oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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Watercolour cats by Endre Penovac
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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Cats could dream of fish.. Or maybe fish could dream of cats..
Inktober day 6, I decided to draw something instead of husky for a cat team :D
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
So, this little bat-eared goblin was mewling pitifully under my window in this dreadful weather. I took him in, warmed him, fed him and took him to the vet. His name is Tykki, he is about 4-5 weeks old and weighs next to nothing - 400 g. Lovely as he is, I don't plan to keep him, my two darlings are quite enough for me. I will make sure he ends up in a good home.
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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My babies are already one year old... It's kinda hard to believe. Oreo's ruptured eardrum has finally healed but he will probably have a head tilt for the rest of his life. Not that I care. He doesn't seem to mind and I'm far too relieved that no surgery was needed.
Wish I could speak cat just to tell him and Scratchy how much I love them.
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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In a blink...
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
Some things never change :)
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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I love you so much ♡
Scratchy (left) and Oreo (right) as 3 months old and 9 months old
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
Oreo: 3 months old vs 8.5 months old. Hand for scale
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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Surprisingly enough, Scratchy grew up to be a cuddle monster. She's still wary around strangers but will let you pet her once she gets used to you. Loves pushing things off the table, scratching the sofa and aggressively grooming her brother.
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It's already clear that Oreo is going to be a big cat. My 960 g baby is already at 3,6 kg, and judging by his legs he might end up weighing 5-6 kilos.
When he was three months old he started walking with a head tilt. The vet said it's an ear polyp but he couldn't quite extract it because three months old kittens are *tiny*. He tentatively proposed a surgery but the surgeon recommended to wait until Oreo grows up. It got worse after Christmas and given that he's already *much* bigger than he was, I wanted him to have the surgery and be done with it. Unfortunately, the CT scan didn't show a polyp, so there was nothing to operate. Yesterday my vet looked into his ear with a camera and found out his eardrum was ruptured. It should have grown back together long ago but something is preventing it on the other side of the eardrum. Surgery seems unavoidable now - they need to open his ear and look inside to see what's causing it.
Other than that, he's a happy and healthy cat (despite his dry food intolerance). He loves chasing toy mice, play-fighting with his sister, and food. He purrs when he sees food.
I love them both dearly.
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
Take these two kittens in, they said. It will only be for two weeks, they said.
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Me five weeks, three visits to the vet and one visit to the animal hospital later: Oh, f*ck it!
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
Trying to teach the kitties not to sit/jump/walk on my keyboard. My progress so far:
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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It's frankly amazing how much difference a week can make. Oreo is a ridiculously photogenic cat...
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oreo-scratchy · 4 years
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Remember the kitty I was looking after in spring? Well these two fluffballs are her younger sister and brother, currently staying with me awaiting adoption. I call them Scratchy (short for Scratchatella) and Oreo. Aren't they precious? ♡
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