oliveroth · 5 months
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Mieko Kawakami, from 'Heaven'
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oliveroth · 5 months
the sexual tension between me and getting worse
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oliveroth · 5 months
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- f.k.q
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oliveroth · 5 months
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oliveroth · 5 months
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oliveroth · 7 years
...I really need to do something about my wardrobe. I mean, I know it’s starting to get a little chilly outside, but man, I can barely feel my body, even with all of these layers....
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oliveroth · 7 years
Why the fuck not? Spotlight’s the only place you can shine. No point hanging out in the wings. 
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‘I just wanted to help my team’. Jesus, you make me sad. You can do both, you know that, right? S’what I do. Take care of my own and take credit. It’s called being smart. 
Right. I’m hysterical, and you don’t apologize too damn much. Sure. 
Gosh, well, I guess I’ll just have to try and learn a few tips from you, Mr. Confidence! And yeah, I would probably classify you as smart... probably. 
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Do you really think I apologize too much? Ah, I mean, I guess... but, um, oh, hold that thought... I’m getting a call... oh, man. I mean, not to prove you right or anything, but I’m sorry, I gotta go! My poppa is calling me... something about my brother I guess. Sorry, Remus! Bye! Tell your friend I said hi, that pretty blonde girl!
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oliveroth · 7 years
… I am an only child, but… I don’t feel like I’m missing much, since I have you. I’m sure it’s not the same, but… well, point is, I love you forever and ever. And you make me happy back.
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Yeah, I guess that’s true. He’s certainly the least likely to be getting himself in trouble. But I just want him to let loose! At least a little, right? He’s just so perfect all the time… that must be tough. Mmm, you’re right – he’s probably different with Charles and Will… but I want to know everything about everyone! Is that so much to ask? Kidding. Kinda. Well, he’s only ever had girlfriends before, but they have all been short-lived… maybe just because he’s bad at prioritizing his personal life over work. Either way, I hope he finds somebody to love. And his phone doesn’t count. I’ve gotta say, I wasn’t sure what their dynamic was gonna be like after Will – he was always kind of the one in the middle, huh? 
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Photos, of course! Can I see sometime? Armando takes pictures too, you know. You guys could bond. Oh, you are? Well, if you want, I’m always open to any stress-relieving activities. I have about two tonnes of low-quality paint that’s just begging for somebody to use it in a paint fight. Remus… Walker? Oh, I know him! One time when we were little he pushed my bike over into the dirt. I think that’s how he made friends? Anyway, I like him if you like him! And I’ve definitely seen him be nice before… in his own way. He, uh, punched a guy for getting handsy with his best friend, if I remember correctly… so he’s loyal, that we know for sure.
Aw, Lyd. Thank you.
Hm... well, maybe one day we can all have a get together and just force it out of him! I’m kidding, I’m kidding! Mostly. Well, if he could happy marry his phone, he might just do that! Ah, again, kidding! Gosh, hopefully he doesn’t have a bug in the wall somewhere. I don’t normally like teasing people, but you bring a silliness out of me! 
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I always felt a little bad for Xav. Seeing them around town... it did kind of look like he was put off, but I know Charles really loves him like a brother, so maybe Will leaving will be good for their relationship, you know? They can get to know each other a little better and hopefully get a lot closer! I mean, yeah, they’ve always been close, but Charles and Will always seemed to be in a little bubble... kind of like him and June now... but he seems better at least! I think he’s grown up a bit since I’ve met him... he rarely flirts with me now! He used to do it in almost every sentence!
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Oh, he does? Wow! He seems so rugged... I never thought he would be into that! That’s pretty cool! I’d love to shoot with him sometime, you know, bond over our shared like of you. As for the photos, I’ll just have to make sure they’re, you know, nice, haha. Oh my gosh, Lyd, yes! Please! Let’s go get white clothes right now! That sounds so fun! Hehe. 
Aw, that’s not nice! Well, I don’t think I’d classify him as super nice or anything, but he’s certainly interesting! Who is his best friend? I don’t know if I’ve seen them around town! I don’t see him all the time, so maybe they’re both secretive! 
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oliveroth · 7 years
The hell are you laughing at? I was being serious, and I’m not a funny guy. So keep that noise to yourself. 
