prettyboystarker · 5 years
The shower incident™
Inspired once again by a conversation I’ve had with my Pretty little bow, so thank her for the content.
Basically just our boys having a fun time in the shower.
Okay, but imagine tony and pete sharing a shower for the first time
Pete spending the first couple minutes obsessing over how big the room is (He claims that it’s way too big to be called a cubicle)
Tony watching with a smirk, bc his boys rambling never fails to amaze him 
(like how the hell is it possible to talk for that long without breathing?)
Peter falling quiet when he catches Tony watching him with amusement, delight quickly turning to embarrassment.
A blush quickly rising as he realises just how vulnerable he is, and just how naked Mr. Stark is.
(he’s seen him naked before, but somehow it’s much more real, more intimate when he’s standing less than a foot away, seemingly content to just watch Peter explore this new environment)
Peter not realising tony is moving until he’s suddenly pressed against the heated shower wall.
His breaths turning to gasps as Tony raises his hand to wrap around Peters pale throat, just resting there, feeling peters pulse race against his fingers.
Tony using his thumb to turn Peters head, pushing the side of his face against the tiles as he leans in to whisper in his ear.
Tony telling Peter exactly how he wants to take him apart
How he’d start by kissing his neck, not leaving marks, not yet, just gentle kisses placed along the column of his throat, slowly travelling downwards to his collar bones where he’d finally give in to the temptation to bite down, leaving a trail of marks along his boy’s skin.
How he’d watch in satisfaction as the pale skin would turn red under his ministrations.
Peter would be begging for his Daddy’s touch, anywhere.
And Tony would all too happily oblige, using his left hand to play with Peters nipples as the other started to tighten around his throat, cutting off the moans Peter is trying his best to hold back.
Peters knees going weak, causing him to have to lean heavily against the wall to stop him from falling to the ground.
Tony using this to push his boy to the floor, onto his knees.
Peter looking up at Tony, automatically opening his mouth, sticking out his tongue in a silent question.
Tony being unable to resist stroking his cock, just out of reach of his Spiders waiting mouth, smirking as the look in Peters eye turns desperate, begging for his Daddys cock, but being unable to speak due to the hand that Tony still has around his throat.
But Tony would only tease for so long, slapping the head of his cock against peters reddened cheeks a few times before slowly pushing forward
Slowly entering his Baby boys mouth, delighting in the soft vibrations along his dick from the soft moans Peter manages to let out.
Gentle thrusts turning harder the second Tony feels his cock stretching Peters neck under his palm.
His free hand moving to Peters hair, pulling tightly bc he knows just how much his slutty little boy loves when his Daddy gets rough.
Peter becoming light headed and boneless, his erection forgotten as he slips under, becoming nothing more than a warm sleeve for his Daddy’s cock.
Tony immediately seeing just how gone his boy is, and being unable to hold back from cumming, pulling back just in time to witness the last few spurts of cum paint Peter’s face a pearly white.
Tony slowly releasing his grip on Peters hair, stroking his face, as he sinks down onto the floor to join his prince.
Murmuring soft praises in peters ear, telling him how good he is for Daddy, how proud Tony is of his baby boy.
And idk where to go next so Imma finish it here. As per, if I’ve made any errors please lmk, and I’ll (try) to correct them.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
i’m just gonna put this out there - i, for one, believe there is a real lack of silver fox, ‘dirty old man’ tony in the fandom, and it’s a travesty
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
So I may have been having Feelings™ about a movie night with Peter, Steve and Tony.
Peter sitting on the couch in Tony's penthouse in between the two of them, all cozy. Distracted by whatever movie they're watching, maybe some sci-fi flick that Tony keeps complaining about because Where's the science? This doesn't make any sense.
And amidst all that distraction, Peter doesn't really mind when Steve's hand cups his thigh and his fingers start rubbing circles into it; just as little as he minds Tony's arm around his shoulders, pulling him into his chest.
It's comfortable and Peter can ignore the pleasant sensation when he focuses on the movie. Being around Tony or Steve constantly means being half-hard most of the time anyways, so he can handle this.
