obristan-above-all · 1 year
Ayden wrote: I am making a Papers, Please world with Skoatia and Semistan included (and another country called Oscania). Does anyone have anthems or real songs I could use for skoatia, semistan, oscania, obristan, and republia? I found fan made anthems for the rest of the nations. 
P.S: I will post about this once I am finished in detail.
Welcome, friend!  In my Papers, Please days, I didn’t come up with any anthems but I would love to see the ones you came up with.  I’m happy to see people still playing around with the world of Papers, Please in general since it was a source of great joy back when I was heavily into the fandom.  Although I have since moved on, I have quite fond memories, and great respect for those who keep making fanwork (art, fic, movies, anthems, poetry etc.)  I wish you luck in your compilations!
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obristan-above-all · 2 years
Mottos for Nations
Don’t know if anyone has submitted ideas for this, but in response to a post made by Lynn, I have a few slogans for countries. For Kolechia: Kolechia for Kolechians, For Impor: In Impor Lies our Life, For Antegria, For Antegria we Fight!, and For Republia: God Save Repbulia. (Bonus: for Skoatia: Skoatia, our Beautiful Home!, and Democria: In Democria (or Kurstov) we trust.
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obristan-above-all · 2 years
So, I was checking out the papers please cities page, and I saw that you mentioned the national capitals. I do think Yurko City could be the capital of Kolechia instead of Vedor, but I think Paradizna is capital of Arstotzka, not Orvech Venor, Enkyo is capital of Impor, not Tsunkeido, Republia's capital is Lesrenadi and Antegria's is Outer Grouse, I doubt they would be Glorian, as they are split like Grestin, they wouldn't want a capital there, and UF capital is Great Rapid. So, what ya think?
Hm. Well, the game itself sorta leaves the map (and all the cities) as a blank slate so we can fill it in at our leisure. I'm open to any ideas really! Yours are cool, anon.
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obristan-above-all · 2 years
I know this isn't mentioned in game, but does anyone have names or something for the leaders of the Papers, Please nations? Just wanted to see if anyone had some name ideas.
It's been a hot minute since I even booted up Steam, let alone played Papers, Please. That being said, I don't think they name any of the nations' leaders so you're free to make up your own, possibly based off the entrant's names or the issuing city names.
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obristan-above-all · 4 years
I’m Rather Late to the Party
But I just saw Jacksepticeye’s “Papers, Please Revisited” series and it reminded me of this game, and the wonderful community that is here on Tumblr.  
I know that a great deal of us have gone our separate ways (myself included) - but overall I had a nice time with you all.  There are some things that I would have rather done and said differently but that is what hindsight is.
I am still happy that I got to meet everybody here.  I don’t know if I will ever go back into roleplaying (especially since the Charahub erasure incident.)  But I might poke this blog once in a while to update it.  I will never forget the times I wrote Yuri, Vanya, Lynn Lowell and Vladimir.  While a lot of their plot threads remain opened, I still like to think of them as concluded eventually, even if I didn’t write them.
Yuri still escaped to Obristan with his family (referencing my first ending.)
Vanya still helped EZIC in forming a new Arstotzka (referencing my second ending.)
Vladimir, in another time and place remained alive and passed his audit (referencing my third ending.)
And Lynn returned to United Fed, but never forgot the people she spent time with.
And I will never forget the meta, worldbuilding and aesthetic posts that I have written on here either.
This was a fun little sideblog to make!  And I’m glad I had an audience, at least for a little while.
That being said I might do another playthrough.
I’ll probably go for my original favorite ending (and the title of this blog) where I escape to Obristan with everyone.
I only have one more achievement to get (Too Honest, lol)
I think it would be good to revisit this game in story mode one more time and then try my hand at Endless Mode.
In any case, this became a very long update!
But I want everyone who is still around in the Tumblr Papers Please fandom to know that you guys were, and still are awesome!
I’ll see you around!  
And as always..
Glory to Arstotzka. ♥
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obristan-above-all · 4 years
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12/11 is Inspector’s Son’s Birthday.
Glory to Arstoka!
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
Signal boost!
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@codename-askali @glory-to-arstotzka
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
How are you doing?
Not bad, nonny, I hope you're having a great day!
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
I make no promises, but I shall try.
is papers please fandom coming back??? :0
I’m going to try and bring it back!
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
Housekeeping Notes 5/8/19
For those who are curious, I’m keeping this blog up for as long as Tumblr will stay up.  Hopefully that will be for a while.
