oilandgascourses · 3 years
5 Thermal Insulation Tips From Thermal Insulation Experts
The term thermal insulation is used to describe a material that creates a barrier between the item to be insulated and the environment.
This barrier prevents the transmission of heat, noise, electricity, and the like. There are several locations that you can notice the use of insulation around, these include:
The insulation used in buildings – improves comfort and saves energy
Insulating electrical objects (such as a cable) – help to limit electricity and magnetism
When the insulation used on glass – saves power
The insulation used on cars or machines – prevents noise
The insulation used on components such as piping and equipment – restricts thermal energy
Insulation is said to be a key feature of an oil refinery or industrial process plant. If you take a close look at the industrial plants, you would find that they are surrounded by insulated pipes, equipment, vessels, tanks, and the like.
These mechanical components receive insulation either for heat conservation, cold conservation, process control, or personnel protection purposes.
What is thermal insulation?
We often see the word thermal used with insulation as “thermal insulation”. The word thermal is related to heat, and the term thermal insulation describes that the insulation material or insulation system under this category will restrict or resist the flow of heat energy into or out of an object or item.
Acoustic Insulation
Note that acoustic insulation differs from thermal insulation as the insulation material or system under this category deals with noise instead of heat.
The Use of Thermal Insulation in Refinery
To give you a fair idea, a medium-size oil refinery contains about 73 miles of insulated pipes and 2.5 million square feet of insulated equipment.
Thermal Insulation Materials
There is not one, but different types of insulations used to insulate the mechanical components of a refinery or industrial process plant.
Reference to table 1 of BS 5970 may be made for a better understanding of the insulation material used for pipework, ductwork, associated equipment, and other industrial installations.
Insulation Inspector Level 2
Insulation Inspector Level 3
Diploma in Insulation
Corrosion Under Insulation
Master The Skills of INSULATION
9 Simple (But Important) Things to Remember About Corrosion Under Insulation or CUI
Enhance Your Cold Insulation Skills
The Use of Insulation in Refineries
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
What Does a Quality Control Inspector Do?
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There are a lot of fascinating roles within the world of gas and oil.  Perhaps amongst the most fascinating due to its sheer potential is that of a quality control inspector (QC Inspector for short).  It’s one of those terms that is exactly as it sounds, but there are a lot of really interesting facets to this when looking at it as far as a career path.
What does a quality inspector do?
In short, inspect and “sign off” on the quality/integrity of everything from the raw materials to the finished product as it gets prepared to be sent out of the establishment and out into the world.  In order to pass certain tests, the inspector must use specific criteria and focus on every part of every task assigned.
Working as a quality inspector or QA/QC inspector is a wonderful job for those looking for the responsibility of assessing all of those criteria against each part of the process, right up to the final product.  However, it does comes with some pretty specific requirements!
Requirements to be a quality control inspector
If you’re looking at the idea of becoming a quality inspector, you’ll need to get certified in quality control and have real-time experience (as in hands-on) in the particular work field that you’re interested in.  It’s very rare for someone to simply land a job right away as a quality controller or inspector.
This is because those in the industry must have some built-in understanding of the quality that they’re inspecting, as you can imagine.
What you should have
Generally, these are the requirements that you’ll want to have on-hand in order to be proficient and qualified in this job position as a QA or QC:
A high school education
Certification in the quality control field of your choice
Real-time experience in the relevant field
Great organization and attention to detail
Use of Microsoft Office, spreadsheets, etc
Extensive knowledge of QC standards and requirements
There are some who agree that having a bachelor’s degree and industry demanded certification could be a helping hand when applying for a job, but it depends on the hiring committee and their perspective.
Quite often, going for online training and certification and courses specific to your field is going to be just as good since most of these are entirely focused on producing a better workforce specific to the oil and gas industry.
Is a QC job a good one?
Absolutely.  If you are someone who enjoys the process of things and also knowing that you are an integral part of that process, a quality control inspector is going to be a fantastic choice when wanting to hold a position that helps you enjoy a good way to earn income, and also make a difference.
The other thing is that this kind of job position has plenty of room for growth and adjustment as requirements shift and update as time passes.  For those that love the idea of working in a fast-shifting workplace, this is a great component to keep in mind.
Much more than just a regular job position, working as a quality control inspector has many advantages to consider when looking for a diverse position from one role to another.
Quality Control Inspector Duties and Responsibilities
Watch the video below to learn more about the duties and responsibilities of a quality control inspector.
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Top Courses for Engineers to Take
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The world is always hunting for engineers of all kinds, some of which are going to be more demanding than others.  When you’re looking at the opportunity to help create a profitable and enjoyable future as an engineer, you’ll want to focus on getting the right courses to help you move forward at your own pace.  Here’s what you should know.
Picking Courses for Engineers
The courses that you choose are going to determine where your area of expertise lies, of course.  As such, picking the right kind of courses will be a matter of going toward what you want most in your professional future.  Some of the best examples to consider include:
Thermal Insulation
Electrical and Instrumentations (E & I)
Passive Fireproofing
Fire and Safety
Protective Coating
Quality Control
There is something so reassuring about knowing that you are arming yourself with a selection of courses that are going to help you become a stronger candidate as an engineer but also help you feel more secure in the positions that you are aiming for.
When you are looking at your options for institutions, you’ll want to focus on ones that specify those in the oil and gas industry so that you know your options will be limited to those that are going to help you find your way up the ladder in your field.
Tips for Finding Training Courses and Certifications for Engineers
If you’re looking for a way to make sure that you are looking at the right certification courses for mechanical engineers or electrical engineers, or even those more specialized, you’ll want to remember these factors.
Certification is worth the extra time and effort
There are some courses that won’t provide a certification at the end. While these are great for general interest, you’ll want to prioritize those with the certification.  Sure, they will take a bit more effort and time, but the certification is what you need to help guarantee you the role that you are searching for in the future.
Online courses will be the best choice in the modern-day world
You can find the best online course for engineering students at online-focused institutions. These give the same quality and professionalism as classic in-person lessons, but they’ll be online so that you’ll be able to focus on fitting them into your schedule in a way that works for you.
Don’t overlook the basics When Selecting Courses for Engineers
Some of the examples above seem really basic. But the thing is, you don’t just want to go for the really specialized options for your dream position.  The basic building blocks will be crucial to building a profitable career as the specialized ones.  Build a strong foundation and the rest of your career will follow suit.
The right online program is going to offer a great way for you to enjoy making sure that you can enjoy a sense of professionalism that is going to go beyond the classroom — virtual or otherwise — and into a successful career, but it really is that simple.  Focus on making sure that you can always find your way forward by relying on a certification program without an industry that is as focused on your success as you are!
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
What You Need To Know About Employment in the Oil and Gas Industry
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If you’re considering taking employment in oil and gas industry or looking forward to starting a career in the industry, you aren’t alone, there are hundreds of thousands of people like you who are considering making a career in the oil and gas, or applying for a job available in the oil and gas industry every day.
In the most recent years, the oil and gas career path has been growing more and more popular for those entering the industry for the first time as well as those looking for a way to get into a new career path when looking for a change.
Here’s what you should know about employment in the oil and gas industry, and what you should be knowing before you apply for a job in the oil and gas industry.
What Kind of Employment is Out there in the Oil and Gas Industry?
While there are a lot of people out there searching for employment in the oil and gas industry, there are as many work positions as there are searchers.
This means that choosing the right position within the oil and gas, refinery, or industrial process plant is going to be an important task.
Decide The Position You Want for the Employment
One of the important tasks to decide is choosing the employment position, and answering one of the 3 questions is necessary for that
Do you want something highly technical such as an engineer?
Or are you looking for something a bit more fluid and organization-based, such as a quality control inspector or QA QC Inspector?
Or perhaps something in between?
Know the Oil and Gas Industry First
Before you start taking up your career in any industry around the world, the very first thing that you should know is about your industry. When it comes to oil and gas, you need to know is how the oil and gas industry work, and if there are any segments in the oil and gas industry.
Segments in the Oil and Gas
The 3 segments that an oil and gas industry has are as follows:
Let’s take the downstream for example, the downstream segment refines crude oil and is used for processing the purification of crude natural gas. Once done, the segment then markets and distributes the refined products derived from crude oil and natural gas.
You Then Need to Know the Work Carried Out in the Oil and Gas
There are thousands and thousands of work carried out in the downstream segment to make it function, following are some of the examples:
Civil work
Electrical work
Instrumentation work
Piping work
Insulation work
Paint Coating work
Fireproofing and Fire protection work
Quality Control Work
Safety Work
The Work Positions for the Employment in the Oil and Gas
Every work carried out in the oil and gas industry has its own department and every department has employees with the specific work discipline to carry out a task he/she has been employed for.
Listed below are some of the most popular work disciplines that you can find in the oil and gas industry:
Labors and Helpers
Skilled Technicians
Chargehands and Foremans
Quality Control Inspector or QA QC Inspector, Also Known as Quality Controller
Safety Officer
Choose the Right Work and Work Discipline
Whatever you do end up choosing and deciding the department and the work discipline you will be looking for the employment in the oil and gas industry, but remember in mind the following:
You’ll want to have the right education, skills, and oil and gas training and certification for the position you will be working for or applying for employment in the oil and gas industry.
