raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
After an hour or so of enjoying the games and winning a couple prizes, Corvus decided that the commotion of the festival was becoming too much. He could feel the migraine seeping in from the overstimulation of the senses. This was his least favorite part of being a moonskin. The weird laws and lack of normal life weren't very fun but the fact that he couldn't even enjoy a festival for too long made it the worst. It was also the thing that stopped him from going back to school, which he wanted to do more than anything else. 
He passed by some games and turned down a street that seemed less busy than the rest. It didn't have as many tents or crowds of people and it seemed like a few of the shops were open. He stopped at the bar, remembering Nevada who, after some persistency, helped him pick alcohol for his pack members. Maybe it would be a good idea to stop on in and say hi, he thought. She wasn't the most friendly person he had met and she did make some spiteful comments directed towards him. However, that didn't matter. She was another moonskin and though the bar was packed, it wasn't as loud as the rest of Rainsburg. 
He took a seat at the bar and watched as she skillfully made drinks for each and every guest. She barely looked any of them in the eye but she got the job done and they all seemed rather thankful for her expertise. He couldn't help but be impressed by her skill. Finally, she stopped and walked down to him. 
"You better be tipping well, that’s a prime seat."
He smiled and waved. "I can tip. But all I really need is a water. And nice to see you again." 
Social Interaction is the Worst || Corvus + Nevada
She hated it. Everything about the damn festival, she hated. When Nevada first moved to the town her foster dads thought it would be a good bonding time to go to the festival. After Nevada started screaming at any person who bumped into her, and there were many with how packed the town was, they realized it didn’t matter how much the girl loved fall, the festival was not a smart idea.
This is how Nevada found herself as the only person working the bar that night. While everyone else but one other waiter called off to go to the festival, Nevada was more then happy to work. While the bar was almost never as busy as it was now with more people then she could count wanting something pumpkin tasting, at least drunk people tipped well and didn’t bump into her with the bar in between them.
From pumpkin beer, to shots of pumpkin pie vodka, and; Nevada’s personal favorite to make, a pumpkin martini with tequila, pumpkin spice syrup, half-and-half, and cinnamon for garnish, Nevada kept moving from one end of the bar to the next with the orders. While last year they tried to make kegs out of pumpkins and ended up with one drunk man trying to eat the pumpkin and another going around smashing them, Nevada was more then happy to have the normal kegs with the beer in them this year.
That was until she had six orders of pumpkin ale and a dry tap. Nevada yelled across the bar trying to get the other guy to go grab her another but with him just as busy Nevada tried to get the guys to calm down at the bar. She smelled the person first. Not really caring who it was she recognized them as she looked over. Just what she needed someone trying to bother her on one of the busiest nights of the year.
She ignored them, Running to the back room to stack to kegs up on the dolly before being them back up front to find the person sitting front and center at her bar then. With a grumble she tapped the two kegs, passed out the beers before finally speaking to the person.
"You better be tipping well, that’s a prime seat."
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"Nice to meet you Nevada." He waved and smiled as he exited the shop. Normally, a name like that would have confused him but she was a wolf. It must be their thing to name themselves after states. Besides, he was going by the name Corvus and wasn't really one to talk. He left the store with his bags of booze and headed onward to the house.
He had hoped they would appreciate this and he was happy that Vela had actually given him money. Oddly enough, that seemed to relieve Nevada too. I guess moonskins try to get out of paying a lot, he thought. With powers like theirs, why would they ever pay? It was something that he thought about quite often. It created a sort of gap between living a more human life versus living the moonskins life. Everything was so different but so much of it was the same. He didn't really understand any of it. But that was that and he was completely content to head on home for now. 
Great Loathing & Lesser Quality Beer || Corvus & Nevada
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Have you ever been to a fair or carnival before? They always have cheesy fries and other fried goodies. 
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I just asked a vender for some cheesy fries and, well, they just gave it to me… Is this heaven?
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
He stumbled backwards as the force of another person ran straight into him. As they both regained balance, he realized that it was Andie. "It's not a big deal." He smiled and almost forgot about the little stuffed animal he had been holding as she asked if he had won it.
"Oh yeah," he said. "It's kinda dumb, I know. But I like those shooting games."
