nova-starlight711 · 5 years
I know I'm late but-
Rayla: . . . I can't sweem
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
ok im done
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 7
(Parts 1- 4)
(Part 5) (Part 6)
Alya was waiting  patiently for her best friend at the front of the school.
Marinette had texted her this morning about what happened yesterday and Alya wants… no NEEDS details.
“Of course she is late.” Alya sighed. The ladyblogger knew how her friend can be sometimes.
But as if on cue, Marinette came running full speed. She stopped short of the steps, avoiding crashing into them.
Alya made her way to her friend. A knowing smile on her face.
“Overslept?” Alya inquired.
“I actually got up early today.” Marinette responded. “I wanted to answer those questions as soon as possible.”
“Still triple digits.” Marinette smiled. “I got so happy that I started daydreaming… which then turned into actual dreaming.”
Alya laughed. 
“Speaking of dreams, sounds like you are living one of yours.” Alya commented. “Which I would really like to hear details of now that you are out of your head.”
Marinette regaled Alya about yesterday as they started walking into the school. Marinette explained how Adrien asked her about her thoughts on the app, how they both believed there was something more to it, and how if the profile doesn’t change in 2 weeks that they should try it out. 
Alya nudging her best friend as Marinette turned bright red.
“And then he asks you out that night. Are you sure that you are both waiting until the profile finishes?” Alya teased. “Because I think the model found his soulmate.”
“It isn’t a date! He just asked if I wanted to go to the interview with him. If I didn’t go, he would have asked Nino.” Marinette flusteredly explained. “Though I was happy that I was his first choice. Just us going to the interview right after school, thats it.”
“Sounds like he is falling for you. But he is wrong if he thinks you are going there as you are normally.” Alya answered.
Marinette looked at her in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“You are going tomorrow looking your best. We are going to make that boy smack his head on the floor falling head over heels for you.” Alya elaborated with a confident smile.
Marinette stopped.
“W-W-Wait! That might be too much. He never said it was a date! If I show up looking out of the ordinary, it might make him think I am going into this too quickly.” Marinette stammered.
“Trust me girl. If he finds it weird, just say that you didn’t want to look bad in case they did put you on camera. Adrien understands how important appearances are.” Alya responded. “Its a fair reason.”
Marinette had to admit it was a sneaky yet clever reason.
“Wait you said we? You didn’t tell the girls about the…”
“They don’t know about the compatibility score, but they know about your ‘Not Date’ “ Alya said with finger quotes around the words ‘Not Date’. “They are on board and we will make you look amazing.”
Marinette smiled at her friend.
“You are a really the bestest friend ever. Thanks Alya.” Marinette praised.
“Hey, I am just looking out for my girl. Now lets hurry to class before..”
The late bell rang loudly alerting the two that they were late.
Adrien was worried. Nino had told him it wasn’t that big of a deal. But Nino didn’t understand how Lila actually was. The model remembered how she used every little bit of information to get into the Agreste Mansion, how easily she twisted the truth, how she got Nathalie and his bodyguard in trouble. Then there was the way she took that photo. Nino didn’t know what Chat noir knew about Lila.
If it was not for the late bell he would have explained situation to the Dj, he had a feeling if he does explain Nino might believe him. He was both relieved and annoyed that Lila was not in school that day. Adrien didn’t bother paying attention to what the reason was, he knew it was likely a lie while most of the class felt bad and was wishing her she felt better. He will have to ‘Talk’ with Lila later, at least this absence will give him time to approach her composed and calm. 
Thankfully something sweet and kind did help bring him back to earth. Marinette walking through the door. She and Alya apologized to Ms.Bustier about their tardiness before taking seats. He found himself smiling at her when she looked his way. He noticed her smile back, it elevated stress from him. Until he the shattering realization of Lila having that list could entail.
Marinette was on the top of that list, that compatibility list could become a hit list if Lila shows the right people. That made Lila’s absence all the more mortifying. He needed to warn her.
