possiblymojo-blog Ā· 7 years
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 7 years
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ļ»æļ¼Šļ¼šļ½„ļ¾Ÿāœ§ Ā ļ¼³ļ½”ļ½ļ½’ļ½„ļ½•ļ½“ļ½” Ā āœ§ļ½„ļ¾Ÿļ¼šļ¼Š
ļ½”ļ½„ļ¾Ÿćƒ¾(āœ¦ą²” ļ¹ ą²”)ļ¾‰ļ½”ļ¾Ÿļ½„ļ½”Ā Ā Click for detail+constellations!
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 7 years
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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[Image of two scripts created by Samala for speaking to your elected officials about the appointment of Steve Bannon as chief White House strategist. They read as follows:Ā 
ā€œFor Democratic Senators and Representatives (except for Harry Reid and Adam Schiff, CA, who have already denounced the Bannon appointment):
ā€“Hello, my name is [your name]. I am a constituent, living in [address, district]. I am horrified at the news of Trump appointing Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as one of his closest advisors. Please publicly condemn this appointment ā€“Does [legislatorā€™s name] agree with Harry Reid that Bannonā€™s appointment sends a dangerous signal that white supremacists ā€œwill be represented at the highest levelsā€ in Trumpā€™s administration? If so, please publicly condemn this appointment immediately. ā€“I am frightened by this as a [woman, as a Jewish person, as a Muslim person, as a black person, a queer person, etc.] American and I am asking [legislatorā€™s name] to speak out against this appointment immediately, to make it clear that this is not acceptable. Can [legislatorā€™s name] commit to standing with Harry Reid and speaking out publicly?
ā€œFor Republican Senators and Representatives:
ā€“Hello, my name is [your name]. I am a constituent, living in [address, district]. I am horrified at the news of Trump appointing Steve Bannon, a white supremacist, as one of his closest advisors. ā€“How does [legislatorā€™s name] feel about this appointment? Does this appointment represent his/her views? I am frightened by this [woman, as a Jewish person, as a Muslim person, as a black person, a queer person, etc.] and I am asking [legislatorā€™s name] to speak out against this appointment immediately, to make it clear that this is not OK with mainstream Republicans. ā€“I believe that Bannonā€™s appointment sends a dangerous signal that white supremacists will be represented at the highest levels in Trumpā€™s administration. Can [legislatorā€™s name] commit to speaking out publicly against this appointment?ā€]
I know Iā€™ve posted a lot of potential scripts for speaking to your elected officials about the appointment of reprehensible white supremacist Stephen Bannon, a misogynist, racist antisemite, to the position of Chief White House Strategist. But these are some of the most useful Iā€™ve come across.Ā They are customizable, concise and straightforward and make it easy ā€“ even for those of us who consider the telephone a demon instrument designed to humiliate us ā€“ to make these important calls. You can do it!!!Ā 
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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Sound Designers
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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Having Ehlers Danlos Syndrome sometimes feels about the equivalent of being composed of jello and wet spaghetti. Nothing stays where its supposed to. Literally every single cell in the body is floppy, so fingers are definitely an issue for many of us. I can almost guarantee that for the majority of us, writing is not only slow and painful but nearly impossible at times. FIne motor skills? What even are those? An EDSer surely doesnā€™t have any of those. Even typing which is far easier than writing, is painful and daunting at times. But last year I joined the population of shiny zebras by getting fitted for a set of Silver Rings Splints and they are beyond magical.
For those of you who have not heard of The Silver Ring Splint Company, they are a company that custom makes finger splints that look like elegant pieces of jewelry. Donā€™t believe me? Well I canā€™t even tell you how many compliments Iā€™ve received for them. Nobody even suspects that they might possibly be medical. But more importantly, they work amazing! I still have hand pain and finger dislocations when performing fine motor skills and writing is definitely not something I look forward to but I have saved myself thousands of painful dislocations, I can open doors easier, type faster, write longer and hold objects in my hands without looking like an alien from a sic-fi movie. With the rings on my fingers actually look like fingers rather than tentacles!
The company is also family owned and the people are so sweet and helpful!
If you are having trouble with hand pain, clumsiness and dislocations please check out this amazing company!
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
The different fanfic eras explained as lunch
Pre-internet era: You walk into a room and sit down at a table. Someone brings you a turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda. Perhaps you are a vegetarian, or gluten-free. Doesnā€™t matter; you get a turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda.
Usenet era: You walk into a room and sit down to your turkey sandwich, a bag of potato chips, and a soda. Someone tells you that over at the University they are also serving BLTs, pizza, coffee,Ā and beer.