Apply for the Right Job with the Relevant Skills and Qualification
After you know the work and the relevant disciplines in oil and gas, the next is to make sure you apply for the right position and have the necessary skills and qualifications to help you get a job and start a career, or help you find your new career path as easy as possible in the oil and gas industry.
How Should I Pick a Job Position in the Oil & Gas?
Regardless of what you end up deciding as far as the focus in the oil and gas employment or job search, you will want to keep the right focus when on the hunt for the right job position itself.
Here are some of the important tips to help you make it as fruitful as possible.  From bottom positions to top, highly coveted ones, here are the focus points to keep in mind.
Research the Different Positions and Promotion Opportunities in the Oil & Gas
Every potential position in the oil and gas industry is going to offer your different promotions, salary hike, and the like.
Depending on where you want to get to in the career path, you’ll need to keep that ladder to success firmly in mind to make sure that you get to the end goal you had in mind.
Keep in Mind Your Tasks and Responsibilities for the Employment in Oil and Gas
Every work position in the oil and gas industry features different tasks and responsibilities. And the industry employs competent individuals or groups of individuals to carry out the tasks following the set guidelines to meet the desired result.
Whether simple or challenging, picking your position based on being assigned the right kinds of responsibilities will help you see where your potential lies and what you most enjoy doing in the run of the day.
Ask About Benefits Working in the Oil & Gas Industry
The benefits are often critical to helping you understand what you want to get out of your career path in the oil and gas industry.
After all, everyone picks jobs and looks forward to employment in the oil and gas-based on those benefits, so why not grab them?
Make Sure You Have the Right Oil and Gas Skills Certifications in Place
Lastly, the oil and gas training and certification courses are going to be crucial to making sure that you land the position you are searching for.
If you are lacking one or two or missing skills or qualifications, or you want to add a qualification to enhance your resume before you apply for an available job get them online.
There are various oil and gas institutions that offer oil and gas education online.
These online courses can help you have the fresh and relevant certification that you seek, and set you apart from the crowd in the job market.
Whether you end up researching jobs for engineers, jobs for freshers, or just general positions for employment in the oil and gas industry or a career in the oil and gas industry, you’ll find that these tips are going to help you put your best foot forward into a fulfilling career in the oil and gas industry, Enjoy!
        Watch the Video to Learn More About Oil and Gas
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
How to Choose the Right Professional Certification
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There are a lot of options out there in this modern world to get a professional certification.  This is great when you look at something like convenience and choice, but it can also be a little overwhelming when you are hunting for a leader amongst the options that seem to be overwhelming. When it comes to choosing the right professional certification (and trying to understand what the right call is), this is your guide to it all!
Understand what professional certification is?
Let’s take a look at a few professional certification examples so that you can see just what you should be aiming for within the gas and oil industry.  Some of the most common institutions that offer professional certifications in the various work field for the industry like oil and gas incudes but are not limited to the following:
American Petroleum Institute (API)
The Institute for Oil & Gas Sector (IOGS)
Institute of Corrosion (ICorr)
National Association for Corrosion Engineers (NACE)
American Standards for Non-Destructive Testing (ASNT)
American Standards for Testing and Material (ASTM)
These are just some of the few ones that most people are searching for when looking at the idea of centering their education and understanding what institutions and/or certifications will be most useful in the industry.  So, how do you choose the right ones?  Take a look.
Know Where to Get the Certification for Your Professional Development
There are all sorts of classes and training courses out there.  You’ll be best prepared to look for online certification courses.  They are the most convenient choice for you to blend control with professional training and certification, and it’ll mean that you can work them in on your own time so that progress doesn’t mean a loss in pay or free time.
Only Consider Ones that are Backed-up or Recognized in Your Industry
When you are considering why to get professional certifications from one place or another, remember that quality is really important.  You only want to go with choices that have the professional statistics that you need, whether that be licenses or approvals, etc.
Whatever you are looking for in your institution, make sure that it’s all legitimate one that is based on helping you achieve success.
Focus on Where You Want to go With Your Professional Certification,
Remember that our professional certification isn’t about where you are right now.  IT’s about where you want to go.  If you’re apprehensive about spending the money, it makes total sense.  But getting ahead of the competition and furthering your education specific to your future in the oil and gas industry means that you need to keep your sights trained on where you want to be in 5 years.
The details matter
When it comes to everything from the teaching method to the professionalism, to what they mean for the future, getting the details right on all of these is going to be one of the best ways for you to make sure that you are focusing on the right certification.  Whatever it may end up being for your part in the industry, and what you end up looking to achieve, remember to factor in all of these important details.
Making your way to the top of the ladder within the gas and oil industry is going to be as much about focusing on the little details, as it is about the big ones.  You don’t need to spend the big bucks in order to impress those that are around you.  Just enroll smart and carefully, and it’ll mean that you’ll have all of the same opportunities.
Picking the Best Skill Development Courses
Thermal Insulation Courses
Passive Fireproofing Courses
Protective Coating Courses 
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Picking the Best Skill Development Courses
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When you want to make sure that you succeed in your career, the skills that you choose to focus on or the courses that you take up for your skill development are going to determine just how successful that you are or you will be.  The tricky thing can be figuring out which skills you should be looking at to make sure that you are successful at the end of the journey.  If you need some help, here are some top consideration points to help you make those choices a little easier.
Online vs Offline Courses for Skill Development
Firstly, let’s tackle the offline and online debates. You will find skill development courses online that are going to meet your every need with the convenience of being entirely online.
Offline courses are courses that require you to travel to a particular location on a specific date and time, and will not give you many advantages to the online versions now.
It may seem strange when you think about how different it seems. But the online courses focus on education rather than on physical appearance.
Is the Skill that You Get or a Skill Development Course that You Take up Going to Mean a Pay Raise?
It is important to think about when looking at your budget for the course. Then what actual skill you are going to get with the budget you have. One of the best industries you should look to work on or for your career development is oil and gas.
Since the oil and gas industry is often rich with competition, you’ll want to make sure that you are learning a skill to help you scale the ladder.
Forget Taking General Courses for Skill Development and Just Focus on Your Industry
The reason that there are skill development courses for the oil and gas industry is that this is a very specific niche that requires equally specific skills. Don’t waste your time learning general management or other non-industry options.  Focus on what you need to know for your role.
What comes next?
A lot of people will take a look at skill development courses after engineering or similar education. This is a great place to really get a sense of how you want your career to go.
The courses that you choose will determine where you end up in a few years’ time, making you want to think about where you wish to be so that you can choose the right courses to help you get there.
There are a lot of skill development training courses or training programs out there that will offer some of what you need, but make sure that you focus your attention on a skill development course or program that is going to offer you exactly what you need.
you should focus specifically on the skill development courses relevant to your industry like the gas and oil industry. and the like.
It’s automatically tailored to help you enjoy great progress within your industry, offering you the best chance at moving forward without having to cherry-pick here and there in other kinds of general focus products.
You can do a lot of good by simply getting your priorities straightened out so that you’ll be able to focus your attention on those locations and tasks that most require you to prioritize them for a more successful career.
Never deviate from the goal of doing what you have to do to be more successful in your chosen career path.  That’s what this is all about.  Everything should help you achieve it easier and faster.
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
This is How You Can Develop Your Career or Start a New Career
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Career development is important in any industry around the world.  With many professionals entering the field like oil and gas and looking to settle down into worthwhile careers that will keep them earning for a long time to come, everyone is suddenly on an even playing field.
What’s going to help you get ahead of the competition, then?  Your education and skills, of course.
Online learning to develop your skills is one of the best options that you can choose on for advancing your career continuously from anywhere and at any place and time. All geared toward career development from genuine viewpoints.
The 3 ladders that you would need for a better career
The following three things that you would be needed to keep moving ahead to your career or starting a new career in any industry are;
Basic Education
A vision
Necessary skills
Basic Education
The basic education is the one that you get from your school or college. Basic education can be a degree or diploma that you get from a university after studying for a 2 or 4 years period.
Once you achieve your basic education, you then have to decide and make a vision to start your career in an industry that can pay you what you deserve.
Necessary Skills
No industry will hire you just because you hold a degree or diploma, or you won’t get a well-paid job without adding the necessary skills to your curriculum. Gaining the necessary skills is a must in today’s crowded job market.
The skills that you get can set you apart from the crowd and help make you more valuable to your employer.
To get the right skills, read out the below tips and make sure you get the new skills or upgrade the current one continuously for your career development or continuous professional development (CPD).
Remember these tips to help you succeed or in you career development
When considering an oil and gas institution like IOGS, as well as other ones that may appeal to you, keep all of these focus points in mind to give you the best results.
Choose from the right courses for your career development
If the skill development courses aren’t oriented towards helping you succeed in your educational position, then what good are they? Make sure that you remember what your goal is when picking the certifications and courses that are offered.
You can take anything you want to, of course, but you’ll want to make sure that it’s getting you to where you want to go, too.
Focus on the skills and certifications you need
Before you choose a random online study class, focus on learning about what your next position needs. Does it require certain certificates?  Are there a certain amount of hours that you must complete before being considered?
