scorpiobrm · 2 years
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scorpiobrm · 3 years
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scorpiobrm · 3 years
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scorpiobrm · 3 years
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scorpiobrm · 3 years
Me 10 years ago , how time fly's so fast
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scorpiobrm · 3 years
HEROIN addiction reality: lesser known facts NOT STEROTYPES
5So much to say but where to begin? Well firstly ill tell you that i am myself a heroin addict so i know this subject well and from first hand experience. i don’t claim to know it all , as its different for everyone. 
To someone who has not been through this terrible disease it’s VERY easy to judge and make assumptions . Just as  i did when i was growing up , Both my brother and sister was either stealing from family, Shoplifting and getting sent to prison for crimes like mugging an elderly woman in my brothers case and my sister then turned to selling her body on the streets as oppssed to keep getting banged up for the never ending shoplifting she did to fund her habit. So for me seeing all that i thought drugs made 9everyone and anyone like that. I couldn’t understand why they could not just stop.
So from that I had the mentality that ALL ‘’Smackheads/Junkies’’ were all the same scummy thieves, Dirty, Dishonest, Manipulative, Weak, stupid and they chose to be like that and they could just stop if they wanted. 
This typical stereotype is shared  by many people i suspect and i cant blame them sometimes as the ones that do things like I’ve mentioned give us all a bad name. 
In reality this judgement is totally wrong:.
in my next post ill tell you in detail the good the bad and the down right sicke3ning ugly  why that is by telling you some of my story ... how i got hooked, how it changed me, the things I did to get drugs and what I’6ve learnt about myself and others along my journey.
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