Corvus watched as she put money on the counter to go play. He had no idea that any of his pack would be into this kind of thing. To him, he had just wanted to get away from them so badly that it didn't even occur to him that they might want to actually do stuff around here. 
"I didn't know you liked these kind of games." He laughed and tried to actually make conversation with her. There was a lot he didn't know about her and he was a tad curious. She had come all this way to the festival, after all. He smiled and looked around at the people surrounding them. He saw some families and a few couples just enjoying the night. A young, twentysomething girl had won a big stuffed animal and she jumped onto, what seemed to be, her best friend. Corvus had never really been too great on picking up on that sort of thing. Were they best friends or dates? He never knew. The two girls squealed with joy and jumped up and down. It was pleasant to see such things. People were so happy and proud of their little town. 
A tinge of pain hit his stomach and he could feel the weight of his heart. All this made him homesick. He missed Georgia and his family and everything that once was. But now, he was here with little to no actual friends. He enjoyed the festival but it just wasn't the same anymore. 
Festival Under the Stars // Corvus + Andie
Andie couldn’t imagine anything that sounded more dreadful than a harvest festival. It seemed so wholesome, so celebratory that it nearly made her sick. Not because she hated the idea of some family friendly town party, but because it reminded her of everything she lost. As she wandered around the open air festival, all she could think about was the carnivals she’d been to every year a a child. Her family had attended their town’s carnival every year, and she could remember being so tiny, so overwhelmed by it all that all she could do was bounce up and down with excitement. 
Andie passed a  ring toss game and stopped to watch as a family passed. A little girl, only about three or four years old, was perched upon her father’s shoulders, dripping sticky cotton candy into his hair. At her squealing, he forked over a few dollars to play the game. The little girl clapped her hands and cheered him until he won her a small stuffed elephant, which she hugged tightly to her chest. Then she leaned forward to put a kiss on her father’s head. 
Andie turned away, thinking that she might throw up. She couldn’t think about her father anymore without her stomach rolling. Because he’d been her confidant, her best friend, an goddamnit, he’d lied to her.
Rushing away from the game, she ran smack into Corvus. “Oh god. I’m sorry.” Andie muttered quickly, taking a deep breath to steady herself. She had to get her shit together. She couldn’t go falling apart at a freaking harvest festival, for God’s sake.
Andie glanced up at Corvus, forcing a smile. Then she noticed the shooting game behind him. Damn, shooting something sounded good. Nodding at the small toy in Corvus’ hand, she asked, “Did you win that over here?” She was already reaching into her pocket for her wallet, tossing a couple of bucks on the counter and grabbing the toy gun.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Festival Under the Stars // Corvus + Open
Corvus couldn't help it; his curiosity had been peaked. This time of year for Rainsburg meant a festival throughout the town and Corvus just had to be there. He walked through the streets, which were now lined with booths and different vendors. They were different games to win prizes at and he could smell the fried food in the air. Normally, he would have tried to avoid something this since he became a wolf. It was sensory overload, after all. But not this time. He didn't want to miss this small tradition for such a nice town. And it was a nice escape from pack life.
He admired some of the local art and thought it all to be quite charming. It reminded him of the small carnivals back home, however, they usually had at least one ferris wheel or small roller-coaster that was, questionably, a deathtrap. He loved seeing all the people bustle about and seeing how happy they were. They were proud of their town but maybe it was that they had just had too much to drink. Whatever it was, he loved it. 
Around the corner he turned, there a booth with one of those shooting games. You had to shoot the targets and win a prize. He walked over and handed them a couple dollars to play. He began to play and tried to shoot as many targets as he could. It had been a while since he had been to any kind of shooting range with his father but this took him back to the good ole days in Georgia. Unfortunately, he had only shot a handful of the targets and barely earned a small prize. And yet, that didn't matter to him. As he turned around to leave the booth, he bumped in to someone.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"Eh. She's not the worst alpha. I guess. A pack is a pack, right?" The more wolves he met, the more he started to wonder if his pack was really how it was supposed to be or not. It had always felt off to him and a bit shittier than most but he never thought of it as that bad. But now, everyone just kept talking about how shit Vela seemed to be as an alpha. Just better focus on getting booze, he thought pushing the other things out of his mind. 