I’ve made minor updates to “About Me” (updating my age, haha, I’m so old) and my RP info. I have taken out the broken links to Charahub, which went under just earlier this year.
As of now, my inboxes are still open.  They never truly close, really.  I’m certainly not active or creative for this fandom the way I was three years ago, but I had fun with the community and I’ll leave everything up as a sort of archive if anyone ever wants to comb through it or even ask me new questions about my OCs.
I’m still up to doing RP threads, but I can’t promise to be fast.  I will get replies done though.
I’ll try and find an alternative for a website that will let me put the extended biographies for Lynn, Yuri, Vanya and Vladimir.  I’m curious as to whether I could just link Google Drive publicly and set it so that people can view, and not edit.  It’s  something worth considering.  As far as the actual content though, I’ll have to restart from scratch, because I’m not sure if I wrote down the info for my OC’s extended bios anywhere else.  I’ll have to do some digging.
That’s it for now.
Remember that you can also find me at my main blog @alynnl if you want to interact with me on a less fandom-specific basis.  I’m also on Discord, Twitter, and Dreamwidth.  If you want my accounts there, I will gladly send them to you in DMs.
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
This applies to both Yuri and Vanya, but only because they each fought in the war (on the Arstotzkan and Kolechian side, respectively.)
Reblog if your Muse has a kill count of 5+
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obristan-above-all · 5 years
yo is this blog dead?
It hasn’t been active in some time, but I’m leaving it up as an archive of sorts. I don’t have the heart to delete.
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obristan-above-all · 6 years
Headcanon A:  realistic
Jorji is a lot smarter than he lets on. He knows how to read people and that’s how he’s stayed alive.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Jorji has shown up to the Inspector’s home unannounced.  He almost always gets drunk and sings rather colorful versions of popular songs.
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Jorji was not born in Obristan, but his parents were.  His family was deported after Arstotzka had a regime change. His repeated follies in trying to enter the country are partially out of nostalgia and longing. 
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Jorji is a time traveler.  He found out how to control a time stream up to 31 days, and is the reason the player has a chance to reset each day they play in “Papers, Please.” He wants to use his power to help the Inspector because he’s taken a shine to him.
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obristan-above-all · 6 years
Send a character’s name to receive four different headcanons
Headcanon A:  realistic
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Created from the post seen here
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obristan-above-all · 6 years
Inspired by various other fluff/romance rp memes.
“You have something in your hair - let me get it for you.” ”I like the way your hand fits in mine.” “Are you tired? Here, I’ll carry you the rest of the way.” “The truth is… I love you.” ”You can call me anytime you want, even if you don’t really have a reason to.” “Be mine. Please.” ”I’m bad at texting first, so I always hope you will.” “Your hair is so soft.” “I don’t want to get up… I’m so warm beside you.” ”Don’t pull away – Just a little longer.” “Are you tired? Rest in your head in my lap.” “Sit still, I’m trying to braid your hair.” “Whenever we’re together, I feel at home.” ”Are you wearing my sweater?” ”I can’t believe you’re actually wearing my clothes…” “It’s been a long day… here, let me give you a massage.” “I’m not letting you leave without a hug first.” “I mean, if you’re not busy, we could grab lunch together sometime?” “You don’t need to leave so soon.” “You’re so comfortable.” “Let’s just go back to bed.” “Just five more minutes–” “You make me so damn happy.” “Don’t give me that puppy face. How am I supposed to say no now?” “I made this for you…” “Here, take my coat.” “Can I– uhh, kiss you?” “I heard you were feeling sick, so I made you some soup.” “After you, my dear–” “I think we should adopt a puppy/kitten.”
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obristan-above-all · 6 years
Okay, if any of you are like me, and you see people you want to rp with, but the only starters  you find you aren’t sure how old are and are nervous about sending it is, let me reassure you:
Send the Starter
I don’t care how far back you went. I don’t care how long ago I reblogged that starter pack or meme. I don’t care if we’ve never interacted before or if our characters would be likely or unlikely to interact, Send the Starter
Send the Starter
S E N D  T H E  S T A R T E R
Please all i really want to do is rp with people I’m not picky
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obristan-above-all · 6 years
Reblog if your CANON blog takes *anons* pretending to be other characters from their series to dig out the dirt on your muse.
IE: emotions, opinions, reactions to stuff that happened in canon, etc.
Because sometimes the counterparts to my canon muse(s) don’t exist in the tumblr RPC, a sender follows you but doesn’t rp here, OR, they just want to TRY that muse out before making a blog. Or, they’re simply curious on how the canon would reply, and ONLY wants a one-shot moment! 
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