Or so he thinks.
But then there's a jumpscare and as brave as Peter is as Spider-Man, this one freaks him out and he jumps in his seat, causing Steve's hand to slip further up his thigh. It's a little too close to his cock for comfort now (—not close enough, some wicked part of Peter thinks) and whenever Steve's fingers press into the supple flesh of his thigh, the pressure reaches Peter's cock and send a surge of pleasure through his body.
Meanwhile, Tony has started playing with Peter's hair, running his hand through it, sometimes tugging a little—it's mostly gentle and Peter curses himself for wishing he'd tug harder.
There's another jumpscare and as Peter jolts again, Steve's hand actually brushes his by now hard cock. He lets out a moan and tries to disguise it as a scared yelp, then bites his lip and pretends to be focused on the movie. "Didn't peg you for someone who's scared easily," Steve mutters, his voice low and close to Peter's ear (it sends shivers down Peter's spine and he's really running out of excuses why he keeps moving around now).
"I'm not, but—" As he tries to answer, Tony gives a particularly hard tug to his hair and Peter breaks into a whine. He flushes crimson red — how is he going to talk himself out of this one? He babbles something like, "Don't tug that hard, that hurt." But there's a chuckle in his ear and fuck, since when was Tony so close to him?
"It's okay, sweetheart. There's no need to hold back..." Steve murmurs and now his hand is squeezing Peter's dick and he's seizing up and then melting into the two older men, delirious with pleasure.
If you think the night ends with anything other than Peter crying, begging and moaning with Steve's cock in his mouth while Tony pounds into him from behind, you'd be very wrong.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Okay, so whilst I'm in a /mood/ I might as well write down a HC I've had floating around lately inspired by that scene in A:1
Two words:
Oral fixation.
And I know it's a common trope for our friendly neighborhood twink to be the one with the fixation. And that's entirely valid, but just picture this-
-Tony always carrying snacks around, not because he's hungry, but bc he constantly feels the need to have something in his mouth.
-Him concentrating in the lab, a random tool still in between his teeth even though he stopped needing it a while ago.
Just if either of our Boys had an oral fixation, I personally think it would be Tony. End rant.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Call Me By Your Name AU
only, we have tony as elio? let’s face it, it’s fanon he’s part-italian.
i can’t help but love to imagine tony in this verse at seventeen because god he’s a complete genius, but howard has submerged himself in academia and manuscripts and all he seems to do is publish papers and to tony? it’s mind-numbing. he’s a do-er and he knows he could be doing so much more than move out of his room each summer and act as a tour guide.
then peter is oliver. he’s older and ever so slightly wiser and doesn’t find himself liking tony’s company at first (even though his intellect impressed him) until tony is showing him his favorite little gelateria and he’s smiling so wide waiting to see if peter likes the small shop down a side street with a total of four chairs. that’s when peter knows.
and they fall hard and fast for each other, touching at every moment possible whether it be fucking quickly while his parents are playing tennis or legs brushing underneath the table at dinner. tony helps to clean after meals and he presses himself into the counter while washing plates so he isn’t in the way, but peter stills loves to grab his hips and dig his fingers in as he squeezes past painstakingly slowly. their summer romance blossoms and it’s perfect.
tony ends up having a fling with their maid’s daughter virginia when peter grows distant. he tries to convince himself it’s just his work, but when the man pushes him away while they’re making out, he’s upset. but he’s even more upset when he’s kissing pepper and it isn’t tony.
so he leaves him a note.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
omg please tag me i so want to see this fleshed out but im a procrastinating autistic
i have such a thing for normal, non-powered college aged peter who is totally pissed off at the state the world is in and very vocal about. he’ll turn up at sealife and tell the middle aged women they’re supporting shit and hurting orcas. he’ll go to all these climate protests and get beat up at white supremacist rallies and get arrested trying to protect people from ice raids and he’ll go out and do it all over again.
he is that bitch.
then in rolls our older tony who, while he’s been aware of these issues, has never particularly been an activist all across the board. suddenly he’s head over heels for the environmental engineering student, and he’s eating plant based and funding his protest groups and bailing him out because he’s always loved their tiny planet but he’s never been able to defend it, and now this kid is showing him how.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Eight-year old Peter Parker wrote a long love letter to his hero Iron Man and he didn’t have the courage to send it till he was nine, but finally he sent it and he spent the next six years hoping and waiting impatiently for a reply.