Adrien made a mental task list of who he needed to talk to. 1st was Marinette, she needed to be told about Lila seeing and possibly having the list. He wasn’t sure how she would react to it, but better then having her find out later. 2nd. Nino, and possibly Alya to make sure they know what Lila is capable of, a mistake he needs to rectify. Lastly there is Lila, she needs to delete that list, and then Adrien would have a talk to her about Lying.
Class finished fast as Adrien was lost in thought. He noticed his best friend had moved to talk with his girlfriend. Leaving a surprised and nervous Marinette and Adrien in their seats. The class had cleared out leaving the two by themselves.
Adrien began to get up from his seat, gathering his things, as Marinette touched him on his shoulder.
“Hey Marinette. How is it going?” Adrien greeted.
“Are you okay?” Marinette questioned.
Adrien looked at her with surprise.
Marinette realized she had kept her hair on his shoulder still. She quickly removed it looking flustered.
“What do you mean? I am fine.” Adrien replied with a rehearsed smile.
“You seemed really out of it this morning, you looked kind of upset. I just wanted to make sure you were okay.” Marinette answered. Her concern was overshadowing her nervousness.
Adrien’s rehearsed smile faded. Marinette was worried about him, she could tell he was upset and she was checking up on him. She always had a neck for noticing when people were hurting. I wouldn’t expect less of my everyday ladybug
Adrien blinked as that thought crossed his mind. He was getting ahead of himself, he needed to focus on what he was going to say to Marinette.
“Thank you Marinette. I just found out some rather disturbing news.” Adrien answered.
Marinette’s heart sank. Adrien was clearly worried and it hurt her to see him like this.
“Lila saw my list.” Adrien stated. “She saw my compatibility list.”
Marinette blinked unsure of how to take it. Lila was sneaky and devious, so any information that she has or holds over someone is dangerous. But part of her couldn’t help but find funny, Lila knows that She and Adrien are 100% compatible, Marinette wondered if that made Lila mad. It was kind of amusing, but also the realistic issues started coming to light which put that thought to bed.
“How did she find out?” Marinette questioned.
“She used Nino’s phone, texting me pretending to be him. Then she tried to cover her tracks. I would hate to think what would happen if I didn’t ask Nino about it this morning.” Adrien explained.
“That manipulative witch!” Marinette explained. “How could she use Nino like that? It was bad enough the invasion of privacy, but getting Nino involves is even worse.”
Marinette realized she had just insulted Lila right in front of Adrien. Adrien wasn’t one for badmouthing people, she would need to apologize.
“Sorry, I got carried away…”
“No, you don’t need to apologize.” Adrien assured. 
“Lying about herself to look good is one thing, those lies will catch up to her sooner or later. “ Adrien continued. “But manipulating my friends and using them just to find out… it is gross.”
Marinette watched in surprise as she saw Adrien get visibly mad.
“After that time she lied to get into my house, she got Nathalie and my bodyguard in trouble, and her actions resulted in Kagami getting akumatized. I told Lila that I would try and be a friend so long as she didn’t try hurting the people I loved but she just proved that she wasn’t willing to listen.” Adrien spoke with frustration. Marinette could see how hurt he felt.
Adrien took a calming breath before he continued speaking. “I know I said that we shouldn’t confront her because it won’t change her and only make it so she would be akumatized, but I was wrong. I need to be firm with Lila, and I am sorry I have been enabling her for this long.”
Marinette felt her emotional distress about Lila lighten as she heard his words. She had been quiet about Lila because he requested it. Aside from what happened with Kagami, Lila wasn’t really doing any harm that she was aware of, but she did think that Adrien was being naive in not confronting her.
“Its okay Adrien. It just that it was not the right way to go about it. You try and see the good in everyone and you wanted to give Lila a chance.  Your heart was in the right place and It is one of the reasons I lo-LIKE, one of the reasons why I like talking with you.” Marinette stumbled before recovering. She almost confessed that she was in love with him.