If so, you’ll need to remember this when looking at course loads.  Get the skills and certifications that you are lacking to help you look like the best candidate for the job.
Constantly keep learning and adjusting for your career development
No matter what, you’ll love the idea that online education helps you to keep on learning, adjusting, shifting, and more.
Since the industry like oil and gas can change quickly, this is the best way to stay current on all of the most recent updates and upgrades that are waiting for you.
Look for online options
No one has time or energy for classic educational models anymore. Put yourself on the path to easy education by focusing on online learning methods.  There are endless options to look at that are exclusively online, so you won’t be hemmed in by course choices or timings.
It’ll help you stay on the job and still further develop your skills or your education in a way that is going to be simple and convenient.  What more could you ask for?
Do what you can to find success for your career development
At the end of the day, whoever can do the job better is going to win the job being offered.  When you want to land a job, and then accelerate through the positions to get you to your dream position, you need to have the proper training or get trained and gather all the necessary skills that can set you apart.
Online learning is going to help you get that but still, make sure that you’re always looking at the idea of advancing when you have to do so.
Don’t take away from your career
Ideally, advancing in your career shouldn’t take away from your career itself.  That’s what makes the online study so exciting when looking at career development!  It blends convenience with proper, up-to-date information that will make the difference that you seek.
Know What Petroleum Engineering Industry Really is? Career Wise!
Career in Oil and Gas Industry
5 Common Rules of Deciding to Take the Professional Courses
Thermal Insulation
Passive Fireproofing
Protective Coating
Insulation Inspector Level 2
Coating Inspector Level 2
Fireproofing Inspector Level 2
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Understand the INSULATION Before You Decide Using it For Your Project
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Are you interested in working for or already working in the thermal insulation field of an oil refinery or industrial processing plant? If so, you’ve come to the right place to learn more about thermal insulation. Here, we answer some of the most frequently asked questions about insulation and its use.
What is Insulation?
Essentially, it is any material or system used to resist or restrict the transfer of thermal energy or sound. Insulation material can reduce the flow of heat energy by reflection, absorption, or both.
A common misconception is that insulation keeps the cold out, when in fact the function of insulation is to reduce the transfer of heat, which means it keeps heat in. Heat energy will transfer to nearby objects of lower temperatures.
What is so special about insulation’s ability to prevent the loss of heat?
Thermal insulation material contains voids or hollow spaces that help resist heat transfer. Heat flows naturally from warmer areas to cooler ones. Insulation works by slowing that movement of heat from a hot space to a cooler space or vice versa.
What are the Different Categories of Insulation?
Insulating materials are divided into the following 4 categories:
The materials in each category have both pros and cons. It is your responsibility to understand them before you select a material for use in your project.
For example, insulation materials made of fiber are not suitable for resisting cold temperatures, but cellular materials have limitations for use at temperatures above ambient.
The insulation materials’ temperature ranges and their properties can be found in the product datasheet you receive from the insulation manufacturer.
How to Choose the Best Insulating Material?
Before choosing an insulating material for your project, be sure to answer the following commonly asked questions:
What item requires insulation?
              - Temperature limit
              - Size or area
              - Type of substrate to be insulated (i.e., metallic or non-metallic)
What is the geographical location/environmental condition?
What is the purpose of the insulation?
              - Heat or cold conservation
              - Sound prevention
              - Personal protection
Decide the Right Insulating Material
Based on the answers to the above questions, you must decide the type of insulating material, thickness, and whether the installed insulation requires further protection from its surrounding environment.
Next, contact the insulation manufacturer to identify the insulation materials to best suit your requirements and/or review the material’s product datasheet to check which materials meet your requirement.
Finally, you must decide whether to use the accessories materials (i.e., fixing or fastening materials) to help keep the insulation in place around the insulating item. You must also ensure that all the fixing materials you use are compatible with the insulation, jacketing, substrate, and other fixing materials.
Write a Specification for the Insulation Work
Before commencing the insulation work, you must write a specification that details the material(s), their properties, and how the work will be carried for your project.
Next, find a contractor with a proven track record to carry out the insulation work for your project following the instructions and guidelines set forth in the specification and/or recommended by the insulation manufacturer.
What are the Different Types of Insulation Material?
There are several types of thermal insulation materials to choose from, including:
Mineral wool
A fibrous insulation material made of rock or stone, used to resist high temperatures, also protect the environment from excessive noise.
Calcium silicate
A granular insulation material. This white-colored insulation, used to resist high temperatures.
Cellular or foam glass
Cellular glass and foam glass are the two different names of the same material. Made of recycled glass and is cellular or closed-cell insulation. The foam glass insulation is primarily used to resist cold temperatures; however, it can also be used for hot services up to 400˚C temperatures.
A cellular type of insulation, also known as polyisocyanurate insulation, is commonly used for cold surfaces because it has temperature limitations when used for hot ones.
Ceramic fiber
This fibrous insulation material is also known as high-temperature insulation wool (HTIW) and is often used for lining furnaces.
The 4 common properties of an insulation material
Thermal conductivity
Thermal Resistance
Thermal conductivity, also known as the K value of the insulating material decides if a material is a good insulator or not. The lower the K value the better the insulation material is. The thermal resistance or R-value state how well an insulating material can resist the heat, R-value is opposite to the K-value, i.e. good insulation must have a higher R-value.
The density is mass per unit volume of a material. Combustibility means if a material will catch fire or not, non-combustible type material is a must in an area prone to fire.
Where will the Insulation be Used?
Insulation is used everywhere whether it is a home, office, appliances you use, or oil refinery or industrial process plant. some of the areas where you would find insulation are listed below:
Piping: When looking around a refinery or industrial processing plant, you will find yourself surrounded by insulated items. One such insulated item is piping. Approx. 75% (or more) of the piping used is insulated for a variety of reasons like hot or cold conservation, process control, personal protection, etc. A medium-sized oil refinery contains 475 miles of insulated piping.
Equipment: Equipment such as heat exchangers, boilers, columns, pressure vessels, storage tanks, pumps, and compressors, are all insulated for heat conservation, cold conservation, acoustic attenuation, or any other oil refinery or industrial processing plant purpose.
For your information, a medium-sized oil refinery contains 1.8 million square feet of insulated equipment.
Wall insulation: Walls are a major source of energy loss in homes, it is a must to reduce heat loss through the cavity wall by filling the air gap with material that interferes with heat transfer, trapping air in the cavity, thereby preventing heat loss and reducing heating costs.
Basement Insulation: The basement is another area of a home where there is a need for insulation installation. Basement walls are insulated with non-water sensitive insulation that prevents interior air from contacting cold basement surfaces.
Crawl space insulation: This space is often forgotten because not everyone uses their crawl space regularly; however, it can help prevent heat from leaking into or escaping from your home. The best insulation material for crawl spaces is a rigid foam insulation board.
Domestic appliances; Air-conditioning, refrigerator, water cooler, and the like are all insulated to prevent the movement of heat into or out of them.
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
4 Reasons Why Fireproofing is Used for the Fire Protection
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Fireproofing, also known as passive fire protection, refers to the process of increasing the fire resistance of structures or materials. The term fireproofing does not necessarily mean that the fire won't affect the fireproofed item or the fireproofed item cannot ever burn. When an item is fireproofed, it means that the item gets protection from the fire to a certain time or duration based on the measured performance of the fireproofing material under certain tests and evaluation.
Fireproofing is divided into two disciplines, that are active fire protection and passive fire protection. Passive fire protection is used in oil refineries or industrial process plants to minimize the escalation of fire that could result from structural failure and overheating of pressure vessels. Damage that the fire could do too soon can add significant fuel to the fire.The traditional fireproofing method used earlier was to pour the concrete or gunite in place around the item to be fireproofed. Such fireproofing systems are too heavy and make life difficult to install at higher elevations or areas where heavyweight are not allowed (e.g. offshore). the fireproofing industry has come up with a solution by discovering the fireproofing system based on vermiculite and epoxy instead of concrete.
The vermiculite-based fireproofing systems are lighter in weight and are installed at all elevations, however, they are not so strong as the concrete-based fireproofing, and are prohibited to use at lower elevations or areas prone to mechanical abuse. There is a trend of using concrete-based fireproofing from the ground to 1 meter followed by vermiculite-based fireproofing to the rest parts of the structures.
The purpose of Fireproofing
Basically, fireproofing is used to protect the structural steel that carries risky or valuable equipment. The breakpoint of steel is commonly referred to as 535˚C, as this is the point at which the steel loses approximately half (i.e. 50%) of its strength. So the goal is to keep the steel from reaching 535˚C for a certain period of time. The time we buy or want the fireproofing to maintain the integrity of the steel in the event of a fire is between 15minutes to 240 minutes. The time period that a fireproofing gets after certain testing in an independent laboratory is known as the time rating or fire resistance period (FRP).
Over time, the fireproofing may degrade or get damaged from the element's in daily plant life so it is at most important to protect and maintain the fireproofing so that in the event of a fire, the fire resistance properties remain constant in order to fulfill the intended functions.
Daily exposure in the plant includes but is not limited to the following;
Mechanical abuse
Contact with oils, solvents, chemicals, etc.