Web 1.0 (aka The Great Schism): You walk into a room. The room is lined with 50 unmarked doors. Someone tells you, ā€œWe have enough food to feed you and a hundred moreā€¦but weā€™ve scattered it behind these fifty doors. Good luck!ā€
Web 2.0 (present): You walk into a room. Someone points at the buffet and says, ā€œEnjoy!ā€ You turn to see a 100-foot-long buffet table, piled high with every kind of food imaginable. To be fair, some of the food is durian, head cheese, and chilled monkey brains, but thatā€™s cool, some people are into thoseā€¦and trust me, they are even more psyched to be here than you are.
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
So in lore, vampires have this trait that Iā€™ve almost never seen used, and thatā€™s the fact that vampires are OBSESSED with counting things. Like, the Count on Sesame Street was almost certainly created specifically as a vampire because of this piece of lore.
Like, I read this vampire book years and years ago that explained that a surefire way to protect yourself from vampires getting into your house was to spread a ton of seeds on your doorstepā€“poppy and mustard seeds were particularly recommended for the purpose. Basically, if you suspected someone to be a vampire, all you had to do was drop a sackful of seeds on the ground in front of them.
If they didnā€™t immediately start counting them, they were not a vampire. However, if they WERE a vampire, theyā€™d be seized with the urge to count all the seeds and they would not budge from that spot until they knew how many seeds there were in total. The point was to keep them there until the sun came up and killed them, because if they hadnā€™t counted all the seeds by sunrise they wouldnā€™t be able to leave. Presumably you could just go about the rest of your evening as normal, though no word on whether itā€™s possible to make them lose count and start over.
Having remembered this piece of lore, I want fewer stories about brooding tortured Edward Cullen-esque vampires. I want to start seeing more stories about math nerd vampires.
Vampire accountants who are an honest companyā€™s best asset and a corrupt companyā€™s bane because they are frighteningly accurate with the accounts and will not hesitate to blow the whistle on a CEO scamming money because fuck you for making the numbers wrong.
Vampire cashiers that donā€™t need to look at the register screen because they already mentally calculated your total. 10-items-or-less vampires who know goddamn well you have 20 items in that basket and NO, you cannot just slip in with the rest.
Vampire math tutors who are constantly in high demand and have to hold lotteries to see who gets to be tutored by them.
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
Things Iā€™ve gained since last on Tumblr: A half-elf divorced DnD character that started out as a joke but I now care way too much about about.
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
Guess who's back in full garbage glory
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
"F--- Actors (But Actually Don't, That Creates a Complicated Backstage Dynamic)"
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 8 years
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Galaxy based food
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 9 years
Oh, wow. This is super rad. I donā€™t suppose youā€™d post a download link somewhere?
Hi everyone,
In an endeavour to deal with Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell feelings,Ā a-still-deeper-shadowā€‹, mymascotsolvedyouā€‹ and yours truly also performed the The Ballad of The Raven King. The text comes from the book.
If you canā€™t play the song on your dashboard, go here (x). If youā€™d like to hear another song we performed, go here (x)
Not long, not long my father said Not long shall you be ours The Raven King knows all too well Which are the fairest flowers The priest was all too worldly Though he prayed and rang his bell The Raven King three candles lit The priest said it was well Her arms were all too feeble Though she claimed to love me so The Raven King stretched out his hand She sighed and let me go This land is all too shallow It is painted on the sky And trembles like the wind-shook rain When the Raven King goes by For always and for always I pray remember me Upon the moors, beneath the stars With the Kingā€™s wild company
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 9 years
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The first argument of the day always arises from the tying of Mr Norrellā€™s binder: Gilbert insists on respectability, John insists on his master being able to breathe.
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possiblymojo-blog Ā· 9 years
If I could somehow find everyone who ever bullied me and ask them why they targeted me, not a single one would say it was because I was autistic. None of them even knew I was.
Instead theyā€™d say it was because I liked Pokemon too much after it stopped being cool, or my clothes looked ridiculous and I wore the same pair of jeans 3 days a week, or that I was just weird/nerdy/unpopular. In many, many cases, that is what neurodiversity looks like. Not someone with an obvious disability, but someone whoā€™s just weird.
I see so many allistics and neurotypicals on here that claim to be anti-ableism but turn around and make jokes at the expense of people who are eccentric but harmless.
If youā€™re an allistic that claims to support autistic people, but then you turn around and make fun of the woman who wears a bizarre outfit or the guy who speaks in a monotone or the teenager who carries a teddy bear everywhere, youā€™re a bad ally and I donā€™t trust you.
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