sansa286 · 6 days
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“The girl Nettles did not share their celebrations. She had flown with the others, fought as bravely, burned and killed as they had, but her face was black with smoke and streaked with tears when she returned to Dragonstone” -Fire and Blood
Nettles and Sheepstealer post Battle of the Gullet…… They’re not having a good time right now
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sansa286 · 6 days
The fact that this teams and stan crap is leaking over into real life again, needs to stop. Seriously, it's not a big deal if you want to keep things seperate so you don't wander into a fandom space you don't want to be in, but lashing out at the actors? Inexcusable.
First it was Fabien Frankel's social media comments being filled with hate for Criston Cole and for Fabien himself. Then it was Tom Glynn Carney's. Fabien has had to deactivate his socials several times and TGC's is handled by a manager now.
Then someone literally got in Olivia Cooke's face when she was minding her own business in a bar and called Alicent a "cunt".
Folks bitching at Harry Collet for being Team Black - HUH? Did you expect him to be Team Green? Give me a break.
And now it's racist crap being thrown at Bethany Antonia.
This needs to stop.
It's a fucking show. It's not that deep. It's a show.
Get some mental help if you struggle to seperate the two.
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sansa286 · 7 days
biggest small change they made in the show was changing ‘jaime lannister sends his regards’ to ‘the lannisters send their regards’ which simultaneously changes nothing (because they don’t do lady stoneheart) and the entire meaning of the line. the lannisters were involved in the red wedding the line is just true now and it’s still cruel but the specific pointed cruelty of the original line was that catelyn died thinking that it was her fault, that she’d been tricked into an oath with the most notorious oathbreaker in the world in hope of saving her daughters and it killed her son. bolton knows she released jaime against robb’s wishes he knows the implication that jaime then arranged for her and robb’s deaths is the single most horrific idea he could give her in her dying moments
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sansa286 · 7 days
one thing that's great about the song of ice and fire books is the way nobody ever knows what the fuck is going on. like somebody in a bar will be like "long live good king renly!" and somebody else will be like "oh he died. like a month ago. yeah lady catelyn stark stabbed him" and somebody else will be like "actually I heard he was stabbed by a shadow his brother fathered on a priestess" and a fourth person will be like "wait didn't renly literally just win the battle of king's landing last week" and then they're all like "well, whatever. long live good king whoever it is now. next round's on me"
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sansa286 · 7 days
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Me everytime I draw my daughter:
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sansa286 · 13 days
reblog if you’ve read fanfictions that are more professional, better written than some actual novels. I’m trying to see something
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sansa286 · 13 days
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The Velaryon Princes
Artwork by @lycheesodas (twt/ig)
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sansa286 · 14 days
I’ve always found it interesting that of the lowborn/bastard women in the DotD, Marilda is the only one who doesn’t get slandered and insulted in the Westerosi history books.
Speaking specifically about the women who were rumored to have had affairs with noblemen, the women (Sara Snow/Alys Rivers/Nettles) in particular get derogatory descriptions for various reasons. The men they are linked to all either die or are unable to do anything about the rumors (Sara: her rumored lover Jace dies and her brother Cregan is far away in the North when those rumors become a thing in the South years later/Alys: her rumored lover Aemond dies and her son is obviously too young to do anything about the insults people are saying about his mother/Nettles: her rumored lover Daemon dies). Regardless of whether any of the rumors were true or not, it's still the women in the relationships who were described in a negative manner. Even men like Aemond or Daemon don't get as slandered, despite their more controversial actions.
Sara may or may not have existed (the fact that her existence alone is doubted speaks for itself) but in the history books she is described as an "unwashed" bastard. Even the fact she was a virgin at the time of her affair with Jace is called into question. Alys gets descriptors like "slattern" and "cow". She is reviled as a seductress and witch who would sacrifice her own children. Nettles gets insulted as well, both by characters around her and the maesters/septons recording the histories. Beyond the classism, there is also a racial angle to the insults with her skin colour always being at the forefront when she gets called "dirty" and "creature". It’s unfortunate but Westerosi society is unfair to women, especially those of a lower social class, and so they do often have to rely on the men in their lives, whether that’s a male lover/husband, their father, brother(s) or son(s) as a source of protection. Characters like Sara/Alys/Nettles don't get that protection.
