readtheking · 6 years
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THE CLIMATE This week ahead of preparations for the World Cup Sampaoli has released a preliminary squad of 35 players. As is our custom in the football world, the players he has chosen and those he has omitted have generated a lot of opinions from fans and pundits alike. But I would like to explore the climate the national team finds itself in first before jumping into that. The atmosphere around the players is crucial before this tournament. Our victories and failures in Russia will go a long way in reshaping  the team’s image, or furthering its reputation of being “pecho frios.” We’ve seen how discord within a squad has imploded before in the form of France in 2010. They had arguably some of the best talents football had to offer that year. On paper they could have easily topped their group, or finish second at least. Instead, they finished 4th with just one point, behind South Africa, the host nation, and suffered a humiliating early exit from the tournament. We aren’t used to that.Things are always different for us. Morale is usually high before a World Cup for Argentina, but as I mentioned in my previous article, expectations are at an all time low for the albicelestes. It isn't simply because we lost three finals in a row either. We've lost consecutive Copa America finals to Brazil in 2004 and 2007; we still went to South Africa in 2010 with an attitude, as if we were going to school everyone and lift the trophy. Our slogan was “Last stop:Glory.” the prospect of Maradona on the sideline as our coach, coupled with Messi’s genius on the pitch gave all of us wet dreams of 2 international icons coming together to gift their homeland another accolade. Nothing could stop us from dreaming, not even the dreadful memory of losing to Brazil. I wouldn't dare blame it on a difficult qualifying campaign either. In 2009 it took a last minute goal from Palermo to keep our hopes alive in qualifying, and still, as previously mentioned, we went to South Africa as if we would school everyone. Whether it was just confidence oozing out of our pores, wishful thinking, or a complete lack of humility, Argentina is usually confident that the trophy will be theirs when it’s all said and done regardless of what their form was in qualifying. It is quite ironic though that such confidence has eroded us while we still have arguably the greatest player of all times captaining the squad. How do we not feel invincible with Messi on our side? Many have already blamed him for the trophy drought that becomes a little more unbearable year after year, but the truth is we are unsuccessful in spite of what he brings to the team, not because he fails to give his best in every game as some would suggest. In my opinion, it would be ridiculous and almost criminal to blame him for our hopes and dreams being so limited ahead of the tournament this time around. We even experienced a bit of magic with la pulga in qualifying last year that would have fueled our arrogance  under normal circumstances. He gave us life, he made us scream at the top of our lungs when it mattered most, and he made us feel that everything was going to be okay when all hope seemed to have been lost heading into our last qualifying game on our way to Russia. Ecuador was our last game, our must win. We had exhausted every chance of qualifying early. We couldn’t afford any more excuses, yet 40 seconds into the match we had already conceded a goal. It was an assault on our already frail spirits; we were all dreading that the remaining 89 minutes would be spent in agony, but thanks to Messi this wasn’t the case. La pulga answered with a hattrick. Each goal was a carbon copy of its predecessor. They all started with his tiny boots spriting rapidly pass the defense at the top of the box, tapping into the ball every other millisecond to help it glide on a poorly maintained pitch, and before you could catch your breath from the magic of seeing the ball stick to his boot practically like a siamese twin, he’d let it fly into a top corner just to taunt the goalkeeper. He couldn’t be responsible for our failure, he’s part of the solution, he’s our only giant killer. Controversy surrounding the players is certainly a factor one would consider. Rumors that Icardi would not be called up were put to rest as he was named among the strikers for this preliminary squad. many were and are still offended by his history with his ex-teammate's wife.  Suspicions also linked his absence in the national team with a lack of chemistry and friendship with Messi. Perhaps our captain was worried about the sanctity and security of his own marriage, but even Maradona’s doping scandal in 1994 could not bring down the AFA’s prestigious institution, so really the reason for such a hectic climate is down to us finally accepting reality. Why were we always such hot favorites every World Cup year despite not lifting the title since ‘86? In comparison, many won’t even speculate if we will make it passed the group stage this year when we were finalists in the very last edition. Is it our way of thinking that has changed? Getting trashed by spain 6-1 in a friendly  was perhaps the wake up call we needed to finally accept that reality and ditch our overconfidence for more practical reasoning. We did the same things over and over again, expecting different results, and still remained cocky after falling short of our goals. That's the attitude that saw a player like Riquelme not lift a major trophy with Argentina. Our current climate is that of uncertainty and hope. It is us crossing all of our fingers and toes for a chance to see Messi finally accomplish what some considered destiny ever since his debut on the world stage. It’s a climate that finally recognizes that we aren’t invincible. The digital world has changed everything. The narrative about just any subject shifts in as short a time period as our attention span in the current world. The pressure grows with every tweet, every reblog of all our short comings, and every satirical video of us bottling finals. Our expectations are no longer built on a mountain with reputation as the only valid argument at its core. All albiceleste fans can finally express their opinions at the same time, and not just be silenced or abandoned for a media narrative. And if you ask me, that is a good thing for Argentina, Sampaoli, and Messi. We no longer have to operate from the point of view that we are the greatest. We can finally humble ourselves and admit that our old formula is failing. We have been slacking and it is time we reclaim our greatness by adapting to reality and changing accordingly.