The girl zoomed through the aisles and showed him quite a few different options of beer, wine coolers, vodka, mixers, and all sorts of different drinks. He could barely keep up and tried to grab each one and put it in the cart before she moved onto the next topic. Finally, he grabbed everything and looked at her. Her arms were crossed and she had a look that said "now please leave before I murder your entire family." He laughed awkwardly and motioned towards the cart.
"I think that's enough." He said. "Thank you. Seriously, thank you so much." 
He moved the cart back over to the counter so that he could pay for all of his items. A part of him wished that he could keep the damned cart because he wasn't really sure how he was going to transport all this back to the house. But he knew he would somehow make due. He almost always did. 
Now, he waited patiently for her to get back behind the register and he set the money on the counter. Vela made sure that he would have enough this time around. 
"Oh and I don't think I caught your name?" He asked. 
Great Loathing & Lesser Quality Beer || Corvus & Nevada
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"Uh certainly." He grabbed the bag and passed them off to her; now, he could smell her and he knew that she was definitely a wolf. But she wasn't snarling or making quick judgmental comments. So, for him, that was a good start. 
"I didn't really realize people like us still baked." He laughed. It was so normal. They were both at a grocery store buying food and it just felt so human. Sure, moonskins still liked regular food and sure, they still ate it. But daily grocery store trips and other mundane tasks just felt good for Corvus. I guess it's the small things, he thought.
Corvus flashed this new girl a wide, dorky smile. "I'm uh.. Corvus, by the way." 
Aisle 6: Canned Foods // Alana and Corvus
When Alana’s nerves were on edge, she instinctually wanted to bake. Now, she wanted to go running in the woods for a long time and then eat something baked. But no one was going to just make her baked goods. She wasn’t in a pack and getting Delaware to allow her to use his oven was easy enough as long as she kept the entire pack fed. But with more mouths, it meant more trips to the grocery store, which was okay with her. It was easy to think, but she was frightened she’d run into the other alpha or another wolf in her pack. 
She was grabbing a few can placing them in her hand basket hoping this would be enough. She didn’t feel like struggling and dropping a bunch of cans all over the floor. Not paying attention, when her eyes went to the bottom self, she noticed a strong smell of the person blocking her path. He wasn’t growling at her or trying to attack her, so maybe this would be okay. 
"It’s okay. Can you hand me the chocolate chips right there? Please." She gave him a big smile.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Aisle 6: Canned Foods // Alana and Corvus
Corvus walked up and down each aisle uncertain of what he wanted to snack on for the day. They had food at home, sure. But a part of him was craving one of those dumb boxes of mac n cheese or an old can of spaghetti o's. It had been a long time since he had either one and he was feeling a bit nostalgic today. 
The one thing he hoped for, though, was a moonskin free zone. For once. He didn't want any run-ins with the other pack or his pack. He just wanted some time to himself to do as he pleased and that meant buying very childish meals for the afternoon. It was that or caving and getting a guitar; however, he wasn't sure how well that would actually hold up in another move. He missed his guitar back home and he deeply regretted leaving it. He felt his stomach knot up and churn at the very thought. He truly did live much too abruptly. 
He finally found the aisle where the canned and boxed goods were. He strolled through, listening to bits of random conversations and smelling the fresh smells of vegetables and uncooked meats around. Sometimes, he enjoyed his heightened smells or at least he did when they weren't completely killing him with a splitting migraine. He continued to walk through and stopped right at the spaghetti o's before he turned to realize he was blocking a young woman's path. 
"Oh pardon me." He said with a smile. 
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Corvus is left struck as he watches Delaware leave. Guess that was it. He wasn't really sure if he was supposed to take that as rude or something. To him, this wasn't important. Corvus had always been apathetic to life as a wolf and it really wasn't his thing. But if this was how it was going to be, then he didn't really know what to do.
He sat there and continued to drink his coffee. He just wanted to have a nice time in the nice town. But all of this made it very clear that that wasn't going to happen for him. He let out a heavy sigh. Dammit Vela, he thought. Why do you have to cause so much trouble? He was left to wonder why he had actually been impulsive enough to join her and why he didn't just stay back home in Georgia. 
A Day in a Strange Town // Delaware & Corvus
"You’re in over your head, pup." Delaware says with a shake of his head. He may have only had one talk with Vela, but that was all he needed. If the kid in front of him can’t see what a hazard Vela is, that’s his own problem. Delaware doesn’t have time to hold his hand through the upcoming war. Anyone he recruits needs to be sharper, more aware. Now, it’s time to strategize and get everything together before Vela does whatever she’s planning to do in his town.