But when he actually met Tony in real life at fifteen, he started hoping that Tony had never received that embarrassing letter.
It wasn’t until Peter was nineteen that he got a letter from Tony Stark in response to his own letter. Peter could barely believe it, but when he read the words ‘I didn’t realise this was the same Peter’ and ‘I hope you still love me as much as you did back then’ and ‘if you do still love me, meet me at 7pm on Saturday at the place that you said in your letter that you wanted our first date to be’, Peter knew what he had to do.
Saturday came along, and at 7pm Peter was standing in the middle of McDonald’s with a bouquet of flowers awaiting Tony’s arrival. And when Tony walked in, they shared an OREO ® McFlurry ® and a box of 20 nuggets and they kissed passionately against the booth until they were kicked out for inappropriate behaviour.
But as far as Peter was concerned, it couldn’t have gone any better.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
i have such a thing for normal, non-powered college aged peter who is totally pissed off at the state the world is in and very vocal about. he’ll turn up at sealife and tell the middle aged women they’re supporting shit and hurting orcas. he’ll go to all these climate protests and get beat up at white supremacist rallies and get arrested trying to protect people from ice raids and he’ll go out and do it all over again.
he is that bitch.
then in rolls our older tony who, while he’s been aware of these issues, has never particularly been an activist all across the board. suddenly he’s head over heels for the environmental engineering student, and he’s eating plant based and funding his protest groups and bailing him out because he’s always loved their tiny planet but he’s never been able to defend it, and now this kid is showing him how.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
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Headcanon that Tony unconsciously mutters/says passionate things to his electronics while working (he doesn’t mean any of it sexually, and doesn’t realize how it might sound to other people)
…which leads to some people discovering kinks they didn’t know they had 
(textless version if you want it)
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
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starker au // my intern accidentally sent me a nude and can we stop the now high sexual tension around us and just fuck challenge
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
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Starker - The things I would do to you
Ever since they started dating, Tony and Peter has been playing this game. Whenever they have to spend time apart, they tell each other what they would do to each other. Sometimes it's via videocalls, sometimes just recordings or voicemail. It can be anything - the only rule is that they play it out the first night they reunite.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Lead Us Not Into Temptation - Ch. 1 | Religious!Tony x Pervert!Peter
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WARNING: Explicit/Mature content. Don't read if you're under 18.
NOTE: Also read on Ao3.
Peter should've stayed away.
He knew it wouldn't work anyways and he knew the guy didn't seem the type that would give in just like that not when Peter knew who he was.
But he couldn't help it. It's not his fault Tony fucking Stark was over here looking all pretty and innocent. It's not his fault the guy didn't know how fuckable he was.
It's been quite a few years since Peter had moved into the town of Queens and during those years he had heard about the Stark's and their reputation around town. And no, it wasn't that kind of reputation.
You see, Howard Stark is a respectable pastor at the local church but behind doors, he's a strict father to his one and only son, Tony. Going as far as to make sure Tony would stay pure and be a good servant to God.
Peter remembers how Bucky once told him that Tony never once had a girlfriend or a boyfriend for that matter. He remembers how Buck chuckled and said, "I don't even think he masturbates!"
As respectable Howard Stark is, he's not exactly a man anyone should cross and that's one of the things Bucky had warned Peter about.
But Peter, he was fucking stubborn.
He hadn't really worked up the courage to actually be friends with Tony. Yeah, they'd greet each other here and there. Make small talk but to actually get to know each other and hang out? Not really. Tony's all cooped up at home and only went out when he needs to. Peter felt sorry for the guy since he's still young and yet his youth is being wasted away.