Adrien smiled at her sweetly.
“I appreciate that Marinette. Thank you.” 
“As for the list, I don’t think she can really do anything with it, unless she was on the list in some way… Was she?” Marinette asked nervously, using her concern to snap her out of the blushing state she was in.
“I didn’t see her on the list. And honestly I hope she never is on it. I also don’t know what she will do with it, but I do think she will use it to hurt someone.” Adrien answered. “ And I don’t want that someone to be you.”
Marinette felt like this boy might just keep her in a state of blushing as he said that. His last sentence smacking her heart.
“Okay. But what should we do?” Marinette inquired.
“Well first I want to make sure Nino and Alya know what is going on with Lila. They have been trusting her way and thats what caused this situation. That is something I wanted to talk with Nino about.” Adrien answered. “Then, I am going to confront Lila about all of this. She needs to know I won’t be enabling her any longer. She needs to come clean about everything.”
Marinette looked at Adrien with warmth in her eyes. His green eyes showing a fierce sense of justice and loyalty that made her heartbeat quicken. He was going to confront Lila, he had her back. 
His eyes are just like chat noir’s 
Marinette felt that thought sneak up on her out of nowhere, her mind flashing to chat noir for a moment and a blush creeping on her face.
Why am I thinking of that cat now of all times?
“Nino if this is about playing super penguino during Lunch I can’t, Marinette has a date with Adrien and I gotta help her.” Alya mentioned.
“No this isn’t about that.” Nino responded “It’s about… wait Marinette has a date with Adrien? When did that happen?”
“Last night. He asked Marinette to go with him to a tv interview.” Alya answered.
“Oh wow, good for him. I guess seeing that compatibility test gave him that kick of confidence he needed. I gotta congratulate him later.” Nino spoke as he smiled.
“Yea, which is why I have to make sure to work with Mari to ensure many more dates after. Oh, so you saw Adrien’s List? Who is number two? Is it close to Marinette? I doubt it but it will be good to know for later.” 
Nino remembered why he wanted to talk with Alya out here.
“Crap, I almost forgot. Look, Adrien’s list got peeked on by someone that shouldn’t have seen it.” Nino explains, now his face more serious then before.
Alya’s mood shifted to a mix of curious and angry.
“What? Thats such an invasion of privacy. How did it happen? Who is the culprit?” Alya interrogated, her ‘Investigator mode’ had been flipped on.
“It was Lila.” Nino answered.
Alya’s expression softened.
“Oh, then things shouldn’t be so bad. At least it wasn’t someone like Chloé.  Lila was asking me yesterday if I knew who was on Marinette’s list, she wanted to help set her up with someone on the list. Lila probably was going to try and do the same for Adrien.” 
Nino rubbed his neck nervously.
“About that… If it was like a peek over his shoulder or something I wouldn’t call it a big deal. But the way she found out was kind of twisted.” Nino confessed.
The ladybloger tilted her head inquisitively.
“What did she do to find out?”
Nino explained how he had her watching Chris while he went out to buy his new headphones. 
“Which look very nice by the way. Its a sweet upgrade.” Alya complimented.
“Glad you like them. I almost went for the previous model but these ones… Anyway point being she asked to use my phone while hers was charging.”
“Makes sense, I have used your phone to message my mom before.” Alya responded, not understanding what the Dj is throwing down.
“While I wasn’t looking, Lila pretended to be me and tricked Adrien into sending a photo of the list to my phone. Then she deleted the conversation.”
Alya blinked.
“Wait she did what now?”
“She deceived Adrien to get his list, she used my friendship with Adrien to get that list. Lila maybe doing this so she could set Adrien up with someone on the list, but the way she got that information is giving me some real bad vibes. I wouldn’t have even known if Adrien didn’t show me proof of the text exchange.” Nino summarized.
