saffyronfics · 4 months
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In which the reader may take Hops feelings a Bit too much Into consideration. I had this concept running through my head while I was at work, I'm not the best at writing but I just wanted to be a Bit silly with this one!! <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o> ....It was over (Y/N) Stood on the Field, Smoke clearing from the Final battle that had taken place, They wouldn't have admitted it out loud but they felt a sense of relief watching Their Pokemon shrink down to size and collapse in front of them as cruel as it may have sounded, It was all apart of the plan right? "Inteleon, Return" (Y/N) Spoke, Their voice Steady and Calm as They returned the Lizard Pokemon Into its ball with a flash of Red. They looked across the Field at the purple haired boy that had merely stood there In shock. Finally after many losses against his Rival, His friend...He had won? Just like that? His expression was Unreadable as (Y/N) Moved toward Him, a Soft smile making its way across Their face as they held Their gloved hand out "Congratulations Hop, That was a super tough battle! couldn't say I'd expect anything Less from you!" (Y/N) said Chipperly, Looking Into hops Copper eyes. "I...I won?" The trainer blinked at his friend, His eyes widening as he listened to the Deafening Cheers around the Stadium "I Won! I can- I Can move Up a Rank! I Can finally face Lee and Battle for the rank of Champion!" (Y/N) Cleared Their throat, Gesturing toward Their Outstretched hand. "Oh- Right!" Hop firmly grasped the hand of His friend, Giving it a shake, (Y/N) moved Their other hand to gently grasp Hops. "Promise me something Hop?" (Y/N) Asked, Maintaining eye contact with the trainer Infront of them, Earning a strange Look from the Young man Infront of Them. "Don't ever give Up." <o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o><o> (Y/N) Stood in the empty Locker room afterward, Their gaze locked On one of the TV's stationed Infront of one of the Benches "Teleon..." the Pokemon Beside then Gave them a knowing Look, They we're Holding Back out there, It knew It. (Y/N) Looked to Their partner, a Fond look In their eyes as they reached Up to Pet the side of the Lizard Pokemons face "I Know, I'm sorry for making a Bad call out there, I Just- I don't think I would have been able to Beat him." (Y/N) Moved Their hand from the face of their partner and scratched the back of Their neck "After everything I Just feel like its for the best..." They took another Look at the TV, seeing the smile on her friends face as He delivered one last final blow to Leons Charizard. "...To see Him happy."
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