peaceful-loon · 3 days
pride month!!!
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peaceful-loon · 25 days
The thing about Cottagecore is that is a fetishized aesthetic of country life, divorced from labor and idealized by a primarily urban audience with a backward looking ethos of tradition. They are not prepared for the stresses of a rural life: farming; harvesting; tapping pumpkins to ensure none of them have been replaced with flesh; losing out on income by having to use one of your pigs in a blood sacrifice to paint protective sigils over your doors and windows; checking cracks and chimneys for the flesh-vines of the Pumpkin Lord; having to decide, before the Growth is complete, whether that's really your tradwife or an amassment of vines, leaves, and blood in the shape of your tradwife; ignoring their desperate pleas that "I'm me! No! No!" as you burn them alive, realizing too late you picked wrong; and the exploitative corporate nature of commercial farming in 2024. All seen through a deeply colonial lens, of course
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peaceful-loon · 4 months
Not gonna lie, followed for the Brony shirt comedy but am gonna stay for the Columbo.
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peaceful-loon · 4 months
man, I love nerdy sword people
this is some *delicious* kakashi lore
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There are few things as embarrassingly nerdy as being the one to correct people online on Naruto ninja-sword terminology and I am painfully aware of this but like, here we fucking go anyway...
I keep seeing ANBU-Kakashi's sword being referred to as a tantō when it's most likely supposed to be a ninjatō. That's fine, I'm not the ninja-sword facts police BUT I'm a huge fan of ANBU Kakashi's character design and I'm just itching for a reason to bring some attention to his sword.
Baby Kakashi famously wields a tantō, which is a dagger or very short sword. It looks a bit like a sword when little Kakashi uses it since he's so very very small. If adult Kakashi used that tantō it would be clear that it's more like a knife.
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A ninjatō (or ninjaken) which is what Konoha ANBU all seem to be using, is exactly what it sounds like: a ninja sword. They're what shinobi of feudal Japan were supposed to have used. None of that is actual history though, it's pretty much all made up sword and ninja lore. Anyway: A ninjatō is supposed to be slightly shorter than a katana and have a completely straight blade compared to the slightly curved one of traditional Japanese blades (oh god I can hear myself with the katana facts but I just really love weapon design...)
Here are screenshots of the very straight blade of the ANBU sword and an example of Kakashi throwing a kunai by using the tip of his sword like the true fucking badass that he is:
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Twirling his ninja sword <3
For reference: Obito uses a regular katana, long and slightly curved...
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peaceful-loon · 5 months
Ahhh spite, my favourite emotion to motivate
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one of the best academic paper titles
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peaceful-loon · 5 months
I'm sad but looks at how much they all grew.
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CREW || first episode of appearance ⇉ season 2 episode 8
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peaceful-loon · 5 months
The difference between a fetish and a kink is that a fetish grows down from the ceiling but a kink grows up from the floor
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peaceful-loon · 5 months
Sibling asked how ppl in star wars dance to jizz music and I had to give her an example
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peaceful-loon · 6 months
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Santa is on strike due to global warming.  All presents this year will be delivered by Sasha the Christmas Tiger.  Milk and cookies may not be sufficient.
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peaceful-loon · 7 months
ur first and last recent emojis are ur gender now. mine is 🅱👨‍❤‍💋‍👨
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peaceful-loon · 7 months
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My adaptation of the God of Arepo short story, which was originally up at ShortBox Comics Fair for charity. You can get a copy of the DRM-free ebook here for free - and I'd encourage you to donate to Mighty Writers or The Ministry of Stories in exchange.
Again it's an honour to be drawing one of my favourite short stories ever. Thank you so much for the original authors for creating this story; and for everyone who bought a copy and donated to the above non-profits.
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peaceful-loon · 8 months
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peaceful-loon · 8 months
Here for this comment alone as I briefly forgot that kangaroos existed so absolutely shat myself until it clicked what I was looking at
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peaceful-loon · 8 months
Hahaha I feel completely normal about this art and not at all like I'm actively chewing glass 🫠
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Every day I wake up and think:
“At some point Izzy realised how out of control things had gotten, and started putting himself in between Ed and the crew, as much as he could. Especially when Ed was too drunk/high to even know what he was doing. Cause Izzy doesn’t want the others to suffer more for his mistakes.”
“They are all bonded through shared trauma now.”
And every day I cry like a baby.
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peaceful-loon · 9 months
Does @were--ralph have an alert for when that gif is posted or...
‘redditors need to know this’, ‘twitterinas need to know that’… no. you need to know one thing and that is that you are not allowed to complain about werewolf fuckers. this is the werewolf fucking website. grow up and go fuck a werewolf.
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peaceful-loon · 9 months
I’m a magician in the sheets 😏 *pulls a rabbit out of my pussy*
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peaceful-loon · 9 months
Literally tho 😭
beach boys… city girls… mountain goats…
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