pure-overtrash-blog · 7 years
A good hour went into this. Its kinda trash tho. And i did it at 1 in tbe morning. Just a little Reaper fic showing the more serious side about him. Like i said. Its shit, like really bad
Pain. Its all he felt. Ever since the day it all fell apart, to now. Pain, anger, rage, hurt, so many other emotions. Thats all the infamous Reaper was. Being taken in by the newly reformed Overwatch as a…free prisoner..as he called it. Was just pain to him, they forgave Widowmaker for what shes done. She was controlled by Talon. But Reaper? No, they cant, maybe if he revealed the man behind the mask their opinions would change. But for now. No. He sat in his room, Or Gabriel Reyes’ room. His clawed hands holding his head as his elbows rest on his knees. Tears started to form in his eyes, masked by the deathly facade. Pain. Thats all that entered his mind. A soft knock sounds on his door and his head shoots up to it. He stands up slowly as the soft creak of leather fills the room, his heavy boots thudding against the carpet as his clawed gauntlet grasps the brass door handle, opening it. There she stood. The blue skinned sniper in suprisingly casual clothing. No visor. No gun. A black jacket with a white t shirt underneath, regular blue jeans to accompany the top. “May i come in?” her soft voice says. It soothed the wraith. But he wouldnt show it, he kept his silence as he stepped aside for the woman. She walked in as the clack of heels turned to soft thuds as the carpet seemingly welcomed her.
“Dont call me that.” He snapped quickly. It was better that way. That Gabriel Reyes stayed dead, in thought. But in reality he was dead, and at the same time alive because of a certain swiss doctor.
“Reaper..” she says harshly. “You need to tell them who you are. They can forgive you.”
“No. They wont.”
“They wi-”
“I said no Ameilé”
He slammed his gloved fist into the coffee table as he said it.
“It doesnt matter if i tell them. Even if they forgive me i cant go back.”
“Then tell me why.”
He paused. Ameilé knew his name and old occupation. But nothing more. He could go two ways with this but just decided to speak.
“The things ive done…theyre unforgivable. The killing. The backstabbing. All of it.”
“Gabriel they will. I assu-”
“God damn it no!” he yelled angrily. Punching the concrete wall.
She looked at him with a shocked look but quickly composed herself.
“All my life..its been nothing but Pain. Being in Overwatch? No different, being betrayed by friends. Being the shadow of a higher up. Pain. All of it.” he slowly lifted his arms as he turned around. “Im a monster. A ghost. A shadow.” black smoke wisped off his arms and around them. He clenched his fists and lowered his arms. His head looking down. “Even if they forgive me. I cant go back to that. All this killing. This rage and bloodlust for the ones that did me wrong. This rage and bloodlust for the very people around us right now. Its all i know..” he paused for a moment before dropping to his knees. Ameilé had never seen the man so vulnerable before. It was…sad.
“And once i fell into this pit of despair…i knew i couldnt go back. I cant go back. This is all i know. This is what i am. A monster. This..this is my curse.” His head hung low. His hands down in front of him.
Ameilé looked at the man with a sympathetic look. She joined him on his knees and pulled his hood down, reaching for his mask. He quickly grabbed her hand. “No..you dont want to see.”
“But i do.” she said softly. He let go. Accepting the inevitable and her hands grabbed the mask. Pulling it from his face.
Her expression didnt change. A pale face emerged as black smoke enveloped his face, light though to see through. There were visible gashes in his face. Showing his teeth where his cheeks should be. Black smoke coming from them. Countless scars and marks of damage on his face. His brown. Greying hair and facial hair fitting his skin tone. The worst of all were his eyes. Black deep sockets with hard to tell but visible eyes. The white replaced with grey. “Gabriel..”
“I told you..” his raspy voice sounds from his neck. As she notices has holes in it as well. She couldnt help but feel sorry for the man.
“Happy with what you see? The face of a monster?” his eyes did anything but look away. They stared right into her soul. Though the woman looked back, right into the eyes of death. Fear being not a single emotion inside her. “I am..you have the face of a broken man. Yearning for that spark of life again.” she kissed his cheek and hugged him. “Tell them at the meeting tomorrow. Show them. They will be more than sorry.”
Gabriel sensed the devil in her voice. He knew it too well. His large arms hugged her small frame tight.
Minutes passed. He didnt want to let go. She was right. He was yearning for that spark of life, though he had it in his arms. Two broken people living as outcasts in a dangerous world. Though the woman was forgived. He was afraid of being left alone. “Ameilé..” he said quietly.