He stands quickly and walks away, without so much as a goodbye. He doesn’t owe the Constellation pack anything, least of all pleasantries. The bell dings as he exits the shop, and Delaware makes it to the park in minutes, and back to the house before the hour’s over.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"I don't know if she's really a danger." Corvus shrugged. "She's got a big bark but I doubt her bite matches it." 
He wasn't sure if this was true or not. The worst she had done was yelled and screamed and stomped. Basically, she threw adult temper tantrums and it seemed to get the pack to listen because they didn't want to hear it anymore. "A danger to us all" is not how Corvus ever thought of Vela. 
"I don't know. I just know that we'll be out of here soon enough." Corvus said. "I just want to enjoy it while I still can." 
He took another sip of his coffee and stared out the window to Rainsburg. This was a town that he could come to love but he knew he wasn't allowed to get attached to the place. The size of the town was perfect and the people seemed friendly in his encounters. Too bad for the other wolf pack; things might have been nice here. 
A Day in a Strange Town // Delaware & Corvus
"An unconventional alpha decides to name their pack after types of butterflies or preaches for werewolf-human world peace and friendship. Your alpha’s rogue, make no mistake about that. If she was more powerful or important, the High Pack would have hunted her down and muzzled her by now."
Delaware drums his fingers on the metal glass table between them, trying to keep his temper in check. He needs to play nice, as Vela will surely be doing the exact same. Still, this pup protecting her when he has no idea how far off the path she is is disconcerting and he doesn’t like it. 
"Any alpha who doesn’t follow the rules set down by generations of wisdom, trial and error, and history, is a danger to us all."
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
He followed her to the back of the store and watched as she ran back to get a cart for him. Though he could tell she wasn't his biggest fan, it was nice of her to help in the end. Corvus smiled again and put his hands in his pockets. 
"Thank you. And I'll be out of here in no time." He said. "And yeah, Vela makes us run errands for her from time to time." The shelves were lined with all different types of beers, hard ciders, and liquors. This was all foreign territory for him. He wasn't really the party type in college and he was a lot more focused on actually succeeding. He had friends and he went out on occasion but none of the craziness really started until after he joined a pack. 
"What do they want? Or like what have you seen them drink before? Do you want beer, straight liquor, just something fruity that not really got much alcohol in it just taste good? You got to give me something to go with."
He had to think about that for a minute. Honestly, it always seemed like they just drank whatever they could afford or find. But this time, Vela gave him a decent amount of money. He bit his lip and tried to focus on all the times they had alcohol. "Honestly, I think it's a bit of everything."
All the wolves in the pack had different tastes and some, like him, weren't very fond of drinking but would occasionally drink the sweeter ones, just for the taste. "I've seen beer around, sweet drinks, and some very hard liquors and I think we never seem to run out of vodka. So more of that, I guess." 
He chuckled nervously and rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess that's not very helpful, is it?" 
Great Loathing & Lesser Quality Beer || Corvus & Nevada
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"Vela is definitely-- unconventional." Corvus tried to choose his words carefully. Vela would not hesitate to take anyone out if they betrayed her. And though, he wasn't fond of her leadership skills, he wasn't about to fuck with her. He took another sip of his coffee and looked out the window again. 
The town was small, with buildings that definitely stood the test of time. They were beautiful; however, they were now stuck between two packs of wolves and that didn't mean anything good for them or the people of this town. 
"But I wouldn't call her dangerous." He finally added. Rarely had she actually gotten them in trouble. Even in her reckless moments, she still seemed to have everything under control. But, Corvus wasn't fooling anyone when he said that and he certainly wasn't fooling himself. He did not like her but he wanted, more than anything, to stay as far from this conflict as he could. 
A Day in a Strange Town // Delaware & Corvus
"I think your alpha has bigger plans in Rainsburg," Delaware disagrees with a shake of his head. This new pup might be bright-eyed and bushy tailed, but Delaware knows Vela. He knows her type, her game, and pretty much everything there is to know but her motive. She’s a wildcard and he doesn’t like it, at all.
