movieinternship · 4 years
Roman Holliday (1953)
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movieinternship · 4 years
Quills (2000)
Oh look. My English literature degree slapping me in the face. Bless the Marquis de Sade.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Manhattan (1979)
Stopped watching as soon as I saw Woody Allen who openly is dating a 17 year old girl in this film.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Finished quite a few:
Five Graves to Cairo (1943)
Stakeout On Dope Street (1957)
The Candidate (1972)
Room At The Top (1959)
Fade To Black (1980)
The Idolmaker (1980)
Kameradschaft (1931)
Five Star Final (1931)
Dons Party (1976)
The Devil’s Playground (1976)
Clean and sober (1988)
Jacknife (1989)
Extreme Prejudice (1997)
The Funeral (1996)
American Heart (1992)
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movieinternship · 4 years
Ship of Fools (1965)
The romance between La Condesa and Dr. Schumann is the kind that i have a stronger connection too (call it millenial neodiadism) but I had really hoped he would have saved her somehow- but the poetry of his heart (even though it was pretty hard hinted at) was just as fitting.
there were so many wonderful one liners and actions that it's hard to pick and organize just one.
the scene where Vivien Leigh tells Tenny off at the dining table about his racist shitty fucking existance made me scream and clap. Sorry neighbors.
I do also have this very conflicting feeling about the artist couple. while she was far more tallented than him, she was being very ignorant of the issues that her fiance was trying to bring light to; privilaged if you will. But he was also a pile of shit asking a human to just be a log and a sex toy in the background of his artistic activism.
I cannot speak on much of the things that went on, as I know very little other than the basics regarding the sociology of a lot of the historical aspects here. what I can feel is the overwhelming slap to the face this repeatedly ennacts on anyone who does have at least moral sociological compasses.
I still think La Condessa is my favorite character. Right away I recognised what she was asking of the Dr, and right away I knew what he was trying to do. It was kind of him to try and get her clean before being stuck in a cell with no way to feed an addiction.
"There are over one million Jews in Germany; What are they going to do? Kill all of us?" made this horrible ice cold feeling creep from my chest to my brain.
Truely- a lot of the films i have been given are along these lines. And even though they are hard to watch, They deserve to have the uncomfortable slap that they give me-pushing further into the sympathetic/empathetic empathic ditches of my brain.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Raggedy Man (1981)
I feel like I have seen this before, on the basis of the rapey brothers. Or maybe it's that I live in a town where this is avery likely pastime and family history.
I am a little dissapointed that it was her husband. I didn't find that romantic or touching. It felt absurdely forced. Then again, my adopted grandfather was much like Teddy- except he married the woman, and they never told the child he wasn't their father. So maybe I am biased to see a story about the one person I trusted in my childhood.
I am very greatful to the woman in this to be her own person. after so many of these movies just making me want to stab my eyes out, it was beautiful to see her have her own autonomy.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Citizen Kane (1941)
I had no idea that black and white angry calpping meme (reinacted by Shai LaBeouf). I spent this whole movie trying to get some deep meaning out of it. and it's not that deap. poor colorado boy raised to be a wealthy asshole.
oh wait (it's me).
buying things for people expecting that to show the love, not really knowing what they actually want. obessive collecting. Anger managemnt problems.
hates the news but also is completely enwrapped in it.
yeah. sounds a lot like me. I sure am an asshole.
on another note, this film is beautiful. The women in it show a distinct emotional trauma and ability to act that is stunning. also a glorious shout out to the makeup artists.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Logans Run (1976)
I have been asked more times than I can count if I have seen this movie, as I love sci fi.
Realized when the old man said cats have three names that Andrew LLoyd Webber basically make Logan's Run into his musical Cats. Which to confirm I watched right afterwards.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Seven Beauties (1975)
this, and The Inner Circle, have currently made me break my “no red wine” note from my doctor. My head hurts, and I just... I don’t see much good in humanity at this point in my life. 
this movie is very: Catch 22 (the novel, no film version has done is justice) which is perfect because the main actor (Giancarlo Giannini, was in the most recent TV rendition as Marcello. Also a bit Zorba the Greek, Victor Frankel’s Man’s Search For Meaning,  and both Mous I&II. 
I had a neighbor, Frank, who was a small boy during WWII, in Germany. He told me horrible things, truthful things, the look in his eyes... has left a mark nothing can rub off. 
Humans in their need to organize has always set themselves up to be beaten and tortured. We as a whole, in individual minds, will never be competent enough to have a world (not Utopian, as those do not exist) but actively looking for good. many years ago i established that there will always be people who need led, and always be people who will exploit that, and every other weakness the world has to offer. 
this film, and the previous are proof of that. and it echoes in both past and future. 