Then you get to Marilda's descriptions in the book, and it's completely clean. Not a single insult is uttered against her despite her supposed involvement with two different Velaryon men. Whether her affair was with Corlys or Laenor, it occurred at the time when they were married men. Laenor is dead by the time when he's claimed to be the father of Marilda's sons. But Corlys is alive and well. Not to mention, he's a very well respected figure in Westerosi society. That being said, I can’t see Corlys doing any major PR control here since he does not have the means to do so.
Alyn, however, could ensure his mother did not get negative remarks. He's the one said to have fostered close ties to the Citadel and a positive relationship with the Faith. On more than one occasion, he was anointed by the High Septon himself, which is something that's typically reserved for the King or his Kingsguard. So I think Alyn might’ve used that influence to his favor.
While Alyn does seem like the type who doesn’t care much about what others think of him, he clearly respects his mother so I doubt he would want her to have a bad reputation. Even concerning the rumors of Alyn's potential affairs, the maesters are somewhat dismissive about them and call the rumors "unreliable". They don't give much credence to what third parties are saying on such matters. As for Alyn's mother, she is spoken of with nothing but respect and even flattery at times.
History is truly written by the victors.
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sansa286 · 30 days
jacaerys velaryon is a character that I take very seriously. do you know how many characters in fire and blood are remembered as being truly worthy of the iron throne? very few.
and yet, a scholar 200 years later would look at this historical figure who never got the chance to reach the age of adulthood and recognized the significance of his actions, the weight of his death, and even lamented over the possible future westeros could have had with him as king.
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sansa286 · 1 month
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pov you accused the princess and the queen of having an affair (it's true but you shouldn't. say it out loud)
from this post by @sainteda
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sansa286 · 1 month
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to be loved means to be consumed.
prints + merch + dm for commission info
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sansa286 · 1 month
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sansa286 · 1 month
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sansa286 · 1 month
I may hate Viserys but the man made some fine ass children so I'll give him that
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sansa286 · 1 month
We don’t talk enough about how Otto had an established plan to have Rhaenyra and her whole family assassinated the moment Viserys died. What would have happened that night had Rhaenyra—still pregnant with Visenya—not returned to Dragonstone?
And with CRISTON there still on a high after murdering Lord Beesbury? I really can’t think it through…
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sansa286 · 1 month
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sansa286 · 1 month
aegon 2 and 3 are such. wildly tragic characters. your name is aegon you were never a person because your name is aegon and your father sacrificed everything for a son. not you, though. you were his duty. so your name is aegon. and your mother loves you, but you were also her duty. she resents you for it as much as she loves you. who cares what type of person you become? you’ll still become aegon and you’ll sit on that throne. you’re simply a reflection of every violent act such a throne requires. history will remember that you lost, and history will remember that you are aegon II targaryen; you were king and then you died. who are you?
and then! your name is aegon. your mother named you aegon because your uncle is aegon and your mom needed another aegon. your mom loves you desperately. she keeps you like a shadow. you watch your mother die in fire. you watch your brother die in the ocean. you watch your brother die in the air. men you don’t know put you on the throne that killed your mother and your father and your brothers because your name is aegon and you are king. you try to be a good king. you marry the daughter of the man who killed your family. she’s the only person who can possibly understand you. and she dies too. your name is aegon and the people know you as the dragonsbane, a destroyer of legacies, sullen and angry. you only smile once in recorded history: when your little brother unexpectedly comes home alive. but then he has a son. and he names that son aegon. and all the dragons die, but the fire that killed your mother spreads.
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