"She doesn’t play by the High Pack rules, which is dangerous for everyone, especially young pups like you. There’s nothing more deadly than an uneducated alpha." Delaware leisurely sips on his chai as he speaks, easing into the conversation. The new pup, whoever he is, could be a potential ally. Vela has to have someone in her pack her doesn’t like her, and if Delaware can just find that one person, it could be extremely helpful.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
He stood there for a moment stunned by her words. He wasn't expecting such venom so quickly. Sure, he was from another pack but that didn't mean people had to be so quick to judge. And he sure as hell could not tell Vela what to do. He didn't want to charm his way out of paying or anything and Vela gave him money for the booze. He really just needed help picking out booze to buy. Besides, it's not like he knew another wolf worked here.
He shrugged and laughed it off. In jest, he held out a hand for her to shake. "I'm Corvus and I just need some booze. I'll be out of your hair as soon as possible, I promise." 
Corvus tried to put on the biggest smile possible; he was just doing what he was told to do and he couldn't help that. "And besides, you know how alphas can be. They just make us pups do all the dirty work." 
This was his attempt to lighten the mood and maybe make things a little easier between the two of them. It was so nice to have people to see and chat with again but half of them seemed to be from another pack and they seemed to hate his pack already. 
Great Loathing & Lesser Quality Beer || Corvus & Nevada
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
"Trespassing?" He asked. He wasn't too surprised that Vela would choose a place with other wolves and he had a strange feeling this wasn't the first time she's done something like this. Considering, he found the pack fairly close to his father's pack. They were nomadic and thus, it was bound to happen at least once or twice. But as for Corvus, he wasn't sure what that meant or what to do about it. And he certainly wasn't sure what do with Delaware here and now.
He thought about it for a moment, took a sip of his coffee, and smiled. "We should, honestly, be out of your hair soon enough. We never stay for too long."
He shrugged and hoped that would ease some of the tension. Corvus didn't like conflict and he certainly didn't want to anger another pack. Why would Vela do this? Did she know? He wanted answers but he had a strange feeling that he wasn't going to get them from Vela and he wasn't sure how much Delaware was willing to say. 
A Day in a Strange Town // Delaware & Corvus
"Of course your alpha didn’t tell you anything," Delaware says with a shake of his head. It takes him a moment to compose himself and keep the biting tone from his voice. It isn’t this pup’s fault that he’s following Vela around. Well, it is, but maybe he isn’t as terrible as his alpha is. Delaware tries to have hope.
Taking a sip of his chai, Delaware leans back in his chair to appear less imposing. It gives him a moment to really study the new werewolf in front of him. He looks young, but looks can be deceiving when you’re a werewolf. Still, he can usually tell after a couple of minutes and the boy - man? - in front of them looks, and this one looks young. 
"My name is Delaware, and your alpha is trespassing on our land," he throws out casually, "and apparently you have no idea about all of this."
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Corvus wandered down the streets trying to figure out how on Earth he got on Vela's good side. Was it because he listened and never asked too many questions? He wasn't sure and all he knew was that she sent him on a booze run for the pack. He wasn't too fond of drinking and would only really have a glass here and there but the pack seemed to enjoy the past time. Though, it's damn near impossible to get drunk. He shrugged all this off as the store drew nearer. 
As he walked in, he noticed the rows and rows of different liquors and beers. He pulled out a small piece of paper that simply read get whatever. "Well that was helpful," he muttered. Figuring he could simply ask the girl at the counter, he maneuvered through the shelves and reached the back of the store. 
He could smell her as he grew closer. Another wolf? He remembered his run in with the guy named Delaware. Guess he wasn't lying about it, after all. 
"Hey, there." He smiled. "Would you mind helping me? I'm not very good with this kind of thing."
He laughed awkwardly and motioned to the note in his hand. "I was sent here against my will." 
Great Loathing & Lesser Quality Beer || Corvus & Nevada
It was finally starting to get fall and Nevada loved with. With the patrols and Del making her keep practicing shifting, now more then ever getting onto her about it, Nevada was glad that at least now she didn’t have to sweat her ass off while in wolf form.The short walk to work was much more pleasant now that the sun was setting sooner and the nice breeze made Nevada almost missing having to need to wear jackets. While once it got colder she still would to blend in,
Once inside the bar it was much to warm. Her boss was a freak who thought the heat needed to be turned on when ever it dropped below 80 outside and Nevada couldn’t stand it. Going into the back before taking over the shift from the other girl, Nevada opened the bosses desk, taking the key to the box he had around the thermostat and turned it down. Before going back up front, Nevada returned the keys and got ready for the long shift ahead of her. At least she was working in the store and not at the bar that day. The less interactions with people the better in her mind.