But on one fateful day at the local library, Parker Luck seemed to be on his side.
"Hey, Pete." Someone whispered beside him causing his hairs to stand up.
Peter snapped his head to see who it was and his eyes widened in surprise for a bit to see Tony smiling down before taking a seat beside him.
"I'm sorry, did I disturb you?" Tony asked, his voice soft and hushed as Peter shook his head vigorously.
"N-No, no, not at all." Peter sputtered and cleared his throat, "Nice to see you going out and about. What brings you here?"
Tony chuckled and Peter couldn't miss his flushed cheeks as he turned back down to his book and opened it to a particular page.
"I'm just here to do homework then I'll be on my way to pick up some groceries. Dad wouldn't be too happy if I just lock myself down my workshop." Peter watched as Tony flipped the pages as his fingers traced the book.
He bit his lip absentmindedly.
Peter couldn't help but think how pretty Tony's hands look. All calloused and veiny but still looked soft to the touch. He had heard Tony's love at tinkering with stuff and there were times that he would see the older male have oil smeared on his pale cheeks.
Oh what Peter would give to see how Tony works at his workshop. All sweaty and greased up.
He was snapped back into reality when he saw Tony snapping his fingers in front of his face. Peter shook his head a bit and turned his attention back to the chuckling male.
"You were slipping out, was I that boring?" Tony grinned, teasing the distracted boy as Peter smiled at him sheepishly and shook his head while he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Not at all, Tony. I'm sorry I just... I got a little distracted." Peter gave him a reassuring smile as Tony nodded.
"I can tell. You've been staring at me for a few seconds I thought I had something on my face." Tony flipped his notebook open before grabbing his pencil and started to jot down notes, "I was trying to invite you to our church this Sunday but I figured you wouldn't be interested."
"Well, I don't exactly believe in God per say. I like to think science has an explanation for that. To see is to believe, I guess." Peter replied and tried his best to focus back on his work while stealing glances at the Adonis beside him, "No offense though. That doesn't mean I'm disrespecting your religion and beliefs, of course."
"No, it's okay, don't worry." Tony reassured him, "I just thought it'd be nice to introduce someone new to our church and I thought you'd be interested. I wouldn't force you at all if you don't want to come. It can get a little boring at times."
Peter felt bad now.
He knew Tony didn't really have many friends because of his sheltered lifestyle. As a matter of fact, Tony was constantly teased by his peers back in high school according to Bucky. Poor kid never finished the day without people throwing insults at him and dickhead jocks trying to push him inside the lockers.
"There's no harm in trying something new though." Peter spoke up, "I mean, it's been a while since I've been to church. Last time I was there I was around six years old and that was before my parents died. Maybe I can give it a try."
"Are you sure, Pete? You really don't have to if you don't want to, it's okay." Tony bit his bottom lip and Peter almost cursed at him for doing so.
God, does he want to be the one to bite those rosy lips of his.
Peter broke out of his thoughts before it gave him a problem as he shook his head and reached over to pat Tony's shoulder.
"It's okay, Tony. I wouldn't be saying that if I were unwilling. The mass starts at 8 AM, right?" Tony couldn't help but smile as he nodded to Peter's question.
The smile on Tony's face caused a warm feeling inside Peter's chest. He then realized how important this must be to Tony. Peter made sure he made a mental note to clear any plans he might have this Sunday as it's already reserved.
Later that night, Peter made the wrong choice of opening his bedroom curtains at a wrong time. Now here he was, secretly watching his neighbor getting ready for bed. And that neighbor just so happens to be a certain boy he was with at the library earlier.
Tony went inside his room all fresh and clean from having a shower. He had a long yet productive day and he feels quite proud of himself for it.
He dried his hair off one last time before putting it in the laundry basket that he has in his room. He's currently wearing a white wife beater along with plaid pajama pants to bed.
Peter gulped at the sight as he watched Tony pick up his comb and began to brush his dark, slightly damp hair back. Peter knew he should close his curtains and stop being a peeping Tom to his neighbor but he couldn't stop.