Risk-Based Analysis
The term fireproofing may mislead many people because no material is completely fireproofed. All materials used in the construction are susceptible to fire. What we mean when we say fireproofing is the fire-resistance, which means, we try to withstand potential fire situations over a period of time. The goal of fireproofing is to minimize the overall damage caused by the fire. The fireproofing enables us to take action, while we are in the fire resistance period. The fire resistance period gives us time to extinguish the fire, turn off the fuel supply to the fire and try all possible ways to evacuate the personnel and to stop the process (fire).
The decision to make the industrial process plant fireproof is made on the basis of risk analysis. First, consider the type of fire and then evaluate the required fire life for a variety of equipment including structural steel, pressure vessels, exchangers, pipes, and the like. The location of certain equipment in a process plant is just as important as the location of the plant in relation to neighboring facilities.
The fire resistance period and test methods
No single fire test method is representative of an actual fire situation and therefore there is no best or accurate test method available. Standardized tests simply provide a basis for relative comparisons of fire-resistant materials and structures.
When fire protection is required, the degree of fire resistance depends on the application in the process plant. Typical requirements for the protection of an oil refinery or process plant may be as follows;
For structural steel, installation may require a 2 to 3 hours fire resistance period (FRP). A thickness between 50mm to 75mm may be appropriate to achieve the said FRP. Lightweight cementitious (vermiculite based), or Epoxy-based intumescent are common materials for use, however, the traditional fireproofing material based on concrete may also be an option.
Equipment may require 1 to 2 hours FRP with 40mm to 50mm fireproofing thickness. The fireproofing materials that provide the equivalent fire resistance period may be used to protect the equipment from fire.
Plates and frame heat exchangers are of particular interest because of the rubber gasket material used between the plates. These heat exchangers are equipped with a protective cover designed to prevent the maximum operating temperature of the heat exchanger from exceeding approximately 1 hour. The maximum operating temperature is the temperature specified by the equipment manufacturer (or vendor) and is common at <150˚C.
Fireproofing Materials
Passive fire protection generally falls into the following three categories:
Dense concrete
Lightweight cementitious based on exfoliated vermiculite
Intumescent based on epoxy or acrylic
The potential of concrete as a fireproofing material has long been recognized. Many refineries built before World War II used dense concrete extensively as fire protection. This material is inexpensive and is known to withstand extreme temperatures. However, problems quickly arose: the concrete was heavy, resulting in excessive demands on the steel structures; This also means high labor costs, since forming concrete around the steel is a laborious, and multi-step process.
It has also been found that rapid cooling after a fire causes the concrete to crack and in some cases severely compromises the structural integrity of the material. This damage is sometimes difficult to detect and can be hazardous to those working on site. Dense concrete as fire protection has been largely abandoned in favor of new methods that provide superior performance and less inconvenience.
The lightweight cementitious fireproofing retains the advantages of being based on inexpensive raw materials (vermiculite) and not having the problem of being overweight. As the name suggests, the material is considerably lighter than concrete and therefore does not require excessive design specification However, lightweight fireproofing retains the high labor costs.
The major disadvantage with lightweight cementitious fireproofing is it tends to crack if inappropriately applied, and may create an inevitable space between the fireproofing and the substrate it was applied to. This space tends to collect moisture, which in turn causes corrosion under the fireproofing.
Intumesce means swell, so the fireproofing tends to expand in its thickness to several times in the presence of extreme heat generated by the fire, thus, an increase in volume and a decrease in density slow down the heating of the substrate, which increase the time before the steel loses its load-bearing strength or melts. The expansion, which is also known as the char,  basically creates a larger barrier between the fire and steel.
The epoxy intumescent fireproofing tends to create the char up to 5 times the actual fireproofing thickness, and the acrylic-based intumescent fireproofing swells up to 50 times to its original thickness. The thickness of the char and the time that the fireproofing char remain in its place decides the fire resistance period.
The advantage of the intumescent fireproofing is that the fireproofing is lighter in weight among all and may fight corrosion in much the same way as traditional protective coatings.
While there are several standards available to use for the fireproofing work, some of the common standards that you may find helpful are listed here;
UL 1709
UL 263
BS 410
API RP 2218
API RP 2001
ASTM E1529
Cold and Cryogenic Insulation
Protective Coating or Painting
Fireproofing Inspector Level 2
Fireproofing Inspector Level 3
Diploma in Passive Fireproofing
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Why is Abrasive Conductivity Test So Important to Perform - ASTM D4940
Corrosion, also known as rust, is a significant problem for any metal. It occurs throughout the world in residential, commercial, and industrial environments. Any time metal is used, corrosion can occur on the metal’s surface.
The corrosion rate depends on several factors that the metal is exposed to, for example, metal in a residential or commercial environment will have a lower corrosion rate than metal in an industrial environment.
Soluble salt, if present within an environment, is a corrosion accelerator. Project specifications often limit soluble salt levels before applying the coating for corrosion protection.
Soluble salt can deposit on a steel surface in many ways. One such way is with abrasives during blast cleaning operations.
The abrasive conductivity test determines the presence of soluble salt, this article will explain everything about the abrasive conductivity test.
Use of Abrasive
Abrasives are widely used during blast cleaning to get clean, rough surfaces for coating applications. The abrasive is made of slag, cooled by air and water.
Slag cooled by seawater or other contaminated or salty water, contains many ionic substances. Ion (salt) contamination from abrasives then transfers to the steel surface. This accelerates the corrosion rate. Failure to remove the salt before coating can cause premature coating failure.
Project coating specifications usually set the upper limit of acceptable abrasive contamination, as well as asks for performing abrasive conductivity tests to ensure compliance.
Abrasive Conductivity Test Frequency
The specification also provides the test frequency; though conductivity tests are performed on the abrasive each time a new batch arrives at the construction site.
Abrasive Conductivity Test Apparatus
The test apparatus includes the following:
Conductivity meter
Electrode cleaner
Calibration solution
Pure distilled water
Glass beakers (600mL and 100mL)
Plastic measuring beaker
Stirring rod
Filter paper
Conductivity Meter Accuracy
Before starting the test, the equipment’s accuracy is evaluated using cleaning and calibration solutions. This procedure varies depending on the type of conductivity meter used for the test.
For more information, refer to the instrument’s operating instructions. The following procedures apply to conductivity meters in the image
Conductivity Meter Calibration Check
Press the ON/OFF button to turn on the conductivity meter, and then press the CAL button until the display shows CAL.
Open the electrode cover and wash the instrument’s electrode with the cleaning agent. Be sure to apply an appropriate amount of calibration solution to the electrode.
When finished cleaning, close the electrode cover. Press and hold the CAL button for more than 2 seconds.
If the instrument accuracy is correct, the reading displayed on the screen will match the specified reading after the time-lapse. If the measured value does not match the solution’s target value, recalibrate/adjust the device per the manufacturer's recommendations.
Clean the electrode with tap water and shake it off to remove moisture. Press the MEA button on the instrument to put it in measurement mode.
Now that we have the instrument’s calibration, let's proceed with the sampling procedure.
Select a random bag of abrasives for sampling.
Measure 300 ml of abrasive and pour into the 600 ml beaker, then add 300 ml of water.
Start the timer and stir the solution with the stir bar for one minute.
Let the solution sit for 8 minutes, then stir again for 1 minute.
Place filter paper in the funnel to get enough solution into the 100 ml beaker.
Discard the first 10mL of filtrate.
It is time to check the sample’s conductivity using the conductivity meter. Following the steps below.
Abrasive Conductivity Measurement
Turn on the conductivity meter.
Rinse the electrode with clean water until the display shows that the water conductivity is equal to or less than 5 µS/cm.
Immerse the electrode in the sample in a 100 ml beaker.
Mix gently for 2-3 minutes.
Read and record the conductivity value of the sample on the screen.
You can now check the specification compliance using the abrasive’s conductivity value you recorded.
Use the project’s coating specification to verify that the recorded value is below the upper value set by the specification.
If it does not meet the specifications, use other abrasive bags for additional measurements before taking corrective and preventive measures.
Project coating specifications often state the ASTM D4940 needed to carry out the abrasive conductivity test.
The conductivity test determines soluble salt or invisible contaminant, presence in abrasives. This test ensures that abrasives will not contaminate surfaces after sandblasting, because the salt contained in steel increases the corrosion rate and makes the coating prematurely deteriorate, making it almost impossible to achieve the ideal service life.
A coating project assigns paint coating inspectors to carry out the abrasive conductivity test. The inspectors get certified by attending paint coating inspection and quality control training to perform such a task.
Videos about protective coating are available on YouTube. You can also find protective coating training courses at the following website: www.iogs.org.
The Institute for Oil and Gas Sector provides the following comprehensive coating inspector courses. Getting into the coating inspection and quality control field you require completion of one of these courses:
Coating Inspector Level 2
Coating Inspector Level 3
Related Articles;
9 Simple (But Important) Things to Remember About Corrosion Under Insulation
Everything You Need To Know About Salt Test Before Paint Coating Application
Enhance Your Cold Insulation Skills
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Know What Petroleum Engineering Industry Really is? Career Wise!
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Are you someone who is looking to find out more about petroleum engineering? Do you want to know about petrochemical engineering and how it works? If you said yes to both these questions then keep scrolling down because we have just what you have been looking for.