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movieinternship · 4 years
The Inner Circle (1991)
Bob Hoskins always has a way of being just creepy enough to make my skin crawl. 
the use of broken film to transition actually had me for a sec, i thought this was an actual old school pirate I had come across (think early 2000′s). All of these films are burnt disks.
films like these, with the political nuances that can only make your heart break when you know why these things are happening, and when you can see parallels even now. 
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movieinternship · 4 years
Candy (1968)
they were given 2.3 million in drugs to make this movie. 
I am also 99999% sure Johnathan Frakes used Steppenwolfs song Magic Carpet Ride because of this movie. Fight me.
and wtf Ringo.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Torn Curtain (1966)
as far as Hitchcock, this is far too romantic for me. then again anything Julie Andrews has been in is mostly typecast for her particular popularity.
was nice to see him in a cameo though, was that his grand-kid he was holding?
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movieinternship · 4 years
By the Law (1986)
two men, while bad people, framed for things they didn’t do. One man who willingly and knowingly killed a man: the dopiest Italian tourist, helps all three escapes, and even finds a wife.
I liked the clothes, and poor Bob and his two sticks.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Can we establish something people can wear who are immunocompromised? Because I’m real sick of the dirty looks for wearing a mask and gloves.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Day 5 Internship
I am currently ill, so I am not at the library today, but I informed the director that I am in possession of a book entitled A guide to Library Research Methods that I am going to start and pose some questions to them when I get back next week.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Day 4 Internship
(posted one day late)
So, while again left to my own devices, I realized why I love the idea of this job. I had a rather emotional night and decided I should be really pissed off about my emotions instead of sleep. I was very worried that the edginess I have been fighting for a while would manifest in a way that would make anything I tried to do a task worse than imaginable. Instead I found the intricate tedium of checking the status of the Storage audio books a perfect distraction from my own pathetic bleakness. 
I did learn a couple things. First off was that books can have more than one ISBN ( ISBNs are assigned to text-based monographic publications). I had always assumed that a books ISBN was akin to a persons social security number- there SHOULD only be one. The fact that I now know different, explains why I have had some trouble finding text books for classes in the past, or specific renditions of novels. Depending on any number of things and altercations to the item there can be as many possible ISBNs.
Which in retrospect makes perfect sense. 
I also learned that for the 3DS you can buy replacement cases fore the game cartridges. 
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I did not learn this because the library buys these, but because they happened to find several games which had been opened to the internal makings. The insides were taken out, and replaced with a detailed paper drawing of what would look like the inner workings- even so far as the writing of the librarians on them being replicated. 
That is an ABSURD amount of effort to steal a game. Unless you already have a 3ds, the pawn value is generally unforgiving and pure shit- thanks EB Games. Your employees deserve better and you are lucky that they have little prospects other than using their gaming knowledge. 
On a better note, while checking the quality of the donated DVDs against the one’s already on the floor, I found a copy of one of the most interesting movies I have ever seen. Captain from Castile (1945).
My step father gave me a copy of the novel years ago, and as i was reading it, out-loud said, “This would make a fantastic 40’s film.” And they did (1947). While it’s only about half the novel, maybe a little less- it plays just as it did in my head. And it was so hard to find. Back in the day when Netflix MAILED you DVDs they had the hardest time finding me one that was not stolen or damaged. 
I also let them know that I am completely excited to see how the high school library runs. they have integrated the school library into the public one so that it can stay open later, and have access to more items. It will be really rather traumatizing to be in the place I spent four horrible years, and now be in an adult teaching like position. But I really want to know how a public schools library runs different as there is a chance I will spend many years of my life in one.
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movieinternship · 4 years
Day 3 Internship
today was learning what happens to all those donated items. If there’s a copy already we see if the new one is better. If not and its a popular book sometimes it’s put in “storage.” If it’s not very popular and/or it’s not in good condition it is donated, or tossed.  some books are just. real gross. 
Also, just because you donate doesn’t mean it’s going to be used. There is no need for books to sit on a shelf that will never be checked out (the popularity of the items is checked on) because there is limited space. Also: if it’s a large donation (hundreds of items- which has been done...) please donate in small sections a) for space reasons, and b) for time reasons. It takes like five steps to get them to the floor or to donations (in this case donations is a small store within the library that uses the small price for books to help fund the library). 
Also learned that the census is trying to reach out to the homeless populations too. Which is so fucking amazing. And a friend is helping to teach them how to find and interact with the homeless in the area. I’m so proud of him. 
next week is going to be more of me organizing, but I am going to try to get through the “storage” area. Even the few I got through were so old that it would do better to sell it than to have it collect dust and never be used. 
Still loved every minute of it.
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