Alya processed what Nino had told her. She started thinking about everything Marinette had been saying about the Lila, the that photo of her kissing Adrien’s cheek. It felt like there was a connection.
“You don’t think…”
“Adrien wasn’t exactly thrilled when I told him Lila knew. He was actually uncharacteristically mad about it. It was weird.” Nino answered.
Alya crossed her arms, there was a lot of evidence pointing at Lila, but she needed to confirm this for sure. The expression is ‘innocent until proven guilty’. This could all be one massive misunderstanding with Lila just having different concepts of privacy and personal space that just need a quick correction. The blogger has been burned enough times to know not to jump the gun as quickly as she had in the past, like the incident when she thought Chloé was Ladybug. A good reporter confirms her sources, she needed to confirm this about Lila. If the evidence was right, then Alya owed Marinette several apologies for doubting her, and she owed Lila a tongue lashing.
“Yea Mom I will be sure to drink plenty of fluids. Yes, I have the doctor’s number in case something should happen. Okay. Love you too.” Lila concluded her call with her mother.
She had decided to stay home after her exchange with Mr.Agreste. Her mother was out on business so acting sick was an easy way to get out of class. She was panicking. She had thought she was playing this right, but this only made things worse.
All because she was rattled by that stupid list. 100%, 100 fucking percent!! She needed to calm down. She was making rash actions. She just needed to calm down.
She told Mr. Agreste about the list, but he did not seem as bothered by it as she wanted him to be, he looked more interested then furious. She was so uncertain of if the fashion mogul would even do anything with that information.
Marinette was never a threat to her before. Marinette had tried calling her out before and Lila was able to easily sidestep her attempts. Lila made sure the brat knew her place, but she would occasionally find Marinette snooping on her, not that it ever matter. But now with this, Marinette had the advantage and Lila could not accept that
She needed to be more cunning, find a way to cast doubt in Marinette and Adrien’s minds about this app. She should turn the whole school against the app. She should force Marinette to fill out her quiz and make it so she is on the list.
Lila paused. That last one was an good idea. She would have Marinette fill out her quiz. If Marinette did it, then She was on equal playing ground with her and then she could easily mop the floor with her. If Marinette refused, she had the perfect means of blackmail, she had Adrien’s List. One word and she can spread it across the internet. She could have Adrien’s fans knocking at Marinette’s doorstep and tearing her apart. Everything seemed so much clearer now.
Lila smiled sinisterly as she thought of that. Yes, this is what she was going to do. Tomorrow is a new day and she was going to be back on track.
Part 7 is finished I am loving all of this awesome feedback and you guys keep me inspired to keep writing this. Things are gonna go down I have plans for the next few parts and I am kind of excited so long as everyone is interested.
Please Keep up that amazing feedback. I love seeing those notes and comments, It really feeds my impulsive need to write. 
Oh also, People are asking to get tagged. So if you want me to tag you. Just Reblog this part and I will ensure you are tagged in the next part
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
ML Fic: Soulmate Survey Part 3
(Original idea here)
(Part 1)( Part 2) ( Part 4 Locked)
Chloé hated this stupid app.
How is Adrien not on her list of compatible matches? Clearly the app was broken and not worth everyone’s time. She and Max have been arguing about it since he overheard her complaining about the app. What made the whole thing worse was that most of the class seemed to agree with him.
“…The whole thing is a trashy internet quiz only for people who have no lives.” Chloé exclaimed to Max just as Marinette and Adrien entered the room.
“It isn’t some ordinary internet quiz. There is so much processing of data, use of algorithmic solutions that would take months to explain and you would not even understand a fraction of. I have yet to crack the formula. But I guarantee that it is more then trash.” Max defended vehemently.
Adrien decided to avoid getting involved and tried to slowly move to his seat, but unfortunately, Chloé’s vision noticed his movement and pounced.
