swiftie forever
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“I was driving near the mall and I saw this girl with my tour T-shirt on. She was probably 11. I made a U-turn and tried to follow her—I really had to do some maneuvering. I found her in a video-game store and just kind of walked up to her and said, ‘Oh, hi. I wanted to meet you.’ She had no idea what to say for about three minutes. Then her mom walked over, burst into tears, and proceeded to tell me that they’d driven all the way from Austin, Texas, just to see where I was discovered.” - Taylor Swift 
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@taylorswift13 U r a gr8 role model and so awesome to ur fans. Thx for getting out of ur car! You made their day! pic.twitter.com/AMapH0WM (x)
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“So for my first ever Tumblr post, I thought I’d share the best moment of my life with y'all. Well this past summer, I spent six weeks at Vanderbilt University which is in Nashville, TN. A friend from home was visiting, so we decided to go out to lunch at Fido, one of the places we heard that Taylor writes songs. While we were at Fido, we saw Liz from Megan & Liz but were too shy to say hi, so then I was incredibly sad, because I missed my chance to meet someone I love! Well then on our way back to campus, we made a bunch of little random stops that made the timing work perfectly. I was wearing my red Speak Now tour shirt and just as we’re walking out of Starbucks, this car pulls to the side, and we were a little scared, because it almost hit us! Then my friend who was walking ahead of us goes, “Siri, Taylor Swift wants to say hi.” And I was like, that’s not funny, because Taylor’s my hero and favorite person in the world, and it would be cruel to get my hopes up like that! But then all of a sudden, Taylor rolls down the window, and her and her dad are sitting inside the car! She motions to us to come up to the window and is like, “Hey, I love your shirt! Way to represent!” We were so shocked that we forgot to ask if we could take a picture with her, instead she asked to take pictures with us! I was crying afterwards, because she’s my hero, and I couldn’t believe I actually got to tell her how much she means to me! So you guys can tell anyone who says Taylor’s not a genuinely nice person and only doing it for show that they’re wrong! She took the time to meet fans, who didn’t even know she was there. I think that’s incredible! Anyways, sorry that was so long, but that’s how I met Taylor Swift and had the best moment of my life. First ever Tumblr post officially created.” - likesiriously
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“So tonight was the best night ever. My friends and I were walking around after the show looking Taylor and/or Ed. We had been walking around for about 30/40 minutes when we saw a bunch of security people stopping traffic to let a black Cadillac on to the busy street. One guy was wearing a Taylor Swift pass so we knew it had something to do with her. 2 black Cadillacs pulled out and we were looking into the first one but didn’t see anything. The second car goes by and we see her bangs and blonde hair through the tinted windows. It took a moment for it to sink in that it was really her but we quickly started chasing after the car. Thankfully traffic was moving really slowly so we were waving at her for about 5 minutes and she was waving back. We literally ran down the street screaming and no one had any idea why, they were looking at us like we were crazy. Her car stopped again in traffic and we were making hand movements trying to tell her driver to let her roll the window down but he wouldn’t. Next thing I know she’s hopping out of the back seat and says “okay quick group photo!!!” By this time there was about 10 other people who had realized and stopped behind us. We immediately ran over freaking out and took a few photos with her before she had to leave. She was walking to her car when my friend says “you’re seriously the greatest thank you” and Taylor grabbed her hand and said “I love you!” She’s honestly the sweetest person ever.” - wayoftheworld
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“After wowing a crowd of 76,000 at ANZ Stadium on Saturday night, the star had a private audience with one young devotee on a Sydney street yesterday. On seeing the girl in one of her tour T-shirts, Swift had her driver stop on a Surry Hills street for a photo captured by the child’s mother.” (x)
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A Lovely Story
We would make a lovely story. The cautious, innocent and exhilarating parts of our journey. The ear blast rhythm of our songs and the fluency of our poems. Always in sync, always as one. We who are eternally connected with the galaxy but defiantly, undeniably conflicting with the stars. And we who can only live in each other’s memories. We stay separate thinking of each other’s arms. We stay here while the rest of the world is revolving. We will live and keep this in our hearts; believing that once in our lives we were some kind of a beautiful, unforgettable story.
