psy0pssona · 4 years
In truth? She knew her ability to escape this facility was limited, especially whilst still within the confines of the Geist Unit. Yet she was going to take any chance she could get. The bound psychic was unable to move any of her limbs, gentle floating down the corridors of the facility. The metal machine restraining her covered in blood, an avenging angel, stopping for none. Even with her power dampened she could feel the fear of her hunters’ as they rounded the corner, then she could feel their torment and pain as blades of psychic energy poured from her, ripping them apart in moments.
Whilst an unstoppable dreadnought to these soldiers, she knew that it wouldn’t be long before the BRG unit came after her. Even now she could hear the whispering of the dead, echoing in the wake of the one she simply knew as the Ripper. Extending her mind outwards she brushes her psyche against his, hoping to make contact, “I shall end this war, Ripper.”
@psy0pssona triggered the alarms (x)
She gotten out. Who the fuck had messed up the procedure and let her out?! There was no time to ponder over what had been done, as he could hear the screams of his fellow comrades as he approached the subject’s last known location. It was made evident with the bodies laid across the floor of the corridors. Pyke easily slipped passed them, traversing through the world of the dead. The voices grew louder, he was certain that he was close. 
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psy0pssona · 4 years
“Can you hear my voice? I am Sona. Your mind is now open to me.”
-Psy 0ps Sona, First Awakening.
Not another... Promo!
A blog for RPing Psy 0ps Sona, with the ability to put her into whatever setting you guys would prefer!
Long time RPer, been around for about ten years on and off! Back for some writing practice and to help me become a bit more creative!
Prefer writing Darker, grittier topics however something light hearted is always important for the contrast!
Ships? They’d need chemistry that’s for sure! She’s not the easiest to get on with! Canon and OC friendly of course! Open to any fandom!
Mun and Muse both over 20!
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psy0pssona · 4 years
Psy 0ps Sona
//So, some of y’all may remember my old Nightbringer Yasuo, so I decided I love the dark aesthetic of the new Sona skin and thought I’d go for it, if anyone wants to interact or so on feel free to send me a message! I’ll be developing the background etc a lot in the next few days! :)
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psy0pssona · 6 years
“What would it matter if you were?”
“Me a cannibal?That is not true! I cannot be a cannibal since I’m not a human!”
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psy0pssona · 6 years
//Been away randomly, but been finding music to suit for the Nightbringer writing, quite like this, anyone got any suggestions?
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psy0pssona · 6 years
*rubs her head against his back*
“What is this, what is it you are after? Are you still hungry, did you need food?”
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psy0pssona · 6 years
“You don’t exactly do much to hide it now do you? Am I not meant to know? What a shame if you are hiding such a thing.”
"Fire, the ultimate disciple of chaos. Maybe you did not know that, simply by playing with such an element you are causing me to grow stronger, how happy for you I am. It is nice to find at least one good disciple amongst Runeterra."
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“Huh? How do you know that I have anything to do with fire?“ Oh shit, was it the cigarette he just lit up with his fingertip? It had to be. This guy had to just be looking that way and see it. SHAME
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psy0pssona · 6 years
💞- is mun currently in a relationship?
//No, I am not. Thanks Nik. Ya’ prick.
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psy0pssona · 6 years
A curious expression falls upon the Nightbringer’s face, watching the woman take the pill with an odd look of serenity on his face. As he thinks about the situation he shakes his head, no, suicide was his domain and he did not believe this woman would commit such an act.
Moving over her he leans down, slowly pressing his lips to hers. It wasn’t a sexual act, in a moment he leans back and nods. For a moment the skin around her lips seems to turn black, and start cracking as though made from stone, before in seconds returning back to normal. It was true, the woman wasn’t dead, and whilst she believed there wasn’t anything he could do to torture her, she would soon start to crave the death she was mocking now.
“Goodbye, young one.”
She stared at the man for a moment, gritting her teeth a bit. She had one trick left to get away from this situation. She didn’t like the idea of it, and wasn’t even sure if it would work correctly.. But anything right now would be better than being tortured by a creature like this. “You can’t remember anything when your dead. And trust me, I never heard about any nightbringer before coming here.” Her hand came out of her bag  in her closed fist was a thick pill. She quickly shoved it in her mouth, and swallowed it. “And you aren’t going to get anything out of me!” She grinned, pushing herself away from him a bit more. She was going to laugh at him, but near instantly felt the pill go to work. Her nose stated to bleed, and she couldn’t speak anymore. Her vision tunneled and then she was out. After she fell to the ground limp, her body began convulsing, tightening into a ball as a brown foam spewed from her mouth.
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psy0pssona · 6 years
Randomo - starter call
//Do I owe any posts? Apart from to you @rylee-eucliffe I can never tell if the notifications box thingy is just messing up on tumblr. If not, I guess, like this for a starter? :)
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psy0pssona · 6 years
// Eyecolour? Bright blue! @feuerliebhaber thanks for asking!
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psy0pssona · 6 years
Feel free to send asks to the mun!! 💌💌💌💌
😍- is mun currently crushing?
💞- is mun currently in a relationship?
👀- mun eyecolor?
👂- Last song you listened to?
🎶- mun’s Favourite song?
🏄- mun’s Favourite hobbies?
🙊- does mun swear? A lot? A little? Never?
💀- what is mun afraid of?
😴- opinion on naps?
😂- does mun consider themselves funny?
😏- does mun have a dirty sense of humour?
🐢- favourite pet?
🍔- favourite food?
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psy0pssona · 6 years
//mun is deathly afraid of going blind and his eyesight is slowly getting worse... yay.Last song I listened to is Rage by the Seige and if I had to pick a favourite song then right now it would probably be Fade by Kanye West or Feel it Still by Portugal the man! I'm a simple man haha..
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psy0pssona · 6 years
//not done munday in a very long time so let's see!
Feel free to send asks to the mun!! 💌💌💌💌
😍- is mun currently crushing?
💞- is mun currently in a relationship?
👀- mun eyecolor?
👂- Last song you listened to?
🎶- mun’s Favourite song?
🏄- mun’s Favourite hobbies?
🙊- does mun swear? A lot? A little? Never?
💀- what is mun afraid of?
😴- opinion on naps?
😂- does mun consider themselves funny?
😏- does mun have a dirty sense of humour?
🐢- favourite pet?
🍔- favourite food?
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psy0pssona · 6 years
“Ah, she’s going mad again, how amusing.”
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psy0pssona · 6 years
The Nightbringer grins,
“I knew there was a good reason to keep you around.”
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@enslavedbydarkness hi hottie
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psy0pssona · 6 years
The Nightbringer pats the young demonette on the head,
“You’ll learn soon enough.”
"If I lick your skin, my tongue will burn?"
“Yes, there is potential for it to burn your tongue. Though I wouldn’t recommend trying such a thing, not even you, witch.”
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