“Adrikins.” She exclaimed in a saddened tone as she pushed passed Marinette to get to him. “Please tell me you don’t believe all the crap about this stupid app?”
The model scratched his head. He noticed Marinette looking at him, he could tell she was curious about his answer. 
“Why do you think the app is not effective.” Adrien deflected. He wanted to avoid talking about his views on the app until he talked with Marinette.
Chloé gasped.
“So many reasons! For one thing the questions are these weird riddles that make no sense! Like why would I even WANT to touch money that is on the floor? I don’t care who it belongs to!” Chloé ranted. “Not to mention it doesn’t let you make a new profile if you delete it! I tried making a new one but it just gave me all of the same information and profile I had before deleting.”
“It is a countermeasure to avoid fraud!” Max answered. “Since you already put in your original name, photo of yourself and age, if you tried putting the exact information in, it will simply reconnect you to the old account to avoid people trying to cheat the system. My test accounts got deleted yesterday because they found out I used stock photos for them.
Chloé rolled her eyes.
“But most importantly is that it completely messed up my matches. Look at these losers!” Chloé showed Adrien the list, she had a few in the 70% range. Adrien did believe some of the guys on that list did go to this school. “Of course if this list was legitimate, you would be on the list.”
Adrien noted that as a point on why this app has credibility.
“Its just a dumb app. You didn’t buy into this did you Adrikins?”
Adrien took a step back, looking for some way out.
“I… uh…”
Thankfully for Adrien, Madame Bustier stepped in.
“Alright Class, Everyone to your seats”
The class quietly stopped talking and moved back to their seats.
The designer was watching the model in the seat in front of her. What did Adrien think of the App? Did he want to tell her that he believes in it completely and wants to try going out with her? Is he angry about it and feels that she is now standing in the way of his potential relationship with Kagami? 
Marinette shakes her head, this was not gonna turn out like her nightmare from last night. Besides, Adrien wanted to meet her in the locker room, not in the library, her nightmare was now not gonna come true….. she hoped.
She noticed Adrien look back at her.. He mouthed the word ‘lunch’ to her. She could tell he was confirming their meet up that day. She gave a quick nod. Adrien smiled and turned back. The brief smile giving her a touch of comfort.
 I apologize for being late, their was a discussion in the teacher’s lounge about an interesting new phone app.” The red headed teacher confessed.
“Was it Soulmate Searcher?” Rose asked. The blond rising from her seat as she asked.
“I believe that was the name of it. My colleague mentioned that their sister was trying it out and has a date with someone they met on the app.” Ms.Bustier replied.
“Are you thinking of trying it out?” Myléne inquired.
“There will be plenty of time to talk about that stuff after class.” The teacher said with a soft smile. Though she didn’t let on She was the one that had tried out the app and was in the teacher’s lounge messaging her date for Friday. 
As class began, in the corner of the room sat a brunette that had interestingly kept herself out of the whole discussion about the app. She looked at the app and at her profile. She had not answered a single question, if she wanted to match up with the guy she wanted, she needed to be careful.
“Adrien! Where are you going? I really wanted to continue our conversation from earlier.”
“I am sorry Chloé. I am in a hurry, I have something really important thing to do during lunch. We can talk later.” Adrien answered as he quickly headed out of the class.
Marinette wondered what the model was referring to, she could of sworn that Adrien wanted to talk with her during lunch. Something important must have come up. Marinette got up from her desk and held in her sigh. Maybe it wasn’t that important that they talked.
As she was about to head out for lunch, her phone buzzed.
 at the locker room 
Marinette turned red, she was the important thing he needed to do. She mentally slapped her self for phrasing it that way.
“Important message?” Her best friend cooed.
“I well umm.” Marinette stammered.
“Relax Marinette, I am just teasing.” Alya assured.
She went to her ear.
“Don’t worry about yesterday, that is staying between us.”
“Thanks Alya.  You are the best.” Marinette whispered back before heading out of the classroom.
