myvettechjourney · 3 years
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Here's a little Monday encouragement for all who are in school.
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
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I mean… who could resist…?
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
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Anesthesia monitoring
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
Intestinal parasites
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
Learning Medical Terminology
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Source: Medical Terminology Made Incredibly Easy by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
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Source: vetprep.com
Great quick reference for any vet/nursing/tech students, and also for owners whose vets just can’t seem to help but get a little too technical during consults.
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
Just some friendly tips for future vet techs.....
1. Lunch will become a distant memory. 2. Your vet will throw you under the bus with clients…deal with it. 3. You will stab yourself with a needle. (Bonus points if it has lidocaine in it) 4. You will accidentally skin glue yourself to at least one animal. 5. Don’t lock your knees. 6. Keep your mouth closed when helping with an abscess. 7. Rubbing alcohol gets ink out of scrubs, hydrogen peroxide gets blood out. 8. Wear comfortable shoes. 9. Have a sense of humor…if you can’t laugh about it you will get an ulcer from it. 10. Clients are crazy…resist the urge to roll your eyes when taking history. 11. Your receptionists can make your day…or make your day hell. 12. Christmas is a magical time filled with sugary gifts from clients. 13. Those sugary gifts will disappear in ten seconds flat so get yours fast. 14. Never say the Q word (quiet) or slow. 15. Guard your pen like your life depends upon it. 16. People will ask for vet advice at the grocery store, the restaurant, Walmart…if you run into a client outside of work they will ask you vet advice. 17. Take responsibility for your mistakes. 18. There is the very real possibility your mistake will kill at least one animal during your career…learn from it and never do it again. 19. Wash your hands, wash your hands, wash your hands. 20. Become friends with the clinic cat. 21. You will have days when you can’t hit a vein, intibate a cat or place a catheter. We have all had those days. All of us. 22. Try to not cry during every euthanasia, it’s hard and sometimes certain ones hit us harder than others. But, your pain is not as acute as the owner. Sometimes they appreciate the tears…sometimes they don’t. 23. Have fun. Laugh. Tell dirty jokes (not around clients), get drunk (after work), vent, cry, and make memories.
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
Litter Box Rule
1 litter box per cat, per floor of your house, plus 1, cleaned every single day.
If every cat owner followed the rule there would be less incidences of rug peeing, marking, and feline idiopathic cystitis.
I have many cat owners that bring their cat to me every few months for inappropriate urination. We discuss the litter box rule and they say they just simply don’t have the time, room, money, desire, etc. So they keep coming back. One owner in particular has spent about $1,200 on her cat because it continues to get FIC. The reason she will not provide more litter boxes? She can’t afford it.
The root cause of so many feline urinary issues are behavioral and pet owners (and many vets) simply refuse to accept that cat behavior is much more complex than we give them credit for. “What does he have to be stressed about?!” is something I often hear. Litter boxes are cheap. Make your own out of Rubbermaid containers-they tend to work better anyway. It is so disheartening on my end to have a solution for pet owners that they simply refuse to take. I have put cats to sleep because the owner would rather do that than try supplying more litter boxes or cleaning the ones they have more often.
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myvettechjourney · 3 years
Greetings! My name is Ali and I graduated from college last year with my 4-year degree. After nearly an entire year of reflection, I decided to go back to school to be a veterinary technician. Even though I got my degree in a mostly unrelated field, I have always volunteered with animals on the side as a source of fulfilment. Earlier this year I got a volunteer position working with a Certified Veterinary Technician on a farm used for educational purposes, and it cemented my choice to apply for schools. I had to put together a lengthy application with letters of recommendation, write a statement of purpose, contact doctors to get my medical records, and even go through an interview process for one of them, but it was worth it in the end. I was accepted to every program in my state, but most importantly in the cohort for my top choice program!
That said, I want to use this blog to connect with other vetmed/vettech students or people with jobs in the field. I want to post whatever I am legally allowed to take photos of from lab/clinic, content from my notes, and other cool animal related things I do on the side. 
If you are in the field please like this! Anyone interested is welcome to follow. I am ready to begin this journey and start a new chapter in my career/education. :)
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