Okay, so judging purely off of the fact that a bunch of spoilers got released, there’s some disappointment going on in people’s reactions, and by noticing what areas of the TV Tropes page were tagged with spoilers, my current running theory about the new game is that everyone’s in purgatory and the mastermind is none other than Jesus Christ himself.
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I regret nothing and everything.
The things I do for memes…
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Source: https://twitter.com/mntmb_dgrp/status/652837057660764160
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Reblog if you're in the Dangan Ronpa fandom
I’ll follow every single one of you because I love this fandom like family
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Do you think Monaka’s dad thought she was an April Fool’s joke? Do you think he just never got it? Like, do you think he thought her mom was playing a joke on him and was just seriously committed to carrying it out? Did he died realizing he might of messed up somewhere along the way?
Crazy to think about, man.
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I hope months from now someone looks at my blog and says “Why is it called shsl-legit-theories? Why is it a theory blog? You post like half a theory every month and everything else is just reblogs and shitposts. And the theories are just shit you made up because there’s nothing NOT supporting it.”
I hope they get to this post and realized they have fulfilled the prophecy, and their journey to defeat The Warrior of the Hell Dragon has begun
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I love Ko but if the OVA tries to tell me his luck somehow affected DR0 I’m gonna get real mad. Not necessarily at him but at somebody.
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Theory #1, Part 1-Akamatsu is Kiibo’s Sister??? Boy You Bet
Hello everyone, and welcome to our very first theory on shsl-legit-theories! I’m your host, Mod Swizzle, and today I’ll be taking you on journey through the world of Danganronpa to unveil some totally legit theories that I actually believe are possible (as Mod Dawn can attest to). Yes, no matter how unbelievably these theories seem, I do actually believe in the possibilities that each one might come true. Why? Hobbies, man. Also I just love making up this kinda stuff. It’s fun. Seriously this is just me making up asinine theories for fun.
Anyway, so for my first theory, I’d like to introduce a multi-part theory, starting with the first part- Akamatsu and Kiibo are siblings.
Now, I know what you’re thinking- “Swizzle, isn’t that literally biologically impossible? Like, isn’t it literally impossible for them to be related? Isn’t this theory literally already wrong?” And to that, I answer yes.
At least, biologically
Now, I know what your thinking- “Are you seriously trying to suggest that Akamatsu is an AI or something?” Well, yeah. Specifically, she’s the other half of the same AI that Kiibo came from. They contain two halves of the same personality, divided apart in a preservation of sanity- but we’ll get to who that may be later.
However, Kiibo was fine with this, since it’s the only personality he has ever had, and he was able to grow with it into a whole personality itself, and ultimately he got the good end of the bargain.
Akamatsu, on the other hand, got the bad end of the deal. Not only did she get the worse half of the personality, but, since she already has a personality of her own, her mind is more or less in a constant subconscious battle to stay in control of herself and not let the AI fragment take control of her. This is part of the reason why she has such a strong personality- she has to.
And, since Junko’s entire plan in SDR2 relied on being able to insert her AI into real people, it can be assumed that it is, in fact, a possibility.
Now, in order for me to contribute any actual, real evidence to this, or propose any reasons as to why or how, I’d have to wait until the actual game came out. However, that doesn’t stop me from wildly throwing answers into the wind like it’s nobody’s business!
My current idea is that Kiibo’s parent (I forgot their name and I’m too lazy to look it up) put the separate fragments into the two of them because they just wanted to see what would happen, then their spouse got pissed when they found out the type of shit they were trying to pull and ran away with Akamatsu- their actual, biological child- not knowing the professor had already gotten to her. And Akamatsu was none the wiser.
Well anyway, that about covers this part of the theory, since I don’t have any evidence and I only really made this theory up because I thought it’d be fun.
If you’d like to add on evidence, contribute your own theory, ask questions, or whatever else, you’re open to do so!
Join for the next part of my theory where I pull the idea that Amami is Monokuma’s son out of thin air!
Hey, now that I’m thinking of it, wasn’t their some blog or fanfic that did asinine theories before? Uhhhh... Well, if I am remembering that correctly, then who’s to say two can’t exist? I mean, I’ve already made the blog, so...
Well, regardless, have a good day, everyone, and see you next time!
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