Tony really does look like a fucking Adonis. Much to the older guy's knowledge, a lot of people find him attractive but refuse to make a move because despite his looks, they didn't want to be with a "bible banging" man.
Peter's breath hitched as he watched Tony stretching his limbs and flexing his arms a bit. He could perfectly see how defined his biceps are at this angle and the fact that Tony's wearing a wife beater makes it all better.
"Fuck..." Peter cursed underneath his breath as he saw Tony's face contort in a sinful expression a he stretched. Eyes closed, brows furrowed and lips parted open.
"What a fucking tease." Peter grit out as he felt his pants getting tight. Looking down, he wasn't surprised to see a bulge forming in his own pajama pants.
The teen saw Tony walking to the window and he quickly looked away and pretended to organize some of the books on his desk to act natural.
When he lifted his head up, Tony's eyes fell on him as he stood there for a moment. Peter let out a sigh of relief as Tony proceeded to smile and wave at him before closing his own bedroom curtain. Soon enough, he could see the a silhouette of the older male kneeling down on the edge of his bed, hands clasped together and praying before bed.
The image of Tony kneeling was sending all sorts of images in Peter's head that he was sure he wouldn't be able to get rid of just by taking another cold shower.
So he stood up, closed the curtains and turned off his lights. He wasn't bothered by the dark, he loved it even. After turning on the lamp on his bedside table, Peter walked over his door and made sure it was locked before he slipped out of his clothes, his already hardened cock springing free.
"Fuck, Tony, look at what you did..." Peter hissed and wrapped his hand around the throbbing length and stroked it a bit as he smeared some of his leaking pre-cum all over the sensitive tip that caused a whimper to escape his lips.
Peter shouldn't be doing this. He shouldn't be lusting after someone like this. Not when they're so naive and innocent but he be damned. Peter couldn't help himself.
As he climbed onto his bed, Peter reached over to bring out a bottle of lubricant from his nightstand and proceeded to squirt some onto his throbbing cock, smearing it so it'd make him slick enough to slip inside his trusty fleshlight.
Peter's an experimental boy. Thus why he has a certain drawer where he keeps all this toys. Dildos, vibrators and fleshlights alike. Some of them he bought for himself while some were a gift from Bucky and Harry. He'd love to use the sybian machine that Bucky gave to him as a present but he didn't want to wake up Aunt May.
The machine always manages to make him scream so loud and it vibrates quite loudly. He only uses it whenever she's away.
But Peter doesn't feel like stuffing something up his tight little ass for tonight. He wants to be the one stuffing his cock inside something tight, warm and slick.
So he didn't waste time to pull out one of his transparent fleshlights. A groan escaped his lips in anticipation as he felt his cock throbbing even more that he couldn't help but rut against his pillow and fuck did it feel so good.
Peter smeared some lubricant at the entrance and even moreso around his greedy hole. He knows soon enough that he'd be teasing that anyways. He loves the feeling of being filled.
As he laid back down on his bed, Peter propped himself against the headboard and watched as he pushed the fleshlight on top of his awaiting cock. The feeling of being surround by slick, velvet walls caused him to whine in pleasure.
"Oh, Tony, fuck.." He whimpered and pushed it down more until he was balls deep inside his toy, "Oh God, baby, you're so fucking tight. Holy shit..."
Peter's pace was slow at first, he wanted to build it up but as time passed by, he began to thrust himself up inside the slick fleshlight, the sounds of his sloppy thrusts mixed with his mewls filled the silent room and he only hopes Aunt May won't hear him. Thank fuck she was a heavy sleeper.
"Oh, baby, just like that. Fuck, ride me just like that, Tony... you're so fucking good for me." Peter threw his head back as he stroked his needy cock with his fleshlight.
It felt too good but Peter wanted more.
Soon enough, Peter got on his knees and propped up two pillows on top of each other and placed the fleshlight in between. Grabbing his cock, he slapped it against the entrance before pushing it back in.