What do petroleum engineers do?
Petroleum engineers play a vital role in maintaining the world economy. They ensure that the extraction of oil and gas is safely done. They make sure that the entire process is done efficiently so that the product is more affordable to the customers.
If we talk about the involvement of the petroleum engineers in the oil and gas fields then it is important to bring to attention that they are actively part of the entire process.
Types of petroleum engineer
Here is a list of categories in which petroleum engineers are divided into:
Petroleum geologists
Petroleum geologists make sure that they find hydrocarbons. They analyse subsurface structures. They do this with the help of geological and geophysical methods.
Reservoir engineers
Reservoir engineers help in the optimisation of the production of oil and gas. The optimisation process is only possible with the help of proper placement, production levels and enhanced oil recovery techniques. The Reservoir engineers use various computer simulations to identify the risks associated with the process. They also use the same method to make forecasts on reservoir potential.
Production engineers
Production engineers are known for managing the interface. They make sure the interface between the reservoir and the well through tasks is done properly. The tasks include perforations, sand control, artificial lift, downhole flow control and monitoring equipment. Production engineers select the surface equipment to separate the fluids that are being produced. These fluids include oil, natural gas and water.
Drilling engineers
Drilling engineers deal with the technical aspects. They look after both the production and injection wells. Drilling engineers work in multidisciplinary teams. Their teams include engineers from different backgrounds, scientists and contractors.
Quality engineer
Quality engineers or QA/QC Engineers make sure that the work gets done in a specified time, following the guidelines given to them by the company. They govern different regulations, prepare and document reports related to the quality of the entire process.
Safety engineers
Safety engineers are there to enforce the safety rules and regulations. They make sure that everything is done following the health and safety requirements.
Responsibilities of an Engineer in Petroleum Industry
The responsibilities of every engineer vary from the other; depending on the role, they have been assigned.
Here is a list of responsibilities that engineers might be asked to perform:
One of the major responsibilities of engineers includes liaising with geoscientists
They also look after the production
Some engineers have to liaison with commercial managers to interpret the good logging results
They also predict the potential of the production
Another important responsibility of engineers is to compile a detailed development plan of the reservoir performance
They do this using different mathematical methods
Engineers are also responsible for selecting an optimal tube size
They look after suitable equipment to make sure different functions are performed properly
They design the complete process which is the main part of the well that helps in communicating with the reservoir fluids
Engineers design different systems to make sure that the well flows properly
Engineers manage problems about the fluid behaviour
They also deal with the problems of the production chemistry
One responsibility is to evaluate and recommend the rate of flow by enhancing the hydraulic fracture
They force fluid into a well for fracturing the rock
They look after the acid treatment so that they can keep a lookout when the rock erodes and can help improve the flow path
Engineers help to manage and control both horizontal and multilateral wells that have branches underneath
They use well and reservoirs with the help of remote sensing technology
They also deal with surveillance data that helps in managing the value of the reservoir
They are responsible for deciding on an appropriate engineering intervention
They understand and then manage how a set of wells interact with each other
They are responsible for dealing with contractor relationships
Engineers look at the health, safety and environmental protocols
They supervise well site operations
They also train and supervise different crew members
They ensure that everyone around them is working as a team
They also ensure that deadlines are met and the clients are satisfied
They liaison with different departments to ensure the progress of the multiple on-going projects
They are responsible for the maintenance of the equipment
Engineers liaison with different clients to keep them in the loop
Petroleum Engineer Salary
The salaries of engineers vary, depending on the nature of their job.
Here is what you can expect to get if you are applying for the position of petroleum engineer:
In this region, if you are only starting, you should be prepared to get something from £25,000 to £35,000
If you have a relevant PhD in the field, you can expect something more
The starting off salary figures are for those who are applying to international oil companies
A similar salary range is for graduates who get into training programs before signing up for a full-time job
If you are applying in a comparatively new company, you should expect something lower in terms of the salary
If you are an experienced petroleum engineer then you should expect something from £55,000 to £95,000
If the demand is higher, an experienced freelance engineer may even earn over £1,000/day
Working hours in Petroleum Industry
If we talk about the work hours in the field of petroleum engineering then they are the typical 8 hours of the day.
It means that if you are thinking of getting into the field, you should keep in mind that your normal workday would start at 9 am and end at 5 pm. However, like any other profession, there might be days when you would be required to put in extra hours.
If you were working for a big company, you would know that they usually have flexible working hours. There is a routine of working in shifts so that no one person is overburdened with work. If you were on an offshore assignment, you would be required to work for 12 hours straight. This could go on for at least two weeks. One plus point is that the petroleum engineers also get a two-week break to make it up for their thought schedule.
What to expect in Petroleum Industry?
Here is what you should expect from your life when working in the petroleum engineering field:
If you are a beginner, you should expect the first three years of your professional career in the rig site
When the engineers gain experience and put in their time and effort, they start working in the office
Once engineers start working in the office, they closely work with geologists on the oil field
The senior geologists are located onshore
With the help of remote sensing technology, engineers should expect to work with high bandwidth that works with global networks and visualisation systems
Once you reach a position where you can make decisions, you must expect to work with fewer people in the field and make more decisions in the office
You can also expect to be self-employed or do freelance work in the future
Through outsourcing, there have been many opportunities that have been created for engineers with more than five years of professional experience
If you want to sign a contract, you should do that by first determining the project status and going through the oil prices
More women are being recruited in this profession with the help of awareness about this field of work
When you start working in the oil field, you will see a mix of different cultures
If you are on an offshore assignment, you will have to start living in a communal system
If you are working in the field, you might have to make do with inhospitable living conditions
You should be mentally and physically prepared for the job
The onshore and offshore routine can get a little overwhelming for some people
You should be ready to compromise on your social life
You would sometimes be required to travel within a day or two
You would not always be present at home with your family
Overseas travel is another feature that is part and parcel of this profession
You should be prepared to change your location on a short notice
Qualifications to Work for Petroleum Industry
Like any other profession, prior qualification is a prerequisite for petroleum engineering as well. If you have applied for a job at a reputable company, your employer would first check for your qualifications in the relevant field.
Here is a list of qualifications that employers look for when hiring engineers at the job:
Aeronautical engineering
Chemical engineering
Civil engineering
Earth sciences
Mechanical engineering
Petroleum engineering
Skills Required to Grab Jobs in Petroleum Industry
If you aim to work in petroleum engineering or the petrochemical engineering field then you need a skill set.
Here is a list of skills that you should possess if your goal is to become an engineer:
Technical capabilities
Business awareness
Analytical skills
Creative skills
Managerial potential
Ability to work internationally
Ability to work in offshore environments
Team skills
Problem solver
Willingness to tackle challenges
Computer literate
Relevant training
Different certifications
Do I Need any Work Experience Before Applying for a Job?
If you are only starting, you should have a good qualification and a skill set that shows in your work. If you are someone who wants to switch jobs then you should know that there is a lot of competition in the market. Yes, you read that correctly. You can look for different opportunities based on your years of experience and area of expertise.
If you want to work with prestigious companies then you should be ready to relocate. Most of the oil and gas explorations are based overseas.
If you are good at what you do then the field of petroleum engineering and petrochemical engineering can take you places you had only thought of going to.
Here is a list of settings where you would find the right kind of employment:
You should look up operating companies
You can also look for production companies, mostly the ones that are international oil companies to get a better job
Apply to engineering consultancies
Send your resume to integrated service providers
Apply for a position at a specialist plant construction
Professional Development Institutions
If you are aiming to apply to a multinational corporation, you need to keep in mind certain aspects such as your personal and professional development as an individual.
When applying to a reputable company, make sure you have already taken oil and gas courses as part of your professional development.
Here is a list of the relevant professional engineering institutions you can take up the oil and gas courses from:
The Institute for Oil & Gas Sector (IOGS)
American Petroleum Institute (API)
You can also check the below listed for further training:
Career Prospects and Skill Development Courses
Considering the current world order, the engineering process will continue to rise. You must keep up the hard work and trust yourself when applying for a job in the petroleum engineering field. Do not lose hope, keep applying!
There are several skill development courses that you should take up to make yourself apart from the crowd in the job market, the following 4 skill development work fields are most popular;
Protective Coating
Thermal Insulation
Passive Fireproofing
Corrosion Control
Did you find this article useful? Let us know in the comments below.
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
9 Simple (But Important) Things to Remember About Corrosion Under Insulation or CUI
Corrosion under insulation (CUI) is the external corrosion of outside equipment made from carbon-manganese, low-alloy, and austenitic stainless steel due to the absorption of water under the insulation.
It has been several decades since the CUI has been one of the major common problems across a wide range of industries worldwide. Still, we didn't find out a way to eliminate it completely, instead, we just rely on tools and techniques to minimize the issue.
This article will provide an understanding of the following:
What is Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)?
Why Insulate?
CUI Causes
Corrosion Types
CUI Identification
Rate of CUI
CUI Maintenance Costs
CUI Temperature Ranges
Applicable Codes and Standards
What is Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI)?
Corrosion under insulation, also known as CUI, is a serious problem that affects thermally insulated mechanical components. It is known as the hidden enemy because its detection can be too late resulting in disastrous outcomes such as leakages, loss of containment, and even fire and explosion.