About 2 hours into her shift she smelled wolf that wasn’t familiar to her. She smelled him before she saw him. She couldn’t seem to get away from this new pack no matter how much she bitched at the members of it. With everyone in the house on high alert this pack was starting to piss Nevada off. While the fact that she now had to shift more due to extra patrols was the most part, she also didn’t like anyone bother the few people she might actually be starting to trust and who are taking care of her.
Looking around the small room Nevada tried to scan the faces of the few people in there. It only took seconds before she locked onto the kid who the wolf smell was coming from and she couldn’t help but instantly get on the defense just at the sight of him.
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
Corvus took a sip of his coffee and turns his attention to the person now seated across from him. The man has dark hair and piercing eyes; definitely another wolf. He hadn't been around them too long but Corvus still knew, especially one with as strong a presence as the one before him. There was a certain draw to this man, one that reminded Corvus of Vela. An alpha, he wondered. And why were there other wolves in this town? Vela hadn't mentioned that to the pack. This had him wondering if another pack was in town or if they were just recruits. 
"Yes." He nodded. He managed to still have some savings in his bank account before all this went down. Typically, he wouldn't use it for just anything but he felt he could spare a couple of bucks on a coffee. He needed it. It made him feel like the good ole days before everything was turned upside down. And he felt bad not contributing to people in the service industry. They had a hard enough time as it was. 
"Might I ask who you are?" He asked. Corvus was curious about why a potential alpha was sitting before him. And he certainly wasn't sure how much talking he should be doing. Vela could kill him for saying anything he wasn't supposed to. 
A Day in a Strange Town // Delaware & Corvus
Delaware’s been on high alert since the Constellation pack moved into their territory. He’s still cooking - and thank God for that because he’d be in a sorry state if he didn’t - but Delaware spends all of his free time in town for one reason or another. It’s important to have him there, watching these new pups. Especially if they’re all as weird as the last one he just met.
He smells a new mutt. He’s got the trace scents of the Constellation pack, and Vela of course, but he seems to be alone. Delaware debates taking the opportunity as he makes his way down main street. Vela’s been in hiding, no doubt plotting something annoying, time consuming and detrimental to his pack. Maybe he should be the one to strike first; but where Vela will strike with force, Delaware can strike with charm. Two can play that game.
A little bell dings as he makes his way to into The Taste. It’s starting to get colder out for the humans but Winter hasn’t quite hit, so when Delaware asks for a frozen Chai no one looks at him strangely, yet. He’s as subtle as a wolf can be when trying to sniff out another wolf. There’s a decent amount of activity, and the strong smell of coffee messes with his nose, but after a minute or two he pinpoints the smell.
Delaware walks straight up to his table, taking a seat.
"You pay for tha, pupt?" Del asks easily, tilting his head to the side. To a human, he appears friendly. To another wolf, the alpha aura is nearly dripping off of his and his smile is more teeth than friendship. 
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raveninthesouth-blog · 10 years
A Day in a Strange Town
The Constellation Pack had finally made its move to Rainsburg; it was a small town with nothing too significant but Corvus felt at home. The people seemed to be friendly and the woods were quite gorgeous. However, all this left a tinge of sadness in his heart. He would have to leave it all again after getting used to it. After making friends and falling in love. He walked around the small streets and looked at the quaint buildings. It had so much charm but he had half the mind to turn back around to the new house.
Why even explore? This wasn't going to be home, he had to remind himself. This could never be his home. He sighed and turned down another street. A part of him hoped that it looped back and took him the way home but the other part of him wanted to see something new. To meet someone new. 
As he walked, he found a small coffee shop. He stepped inside and was hit with the smell of coffee beans and the sound of soft music. Corvus found solace in these places. Often, they weren't too overwhelming for his senses and the people were never too chatty or loud. He walked up to the register and ordered a large black coffee. He set the coffee down on a the table nearest the window. 
As he took a deep breath and took in the scenery, he could feel the presence of someone else walk up to him. 
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