quinnthebengal · 12 days
Me, when planning: "I will keep describing my characters in the same order until they gain their power, then after that I will start mixing around when describing what they are doing. So instead of going Char 1, Char 2, Char 3, Char 4, it will become Char 2, Char 1, Char 3, Char 4, giving the readers a hint on who will get powers next!" Me...... when actually writing: "he hits him and he falls down"
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quinnthebengal · 12 days
Why am I like this?
Why is is it that when I was 18 and in school with a job that I was able to write and push out like a ton of stories in 1 month time But now I am 30, still full of ideas, better then when I was 12 years ago, yet I struggle to push out even 1 in a year, and yet on DeviantArt, people are willing to wait for me to post and jump on the moment I do. Why must I be like this, and why have the masses not turned on me?
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quinnthebengal · 4 years
Do not give the hardcore feminists any ideas!
If all the women in the world are dead tomorrow, Humans will most probably be extinct in 100 years. On the contrary, if all the men were dead, that will not be the case because of Sperm banks.
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quinnthebengal · 4 years
I am tired of hearing people say “you can only voice/write a character of a different race/gender/sexuality if you are that race/gender/sexuality”. Are you telling me that a straight person can not write about a asexual woman who happens to be non-binary, even if they made sure to research it, or have a friend who is like that and thus going from experience?  Or that a black guy can not voice a white man, even if the voice they have is perfect for it? I am 100 percent for respiration as I am bisexual, but please do not stifle someone's creativity, you just cause people to backlash against you.
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