One study shows that the petrochemical industry spends approximately 10% of its maintenance and repair budget on piping systems and pressure vessels due to CUI.
To better understand CUI, you first need to understand the reasons for insulating piping and vessels.
Why Insulate?
Insulation, or more correctly thermal insulation, is a material or system used to reduce the movement of heat or sound. It is a critical feature in oil refineries and industrial process plants.
If you look closely at any industrial plant, you will see they are surrounded by insulated pipes, equipment, and vessels. These mechanical components can either receive hot, cold, or acoustic insulation systems.
To better visualize, an oil refinery contains about 73 miles of insulated pipes and 2.5 million square feet of insulated equipment. Many different types of insulations are used to insulate the mechanical components in an industrial plant.
There are several reasons for using insulation, including:
Energy conservation
Heat conservation
Process control
Cold conservation
Condensation control
Acoustic attenuation
Personal protection
Corrosion Under Insulation Causes
Water causes CUI when it enters an installed insulation system. Unfortunately, it’s not simple to design and install insulation systems because there are many different ways that water can seep into them. For example:
Insulation material gets wet during storage or installation.
Protective jacketing installed incorrectly or prove ineffective at preventing water      ingress.
Protective jacketing become damaged after installation.
The protective coating/painting becomes damaged and/or not touched up      (refurbished) appropriately before insulation work.
The protective coating can be ineffective as a barrier between the water, that      ingresses under the insulation, and the metal.
Now that you know the cause of CUI, allow us to explain the type of corrosion that occurs under the insulation.
Types of Corrosion Under Insulation
Corrosion on carbon steel usually resembles a general or pitting appearance. On austenitic stainless steel, it almost always consists of chloride stress corrosion cracking (CLSCC).
Water that ingresses into the insulation system passes through the insulation material to reach the outer surface of the insulated item; however, when closed-cell insulations are used, the water cannot pass through it easily, but will still find ways to reach the surface (e.g., through joints or breaks).
Immediately upon reaching the steel through one or more breaks in the protective coating, water begins acting as an electrolyte to complete the corrosion cell triangle. The result is the general or pitting corrosion on the carbon steel substrate.
If the water contains chloride, it causes CLSCC on the stainless-steel surfaces. Where does the chloride come from?  It’s important to know that water itself may contain chloride.
Additionally, water can also leach out chlorides from insulation and/or accessories material.
Now that we’ve discussed the types of corrosion that occur under the insulation, it's time to understand how you can identify such corrosion.
CUI Detection
CUI detection is difficult because insulation, by its very nature, creates a barrier between the insulating surface and the environment. Thus, finding it involves several steps, including:
Visual inspection
Non-destructive testing (NDT)
A visual inspection involves either partially or completely removing the insulation to check the integrity of the insulated surface. The problem with this approach is that removing the entire insulation, whether partially or fully, is costly and time-consuming. Insulation removal is often carried out during a plant shutdown.
Insulation removal methods are qualitative; therefore, they cannot directly measure the metal thickness loss due to CUI. The use of a pit depth gauge can quantify the metal loss due to corrosion.
NDT is another CUI detection method. While not as effective as insulation removal, it is common practice to use NDT when insulation removal is not a practical option.
The NDT techniques require detailed knowledge of the piping system or equipment layout, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using a cost-to-benefit ratio. The following NDT techniques are common for CUI detection:
Moisture meter
Infrared thermography
Pulsed eddy current
Flash radiography
Now, let's determine the CUI range.
The Rate of Corrosion Under Insulation
Corrosion Under Insulation usually remains undetected until the protective jacketing and insulation are removed. removing insulation as soon as the water gets in, indicates less potential for CUI; however, CUI is more likely if it takes five or more years for the insulation removal.
The CUI rate depends on the water’s conductivity. If the infiltrating water contains soluble salts (e.g., sulphates and chlorides), it will accelerate the CUI rate.
The rate of CUI is about 20 times faster than atmospheric corrosion. The range of metal loss due to CUI is 1.5mm – 3mm annually.
For example, a pipe has a total wall thickness of 15mm (i.e., 10mm thickness and 5mm corrosion allowance). If we consider that the CUI rate where the pipe will be installed is 2.5mm/year, it may only take 2 years before the CUI eliminates the corrosion allowance making the pipe prone to leakage or breaking.
Temperature Ranges of CUI
Corrosion Under Insulation appears in temperature ranges between −4 °C (25 °F) and 175 °C (347 °F). While CUI problems have been reported outside this range; the majority are within the specified range.
Generally, the metal temperature is the same as the process operating temperature for insulated pipe/equipment. If the insulation is damaged and/or highly humid conditions exist, a process temperature significantly above 121 °C (250 °F) can result in metal temperatures low enough to cause CUI. As a result, the CUI range exceeds 175 °C (347 °F).
Additionally, CUI also takes place on equipment subject to cyclic temperatures or dead legs, which are outside the said CUI range,
Applicable Codes and Standards
There are several codes and standards are available to learn and mitigate the CUI, the 3 most popular standards are as follows:
ASTM STP 880 – Corrosion of Metals Under Thermal Insulation
NACE SP0198-2010 – Control of Corrosion Under Thermal Insulation and Fireproofing Materials
API RP 583 – Corrosion Under Insulation and Fireproofing
Thank you for taking the time to view this article. We hope we have provided you with sufficient knowledge of corrosion under insulation (CUI).
If you wish to learn more on this topic, you may visit www.iogs.org. Also, don’t forget to read the related articles outlined below or enroll in a course related to thermal insulation, inspection and quality control, or CUI.
Corrosion Under Insulation Video
Enhance Your Cold Insulation Skills 
What is Corrosion? Why Metal Corrodes? 
How to Make Career in Oil & Gas Industry 
Reasons for Insulating Piping and Vessels of an Oil Refinery
Corrosion Under Insulation 
 Coating Inspector Level 2 
 Insulation Inspector Level 2 
 Fireproofing Inspector Level 2 
 Coating Fundamentals
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
How Quality Assurance Can Ease Your Business Pain
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We all know how much quality assurance (QA) is necessary for successful businesses. Quality Assurance is a must if you want that only the best products to hit the shelves. But, how to actually ensure the best possible quality? Good quality assurance system is the only answer.
Basically, QA is a systematic process followed by associations and companies. The companies keep a thorough check on the items and services they give to clients and that guarantees quality and fulfillment. The process is vital and runs in a precise way, but, that doesn’t mean it gives an undeniable certainty of value!
QA Requires a Customer Service
We use customer service and products on an almost daily basis. However, what a number of us can ensure that whatever we are buying is of worth? The main thing that people now want these days is storage spaces and facilities.
So, you should make sure that the storage spaces offer quality help and save you from the situation that whatever you keep in these units gets ruined. Obviously! Nobody wants to endure a misfortune.
But, how can you avoid such circumstances? You should opt for the services that have quality assurance measures running in their units.
Standard Cycle of Quality Assurance
Just as the name suggests, a Quality assurance system is a standard cycle that guarantees the quality of products. Businesses and companies should give the best possible services to their clients and that involves testing items and administration from the very start.
Keeping your unused things in storage space requires some other measures and you should ensure that the facility your opted company provides is the best.
It should be completely lit.
No congested space.
Organized things and kept them appropriately.
Pest controlled and termite-free
Climate-controlled units
Essential Objectives of Quality Assurance
The essential objective of the quality affirmation measure is to keep up with the nature of items. The products that the businesses are putting out in the market, should meet the customer’s needs. This cycle or framework follows:
Calculation of data
Archiving data
Uncertainty estimation
Emission computation
Additionally, the framework intends to deal with many different things:
Gives normal checking administrations so that there is accuracy and fulfillment in services.
Brings out the blunders and addresses them for extra quality support.
Continues documenting the data and records the quality control measure.
You may bring forward the question that what includes in quality assurance measures?
Quality Assurance Measures
“The whole process really manages the entire interaction of an organization, association, or enterprise from the start till the end.”
Furthermore, it keeps the check on things like,
raw materials
Conveyance to the necessary regions.
This is the lone framework that keeps the quality in check of an organization. This whole process is needed to continue improving in each space of value and eventually, it expands income and generates more revenue for the company.
Implementation of Quality Assurance
Don’t forget that the implementation of the quality assurance process is necessary as the monitoring and evaluation bring the desired result to the organization. In any case, if that doesn’t happen then, you should carry out another evaluation.
As a customer, you should know what to check and what to opt for. Check the nature of the item before you are concluding it. This process will give you knowledge about reliability levels. As well as, you will get the assurance of things you are investing in.
The quality of products and services is a key goal for organizations. Also, Quality assurance helps ensure that organizations create and ship products without defects.
The quality department should address the issues and assumptions for clients. If you want, customer loyalty, repeat purchases, then ensure the customer’s high-quality products.
Apart from all this, it’s a step that is essential to ship a quality product. Because without QA, you can encounter more serious disadvantages. Like, product bugs and the market’s dissatisfaction or rejection of the product. To avoid this, follow all the basics of a quality assurance system.