One of your signs is to be with someone on a bus. That night, you rode on a bus together going to his Father’s house. You were so happy, excited and nervous at the same time. You told him your sign and he just simply smiled, talking mindlessly of songs and of movies or anything else that interests him as much as you do. But you’re a sleepyhead. And because you cannot bear staring out the window; stranded, you gently placed your head on his shoulders and closed your eyes. His shoulders, just like his hands fit so perfectly on you.  You could still remember every breathing moment until now.
When you were about to go to sleep, he decided to put his earphones on your right ear, and again just like all those times before, he made you listen to his new favorite songs. For some reason he just never runs out. He always has something to tell you. He is such an interesting person. You sit there silently while the soft music runs from his earphones. Deep inside, something tells you that this won’t last long. And so you stay there; in his shoulders, wrapped up in his arms, you savored the songs, the feeling, and everything on that bus.When you finally got out of the bus, you walked together holding each other’s hands. Your shoulders slightly bumping into each other, your movements in unison, you walked and walked until both of your feet hurt but not your hearts. Maybe even 5 kilometers of walking cannot worn-out 2 hearts that are so into each other. Suddenly you remembered running in the rain with him, now you are walking with him for hours and yet everything seems to be so much fun.
You reached home and there his family welcomed you. His stepmother tells you that you are pretty. His Father mistaken you as his girlfriend (somehow you wished you are). His Grandmother is so welcoming and warm. He told you it was his grandmother he wants you to meet the most. His youngest brother is so handsome, born on July and a Cancer just like you. You ate with them on a family dinner and he lends you his clothes for you to wear during the night. How it felt so much that he is yours and you are his, only by wearing his black shirt and basketball shorts. He stared at you so dearly even how boyish you look like. Inside you, you just melted. That time, he was almost everything you could ever ask.
The night comes and you walked around his childhood village. He started sharing stories from when he was young, as if you were already a part of his future. Your arms in his waist, and his on your shoulders. You are walking side by side, looking up at the star-filled black sky. There are moments when he will touch your hand and kiss you on the forehead. Now you realize, those were one of the best times of your life. You are writing this one down so you could always remember. Days are passing by so quickly, and times and feelings and circumstances changed for the both of you. But this one you decided to keep for yourself. Because this is what and how you would like to remember. 
We would make a lovely story.  The cautious, innocent and exhilarating parts of our journey. The ear blast rhythm of our songs and the fluency of our poems. Always in sync, always as one. We who are eternally connected with the galaxy but defiantly, undeniably conflicting with the stars. And we who can only live in each other’s memories. We stay separate thinking of each other’s arms. We stay here while the rest of the world is revolving. We will live and keep this in our hearts; believing that once in our lives we were some kind of a beautiful, unforgettable story.
Please remember that ours may not be a typical love story. It may not have a happy ending just like the others has, but ours is so achingly lovely; sure enough that it will live, it will stay and it will forever be written in our hearts. 
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No. 281 ‘Collide’ - James McInerney. OUT NOW on Amazon Worldwide : 'In between the lines’ and 'Bloom’. 'Red’ coming 2017. Like my work? If you want to, you can support me and my works by donating $1 here >> https://www.patreon.com/jamesmcinerney. Follow me on Instagram : millsmc07.
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Believe in now. Believe in us.
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#280 ‘Believe in better’ - James McInerney. OUT NOW on Amazon Worldwide : 'In between the lines’ and 'Bloom’. 'Red’ coming 2017. Like my work? If you want to, you can support me and my works by donating $1 here >> https://www.patreon.com/jamesmcinerney. Follow me on Instagram : millsmc07.
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I am re-blogging @borntobeapoet2015. Such beauty in his work :)
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“In our final embrace…” - James McInerney. OUT NOW on Amazon Worldwide : ‘In between the lines’ and 'Bloom’. 'Red’ coming 2017. Like my work? If you want to, you can support me and my works by donating $1 here >> https://www.patreon.com/jamesmcinerney. Follow me on Instagram : millsmc07.
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‘Home’ - James McInerney. 'In between the lines’ and 'Bloom’ - OUT NOW on Amazon Worldwide. 'Red’ coming 2017. Instagram = millsmc07. Like my work? Check out my official website >>  http://jamesmcinerney.wixsite.com/poetry
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One of my favorite YA type / children’s book.
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when i am taking poetry to the next level (through photographs). :)
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Imperfections are attractive when their owners are happy with them.
Augusten Burroughs (via purplebuddhaproject)
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when ur friends are insulting something they know ur sensitive about
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Marketing Campaign Done Right.
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