe in the light of the full moon to feel yourself again.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Hell is a karaoke bar. That is all.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Did you know that Lime-concrete can poison you?
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
Sometimes I think that I know what to write on here. Most times I just like to babble. Rambling babbling about the experience of this short lived life knowing that one day I shall poof into the ether and not know anymore. Not ramble. Not babble. Refreshing and terrifying.
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moonrunningfox · 2 years
This feeling of euphoria after I have crawled my way out of the crushing amount of weight that is debt is astounding. Its akin to the first breath of the first snowfall and I will never tire of this feeling.
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