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Stay out of the – in your own fucking life? Jesus holy Christ, sugar. I’m not about to be the one to put you down and pick you back up again, but that shit’s sad. Best offensive player? Hah. That’s hysterical. Like you could be offensive if you tried. And god, there you go again – dying ‘cause people are looking at you? What are you, reverse-Tinkerbell? 
Will you shut up telling me you never shut up? I know that. I’m the one currently being subjected to it.
Ah, he called me sugar, again. He’s gonna make me blush...
Well, I mean... I guess it doesn’t make sense to other people. I just don’t like being in the spotlight, not anymore... a-and hey! I was a great offensive player! I just didn’t want awards for it.. I just wanted to help my team, you know?
Reverse Tinkerbell? Maybe that’s fitting...
I - um, sorry! It’s a habit!
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And it’s not my fault that you’re comedic without meaning to be!
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oliveroth · 7 years
I like to hear myself speak, sugar. Doesn’t mean I want anybody talking back. 
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No, see, I was doing this thing where I highlight how your namesake is a small green edible that isn’t even the main event of an appetizer – belittling you, mocking you, that kind of thing. If you want me to go a little more classic with the verbal abuse, let me know. I’ll happily oblige. 
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I - oh, sorry! I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to laugh, really, but that was... well... um, anyway!
I - hmm. I guess you’re right? I mean, I usually try to stay out of the way and whatnot, so yeah, I guess you’re right! I wouldn’t really want to be the main event of anything! I was voted best offensive player one year when I played lacrosse and I kind of almost died having to stand in front of anyone. Maybe my parents knew that when they named me, that I’d be a little shy... Oh, ah, um, sorry! I kind of ramble on a bit...
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oliveroth · 7 years
Ugh, I love your dad. I’m gonna bring him a casserole next time I come over. I mean, it’ll be from Zell’s, since I can’t even cook toast – but it’s the thought that counts. Ah, that’s true. And I can’t complain that they want a hand in my love life when dad did pack my lunch for me this morning. If this is what it takes to be the baby forever, then I accept.
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I know! He keeps acting like me giving him a blow by blow of every paint class Armando goes to is some kind of inconvenience. Outrageous, I say! But I guess that’s Xav. I tried to get him to tell me about that date he had last week, and he just told me that it was his private business. What’s that supposed to mean? Anyway, I think you’re right about the umber, so I guess I don’t need Xavier to confirm, but… who wouldn’t want to talk about Armando’s eyes? 
Now, enough about me. Tell me what’s going on with you! I want to know everything. Eve-ry-thing. 
Aw, Lydia, you’re so sweet. You know, my poppa always liked you! He loves Charles and Xav and everyone, but I think he always liked my girl friends the best. I think it’s because of everything that happened with my sister... I try to be really nice, but I just feel a little more comfortable around guys. You’re so sweet, though, you make me happy.
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I personally love hearing about my friend’s relationships! Maybe it’s because Xav is, well, maybe one of our more laid back friends? I mean, it makes sense, because he’s in the public eye a lot... he probably wants to try and keep at least some things private, you know? I bet he probably tells Charles a little more than he tells us, but I think they’re closer, since they grew up together. I know things have been hard for Charles since Will... you know, left, but I think they’ve gotten closer! And they’re both guys. I think it’s a little easier talking to Charles about stuff because he likes guys and girls, but... I think Xav is straight? I don’t know, but it seems like it! And yeah! Eyes are the windows to our souls, so! At least you always have me!
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Oh, me? Um, not much... I’ve been taking more photos lately. I’m a little more stressed out then usual, but I’m okay! I’ve been seeing this guy around more lately, Remus, I think? He’s a little prickly... but he’s amusing to talk with at least! I try to be nice to him, but he kind of reminds me of Armando... he’s super sweet and cute with you, but a little prickly with other people. I wonder if Remus has someone he’s sweet with...
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oliveroth · 7 years
night changes
The night air was cool against her skin.
When she told her poppa that she was going out, he told her numerous times to be careful, as the wolf activity in the area had been growing. Now, under normal circumstances, Olive of course would have heeded her poppa’s words. In fact, she would most likely choose a different route home than walking through the woods as she was accustomed to.
Something, though, persuaded Olive to continue down the path that she’d created for herself. Vines were moved over, steps were pounded into the ground, and, well, the fog just seemed deliciously inviting.