17 Quality Control Information You’ll Ever Need
How Quality Assurance Can Ease Your Business Pain
QA/QC Inspector Courses
Online Courses for Quality Controller
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Everything You Need To Know About Salt Test Before Paint Coating Application
The industry faces a common problem of corrosion on steel. According to research, soluble salts within the steel surface increase corrosion, reducing the lifespan of the protective coating. For ideal coating, coating inspectors perform a test that consists of a concentration of soluble salt(s) on metal surfaces before coating application and after the surface preparation.
Coating specification mentions that the soluble salt limit needs to be of a certain level. It also mentions the test method the coating inspector has to follow to perform the test.
There’re many apparatuses and tests available that will help in measuring the salt level of the surface that requires coating.
In this article, you’ll learn how to conduct the soluble salt test by using the conductivity meter and the bresle test patch.
What Is Inside The Salt Test Kit?
To perform the test, you need the bresle test kit that's made following ISO 8502-6/9 for the salt test measurement. You will find the following items in the kit:
· Bresle test patch
· Calibration solution
· Cleaning solution
· Distilled or deionized water
· A syringe with the needle
· A plastic beaker.
· Conductivity meter
How to Perform the Salt Test
Make sure to wear protective equipment, such as clean and disposable gloves, to avoid contaminating the instruments and the testing surface.
Next, switch your conductivity meter by pressing its on-off button. Then, soak the electrode for a couple of minutes by using the cleaning agent from the kit.
While cleaning the surface of the electrode, use distilled water to thoroughly rinse your electrode. Dry it off by shaking off the instrument.
Next, check the accuracy of your instrument by using the calibration solution on your instrument electrode. The value on your instrument screen should be corresponding with the provided value of the solution.
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to calibrate the conductivity meter if you don’t see the provided value of the calibration solution.
The Sampling Process
It is time for the next step where you need to remove the bresle test patch’s protective backing, including the foam center.
Using the adhesive side of your patch, gently place and then press it against your test surface. Make sure that minimum to no air gets trapped in the patch compartment.
Next, use distilled water to decontaminate the beaker and the syringe. Fill up the beaker with enough amount of deionized water for testing. Note down the blank value of the deionized water within the beaker prior to using it for the test.
To get the blank value, first switch on the conductivity meter, and read out its screen to zero. Then fill your conductivity meter electrode using the deionized water within the beaker. Finally, write down the water’s conductivity that appears on the screen as your blank value.
Next, use your syringe to take out 2.5 ml of deionized water from your beaker and insert the needle to your bresle patch by using the spongy foam perimeter in the angle of almost 30˚.
Release the syringe’s water inside your patch. Allow the salt to dissolve by tapping on the latex membrane for a minute by using your finger, then wait for two minutes.
After two minutes, without taking out the needle from your patch, use the syringe to suck the water, and then re-inject it into your patch. Do this at least four times.
After completing that, use the syringe and try extracting as much solution as possible. Finally, remove the needle from the patch.
The Water’s Conductivity Measurement
The solution that's extracted gets injected inside the conductivity meter electrode to evaluate the test solution’s conductivity as your measured value.
Then, subtract the blank value from the value measured and you’ll get the salt level of your steel surface in µS/cm.
Salt Test Equation
The manufacturer of your conductivity meters will supply the equations, when needed, to convert the salt level from µS/cm to mg/m2. To get the equation, you need to refer to the datasheet or the instrument manual.
Specification Compliance
An inspector should record their findings within the daily report. They should check with the project coating specification to make sure that the test result is in the suitable range.
What to Do If the Salt Test Result Is Not Within the
In this case, it is necessary to wash the entire surface with water (refer to specification for water’s PPM range). Next, perform the test again once that's done to ensure specification compliance.
Applicable Standards for Salt Test by Bresle Method
To better understand the test, please take a look at the ISO 8502-6/9 or/and the instrument manufacturer instructions plus guidelines to perform the salt test if the specification does not specify the slat test standard.
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Enhance Your Cold Insulation Skills
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Coating Inspector Level 2
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Diploma in Protective Coatings
Video Explaining How You Should Perform the Salt Test
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Enhance Your Cold Insulation Skills
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What is thermal insulation?
Thermal insulation is a key feature of an oil refinery or industrial process plant. If you take a close look at the industrial plants, you would find out that they are surrounded by insulated pipes, equipment, and vessels. These mechanical components can either receive hot, cold, or acoustic insulation systems.
To give you a fair idea, an oil refinery contains about 73 miles of insulated pipes and 2.5 million square feet of the insulated equipment. There is not one but different types of insulations used to insulate a mechanical system of the industrial plants.
Here is a list of the purpose why you see the use of insulation;
Energy conservation
Heat conservation
Process control
Cold conservation
Condensation control
Acoustic attenuation
Personal protection
If you are someone who wants to find out more about thermal insulation? Or want to know more about cold and cryogenic insulation works then this article will answer what you are looking for, keep scrolling down.
What is cold insulation?
Cold insulation is used for mechanical components that operate at a specific temperature which is usually below the ambient. This type of insulation is used to prevent condensation, moisture, intrusion, and long-term degradation.
You must realize that cold insulation needs a great level of craftsmanship. If you leave small damage on the vapor barrier it can cause icing which won’t result in anything good. Faults might also influence to degrade of the installed insulation system. It can also result in considerable energy loss or block the product to pass through.
Cold Insulation Temperature Range
Cold insulation has different temperature ranges. They start from below the ambient to -196˚C. The temperatures are also divided into the below categories:
Anti-Sweat (Temperature range: Below Ambient to 0˚C)
Cold (Temperature range: 0˚C to -20˚C)
Cryogenic (Temperature range: > -20˚C)
All of the above categories require special attention with regards to the selection of the insulation and the accessories. A particular number of insulation layers and thickness needs to be there to resist the temperatures.
Material List for cold work
The insulation materials are divided into various categories and further divided into a spectrum of things available in the market. They vary in performance, sustainability, cost-effectiveness, and availability.
Here is a list of the key insulation categories and materials available to use in the industry:
1. Cellular
Foam glass
Nitryl rubber
2.  Granular
3.  Fibrous
Selection Criteria
You must go through the selection criteria before designing the cold insulation system. After all, you cannot just get anything and everything. You need to consider what type of material will best fit the requirements, based on a particular design of the insulating item. You also need to take into account the purpose of the insulation and other factors like environmental exposure where the installed insulation will be subjected to exposure after the installation and during the service.
Here is a list of selection criteria that you can take into account before choosing the cold insulation material:
Fit for purpose
Cost factors
Insulation properties
Inspection and quality control
Cold Insulation Components
While having most of the work and components common with other insulation materials, here is a list of cold insulation components that make it apart from others and need to be taken into considerations:
A joint sealant is required to be applied
A vapor barrier is incorporated by the system
A vapor stop is required at the terminations, protrusions, and interruptions.
Screws should never be used to secure the metal jacketing
The system also requires contraction joint
Cold Insulation Installation Procedure
After the component list is finalized and the particular material is selected for cold insulation based on the above-mentioned criteria, you must specify these into a procedure or specification that the applicator should follow for the installation
The applicator should have enough skills by getting the required training. They would also require experience which will only come with time to do their work properly.
Here is how you can follow the installation procedure step by step:
Start by releasing the insulation item. Make sure you have done the following things:
Paint coating
Pressure testing
Any other mechanical work
You should only be using the material that is dry and free from damage and has the right dimensions
Make sure you choose the one specified in the specification
The cut-outs in the insulation sections and segments should be clean and straight
You need to stagger the insulation joints
You need to apply joint sealants to all insulation joints
Use an appropriate type of fastening to make sure that the insulation remains secure around the insulating item at all times
Make sure that no part gets degraded during the fastening of the insulation
Each layer of the insulation needs to be secured separately
A vapor barrier needs to be applied with an overlap of 50mm – 75mm (membrane)
You need to use a vapor stop at terminations and protrusions
The installed insulation needs to be protected with a metal (if necessary)
Never use screws to fix the metal jacketing
The insulation system must not get damaged after installation
Inspection and Quality Control of a Cold Insulation Work
You need to hire a quality control professional to ensure the specified level of quality is achieved. A qualified and certified insulation inspector would make sure that work at every stage is done properly following the specification.
It is the job of a certified insulation inspector to inspect the cold insulation systems at stages defined in the Inspection and Test Plan (ITP).
Here is a list of stages that the cold insulation inspection checks through:
Surface preparation
During insulation and fixing
After insulation
Before jacketing
During jacketing and fixing
After jacketing or Final Inspection
Inspection Process
The reason why an organization should hire a certified insulation inspector for the job is to ensure that the insulation inspection process runs smoothly.
A cold insulation work can have inspection stages, each work stage require thorough inspection and testing by the insulation inspector, Here is how the insulation inspection process works, the process includes but not limited to the following:
Insulation Inspectors:
Check the specification and inspection documents
Starts inspection by checking the material that needs to be used for the work
Verify material is of the correct type, thickness, shape, and has no evidence of damage
Ensure that the surface that needs to be insulated is clean and dry
Make sure there are no coating defects on the surface
Ensure installed insulation has now gaps and fastened properly
Measure insulation thickness, staggering distance, and band spacing
Verify the vapor barrier type before it is used
Ensure vapor barrier installation is correct and measure the overlap
Verify the jacketing type and measure thickness before installation
Make sure the jacketing is done with appropriate watershed, measure band distance, and then check jacketing sealing
Ensure the use of screw is NONE
Document his/her findings, prepare inspection reports and report to the immediate manager or department head
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
Learn All About Dust Test for Paint Coating Application
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Adhesion is one of the major common problems of a protective coating or painting which often causes premature coating failure. One of the mediums that coating can have adhesion failure is due to the dust particles available on the surface while the paint coating application, thus the coating specification often specifies to carry out the Dust Test or Dust Tape Test after the surface preparation and before the coating application.