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readtheking · 6 years
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Nearly the whole world dreams to reach the stage, but  it all resumes to just 32; that's the number of teams that qualify for the FIFA World Cup every 4 years. On a planet as crowded as ours you'd hesitate to label something as a global event if it only reached 32 out of nearly 200 countries, yet I am of the opinion that it is. It would be sacrilegious not to consider it as such. I am not from Argentina. I am originally from Haiti. Our national team hasn't qualified for a World cup since 1974. At the age of 26 I have never had the joy of seeing them compete for the title of best in the world on such a big stage. That did not stop me from enjoying every single world cup since 1998. I still remember hearing pins drop after every header from Zinedine Zidane in that final. (Most of Haiti supports Brazil in the World Cup) The final game of the tournament is the most watched sporting event on the planet, with over 1 billion people having tuned in, in 2014. Everyone from everywhere, casual and ultra fans alike come together to enjoy what has become a global sentiment. It has stopped being just an event for decades. It's a party, It's patriotism, It's a celebration of humanity and its cultures. It's bragging rights or the right to put up with online bullying for the next 4 years. Ask a Brazilian soccer fan what the last few years have been like for them if you don't believe me. The number 7 probably triggers anxiety in most brazilians today after their 7-1 loss to Germany in front of their home fans. Those of us without a dog in the fight pledge our allegiances to other flags, whether it is because of friendship with their people, our love for their athletes, or their odds of actually winning the whole thing, no one wants to be left out, and I'm no different. My love for the Spanish language has always drawn me to South American cultures. And my love for classy, mesmerizing football has always drawn me closer to Argentina. At least that is the kind of football that they used to play. Most of my compatriots may love the samba boys, but I rather scream on top of my lungs con los pibes after every goal. Argentina by default has always been considered one of the top dogs of the competition, though that's more because of history rather than recent performances. Expectations have never been so low of the albicelestes. But after losing 2 Copa America Finals to Chile, and a World Cup Final to Germany, we can't really blame anyone for losing confidence in the team. Yes, we, since I become Argentine every world cup year. I will be drinking fernet and crashing afternoon asadas this summer, but I also intend to document every game, every goal, and every emotion the albicelestes make us experience. And if it comes down to crying, we'll do it again together and hope to do better in 4 more years, because that's what the world cup is about. It's about coming together for a celebration; an unforgettable party of love, of joy, of tears, of numerous contradicting emotions; and when it's all over, we impatiently cross days off of our calendars until the next one comes around.
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readtheking · 7 years
And I felt like my heart had been so thoroughly and irreparably broken that there could be no real joy again, that at best there might eventually be a little contentment. Everyone wanted me to get help and rejoin life, pick up the pieces and move on, and I tried to, I wanted to, but I just had to lie in the mud with my arms wrapped around myself, eyes closed, grieving, until I didn’t have to anymore.
I started drinking since 9 AM. this is exactly how I feel.
Anne Lamott (via onlinecounsellingcollege)
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readtheking · 7 years
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Logic: “Reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity.” Even the dictionary definition of the word is rigid and without emotions. On most days it isn’t hard to realize that the use of logic is a friend and not an enemy. The entire human race would be better off if we applied the robot like qualities that it requires us to have. But I don’t feel like this today. I don’t feel as if logic is a friend. I don’t feel as though it takes emotions into account. It isn’t practical to chase around things that don’t desire to be caught. Doing the same thing over and over again in hope of obtaining a different result is insane, and does not adhere to any valid principles. But where does that leave any petulant need to whine, and fight for the shiny, satisfying, and divine objects one’s heart may desire? If a penguin were fixated on a precious stone stuck on a cliff; should his inability to fly deter him from pursuing it, even if he adores the way it glistens? Should he become rigid and ignore the pretty lights as the sun rises and sets upon it, even when it rules his daydreams, and commands every fiber of its being? What if within him he feels as though the value of gold pales in comparison to that of his beloved gem? It seems to me logic is both a friend and an enemy. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially if you’re a cute little penguin. No one should be made to waddle through life without their object of admiration. If the skybirds get the freedom to travel at ease, us seabirds deserve our precious stones at least.
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readtheking · 8 years
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INSIDE MY HEAD Inside my head the world is made up of variety. I'm grateful for the multitude of stars that can be seen from the spinning blue rock we live on. I am in love with the rythms, and sounds we can come up with from the drums,the guitars,and the keyboards we've managed to invent. I could not pass myself of the many fragrances, natural or artificial, that hunt my sense of smell around the clock. If the Cubans, The Haitians, the French, the Colombians, or the Indians ever stop cooking I might fall out of love with food altogether. I take in everything this place has to offer. I drink, I smell, I eat, and I sober once my senses reach their peak. And then I realize that I live in a land where I am suppose to be just a nigger. I'm not suppose to have any thoughts beyond rims and dirty sprite. I am nothing but a prop, an accessory, a background noise to more worthy and privilleged lives.My desire to breathe, live, and even put together coherent thoughts may be a nuisance to others meant to live their privilleged lives fully, without any obstacles. I feel within me that I am capable of greatness. I feel intelligent, strong, handsome, charming, and even human.It must be a misunderstandig though, for the lord did not create anyone without a melanin deficiency with such qualities. My hue disqualifies me from abilities such as kindness and love. My hue does not even qualify me for a right to live. Any statement out of my mouth that does not begin with "massa" and "thank you sa" is whiny, disrespectful, or an attempt at free loading. I just wish the lord created me in his image; pale and shielded from the sun. I just wish I wasn't born a nigger.
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readtheking · 8 years
follow for follow
follow me and I’ll follow you back 100%
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readtheking · 8 years
Help me grow the fan base for my writing. So far it is just a hobby, but who knows what it can turn into?
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readtheking · 8 years
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Are Atletico Title contenders again? This article discusses their form and how they have improved compared to previous seasons. http://thetwelfthman.us/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/cropped_REU_1811592.jpg
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readtheking · 8 years
Pogba at Manchester United
There is much more to come besides my soccer writing, but for now enjoy the few articles I have written on the sport. http://thetwelfthman.us/index.php/2016/09/21/is-pogba-being-played-out-of-position/
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