She wore her headphones as she skipped along her path, listening to a mixture of love songs and instrumentals. The day had been hard on her: it was amazing how one small event could trigger such terrible memories. The brunette had been taking photos of her room for her photography class, and one photo in particular had been hard to look back on. It was a photo she hadn’t meant to capture: one of her and her sister’s many projects. 
She wasn’t sure why she kept the quilt: after all, she hadn’t spoken to her sister in years. Maybe it felt comfortable and familiar? Regardless, it brought back the memories of cloth being torn apart and thrown at her. Books, and names, had been tossed at Olive the night she decided to call the police, and she could never forget the feeling of regret.
“It wasn’t your fault then, and it isn’t your fault now.” Olive mumbled to herself, gripping her jacket tighter. She had to do it. 
To escape the memories, she decided to go for a run. 
In earlier months, she might have called some questionable number and begged for something to help her forget, but she knew that wasn’t healthy. Her mind might have been destroyed, but she hoped to keep her body healthy, at least. In times of stress, she’d taken up running again. An avid runner as a child, she had stopped in the past year, distracted by class, but she loved the feeling running caused, and, while she flew through the air, she could forget for just a moment.
Olive pulled her coat off, exposing her body. She wore a sports bra underneath her pink windbreaker. It was cold, yes, but she knew she would warm up as she ran. She was tired, but... she just needed to run a bit further. Running home would help her. She knew it.
Her playlist changed and she took off, hopping over fallen branches and vines that were too stubborn to move. As she ran, she came across a clearing, and decided to stop for a moment to catch her breath. Her jacket had been tied around her waist, and she brought up a part of it to dab her face. As she paused in the clearing, she was blissfully unaware of the dangers that lurked. Had her headphones been off, she might have heard the soft paws cracking the autumn leaves that had begun to fall.
Something in her caused her to turn, and she saw two dark eyes staring back at her. Her breath caught in her throat, and she felt paralyzed. The two stared at each other before she spun around, running. She blinked back fearful tears as she tried to escape the impending danger. Unfortunately, her ankle caught in a loose vine and she tumbled toward the earth. She held her arms out to catch her fall and tried to wrangle her ankle free. The growls were getting closer.
In horror, she turned to face the wolf, holding her arms up in an attempt to shield herself.
Birds fled the trees as her screams filled the night, and blood poured onto the dirt.
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oliveroth · 7 years
Ooh, I’ll come to yours. I love my parents, but you know how they get when I talk boys – remember how I told you about when I started dating Billy Schneider in fourth grade? I guess to be fair I was only nine, but I maintain taking my phone away for a week was extreme. Way, way extreme. 
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Can we, please? Xav said he was gonna mute my number if I texted him about Armando one more time. He says I’m being obnoxious, Ollie. Obnoxious! Just because I asked him if he thought Armando’s eyes were more of an ochre or a burnt umber. Unreasonable.
To be fair, it shows just how much they care about you! I think my poppa did the same thing... well, I never really dated people, but he would get suspicious of almost any boy that I would text.
Really? I’m gonna text Xav right now and tell him he’s being unreasonable! He should be glad you’re giving him such amazing details and questions? Personally, I think they’re burnt, but we need Xav’s opinion anyway!
Oh, I can’t wait! Hehe.
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oliveroth · 7 years
Let me ask you something. Real serious, too. Why in the hell do you think I would care what your poppa wants? 
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Look, Cheese Platter Accompaniment – if you think I’m being prickly now, call me Remmy one more time. And fuck off while you’re at it. 
Under normal circumstances, I suppose you wouldn’t... however, you’re the one who voiced your opinion to the world, so...
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Cheese... what? Are you trying to be hurtful without actually calling me something terrible? Maybe you do have a heart! We’re really getting somewhere, Rem!
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oliveroth · 7 years
Lyd! That would be so fun! I don’t know if you want to come over to my place, or... I could go to yours? Just let me know what’s easier for you! Maybe we can talk a little more about that boy you’ve been texting me about...
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Have you seen the weather reports? It’s supposed to be torrential the first of Autumn! I think a slumber party is in order!
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oliveroth · 7 years
My poppa actually wanted one of those vacuums! I think you’re just being a little too prickly, Remmy.
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Sales dude came knocking on my door this morning. Not going into details, but let’s just say motherfucker knows better than to come to my place trying to sell vacuum cleaners again. 
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