“Hi Alya.” a familiar voice called from behind the reporter.
“Oh hey Lila. Hows it going?”
“I am alright, I just wanted to ask if you know anything about the new app that has gotten popular. ‘Soulmate searcher’. I heard Max and Chloé arguing about it and I was curious.” The exchange student inquired.
“Oh its great! Pretty much the entire school is trying it out. Are you thinking about getting into it?”
“Well, I am usually apprehensive about trying out apps that give out personal information. I imagine Adrien and Prince Ali would be the same considering how popular they are.”
“Oh its completely safe. Max has tried hacking into it over a dozen times, their cyber security is solid, and I can assure you Adrien has an account.” Alya eased.
“Oh that is a relief. But do you think the app is just a silly quiz or do you think there is more to it? I wouldn’t want to get my hopes up on meeting my soulmate on here if it doesn’t work.”
“Well Nino and I have a compatibility of 85% as of this morning, so I would say it matches up pretty well. Ivan, Kim, Myléne, Rose, Marinette and Juleka say that the match ups were accurate.”
“Marinette said her match ups were accurate? Who did she match up with? I am sure they are a great guy.” Lila prodded with a faux smile that would fool most people.
Alya hesitated, she realized she was getting into some dangerous territory. She couldn’t just reveal Marinette’s list its personal.
“I shouldn’t be talking about who was on her personal list. Everyone’s list is only visible to them and it would be an invasion of privacy unless she told you directly.” Alya answered.
“Of course. I just felt bad that Marinette and I haven’t been getting along and I wanted to see if I could help her get set up with one of her matches. Perhaps putting in a good word for her.” Lila lied
“Thats really nice of you Lila. but you don’t need to worry about Marinette she will be fine.” Alya said with confidence.
“Thats good to hear. Please let Marinette know that if she does want help she can reach out to me.” Lila answered. “I think I will give this app a go. Thanks Alya.”
“Glad I could help.”
Lila kept up her smile as she left the classroom, once she was out of Alya’s sight. Her eyes narrowed and her smile vanished.
Marinette is someone who has a clear crush on Adrien. Alya telling me that Marinette will be fine with her list means that Adrien must be Somewhere on the rankings. I need to find out how high and Beat that percentage. But to do that. I need to find her list… or I need to see Adrien’s.
Lila smiled at the thought. Adrien was a much easier target, all she needed to do was find him, and then she can find out everything she needs to know.
Marinette quickly headed to the locker room where Adrien was patiently waiting.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting.” Marinette answered as she caught her breath from sprinting.
“Its fine Marinette. I am glad you could make it.” Adrien responded with a soft smile that made the girls heart melt.
“So… what did you want to talk about?” Marinette asked with cautious optimism.
Adrien felt himself blush a bit.
“I was gonna ask about what you thought of the app. The one we were both using this morning. You know…” Adrien scratched the back of his head with his left hand. He felt awkward.
“O-Oh! Um, well. I think that its a bit more then just a random set of questions like chloé said.” Marinette starts off. She wanted to say that she believed it full heartedly, that it was as if cupid himself crafted the perfect matching system for her and Adrien. But she remembered the dream she had last night, she remembered how angry he was in her dream. She needed to know what he was feeling about the app. “Though of course its still updating! The profile could change at the drop of a hat while its calibrating. I remember Alya mentioning that it could fluctuate and any number set up now isn’t set in stone.”
“Even if its 100?” 
The question hung in the air just as much for her as it did for him. They were both aware of their compatibility test score.
“I never heard of a case like this. Do you think it was a bug?” Marinette asked. internally thinking that he was not pleased that they were both 100% compatible. She felt her heart crack at the thought.  “Alya mentioned that she and Nino were only at 85% and they are super close. So… I can’t be certain.”