It wasnt a curious question yes. She wanted him to continue.
“Stay with me tonight. Please.” he hugged her tighter. His face burying into her shoulder. “I dont want to be alone..not again.” He knew he would be. It was inevitable, he just wanted this to last while it could.
“Alright. Ill stay.” she stood up with him and she closed the door. The soft click of the door echoing through the halls.
Watchpoint Gibraltar: 8:32 AM
The Spider and Reaper walked to the meeting room. Reaper in his battle attire.
The room held a small number of people. The giant Gorilla Winston. The sassy Brit Tracer. The German Crusader Reinhardt. The Swiss medic Mercy. And a soldier. With the mark 76 on his back.
New people would join the following evening as stated by Winston. A good half hour went by as they about started on what to do with Reaper. “Wait.” his gravely voice spoke for the first time since the meeting had started. Everyone went silent and all eyes were on him as he stood up. “You all know the things ive done. But have you questioned who i am?” he gave them a question. And the murmuring started. On who was he. He couldnt help but chuckle to himself. But then remembered. Pain. He lowered his hood and took his mask off. Letting it drop to the table with a clack. Gasps filled the room. “Mein gott..” said the swiss. The crusader lifted his giant hammer. “You Monster!” yelled the knight. “Reinhardt no!” Ameilé stopped him. He dropped his hammer and then the British girl piped up. “Gabe..love? That you?”
He was silent. He reached for his mask as Ameilé grabbed his wrist. “No..” she said softly.
“Yes..its me. Now you know who the infamous Reaper is.” The soldier stood up. “You should have stayed dead.” he said. He seemed old. Gabriel knew the man though.
“I already am.” he didnt feel like fighting. Especially not now. He put his mask on and headed out. Towards his quarters. He didnt know how he felt. Some of him wanted to kill. The rage inside him told him to go back and slaughter them all. But he kept walking. Waiting to hear their final solution. By nightfall he heard a knock on his door. He was in the same clothing except the mask was off. Drinking his third bottle of scotch. “Come in.” he said gruffly. Not bothering to let them in. Angela walked in. “Gabriel?” she said.
He stared blankley ahead and finished the bottle.
“I heard you. What is it?”
“We..have come to a decision. About what to do with you.” He chuckled at her words. Cant help but remember this feeling about being treated like a dog.
“Ok. So what is it?”
“We…we forgive you. We want you to stay.”
His brow furrowed. He didnt want to hear those words.
He stayed silent. Silence shrouding the room. The doctor decided to keep quiet.
“You know i cant Ange.” the nickname he had for her. Hasnt used it in forever. For old times sake.
“Gabriel you can.”
“No. You wouldnt understand.”
“Then let me.”
“I said no Angela.”
“Then…what happened to you?”
Pain. It filled him once more. “You tell me doc..”
“Gabriel i tried saving you.”
He stood up angrily. “Well look how that turned out!”
The doctor looked scared. “Gabriel. I-i can fix you..” she stood up. Taking his hand.
He jerked his hand away. Knowing she said what he wanted to hear. “Fix this? This is more than just my body Angela. You cant even fix this.” the woman tried to sympathize. “Gabriel i get it..I really do.” “No. You dont. You dont get it. You have no idea how bad i want to kill you. To kill all of you. Bloodlust and rage is all i know. Ive been hellbent on killing all of you…but im not. Im a broken man. A Monster. This wont change anything. Killing is all i know now. Im not going back to that nightmare of Gabriel Reyes.”
The Angel looked at him with a sad look. “Gabe.”
“Pain is all i know Angela…its all ive ever known. Overwatch? Pain. Talon? Pain…life…Pain.” he paused as he looked down. Then to Angela.
“Pain is what i know. And it cant change.” He puts on his mask as he walks out to the helipad. Angela rushes out to him just in time to see his body being enveloped in a dark purple mist. “Gabriel..dont go..” The doctor reached for him but he turned around to face her. “Im your greatest mistake. And you have to live with that.” and then…nothing. The purple mist fades to nothing as Angela drops to her knees. Tears streaming down her face. “Gabriel…” she says softly
He saw her starting to cry. And there it was. Like it always was. Forming inside him.
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pure-overtrash-blog · 7 years
The only thing i want out of the Anniversary event is a sombra to say "i need a drink" and a mccree to say "next rounds on me" Also emotes....and skins
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pure-overtrash-blog · 7 years
Getting shot isnt the worst pain imaginable. Child birth isnt. Now telling another player you arent in a relationship with Hanzo Shimada while playing Mccree. That is the worst pain imaginable. And with that years of regret
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