The specification sets the limit of the dust level and the coating inspectors perform the dust test following the specification guidelines to ensure if the prepared surface contains dust on it and/or the dust level is within the specified limit set by the coating specification.
Often dust is invisible to the naked eyes and may not be detected by the visual inspection.
When talking about dust, it’s made up of fine particles that can be easily deposited on a prepared surface due to the following sources:
Surface preparation operation through blast cleaning
Soil that gets lifted through the wind
Dust particles get easily accumulated on horizontal surfaces, in structural cavities, and the inside of pipes.
This article will make you learn all you need to know on performing the dust tape test before you apply coating on the prepared surface.
The Main Issue of having Dust on the Surface to be Coated
Dust particles found on blast-cleaned steel surfaces might alter the adhesion of the coating that’s applied. Also, the absorbed moisture can increase the chances of corrosion of this steel surface.
For project coating specification, it often requires a dust test to make sure that the surface for coating is properly cleaned. It should also be free from all dust particles prior to the coating application.
The Dust Test Methods
According to a trend in the industry, a pressure-sensitive tape test is carried out that follows industry specifications plus the applicable standards. Generally, a project coating specification will often specify ISO 8502-3 standard test method in order to perform the test.
The tape test will require a kit, like from TQC, Elcometer, or approved equivalent so it’s used by the coating inspector. The kit contains the following items:
Display board
Dust assessment plate
Spring-loaded roller
Disposable gloves
Adhesive tape
Pictorial references
The Dust Test Procedure
Prior to the test, the coating inspector should get rid of the first three turns of adhesive tape from its roll. They should then take out a 200 mm long piece. Touch its end to hold the tape, and then firmly press it 150mm onto your surface under the test.
Now you have two options for your next step:
Take your thumb and keep it across one end of your tape. Move your thumb, while keeping your firm pressure, at a constant speed right along with your tape 3 times in each direction. Hence, each stroke will take between five to six seconds.
Use a calibrated spring-loaded roller and apply it centrally across one end of your tape. Then move the roller, while keeping a downward load between 39.2N – 49.0N at a constant speed right along with your tape 3 times in every direction. Hence, each stroke takes between five to six seconds.
After performing one of the above-mentioned tasks, now remove the tape from your test surface. Keep it on your dust assessment plate that comes with the kit. Make sure that the tape properly sticks on the plate. You can also use your thumb to stick it appropriately.
Assessing The Dust Quantity
Once on the assessment plate, carefully compare the section on the test strip with your equivalent section from the pictorial reference that’s provided. Compare the two thoroughly before rating it. You can rate it between 1 to 5.
Assessing The Size Of The Dust
Use a magnifier to examine the size of the dust particle on the tape which gets designated in the pictorial reference. You can rate the size between 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Specification Compliance
The inspector’s job is to record these findings within the daily report. They should take help from the project coating specification to make sure that the dust size and quantity is within the right range.
What To Do If Dust Level is Not Within The Specification
In this case, the dust should get blown from the surface by using dry and clean compressed air. You can also use an air blower. After it’s cleaned, the test should get performed again to make sure that the level has decreased to the specified limit.
Applicable Standard for the Dust Test
To perform the test in a better way, the inspector must always refer to the applicable standard referenced in the project coating specification. ISO 8502-3 is one of the common standards often specifies in the specification.
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oilandgascourses · 3 years
The Latest Trends of Quality and Inspection
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We all know that quality and inspection are one of the important components of the quality management system and play an important role in establishing a business.
Businesses flourish only if they provide quality products to their customers. Customer satisfaction is really necessary for taking a business to heights because the trust that good quality products can build with a customer is priceless.
Quality ought to consistently be a top priority for running any organization. At the point when it comes down to things related to complex designing items, the primary concern that any organization ought to consider is to set the desired level of quality based on the customer and/or end-user need.
The businesses design the quality system in a way that touches every aspect of the work area, the two most common aspects are;
1. Materials
Any material or components that will be used to manufacture a product first need to pass the inspection and quality control test to ensure they meet the specified requirements.
Businesses must follow a trend to discard the unspecified or damaged material to process further in the very beginning while carrying out the inspection as soon as a procured material arrives at the job site.
Material storage and handling is other important considerations that any business must take into account following the product datasheet and material safety datasheet.
Often a material has its set shelf life within which the material needs to be utilized, so the material storage requires FIFO practice to get rid of material expiry issues.
2. Equipment and Calibration
Another crucial aspect for the business is the equipment, that helps manufacturing the product, which must comply with the necessary requirements to achieve the desired result and/or to produce the quality product. Equipment calibration is one of the important aspects that ensure if equipment will perform its intended function.
Often such calibration is done by the equipment manufacturer, and they supply the equipment with the calibration certificates that state the method used for the equipment calibration and the calibration validity.
Once the calibration validity is expired, the organization’s responsibility is to re-calibrate the equipment following the equipment’s manufacturer guidelines. This can be done by contacting the manufacturer for the calibration or appointing a third-party calibration agency.
The organization must also keep a calibration record and monitor the equipment’s calibration status regularly to ensure the calibration set date is not elapsed, or the equipment is not used once its calibration is out of date.
Inspection and Quality Control Process
An organization could only survive in the market if they are bringing good quality products on shelves. Otherwise, it only takes days for businesses to fail in the market.
The quality control system, when implemented appropriately, permits the organization to establish if an item that the business is going to produce will be worthy for customers or end-user. The components that include but not limited to achieve this requirement are as follows:
Documented reviews
Corrective actions
Preventive actions
These components give the business the benefit of making a quality product and helps them improve continuously.
Inspection and Quality Control Services
With the increasing demand for quality and inspection, it is more competition now. Hence, many organizations in this work era nowadays, have stepped into the market to provide inspection and quality control services.
These organizations make use of cutting-edge technology. Along with it, the resources that come in the presence of a competent team of professionals help to create the best product. The professional quality and inspection companies provide plenty of services, that includes but not limited to the following:
Drawing and/or specification review
Third-Party Inspection
Design evaluation
Options for the Inspection and Quality control tasks
Furthermore, if we look thoroughly in the market, many organizations still perform the needed quality control tasks independently.
In most cases, contractors or manufacturers do have their own quality control team, however, their client and/or end-user assign third-party inspection companies at their facilities to carry out inspection and quality control tasks on their behalf.
The third-party inspectors collaborate with the quality control team of the organization who produce products for the client to carry out the specified inspection and quality control tasks. The third-party inspectors then produce reports based on their findings and report to the client directly.
Generally, the external third-party services give an unbiased opinion, and the case is the same with the quality control system as well. The agencies give honest feedback and that helps their client to prevent the arising and occurring problems. After the criticism, the maker finds approaches to improve the nature of items.
Why Inspection and Quality Control is Important
Undoubtedly, the quality control and inspection mechanism is a rewarding practice for businesses. It doesn’t matter whatever the nature of your business is, the quality control professionals always lend a helping hand.
These days, quality is definitely of utmost importance to customers. Customers usually choose the one brand that has good feedback. Additionally, cutting-edge clients know precisely what they need.
So, if you are running a business, and customers complain about your products, you may lose customers. The products that do not meet customer requirements normally don’t take time in vanishing from the markets.
The manufactures must carry out a product inspection periodically. Because this can help them know the reasons for the reduction in sales. This can happen because of:
The source of their materials
Sometimes, the production process is deviating the set guidelines
The manufacturers should regularly check the quality of their products because even the smallest problem can hurt your business reputation.
Obviously, no businessmen like the quality to suffer, but, sometimes technical glitches can happen. This makes it essential to perform a quality check so that you can stay away from unfavorable circumstances.
Hiring a Quality Control Inspectors or Agencies
If you find it difficult to do this on your own, you can always count on quality control agencies, or hire certified quality control inspectors. Such organizations have a quality controller who has undergoes specific quality control training and gets certified to carry out inspection and quality control tasks of a specific work (discipline wise).
The inspectors can watch over your manufacturing processes and can help you with improvements. Good professionals closely scrutinize each small detail and provide the best advice to improve the whole process, ultimately leading you to build a more efficient process.
The whole process boosts your business to grow. Although, it’s an extra investment, hiring the services of a quality control organization is definitely a worthy investment.
A business that relies and focuses on the inspection and quality control achieves great results. The team of workers obverse or test a set number of products and if the products are not achieving the company’s standard, the quality control team reports and seek corrective and preventive actions.
As well as, the quality control team often can stop production until the full investigation completes. The quality control team is there for you always to make sure that you bring the best to the market until the company rectifies the existing issues.
An efficient quality control system is a must if you want to give the best quality to your customers.
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