"Need to fuck you, baby, need to show you how much I want you." Peter grunted as he began to move his hips, thrusting hard and fast against the toy. He looked down and watched how good his length looked going in and out and he only wished it was the real deal.
He wished he was fucking Tony's perky ass instead of a silicone toy.
"Yeah, that feel good, Tony? You like that, don't you? You like it when Daddy uses your fucking ass like this?" He groaned, "You're practically swallowing me in, baby. Want Daddy to cum so badly now, don't ya?"
Peter closed his eyes and began to envision Tony's disheveled look. Bright amber eyes looking up at him, brows furrowed and lips parted open as moans escapes the older guy's mouth.
"Ah, Peter! Daddy, please don't stop, don't fucking stop!" Tony would whine.
"Oh, fuck baby, no. Daddy won't stop, daddy won't stop, Tony." Peter whimpered and kept his thrusts consistent, "Take it. Take Daddy's fucking cock."
"Can't hold it in, need to-- ah, shit! Need to cum, Petey, please..." Tony would plead, his eyes brimming with tears and Peter imagined the boy would cry because of pleasure.
Fuck, the thought of Tony crying because of how good Peter makes him feel is enough for his balls to tighten and Peter cursed.
He was getting close.
"Yeah, baby boy? You wanna fucking cum? Do it. Do it, Tony. Cum with Daddy, come on." Peter lied back down on his bed and spread his legs open. Reaching down, he started to tease his tight hole as he pushed a finger inside.
"Oh shit, Tony! Yes, baby, play with Daddy's hole while you ride him--fuck!" Peter moaned loudly and he had to bite his bottom lip hard to keep himself from screaming, "Tony, fuck, you're gonna make me cum so hard inside of you, oh my God.."
Peter thrusted upwards inside the fleshlight, images of Tony bouncing up and down on his cock while he stroked his own in a fast pace flashed before his eyes causing him to push one more finger inside his hole.
"Tony, I-- I can't anymore, baby, Daddy's gonna cum! Holy fuck, I'm gonna--" Peter's words got cut off as he felt his body spazzming, he forced his eyes to open as he wanted to watch himself filling up the fleshlight with his milky white cum. He only wished he was filling up Tony's ass instead.
Peter imagined Tony mewling in pleasure as he came. He envisioned the older male shooting his own cum on Peter's chest. Maybe spurting some on his face.
"Oh God, baby boy, damn it!" He hissed and with one final thrust, he collapsed on his bed and breathed heavily.
Peter wiped the sweat that formed on his forehead as he took the time to gather his thoughts back together and regain his composure.
"You'll be the death of me, Stark." He says to himself.
Once Peter was done cleaning himself up and the toy that he used, he put everything away, cleaned his bed and made his way back where he lied down and looked up at the ceiling.
Somehow, he found himself getting excited for Sunday. Somehow, he was kind of planning on how to ask Tony to hang out. And maybe just maybe... Tony would say yes.
No harm in trying, right?
TAGS: @snowydisco @itfeelssogoodmrstark
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Do you all remember the low-key Dom energy Peter possessed in the scene on the roof in Homecoming. Calling Tony out for not caring enough about him to even be there.
Then Daddy steps out of his suit and Peter all but drops to his knees, ready to beg for forgiveness.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
that’s his baby face
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peter parker doing ‘THAT’ face :3
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
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hope when the crowds scream out, they’re screaming your name.
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
question bc im a baby starker blog
what’s the stance on fem!peter?? i’ve seen fics and i’m totally into it but i’ve also been called a pro hetero cunt and told that “rjd” wouldn’t support my homophobic ass 🤪🤧
so is it acceptable for me to find it hot? or am i just meant to be like,,, here is peter he is Male™️ but has tits
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prettyboystarker · 5 years
Female Peter Parker x Bio Dad Tony
TW: father/daughter incest, we have Penny Parker, possessive Tony, slightly dark Tony, obsessive thoughts, explicit, mentions of bullying. A lot of you have been requesting Penny Parker and though Peter has my heart <3 I hope I did this justice!
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