“I don’t know. It might be possible that something glitched out. It did only recently get a global release.” Adrien answered. He looked at her closely, waiting to see her relived reaction that she doesn’t need to take this so seriously. Truthfully, he didn’t entirely believe something happened. The more Adrien thought about it, Marinette did seem like someone that he could align with on a lot of things. Sure they had different perspectives and even did have some differing opinions, it made them both learn. If he was being completely honest, she was one of the people he is glad was high on the list. 
Marinette tried her best to disguise her sorrow from the thought of their 100% was somehow not valid. It hurt to think about. 
“But considering it was with you. I can believe it was a high a number at least. So it being 100% could be valid.” Adrien answered.
Marinette’s face blushed at his words. Did he just say that he thought she and him were highly compatible?
FUCK! I just said that I honestly thought that Marinette and I were highly compatible. She had given me the chance to dismiss this as anything serious and I messed it up! Why did I say that? Sure I think its true but she will be angry just like in my nightmare and get akumatized. Adrien mentally screamed
“It is possible.” Marinette spoke up. “ I can’t see how having someone I already know being compatible with me would be a bad thing.” 
“There is also the course of the profile correction. We still have 13 more days of fine tuning our profiles. So things on the list could shake up, should you want that.” Marinette answered quickly.
“Thats true. No need to jump in on this too quickly.” Adrien sighed with relief. Marinette was handling this rationally, which made sense, Marinette always knew how to clear her head and look at things objectively. That was why she was so good at figuring out how to help people. 
It is one of the reasons I like her. Adrien’s thought surprised for a second but he quickly recovered and snapped back to the conversation to catch her response. 
“Yea… no need to think to much of it.” Marinette agreed, her tone a touch sadder then before.
“Yea. I am glad we both aren’t overthinking this too much.” Adrien smiled softly. “I am glad we could talk about this.”
“Of course…” Marinette was doing her best not to let her face betray her feelings
Adrien turned and started to walk off before stopping just short of the door. 
“Yes?” Marinette jolted, not expecting anymore words from the model.
“After the profiles are complete, and if we are both number one on the other’s list. Do you want to… give it a shot?” Adrien asked as he tried to keep his tone steady, His face was beat red as he was doing something on complete impulse. “If you want to that is. You are free to say no.”
Marinette felt her face burn at his question.
“Yes! I mean sure. It is worth trying out.” Marinette responded.
Adrien turned to her. He had a soft genuine smile that made Marinette feel as if cupid had struck her in the heart once again. But what he said next made her feel like Cupid dropped a tank on her.
“Thank you Marinette. It would be pretty nice if one of my best friends turned out to be my soul mate.”
Marinette could feel her face heat up.
THERE I FINISHED part 3 (I don’t know how both Part 1 and part 2 got over 1000 notes. The notes usually start to dip after the first part.)
If you want part 4, please let me know. I love hearing feedback and it feeds my impulsive need to write. And I am just gonna say it. 
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
rip sabrina.. also! im frickin excited for the next part! i can imagine chloe seeing adrien and marinette slow dancing and she tries to break them apart but adrien sees this and tries so hard to avoid her while mari is completely oblivious
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Always check your surroundings before forcing your friends to chat with the Akuma DJ.
Episode 4 Part 9
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Ep 1, Ep 2, Ep 3
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
If Marinette got sum probelms and that she needs to talk to someone
Marinette (omgs it autocorrected to mario), holding back tears: *hic* *HiC* *KjabdnNJajsbBJ abajBn bLa bLe blU bE bLi i issa sadddd huuuuuuuu*
Dat really nice fireman: ey i got chu gurl
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
marinette with a gun: the most beautiful thing i've ever seen in just 5 minutes
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more bodyguArD AU
im kinda in love with it 
help me
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
holy shit that booty tho
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Of course I had to draw my son in this damn cool costume, what else did you expect from me
Plus sketchy Kimax bonus and I have no idea how the lower half of his suit looks ofc:
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
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Of course I had to draw my son in this damn cool costume, what else did you expect from me
Plus sketchy Kimax bonus and I have no idea how the lower half of his suit looks ofc:
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
sHe nEeDs sUm MiLk!
