rafqua · 28 days
This type of love is dipping long claws in desperation
It hangs from the dead branches of November. I’ll scream so loud, I’ll make sure people understand
It’s lonely here, foggy and cold, like bodies with no excuse to hold each other
I wish you knew- there is soil so black and thick that shy greenery grows from tears
My body is in shambles and it feeds the plants,
My heart in a crystal box deep in the garden.
It’s too cold for anyone to look for it.
This love is a breath of death like Winter’s drenching sadness
It’s too cold for anyone to look at it.
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rafqua · 2 months
Mai tanto sanguinai
Desideri lascivi
Nomi pensati e mai pronunciati
Il disio quotidiano
Oggi perdersi, domani;
aspettare la pioggia
Quando ti rivedrò sarà come la prima volta
Lontano e smaltato di un pallido giallo
Ricordi della stessa consistenza dell’aria
Sogni semplici
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rafqua · 5 months
Blood on my hands, blood on the hands of my people
Blood of my brothers and my sisters, in the mouths of my employers
Vile animals left unchecked, creatures that slither like snakes with venomous tongues
Will my children know about them? Who will read the story of Palestinians to them before bed
Who will paint in golden lines the branches of their olives? Who will leave flowers on their houses turned graves?
Who will sing the praise of the pigs that killed them?
Who will eat their words and cry for the children twenty years from now?
Who will remain? What will be of your land and your sand and your sea?
Tonight I see the Messiah in your eyes, Palestine
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rafqua · 5 months
Meat on my bones like a feast, lips pulled back like folds in an envelope.
Lips cracked like the peel on an orange, flesh smelling like sewer water, old, long, dark alleys like veiny forearms, fire arms, lines of smoke like hair, sticking to skin like glue and paint, spilled oil, dark pupils in a sea of ice, the ever powerful white man.
Limes, lemons, mandarins, slices round like clocks, human work, human hands, human world. Spikes, heartbeat monitors and slices of red oranges, unsanitary blood, tissues dabbed over wounds so deep they cut through organs. Vulvas, the Pocket of a suit jacket, two round fingers fixing it until the pink insides are tucked in.
Too bright colors, eyes red and yellowing teeth, rusty nails, wallpaper ripped in long scratches. An orange cat, a tabby cat, a round table where everyone sees everyone, eyes like lenses, cameras abandoned on old cupboards.
Dead families, dead people walking, sightings of cryptids, wet autumn nights.
Fallen vases, fallen plates, bright red painted cats chasing their own tails, uroboros, fingers intertwined like a desperate plea for anchoring
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rafqua · 5 months
Ripping off my blood vessels like threads keeping together old, forgotten lace curtains
I bit into my own heart ravenously
I explored the pulsating heat of it, with fingertips like wands
I cut wounds I could see my insides through.
And the blood spilled like that of a martyr,
I fed myself off my flesh, my hands knives
betrothed to my skin only, the false virtue of it
A red, fever induced high.
I could hurt you but I don’t, I don’t, I don’t
My own skin tastes finer than any meal.
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rafqua · 6 months
I feel like a fool
A brain divided, one pushes, one pulls
Both are so wrong and so in love
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rafqua · 6 months
No rest for my soul and my heart will remain in your eyes, for as long as it beats.
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rafqua · 6 months
Feeling overwhelmed and words won’t come to paper
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rafqua · 6 months
Un corpo marcio e filamentoso. Pieno di buchi, come schiuma sul mare sporco alla sera.
Ogni bolla un ricordo color petrolio.
Non ci sposeremo mai, non mi bacerai mai le palpebre dicendomi che sono la più bella.
Ti vedrò nella nebbia e nei sogni. Ma non potrò mai dirti nulla di quello che è successo al lavoro.
È la triste tragedia dell’uomo, dover salutarci. Le nostre vene come radici ci implorano di rimane ancorati alla carne.
Ma i nostri occhi si chiudono, e i nostri corpi svaniscono nel tempo
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rafqua · 7 months
I have guilt etched deep inside me. Sewn over the bottom of my heart, so that the inside won’t pour out as easily
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rafqua · 7 months
All emotions: misplaced.
Sadness turns into irritation, worry into fury, shallowness and fullness, words with and without meaning, a metallic smell of rust.
a smile on my lips when I’m clawing, bleeding on the floor. I’m afraid of inconveniencing my self by screaming for help.
Who made me a mess? Who forced the pieces together? Bent the jigsaw puzzle corners so they would hold on, and then framed them?
The culprit sleeps in the dark void of my own pupils, looking at the ever changing diameter of her cage. I mirror her and stare at the ceiling.
Another day of nothing: poor me.
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rafqua · 7 months
I see the worm in the fruit, love
And I’ll still bite in it.
No one will pin me as merciful, love
Desperate like all violent machines.
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rafqua · 7 months
Il tintinnio fragile della mia anima come cocci di cristallo,
Un mosaico di colori argentei, tinti di sapone come asfalto nero d’estate
Centinaia di lacrime, rugiada dolce come il miele e la polpa venata dell’uva
La speranza esiste in una terra lontana, aspetto che giunga a me portata da una brezza soporifera
La aspetto a bordo di una barca di legno di olivo, stanca come un naufrago buono
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rafqua · 7 months
Vicious humanity, obscenely fragile and terribly prideful.
You have no canine to bear and no tail to wag. I wonder if you even learned how to surrender at all.
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rafqua · 8 months
Le scuse non contano, il perdono non mi sazia.
Tutto ciò che è conveniente non fa altro che lasciarmi un languore
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rafqua · 8 months
Were we made to fall, my dear?
You don’t know, secretly you hope so, privately you smile.
We took a picture right at the center of the park,
The swings were creaking like old bones,
Bird nests drew crooked lines between the paper thin branches.
Clouds grey and thickly knitted.
Beyond them
The sun shone like the youngest star.
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rafqua · 9 months
I read it in your eyes, you think me a malevolent God, you think me your Judge.
If only you could see, what I spat on the ground in the middle of the night, how my stomach churns, how the steps, muffled, tremble, how pitiful my voice can get, how pitiful my mind
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