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Nathalie needs help…
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
OKAY OKAY WHAT IF IZUKU AND OCHAKO WATCHES ALL DEM MUSICALS (i mean like Hamilton, Dear Evan Hansen, In the Heights, Be More Chill etc)
Then if they walk in the classroom they be like-
Izuku/Ochako: ANGELICAAAA work! work!
Ochako/Izuku: ELIZAAAAA
Both: wHeRE's PeGgY?!??
or maybe a powerful villain cornered Izuku;
and then dramatically, Izuku was powering up One for All and said:
"I am not throwing away my shot" or something like that :3
I want them being such dorks and being comfortable with each other. I want them singing "Sincerely Me", improvising with the whole three people song and dancing with each other. Maybe they could sing together like the song "Only Us"
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
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For the LadyBugOut AU from @miraculouscontent
So I heard Luka (and Juleka) will get the fox miraculous and I couldn’t help myself from drawing up what he would look like! Also with Marichat a no go for this AU I can’t help but thinking of balcony scenes between these two! 😍
ALSO please tell me he would give her loving nicknames… My lukanette heart needs it.
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
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For @miraculouscontent ’s LadyBugOut AU pt 2!!!
I imagine Juleka and Luka having similar hero names because it makes things less complicated. Also I am 1000% in love with the thought of Juleka protecting her lovely angel Rose.
I really think the fox miraculous suits her and Luka because they are so level headed and illusion magic is very much a background type of support, and that suits their personalities so well to me.
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
:O tHeY sToLe aLL tHe tAcOs iM sO PrOuD
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
Okay- I just want Izuku and Ochako (or Ochaco idk) just watching cartoons together like Miraculous Ladybug or Steven Universe.
I wanna see them flip in the episode "Oblivio" in MLB. Them just shook from seeing "Change Your Mind" in SU. Freaking out from the promo for "Cleaved" (I think that's what the episode is called) in SVTFOE
Ships a ton of people from those shows.
Izuku probably have the merch and gives some to Ochako.
They would go to Ochako's room (or Izuku which ever you decide) and cuddle up in blankets, prepare some popcorn, turn off the lights and see the new episodes of their favorite shows in the laptop.
If they had some time alone together or waiting for new episodes to come in, they would gush about the latest ones and make thoeries or something.
meh this was just me while I was thinking random things
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
Marinette Defense Squad unite!!
-Oblivio!Adrien calling out his Dad for being neglectful.
-Calling out Chloé for being mean and using her connection as his childhood friend to prevent him from calling her out
-Calling out Lila for lying and being a jerk to Marinette (the love of his life)
-Adrien calling Out EVERYBODY!
-He even calls out his other self in a 50 page journal of how he has f***ed up specifically.
-Oblivio! Adrien Leads the Marinette Defense squad.
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
yeah it's true- he has cool hair
Chat noir: So… I might have overreacted.
Marinette: (pissed) Oh really? And where exactly did you think that happened? Was it the part where you hissed at Luka, or when you shoved him into a dumpster for touching my shoulder?
Chat noir: When I insulted his hair.
Marinette: That was the last thing you did!
Chat noir: Yea but it was a lie. He has cool hair.
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nova-starlight711 · 5 years
The fandom be like:
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but we still love our beautiful, super mega oblivious, sunny cinnamon roll
Chat noir finding out Ladybug is crushing on Adrien, (his civillian self). So he starts badmouthing himself and watches her defend him. Ladybug getting angrier and more frustrated. Defending him more and more.
“Of course you would defend him. You’re just a fan. It’s not like you Actually know him”
“Know him?! I sit behind him in class!”
Chat noir just pauses. Eyes go wide.
Ladybug realizing she said too much.
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